Sibling Seduction


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"We tell nobody about this, Lily," he deliberated, staring at her and stroking his length. "You tell nobody, I tell nobody."

Lily nodded her head, saying nothing. Words were unnecessary on her part. From Simon's words, he was into her now. His body was responding to her advances, even though it had been reluctant at first.

Yes, she thought triumphantly, yes! I want this, damn it! I want to get naughty full bore. Levi's rejection turned me off to sex for a while, but I want to get back into wanting it. My next boyfriend, my next legally publicly acceptable boyfriend, I want that for when I find him. I want it for when I get a girlfriend too. Women excite me as much as men. I haven't had the fortune to find a girl interested in being with me yet, I did just come of age and I was concentrating on Levi as my first, but that's over now. When the chance comes... Maybe this summer, when I get the time. Stephanie turns eighteen this summer. My brother isn't the only one into her, waiting for her to be an adult. I hope she's into girls and guys like me. If she is, we can be friends with benefits the way I think her older sister and that other cheerleader Tess are. If not Stephanie, maybe I can get with someone else with whom I can keep it casual. There are a few other open-minded girls on our team. Maybe... She smiled, considering the possibilities. Then she focused her mind back on her present moment. Simon, her brother, her beautiful brother, enjoying watching her get lusty and stroke herself. No better way to get myself back into sex than doing it, Lily mused. I could watch or read something erotic online, yeah, but why do that when I can have something real? Why watch empty fakery when the real thing is right here in my house? My open-minded experienced handsome lustful brother? Why not?

Deciding to lower her inhibitions, what little there were, she scooted her body towards his.

Simon trembled and shivered as he felt Lily's eyes on him. Then she was moving closer to him on the bed. He moved back from her instinctively, shaking his head.

No, Lily thought, can't have that! She decided to tell Simon what she'd been thinking about a few minutes ago as she debated whether to do what she was doing now. "You know why incest excites people?" she voiced her thoughts. "It's not just because it's taboo."

Simon started to protest, then he shrugged. He was curious about Lily's thoughts, and he knew he could not stop her from speaking.

"It's because it's the ultimate test of a loving relationship," Lily said. "Family members are supposed to love each other, support each other, but not go too far. But if a special relationship between consenting adults develops, and they can be okay with it, keep it casual, break it off if necessary... it's like a zipless fuck."

Simon nodded, agreeing with that fantasy. But no fuck is zipless, though, especially not this one. He said as much with his eyes.

Lily read his thoughts and nodded. "Just think about it then, bro, and know that I'd gladly let you do anything to me we both want."

She leaned closer to him after speaking, rubbed her body with her hands. Simon stared back at her. In his aroused state, he could not look away. Maybe a stronger man would be able to look away from his sister, or throw her out of his room, but Simon wasn't that strong.

He kept stroking his shaft, enjoying Lily's steady gaze on him. She kept looking at his face, his dick, then back again, rubbing her body and licking her lips.

"Pull your shorts down," she urged him as he kept stroking himself and gasping. "You always leave them on when you jack off?"

He nodded. "Feels nice and saves on kleenex. I do my own laundry. so... you really okay with this? You ain't pranking me, are you?"

Lily shook her head, then smiled and nodded. She leaned close and kissed his cheek, then his lips to emphasize her words. The contact was brief, but it still made Simon tremble. He truly had never anticipated anything like this happening to him. And though part of him still had issues with it, he was into it now, he knew.

"Come on, Simon," his sister urged, pulling back from his lips and grinning again. "Show me your cock."

He sighed, then stopped stroking himself and pushed off his boxers. Lily grinned at the sight of his exposed length. "Bigger than Levi," she voiced her thoughts. "Way nicer. Can I..."

Her fingers snaked towards him. Simon pushed back her hand, then nodded. Let her do this, he decided. He wasn't wasting time with foreplay, not now. It would be one thing if his sister wasn't fully into this, but since she was... he decided to make sure of things. "Get naked first, Lily," he said. "Then you can touch me. Okay?"

"You got it," Lily said. Then she moved away from him, started taking off her clothes. Her shirt was fully removed first, then flung away. She unfastened her shorts next, pushed them down and off her legs. Lily's belly shone with sweat. Her panties matched her bra in color. They were already soaked to the point of see-through, revealing her shaved pussy and prominent clit. Simon grimaced at the state of her body and what the sight of it was doing to his insides. No, he told himself, accept this. You'd be crazy to reject it now. Lily knows things can't be more than casual between you, just like you do. And that's great, that's what you both want.

