Sarah and Angie


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Sarah was crying from the pain now as Jerome was pumping away at break neck speed. Would she even have a pussy left after this, she wondered? It felt like he was tearing into her insides! She was crying like a baby!

"Oh my God!" screamed out Sarah. "God save my pusssy!"

Angie knew that she had to give her best friend some relief. She knew that Jerome usually took a long time in cumming, especially after he had cum once! Her friend would not survive a two-hour fuck session with Jerome. So, she reached behind Jerome's ass. Gently, she squeezed his balls and inserted her long index finger up his ass and massaged his prostate. Just like a farmer milking a black bull. That caused the damn to break quickly!

"I'm cumming!" Shouted Jerome as he slammed in the full length of his cock into Sarah and released his seed deep into her womb. Sarah let out a scream with the last violent trust and the eruption of hot liquid released into her.

Sarah could feel Jerome's massive cock expand and erupt like a fire hose! She could feel the walls of her uterus being coated with his potent seed! Eruption after eruption! He was cumming more than when she gave him a blow job!

Jerome collapsed on top of her. He had never cum so hard in his whole life! It took five minutes before his cock had softened enough to remove it from what was left of Sarah's once tight pussy with an audible popping sound in the room. He rolled over to Sarah's side and cuddled and gently kissed her as Sarah cried on his shoulder from both the shock and the pain of the initiation.

Sarah's poor little pussy was beat red and swollen from the pounding it took. Jerome's thick white seed was flowing out of her. He tried the best he could to comfort her.

"I am sorry little one," he said softly. "My cock is not the easiest for any woman to take. Especially a woman experiencing sex for the first time! But, dear one, you were very brave and did very well for your first time." He cuddled and softly kissed her and gentle rocked her like a baby in his arms on the mattress.

After a short nap by all on the mattress; Angie helped to get Sarah dressed. Sarah's eyes were red and her pussy still had Jerome's seed running down her legs. Sarah winced from the pain and soreness of her womanhood as Angie slowly raised her panties back over her bottom.

Sarah could barely walk as she leaned against the shoulder of her friend. She was in a state of shock.

"You just lean on me, little one, " said Angie softly. "I have a spare set of keys to the hot tub in the training room. I think we need to go soak our sore little pussies for a while. We are both going to be awfully sore for the next few days!"

And she knew over the next weeks and months that she and Sarah would grow closer. That they would comfort each other by sharing their bodies and making love to each other. Angie loved Sarah and she knew they would share their bodies not only as friends but as lovers.

The cold breeze felt good on Sarah's aching body as they made their way across campus. They slowly walked, shoulder to shoulder, across the darken campus.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

this story was very poorly written. all of the bad grammar and bad spelling was a complete turnoff. it was a bad story in that sarah didnt even enjoy herself, despite two intense orgasms. the quick decline in her morals disappointed me. who goes from an unkissed virgin to a full on wanton in one day? there was no love involved in this. jerome promised to be gentle, yet he rammed himself into her and made her cry! i guess it was good that he apologized and seemed to care, but overall i didnt like this story at all.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
A very good story.

A very good story, with a plot and real characters. But you really need to work on spelling and grammar.

aglaisaglaisover 18 years ago
very good

very good, very romantic, fantastic

please more stories

the_onewolfthe_onewolfover 18 years ago
absolutely Hot!!

for a first time story teller this is an amazing feat. Great interracial action and telling of a woman losing her virginity. This is a must read!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Some Degree Of Sensitivity and Respect -Refreshing

Diligent & talented work for a first effort. I particularly liked the fact that some were human and had respect of themselves and their partner.

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