All Comments on 'Same Time Next Year'

by DG Hear

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Andy Sr. shouldn’t have given the kids away to just anyone. There was also Zach’s parents who were rich, right? If he wasn’t going after Janice’s money as she had nothing to do with it, he could have either gone after their money or simply dropped off Trina’s bastards onto them.

There’s also no mention of Melissa’s bitch mother who caused all the problems by forcing her to marry Eric. Was she dead by the time Melissa and Andy Sr. finally married?

Decent story but I would have probably told the children during an argument.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

We can all be thankful that the author does such a great job writing beautiful Romantic stories. Just wishing more people cod appreciate his work and not try to pick it apart because of their own problems in life. This should be you your must read list!!!

lc69hunterlc69hunterover 1 year ago

second time reading this story. Loved it as much this time

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

the kids need to be tested, for medical issue

although it's better to do it after they leave the nest

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

1 star for major plot holes fixed in an instant as the ex gf could of easily proved via a dna test or by talking to his parents, family, friends and even boss to let him know it was his baby.

Furthermore why would a woman have love for someone who would abandon her without a chance of talking things through.

Last but not least, why isn'y the sister getting any fallout for the shit she spewed instead of finding out the truth.

Garbage story and it takes alot of energy not to insult you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It amazes me that some people take the time to write comments about a story but hurry through reading and end up confusing the facts. They look silly and insult the author.

Thank you for your story, this makes my third time reading.

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Should have had the kids tested then have the senator pay child support.

skruff101skruff101over 1 year ago

Ahhh! The DGHear backup plan when the story is going down the drain, kill off someone (preferably a cheater) so it can all end on a happy ever after vibe.

Total nonsense but hell it’s better than reality TV.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well written, strong story and it moved well. I enjoyed it deeply.

DrgwngDrgwngover 1 year ago

This author is really a gutter dweller. It amazing the number of stories in which low morals are shown by having character assist in covering up,affaira or otherwise quickly agreeing to keep secrets. That Maria did the mc a tremendous disservice by keeping Trina secret for years and he just immediately agrees to slam Bob or Bill whatever by helping her keep her affair secret. Completely stupid and validates the total lack of ethics this writer presents. It happens far tooo often in these pages. Low score.

peterb5740peterb5740over 1 year ago

Well done, you get a high five

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

None of the three kids seemed to grieve at all for their mother. That's very odd, even if she was a cheating skank. Neither Mel nor Andrea seemed to grieve Pete's departure from their lives either. The combined family appeared to be a bunch of emotionally distant psychopaths. Hopefully the Senator can mentor each of the kids once they graduate from college and find themselves naturally suited to be politicians.

nixroxnixroxover 1 year ago

1 star for the shady politics and government sanctioned murder.

The rest of the story was worth 3 stars.

Moonbat74Moonbat74over 1 year ago

The husband should take a massive shit on Trina's grave each anniversary of her death

AllNigherAllNigherabout 1 year ago

Ok. Enjoyed the story BUT....

The dude is an asdhat who doesn't deserve the new wife. Didn't read the letter, just assumed she cheated... He knows they had sex...he was there. There had to be a question in his head.... And why didn't the woman tell his sister and mother to tell him? I'd be ok with the answer 'because she realized he's a dick'. But that s clearly isn't the answer. Plus... If it were me trying to work on my marriage I'd insist on going because the purpose was to work on the marriage.

The hell... Also an asshat. He really didn't give enough if a shit about her to condone checking the real father. He raised her for what was it 10 years but fuck it let her die rather than let anyone know she's not my kid? And then I'll just get outta dodge and screw the kid... Never need to see her again.

Bunch of real winners all around here... Men and women. Then the kids had no apparent emotional attachment to the mom... Where did that come from. No indication are we a bad mom just a bad wife... Anyway... Somehow I still enjoyed the rest of not the characters...

AllNigherAllNigherabout 1 year ago

Typo in last post...too bad we cannot edit posts. The geek... Not the hell was also an asshat...