Lily unhooked her bra's front clasp, lowered the straps, shrugged them off her shoulders. Her nipples were large dark points that tensed as she pinched them hard. She spent a few seconds doing this, staring at her brother. She then pushed down her panties, kicked them off and tossed them aside. She stretched her body beside her brother, now clad only in a bright eager smile and a layer of sweat. "Your turn."

Simon took off his shirt, revealing his lean-muscled torso. He then pushed his boxers the rest of the way off. He stroked his shaft again, staring at Lily. His erection was not flagging in the least. She grinned, pushed his fingers off it, replaced them with her own. Simon's manhood quivered in her grasp. Her fingers felt just as soft and nice on him as every other woman's he'd let touch him like this had. It was easy to forget she was his sister. So easy...

"Let me touch you," LIly gasped, leaning into him and stroking his shaft up and down. She also thrust her tits at Simon's mouth, accepted his growing attention to her nipples. He kissed them, stroked the cleavage, licked the buds. One hand alternated rubbing each of her breasts. Lily guided the other to her pussy, let him push two fingers inside. She kept stroking his shaft in the meanwhile. Soon Simon was penetrating her with two fingers and thumb, tickling her clit while she squeezed his length. They leaned into each other, stroking feverishly. Simon was kissing her neck, then her tits, suckling on her nipples alternately. She was grinning, kissing the top of his head.

It would not take him long to get off doing this if she wasn't his sister, Simon reflected. Yet the fact that she was bothered him enough for him to hold back. Lily was also a woman slow to arousal, the slowest he'd ever seen. Perhaps that was what had ruined things between her and Levi. Well, I can handle her, he reflected. I am a patient man, and I will give Lily what she needs, like I do with all my women. Especially with her, the first one I've been with whom I love this much. Yes...

They moaned together in chorus, masturbating each other feverishly. Lily sang a long chorus of moans. She was indeed slow to arousal, but once she decided to do something, she did not stop. Not till she had what she wanted, all the way. And she wanted her brother, had for a long time. She cuddled with him now, exchanging caresses. His mouth was on her tits, his eyes closed and then opem, staring at her. Then he was moving up his head towards hers. Lily accepted his kiss, loving the way his thin beard tickled her skin. His fingers thrust into her. His cock quivered in her palm. She squeezed it, flicking her thumb over the head. She wanted him inside her, but not for his first orgasm. That had been a mistake she'd made with Levi, taking him in her too fast. If she had held off, encouraged him further, maybe she could have motivated him to be more into her. No, she would not think about that now. She was never going to be with that pathetic jerk again!

The man she was with now was more supportive of her needs, more responsive. They leaned into each other, spooning and caressing. Then Lily was straddling him, his cock rubbing both their bellies while his fingers worked her cunt. They were moaning in chorus, his hands on her breasts and thighs. She flung her head back, cried out as he hit a certain spot in her that set her off immediately. Levi had never had the patience or ability to locate that spot. She stroked Simon faster and faster in her fervent joy that he had found it. She did not mind when in seconds, he erupted in her fingers. The cum flew strong, landing on her tits and her face.

Simon gasped in the aftermath, staring at Lily covered in his semen. He had not been thinking about the implications of what he was doing for a long time, just got caught up in the moment, let himself go. And now...

Lily calmed down from her long orgasm, smiled at her brother. She gathered his semen with her hands, rubbed most of it into her skin. She brought a good portion to her mouth also, sucked on it and swallowed it down. Nice, she reflected. I could definitely taste more of this stuff. She smiled at Simon, extending her tongue and squeezing his arm that still had fingers in her cunt.

Simon pulled his fingers out of her, shivered. "We... we shouldn't have done this."

"But we did," Lily countered, still holding his shaft. He had deflated, but she knew she wanted to revive him. If he'd let her, and she really hoped he would. "And we can do it again. Consenting adults, remember? Please, Simon, please..."

Simon trembled in trepidation, then gave in and nodded. "I never can refuse you."

Lily smiled back, kissing his lips. "I'm so glad to have a brother like you."

They moved together, rubbing their bodies against each other. Simon's hands went to her tits and her groin ground against his. Simon grew hard again quickly at the motions, started to let him take her inside. Then suddenly he pulled back, shaking his head.

"Don't back out now, Simon!" Lily begged. "Come on, please!"

Simon shook his head. "I'm not backing out. Just... condoms! In my bedside table! Help me put one on!"

Lily gave him a relieved smile, then retrieved the condoms as he demanded. I had to insist on these with Levi, Lily reflected as she unwrapped one and rolled it onto Simon's length. She enjoyed the action, pleased with his safety conscious mind. It would also make his semen easy to collect later, she reflected. She would suck it from the balloon.

