Sharing Ch. 02

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Now it's Pat's fling.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/06/2022
Created 01/27/2003
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Sharing - part 2 - Pat's Story

(c) Sven the Elder

It's not necessary, but better if you read part 1 - Sven's Story first.

It's funny isn't it - for days before I left for my course our night-time conversation wandered through my head. I knew he'd often hinted that maybe, just maybe, we ought to be a little more open in our marriage. Up to now I hadn't been so sure. So called 'Open marriages' don't seem to work out that well, to me they had seemed to be an excuse for the male half to wander off and have a good time.

Now I was going somewhere where, if I was discrete, it looked like I might get a chance to be more 'open', except it didn't seem the wonderful idea it did last night in bed. Sven you hadn't said anything while saying good-bye just a little time ago before I drove off, but then it would have been silly of you to do so, or would it. Damn! I couldn't get it out of my mind. 'Turn the radio up, concentrate on driving and don't be silly' I told myself.

- o O o -

Nearly four tiring, hours later I pulled into the car park of the Hotel that was to be my home for almost a month. Fairly new, it looked passable, perhaps it might not be too bad after all. After parking the car I went and checked in leaving my bag for the moment. Just as well. As it turned out that the residential block for the school was a self-contained annex a short distance from the main area. Redirected, and now with my key I moved the car the couple of hundred metres and parked again before going in search of my room.

It turned out to be on the ground floor at the back overlooking an area of grass that sloped gently towards a lake. At least I looked to be in for a quiet stay, this might not be so bad after all, the rest would rather depend on my fellow students. Time would tell.

A little while later, having unpacked, fully checked the room out - no bath, but a good shower, I lay out on the bed. Whilst not over large it wasn't small and it proved to be quite comfortable when I lay on it. The room also had a small television and a student style desk for the study I would undoubtedly be expected to do in the evening. A small, cozy armchair completed the furniture. Idly I wondered if entertaining 'guests' was permitted. Giggling to myself I hoped the walls weren't too thin.

I lay back on the bed and read the welcome pack. Another hour to the evening meal and the chance to meet the other students. That was over in the main building again, as was the lecture room. I decided to shower and freshen up after the journey. The shower was everything a shower should be - hot and strong. I managed to resist the temptation to spend too long, even still a soapy finger lingering, rubbing, started an itch that might be better contained for the moment. Sven you were right, you know me too well. I was going to be as horny as hell without you, even my 'toys' were not going to help for all the time I was away. Hell! What was it you said, 'Discretion - just don't rape the instructor on the first day.' Well - we'd see about that....

Half an hour later, I though 'Well he's safe!' The instructor that is, overweight, unfit, florid visage - 'Nope' - even I, horny as I felt, found him quite resistible. Trouble was the other students weren't exactly inspiring either. The young men, were just that, young men. Those a little older didn't, at first sight seem any better. Oh well, Sven my lovely - your comments not to get involved with other members of my course was going to be a very easy task to comply with. Only trouble was where else was I going to find the time to find me a willing bed partner. In fact, typical really. Away from home, pretending to be single - no rings, Sven, you had suggested I leave them off. As I hadn't worn them for a few days now, there were no ring marks either. So all the set-up I required, except no partner, no Don Juan heaving over the horizon, lusting after my body or even my mind.

And in the end not a lot of time either. The instructors, another man, marginally less inspiring than the one we met on the first night and a woman, worked us hard. Long days in the class room and more study at night. I was ending up so tired all I wanted to do was fall into bed and sleep. Even poor old 'buzz' remained untainted, his batteries unused. So much for sex, not even onanism was either interesting or happening. The instructors made a big play on that the first weekend away was for 'relaxing'! Yeah! Sure.

- o O o -

Friday evening I phoned you as usual Sven and we talked for a lovely long time. It was evident we were missing each other, but never having been into 'phone sex' we didn't cover much of that side of things. I was itching to ask if you'd 'opened' your side of the account, but then the opportunity didn't arise. Anyway, as I hadn't and didn't look as if I was going to I just let things be.

Saturday, heaven. A lie in, even if it meant missing breakfast, was luxury itself. I got up and showered with 'Buzz' - the first moment I'd either had the time or the interest in my plastic friend.

