Sisters of the Mists Ch. 01


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Danica stood and hugged her friend. "It's probably just as well. What would have happened if Zoraster could have used Sara and Selena against you, like he used Danielle and the others against me? The way you thought of them as little more than magic items protected you from being so powerfully influenced by them."

Celes hugged Danica back, and then said, "Well, it's time to get to know them, now."

Andrea nodded toward the viewing portal that let them all watch the clones at play from the other side of the manor. "You'd better get over there, it looks like Angela and Mariette are about to sneak off into a room together. They've got to learn to control those urges, especially if they end up having powers."

Celes sighed and shook her head, watching the clones of Andrea and Marlena quickly progressing toward intimate touches. "You're right. Danica's girls, at least, are already starting to use telekinesis unconsciously. If the others develop witch powers, they'll need to learn to control their emotions. We're having enough trouble, without having to learn our own abilities and teach them to control theirs at the same time."

"I should get back to practicing. I'm still setting fire to everything when I try to control that power," Andrea said as she rose from her chair.

"You should get into bed and rest for a while, is what you should do. You look like one of the walking dead, and that can't be helping you cope with your powers," Marlena scolded.

Andrea ran a hand over her face, "Do I really look that bad?"

Danica shrugged and said, "You do look moderately dreadful. I think Marlena's right -- you should get more rest. It's almost your time of the month too, and I don't think that would be the best time to be experimenting with your powers much."

"We don't want a repeat of last month's great stew freezing," Celes teased and hurried out of the room to separate the two increasingly amorous clones.

Andrea sighed, "You're right, I feel horrible. You won't let me sleep too late, will you?"

"I'll need your help with lunch, so I can't let you sleep too long," Marlena explained.

"Okay, I'm going back to bed then. I'll see you when you get home, Danica."

"I probably won't be back tonight; I'm going to have to travel to the central city by normal means. I've never been there, and it would probably take almost as long to find it with the Hellgate as it would just to go."

Andrea paused and hugged Danica before going to her room. "Be careful, and call if you need help. If I can freeze a whole kitchen full of stew, I can certainly do some damage to anyone trying to hurt you."

"I will. Go get some rest." Turning to Marlena then, Danica said, "I'm going to go get ready. Try to keep things under control around here, Marlena."

"I will -- it makes me feel useful."

Danica nodded and smiled, but she sighed inwardly as she turned toward her room. Marlena always downplayed her abilities, and constantly thought that she was just an inconvenience to the other women, with their varied magical abilities. The illusionist truly had no idea just how powerful she was, and Danica had no idea how to convince her otherwise.

Danica was packed and ready to go only a short while later. She dressed in a sarong and light top, knowing it was going to be hot and sticky when she arrived on the island to pick up Jaron and Tonda in a few moments. Turning to a mirror, she twitched her eyebrows and posed, admiring her body in the reflective surface. The native costume of Tonda's people certainly looked good on her.

She licked her lips and remembered Celes' observation that none of them had found the time to be with each other since coming to the valley. Thoughts of Jaron and Tonda quickly built a fire of desire within Danica, and she was caressing her nether lips through the sarong before she even realized what she was doing.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Danica pulled her hand away from her sex and sighed. The girls weren't the only ones that needed to learn how to control their urges. Danica had the additional problem that she inspired the same sort of feelings in others -- thanks to the Awakening -- so her sexual desires carried twice as many implications as those of the clones. When she was studying, as she had been for months now, it was easy to ignore. As soon as she pulled her bottom out of a chair and her nose out of a book, it was much more difficult.

Casting the Hellgate spell, Danica knew it would be painfully hard to resist giving in once she saw Jaron and Tonda. She decided she was going to pour every ounce of her will into not tumbling into bed with the couple the moment she saw them.

Stepping into the portal, she shook her head and laughed when the thought that even failing to achieve that goal was hardly an unwelcome prospect. It would be nice if every decision I made led to good things, no matter what I end up doing.

The portal closed as Danica stepped inside, emerging a moment later near the waterfall on the island where Tonda lived.


C'seka's head came up, pointed ears pricking to the wind and nostrils flaring. The sensation was not physical in nature, but the creature's body reacted unconsciously to the touch. The demon cocked its head to the side as if listening, waiting to see if the sensation returned.


The touch the creature had felt was not the blood of a Fey calling to it, the power that had washed over C'seka while consuming the elf maiden -- it was something different. The feeling was similar to when the wizard had opened the Hellgate that was the demon's original home, but carried a different scent -- a different taste -- if a feeling could be said to have such.

C'seka returned to exploring the castle, curious about this large new world in which it now lived.


Meckataur watched the light leave the elven warrior's eyes, even as his blood flowed down the Devil's arm. The Fey's life force flowed grudgingly into Meckataur's body, infusing him with power and ecstasy.

When at last the flow of power ceased, Meckataur examined the corpse, tearing away the loose fitting, grit filled clothing from the elf's body. The elf had deeply sun-browned skin, tough as leather, and dark hair, so uncommon amongst most of the hated race.

A desert Fey. Is there no place that is not infested with the vermin? No matter, more to feast upon, more souls to rend for eternity.