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAabout 1 year ago

Like happy endings. What is an Ashat anyway?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


No moral fiber in any of them.

afanoffanlitafanoffanlit12 months ago

I felt like I was reading something written in 1950’s vernacular. The MC is kind of a tool..actually almost everyone in this story really has huge character issues…

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The first moral of this story is be careful what you assume on the basis of zero or little evidence. In this case the dumbass MC who assumes that Melissa is pregnant with Eric's baby, calling her a bitch and a slut and telling her to never communicate with him again in a fit of hyper rage. Yeah how did that work out for you? 10+ years without the love of your life. Druving her into a marriage at 18 with a guy she only barely knew, but who was nice enough to take her in and care for her and another man's child. Yeah that was brilliant! The second moral of this story is that when you are really upset and think you have been betrayed it is pretty stupid to tear up any letters or in other stories delete all voice-mail messages without at least sampling them. There is always a chance you are wrong. Even if you observed cheating with your own eyes, which this dumbass did not by a long shot, instead he went with his imagination and insecurities with no freaking evidence whatsoever, maybe your wife or girlfriend was drugged or raped or heavily blackmailed. What she writes or says on a message may be bs, but it might also have a slim chance of having a kernel of truth that explains the present predicament. In this case, if he had read his final letter, he woukd have seem what a dumbass he really was and woukd have gone down a very different path. But nope, he is quite the motion error dumbass. When you are overseas, and yes you know her parents forced her to go to a prom with a geeky college guy, why assume that ifnshe is pregnant it is the other guy's? She didn't come clean because Eric made her promise to never tell the real identity of Andrea's biological father. Eric wasn't a bad man, if anything he was all she had at that low point in her life. Heck she was only 18 and dumbass failed to live up to his responsibilities and did a stupid btb from afar with no proof, other than she was 4 months pregnant. Back in the day, some women could take several months to know for sure they were pregnant. Four months is pushing it, but maybe she thought her dumbass boyfriend overseas would not react well to the news. What a dumbass. Frustrates me no end when a guy is married to his wife for 20+ years, is oblivious to an affair and immediately deletes all voice mails or destroys all letters. You owe it to your marriage to get as much information as possible yo make an informed decision. Making a mistake, not about her motivations, but about the actual events and circumstances, can be absolutely fatal. Probably only relevant a few percent of the time, but the consequences if you are wrong are so egregious that a risk-reward analysis makes it clear no matter how pissed off you are that you need information; verifiable information. You can always get you mad on two days later. Of course depends on what you already know and have observed. If you know she has willingly been in a multimonth affair with a young buck and have seen them together and clearly consensual l, with evidence of recordings visual and/or audio, then yeah you don't have to listen and probably better of nit doing so. But often you don't have all that clear information right away and at least need to scan your messages to see whether you missed something, misinterpreted something, or to even see her mindset as you file for divorce to see if it will be ugly, especially if kids are involved. Anyways in this case, dumbass really mucked it all up.

bigurnbigurn8 months ago

4 Stars ... A good story with a happy ending. The Bitch and the Bastard getting "offed " was a great touch, as well. The worst glitch was the partial Liver transplant, becoming a Kidney donation for one paragraph... All around; one of the better stories on here . Thanks !

SatyrDickSatyrDick6 months ago


Top Shelf!


dodgeandjabdodgeandjab5 months ago

Wow...emotional rollercoaster. Good job!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Would have been more fitting if they hadn't died in that car wreck but were instead horribly maimed and disfigured so they'd have to live with their shame and never be able to do much of anything. They got the easy way out. Typical. There's still one cheating slut though. Burn that bitch as well as she covered for Trina all those years. Of course cheating sluts tend to stick together. I wonder if they have some kind of spidey sense for others of their ilk.