Simon let the remainder of his inhibitions fade as she sheathed him, fully accepted his sister's attentions. She was stroking him, then leaning into him, surrounding him with her flesh and smell. Lily's hands were on his head while her legs opened for his shaft. Their bodies joined, mouths and then genitals. She straddled him, rolled him onto his back, rode him hard. His lips moved from her face down to her breasts, sucked on the nipples again. Such eager attention now, Lily gasped, enjoying their coupling. Yes, so awesome, yes!

"You're... looser than I thought... you would be," Simon grumbled as they coupled. "You only did it once with Levi, right?"

Lily nodded her head. "I play softball, remember?" she whispered. "Bats aren't just good for hitting balls." She squeezed his shaft with her loins, emphasizing her words.

Simon's imagination formed an image of his sister curled around a softball bat, pushing the metal club into her loins, using it as a fake cock. He shook the image away. It was exciting, but nothing compared to the reality of Lily joined with him, using his body the same way. "I... I..." he gasped. "I still don't like that we're doing this. But I can get into it. I can get into it!"

"Good," Lily told him, hunching against him, smiling. "And don't worry about other girls. I'm into them too. Maybe we can find one willing to do it with both of us someday. Would you like that?"

Simon nodded. Tess and Lisa were into each other, but had never given him a full on threesome with both of them. If his sister was a more eager bisexual... "Yeah," he spoke aloud. "That'd be great!"

"Knew you'd like it!" Lily laughed.

The next several minutes, they did not exchange words. They were occupied with kissing, spooning, thrusting against each other's loins.

Simon accepted it when he went off inside her, glad he had remembered the condom. If I had to do this, he thought, it's good I did it safe.

Lily smiled as she felt his climax, then surrendered to the one she'd been holding back in herself. She groaned as she shook around her brother's length. It filled her so well, stroked her clit just right, and the way he moved inside her... she loved being the slut she was. And she knew her brother would never mind her straying, looking at or hooking up with other guys and girls. He'd even encourage it, she was sure, so that she could find someone besides him. Lily hoped she would, but until then... she knew would be with her brother in secret as often as he let her, as often as they could both find the chance.

They gasped in the aftermath of their joining, letting their feelings subside. "Shit," Simon muttered again. "Shit."

"Yeah," Lily giggled, kissing his lips. "Shit! Good shit, bro." She seperated from him, her cunt sloshing nicely as he slipped out of her folds.

Simon rolled away from her, retrieved his phone and checked it. He'd sworn he could hear it vibrating several times in the past few minutes, but the obvious distraction had been higher priority.

Lisa and Tess had texted him back, he saw. Both had said they were going to the movies this weekend. Their boyfriends were coming along, but they wouldn't mind a third wheel. Not for the movies at least. Simon could read between the lines that they would both probably ditch him when it came to physical activity, though. Even if they didn't... I'd rather stay with Lily, he thought. At least she'll let me fuck her one on one.

Stephanie had texted him as well. She reminded him she still had another two days of exams next week, seniors were on the fast track and she wasn't a senior yet. But she would like to go out with him soon, yeah. Could he text her back, try to schedule it around her studying?

Lily will have to study this weekend too, Simon reflected, relieved. That should allow me the chance to get her off her current kink, at least a little bit.

Simon texted back agreement to Stephanie, said he would call her later. Then he looked at Lily. "I'm dating your best friend," he reminded his sister. "And I can't be with her for a few months. You sure you want to keep doing this with me?"

Lily nodded. "I'm into Steph also, hoping to make a move on her when she's old enough. I plan on telling her about this. She'll be okay with it. She's into her sister too, you know." She grinned.

Stephanie and Lisa...? Yeah, Simon had seen that attitude in them both. Maybe they weren't serious about it yet, but... he knew now from personal experience how exciting incest could be. Hope they enjoy it if they do it, he thought. He did not let the fantasy linger in his mind for long.

In the present, he let Lily move closer to him, join with him again. They would split soon- they still needed to worry about dinner- but they had enough energy for one more joining first. Simon also knew he would be at her mercy the rest of that night and his life.


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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Fantastic line: I play softball, remember?" Lily whispered. "Bats aren't just good for hitting balls."

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Wish I had a sister like that. OH well, 2 cousins are enough.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Well written

Ilovetophoto68Ilovetophoto683 months ago

Great story. I love incest stories like this lucky couple. Please keep writing. What? No stars???

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


Well thought out and presented. Nice ending…


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