The warmth of the shower and the hot water playing on my breasts and belly were wonderful. I ran Buzz, turned low, across my breasts, my nipples perking up as ever. I used my other soapy hand, rubbing across them, pulling, pinching a little, moaning as those sensual contractions started in my pussy. I could feel myself moistening, lubricating as I ran my fingers across my stomach and into my short fur. I walked Buzz along my outer lips down under, shuddering a little as I drew him back across my rosebud to the base of my spine. My eyes shut I imagined your fingers Sven's darling, running down my lower back, touching, feeling, exciting me, then I moved Buzz's tantalising shape back using him to spread my lips, lubricating his tip then moving in on my clit. I could hear my moans now, like a distant sobbing, not really part of me, not really aware that it was 'me' making the sound. With Buzz busy against my clit, I pulled at my breasts with the other, finally moving back down to use one hand on my clit, the other stroking Buzz in and out of my now thoroughly aroused opening. Finally I came in a crashing orgasm that quite literally brought me to my knees in the shower. Still trembling a little in the aftershocks, I washed off the soap and my juices. What a delicious way to start the day - Alive. I felt so alive, ready for anything.

In the late morning Autumn sunshine I walked to the Hotel's main building, picked up a newspaper and ordered coffee. Bliss. Not to be in that blasted classroom. Most of the other students had gone home for the weekend, they mainly lived close by, I was the only interloper, so I now had the place largely to myself. I didn't want or need to go into town so I decided to explore the grounds of the hotel. The lake beyond the annex had looked particularly nice, so with my latest book I walked over the gardens in that direction, intent on discovery, or at the very least some nice undisturbed reading.

The summer house, tucked into a little discrete hollow was a gem, beautiful, an inspired choice in an inspired setting. I rounded the side and walked up the steps on to the veranda where the full length sliding doors had been pulled back. The armchairs looked and when I sat in one, were comfortable. Sat inside out of the slight breeze and in the sunshine it was quietly elegant - just right.

A little while later, engrossed in my book, I was a rather startled when a man, I took him as a new guest, I hadn't seen before walked past the front of the veranda and then on down to the pier at the edge of the lake. He hadn't seen me, sat back, now slightly in shadow. I watched as he looked at the boats further out. He had dark hair and a slight build looking to be a about the same age as me. He was interesting and I found myself idly wondering if he was a guest and on his own. I glanced at my watch and realised that dinner was not far off and I wanted to freshen up first. I just about had time, so I picked up my things and went to my room.

As I changed for dinner I started to put on my trousers, well jeans really, then changed my mind. Thinking of the stranger, maybe, I put on a slightly 'naughty but nice' skirt, blouse and stockings instead - I giggled a bit as I thought of the possibilities, then told myself to 'behave'. Then thought again that perhaps my chance to 'open' things up a little might occur. Humming to myself I made my way to the bar to have a drink before dinner.

- o O o -

I watched him in the mirror behind the bar as he came into the room. He looked rather nice, he looked round at the three or four other groups of dinner guests, then at me. I watched as he studied me, then came on into the room and made his way to the bar beside me. I wondered would he make the first move, or would I? If he made the first move, would I play hard to get or would he? I licked my lips in anticipation of the chase, then blushed inwardly at the over signal I'd just given. He studied me in the mirror - damn! I wished I hadn't given up smoking, at least it gave you something to with your hands - I took a drink instead and decided to go into dinner - I smiled sweetly at him as I got off the stool and went though the door to the dining room, still able to watch him in the angle of one of the side mirrors. I saw him check out my legs and rear, so I wiggled a bit more as I went through the door. 'Really Patricia,' I said to myself, 'What are you thinking?' Then again I giggled inwardly as I realised the gusset of my knickers was moist. I wondered if he was picking up the pheromones yet? Time would tell. I wondered how long he was staying, I had all the weekend left yet....