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19814 months ago

So if the theme was red and white for the Valentine wedding why did they have blue on that's the furthest thing away from the theme you said that made no sense and I have to agree with the way this story went finally a cheating slut and a cheating husband got what they deserved which is death

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19814 months ago

To the anon that posted 5 days ago no it wouldn't have been more fitting they deserved to die for cheating and they died that's the best ending for someone who cheats on there spouse it should be like that in real life as well you cheat you and your lover/lovers die only thing it should have been more gruesome and slow instead of fast

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Yeah, the "typical" LW male is a man-child with the emotions of a five-year old, the judgment skills of gangster rapper and the temperament of a fire ant. They run away, cry like a little girl, punk when stressed, cut off all communication (even when said communication might be advantageous). It seems these fictional putzes are not necessarily a reflection of the story creator. Instead, they are indicative of the writer's need to be accepted by the BTB crowd who all expect that type of character (there's your mirror). Why that blanket statement? This male is the archetype main character in 90% of the non-cuck-doormat stories in this category. Those silly characters draw down what would be decent stories were they populated with realistic XY characters.

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19814 months ago

To the anon that posted before me that said some bullshit about the Mc of the story quit trying to be something you're not your comment just told everyone your a cuck bitch the husband in this story done what any real man would have done if his cheating slut would have survived he was going to divorce her and take his kids with him you see that is 1 of a few things a man would do he wouldn't have forgave her nor would he have stayed with her a man doesn't do that shit when his wife cheats on him if they do there not a man but a cuck bitch that like cheaters don't deserve to live however if you think this is a normal BTB story you are a complete idiot cause this was not your normal btb loving wife story as the cheating slut and her lover got what they deserved and was killed it should have been slow and very painful but still they got what they deserved and that was death now the other bitch got off Scott free which is something a man wouldn't have allowed try growing of balls and being man before you comment on a story that isn't about a cuck bitch

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

MC was a total immature moron when it came to Melissa. He went into a rage on little to know information and assumed the worst, as if he was establishing his BTB cred. What a putz. As such he loses the love of his life for many years. Serious idiocy. Then ends up with a slut. Karmic justice for him. Then she and Zack get run off the road. At least Melissa is waiting for him. So many wasted years apart from Mel and his daughter. Good job!

LadyLoreLadyLore3 months ago

The husband done the right thing by not having the kids tested even if they would have lived if he was any kind of man it wouldn't have mattered for he was there dad in every way that matters he was there for them since day 1 he raised them he loved them supported them both physically and emotionally his name is on there birth certificate in anyone's eyes including the laws he is there dad as far as his wife goes yes he should have divorced her honestly with her actions towards him throughout the entire story he should have already divorced her as far as is ok to feel like the 2 girls did in this story no it's not if you didn't love your husband you don't mislead them by agreeing to marry them however she married him once she did she should have done her very best to be a loving and supporting wife not some stuck up bitch I'm full aware that some women would feel it's fine to do what this wife did however those women have the morels of a ally cat and are flat out sluts most women though isn't going to say yes to marrying someone if they don't love them either way this wife was a slut and to use my husband's words she and her lover got what they deserved now her friend who covered for her got off way too easy she have been killed as well 1 she was also a cheating slut even if it was just once she's still a cheating slut not a loving wife so she should have been killed as well and 2 she wasn't a true friend a true friend wouldn't have covered for her affair she would have tried to stop it from happening even by going as far as telling her she would tell her husband if she goes through with it for a true friend wouldn't let you destroy your marriage and life like you would be doing by having an affair and becoming a cheating slut

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

He matured and there is no point once Trina and Zack died.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The moment Trina dies, the story is over

Psychman24Psychman24about 2 months ago

MC was really stupid to go off half cocked and not even read Melissa's letter. Could have saved himself years of trouble. Also what's the deal with Eric, he raises Andrea for 10 years, says she's A great kid and then just walks out of her life? What a douchebag!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Alls well that ends well.

Other than his stupidity in the beginning everyones role went smoothly and the two best lovebirds ended together.

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

After reading some of the comments about fictional characters I'm DAMN glad I don't go home to some of these folks! Good tale, second read - thanks DG.

somewhere east of Omaha

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userDG Hear@DG Hear
I want to thank all the readers who read and comment on my stories. If anyone would have told me 8 yrs ago (now it's 16 yrs ago) I would be writing stories (on an adult web site) I would have laughed at them. Thank you so much for the feedback and comments. It's what keep m...