I sat at the table allocated to me so as to be able to look across the room, but not directly, that way he wouldn't know if I was weighing him up. I realised then, that as I thought about it I had all ready made my mind up - he didn't know it yet, but unless something untoward happened we were going to mutually get laid tonight, at least I hoped so, that was my plan. But I hadn't reckoned on his it seemed. Ten minutes later he came in with another man, he'd obviously been waiting for in the bar. Damn! Damn! Damn! This wasn't fair, it wasn't in the script, least ways not my script. Ah well, perhaps tomorrow. I didn't pay too much more attention to them, other than to note that they were evidently good friends and that once or twice they looked in my direction.

Having finished dinner I moved back into the lounge section of the bar to have my coffee, my back to the dinning room, I went back to reading my book.

A little while later a voice, then a hand on my shoulder startled me as my stranger asked if they might buy me a drink and join me. I stammered "Yes", a little annoyed that I hadn't seen them approaching or even thought of them again.

"I'm sorry to have made you jump you, my name's Bob, this is Jim, what can I get you?

Stifling the sudden urge to say 'excited' I responded with "Good evening, I'm Pat, I'll have whiskey and water if I may, if they have it a Grouse will do nicely."

As Bob went off to get the drinks, Jim sat down in the chair beside me. He smiled and glancing at the bar then back to me said , "as you were on your own before dinner Bob was going to ask you to join us, but you'd gone in just before I arrived." "May I ask what brings a girl like yourself to these parts at this time of year?"

I was telling him about my course when Bob came back with the drinks - large ones - Hmm I thought, can he; they be trying to take advantage of me. The evening was becoming more interesting by the moment. I wondered if they would both try to hit off me, now I hadn't considered a threesome, but these two were both rather dishy and if push were going to come to shove, as it were, I wouldn't want to choose between. Hey! Maybe my Christmas was about to come early or maybe I was leaping ahead too quickly.

The conversation ebbed and flowed between the three of us as we realised that they too were on the same course, just the one that started a week later than mine. The drinks were got in again, then again. Bob leaned forward to make a point, putting his hand on my knee as he did so, then realising what he'd done, blushed and apologised. "Sorry Pat, didn't mean to make the point quite like that."

I laughed and said "don't worry, I'm a toucher as well, I won't take offence." In any case the little frisson that had run up my back had made it's own point within me. Somehow in my head I had crossed my Rubicon, I wanted these two, wanted to be used, wanted to be fucked and fuck them as well. Suddenly the whole tenor of the evening had changed. Who would make the first move? I decided I needed the ladies room, so swaying, just a little, I stood up and went off, plotting my next moves in my head as I went.

Relieving the pressure on my bladder made me more comfortable. At the same time I slipped my knickers off and put them in my handbag, 'That might surprise them', or maybe not. I splashed a little cold water on my face to freshen up a little, then checked to see if there was any damage to what little makeup I wear. None. Right - let battle commence...

I walked back into the lounge - 'Bother!' No Bob. Perhaps he was freshening up as well. I rejoined Jim, who stood up as I got to him. "Pat, Bob apologises, he's had to go off to his room for a few minutes, he's expecting an important phone call, he may join us again later."

Well that sorted that one out! No matter perhaps I could have my 'wicked way' with Jim. As I sat back down, the unaccustomed 'au natural' feel down below made me hornier than ever - Sven darling - for what I hope to be shortly receiving forgive me... "That's all right Jim, I'm sure he'll catch up with us."

Jim looked slightly startled, then laughing a little agreed. I waited for the next move, eager to see how we got from here to there.

"Pat - I don't suppose.." I waited while Jim coloured a little, then looking embarrassed, carried on, "that is, mmm, would it be too forw.. emm, would you consider it too ah, if I ah, suggested a night-cap back in my - ah room?"

Now he really was blushing, I laughed and put him out of his misery - "Jim, if that's a proposition - I accept." And stood up bending to pick up me book and handbag, while at the same time keeping an eye on Jim in the mirror just to his left. I had the hardest job keeping from bursting out laughing at his face - he stood there for a several seconds with his mouth open as he took in what I had just said. Then just before I stood up again he half regained his composure and started to protest at what I had just said.

"Jim -", I cut him short with a smile, "I accept, and held out the crook of my arm - "lead on."

In the end he gave up, laughed put his arm though mine and we left the room. Jim turned out through the Lobby and we went out the front door and turned in the direction of the annex where my room was. This was getting interesting, his room was obviously in the same annex.

We got a little beyond the main lights at the front of the building and Jim suddenly stopped. "Pat..." he started, so I kissed him, and he stopped talking, well you would wouldn't you. We came up for air with Jim still looking like a startled rabbit.

"Jim," I said, "do I really have to draw you a picture?" This time he kissed me, his hands on my back moving slow down to my rear and pulling me into him. I could feel him growing against me. This was beginning to look a very promising potential end to the evening. We came up for air again - "mmm, Jim, that was nic..." then he kissed me again.

In the end I broke loose to catch my breath properly - he looked at me. "Your room or mine?" Then without waiting he grabbed my hand and we almost ran the remaining distance to the annex and his room.

Inside and I kissed him, the door closing on the auto-close behind us leaving us in the gloom of whatever small amount of light coming in through his open curtains. Jim's hands were busy undoing my blouse then fumbling for my bra catch, before I slipped the front fastener for him. Then his hands caressed my breasts and the feeling was like an electric shock as I caught my breath. Jim backed me down the short passage into the bedroom area and I undid his trouser belt, sliding everything down his legs. His cock rubbed past my cheek leaving a smear of precum as I stood back up. Jim's hands came up my legs, found my stocking tops and then my bare cheeks above. His muttered "Oh Pat!" said everything needed as he pushed me gently back onto the bed. I spread my legs as wide as I could, found his penis and guided it to my waiting wetness. Jim found it and then I caught my breath with the feelings and pleasure of him continuing and pressing right home. Deep into me - pubic bone to pubic bone.

He waited as we both caught our breath for a fraction then I flexed my hips under him. "Jim - just fuck me. Now!" He didn't need any other encouragement, slid almost out of me as I followed him up, trying to keep him in me, then plunged deep in again.

Sven, darling, it was a different fullness to when we make love, but just then, when I needed it so much every bit as lovely, maybe you have married a slut after all!

Jim and I rutted like rabbits this was sex, for sexs' sake, nothing more - pure lust. Jim didn't last long and went rigid against me, his back arched, his penis buried deep. Then a gasp of breath and a half pull out followed by another rigid spasm of ecstasy, my legs clasped behind his waist. Then he eased down until I was back flat against the bed and I could feel his sperm oozing out and down the crack of my backside. But I still hadn't cum - I was almost weeping from frustration - then I thought I was going to die, first from shock, then embarrassment.

"Have you two finished for the moment?" Bob's voice struck out of the gloom. He had been in the room all along. I had felt Jim tense against me so I realised he hadn't expected this to happen.

I didn't think really, in fact I heard my voice before I had thought about what I was saying - "Do you mind sloppy seconds then?"

There was a click and a bedside light came on and I realised we were in a double room - Bob was lying, looking at us, propped up on one elbow, stark naked. My eyes were drawn to his groin and his rigid erection - that my darling Sven is when I truly knew you had married a slut. I gently rolled Jim to one side and still wearing my stockings and suspenders, slipped my skirt off and with Jim's cum still oozing from me rolled Bob onto his back and kneeled either side of him. He wasn't as long as Jim, or you, but fatter than either of you and he filled me completely as I slid down onto him, Jim's juices lubricating us both beautifully and making the sensation unquestionably one of the best for a very long time. This time I made the running, reaming myself up and down Bob's wonderful toy. I leaned forward so that he rubbed against my clit and I felt myself carried forward on the tide of my rising orgasm. Dimly in the background I could hear Bob grunting and realised he too was on the verge of cumming as well. I rammed myself down onto him one final time as he arched and speared his way upward into me, his sperm oozing out of me round the fatness of his length. Almost overcome, I fell forward onto his chest as I felt him first go limp and then slip out of me.

Slowly I became aware of Bob running his fingers through my hair, and gently kissing my face as he held me to him. Jim produced a small towel and washcloth and cleaned me up at the same time. A little later we were sat together, more or less dressed, both men more than a little subdued, as we had the 'night-cap' promised earlier.

It was Jim who spoke up. "Pat - I'm sorry - we had joked that we might both - No! that sounds worse..." Then Bob tried to continue, "that is, well, Oh shit! I'm sorry too, we didn't mean that to happen."