The demon examined what few fleeting impressions it was able to absorb from the dying elf, those not protected by the frustrating ability the Fey had to hide their thoughts. He had enough -- he now knew where these desert dwelling elves lived. The lifeforce was uniquely flavorful, and a quick taste confirmed that the Fey's blood was equally sweet on his tongue.

Meckataur found no evidence of Fey magic in his stolen memories. That didn't mean it did not exist, but the knowledge that it was obviously not commonplace caused the Devil to chuckle. If these Fey lack magic, they will be ripe for the harvest.

Vanishing in a crackle of flame with the elf's body, Meckataur reappeared in Nightmare castle, immediately savoring a bite of his prize. The demon's mind whirled as it considered the best means to exploit his new knowledge, and cause pain to the Fey gods.


It took Danica a while to get to the point of her visit. Once she arrived at Tonda's house, the woman's pregnancy and catching up took precedence. Danica exercised phenomenal control by suppressing her considerable sexual urges, and eventually managed to get around to telling the couple why she was there.

Tonda asked, "But will not someone else be in danger, then?"

"Not really. Whoever stepped into Zoraster's place will need people tending his outposts, and maltreating them just defeats the purpose. The danger to the two..." Danica paused and corrected the statement with a smile, "The danger to the three of you is me. I escaped, and whoever took up the reins of Zoraster's schemes might try to use you against me."

"You say this place of which you speak will be safe for our child?" Jaron asked, placing his hand over Tonda's swollen tummy.

"If anywhere in the world will be safe, it will be Darkni's island. The climate is nearly identical to yours, and the people who live on the island are a lot like your people here -- except the wizards, of course. They don't bother the natives of the island, except to protect and trade with them."

Jaron's brow furrowed in concentration as Danica spoke of the island. When she finished, he asked, "Might your enemies not use our people to threaten us, and thus to threaten you, should we leave?"

Danica shook her head. "If they were going to go to that much trouble, there are others who would be just as easy to reach, and doing something like that could upset their plans in this area. Zoraster's only interest in your island was the necromancy your people once practiced, which he has now, and the gold on the other side of the island. This place will probably be nothing more than a waypoint for his minions now, and they might even decide to move the outpost to the miner's camp."

Tonda turned to her husband, caressing his strong chin as she spoke, "I think we should go and at least see this place. The men of the black wizard were rude and loathsome, but I never felt as though I was in any danger here. I believe Danica is correct."

"We will see this place then," Jaron agreed, smoothing back Tonda's dark, kinky curls and kissing her as he finished.

"Let me cast my spell then, and we'll go right now," Danica said with obvious relief in her voice. A few moments later, they stepped through the portal to appear on Darkniciad's island.


The touch was stronger this time, and the same as the first. C'seka had felt other similar sensations, but this one had the same taste as the first it had felt. Ever mischievous and curious, the demon was now more so upon being torn free of its birthplace into the wider world.

The demon sensed the origin of the sensation was female, and it could feel hazy impressions that others of its kind were nearby as well. A female uses the Hellgate spell, then, the creature thought.

C'seka hunkered down in the remote alcove it had chosen as its place in the castle, to consider how it might exploit this new knowledge, and this new power.


"Welcome, Danica," Darkniciad exclaimed as he walked into the Hall of Gates, as the room where those who were allowed to teleport to his island was known. "All goes well, I trust?"

"Hello, Darkni. Everything is fine. The girls are all learning fast, and so are we." Raising their hands, which she still held, in turn, Danica introduced her two companions.

After a few gestures, Darkni spoke in the couple's native tongue, "Any who share friendship with Danica are always welcome on my island."

Confusion as to how they should respond raced through Tonda and Jaron's minds, the thoughts so strong that Danica heard them without trying. She chuckled and said, "No need to stand on ceremony. Darkniciad is just a man."

"And a silly old one, if you ask my wife," Darkni added, laughing as well. "What brings you to the island, Danica?"

Danica explained the situation, which served to darken the Master Wizard's expression. "I believe your thoughts are well-considered. Someone has indeed stepped into Zoraster's place, and his dark plans move forward." Letting the concern drain from his face, Darkniciad turned to the couple and said, "Please, allow me to introduce you to the chieftain of the people here. I believe you will find them much like your own people, and welcoming of strangers."

"Thank you, great wizard," Tonda said with a little bow of her head.

Darkni waved a hand dismissively. "Please, Darkni will suffice. I get enough of that Master and great wizard nonsense from my students. It seems to take forever to break them of it. Even your sister still does it, Danica."

"I knew my ears were burning for a reason."

Danica turned to see her sister in the doorway of the Hall, and immediately hurried to hug Devan. "It's good to see you!"

"It's good to see you too, Danica. I'll go with you to the village, and we can talk while we walk."

"I'd like that. This is Jaron, and Tonda," Danica introduced.

Devan winked. "I heard. I've been standing in the doorway almost since you arrived. You didn't really think you could sneak out of that valley and come here without your sister knowing about it, did you?" Turning to the couple, she said, "I'm Danica's big sister, Devan."

"Beauty graces all your line, it appears," Tonda remarked.

"Thank you -- and you're right," Devan responded with a toss of her hair and a laugh. "It looks like you may be starting a line of beautiful people there," she added, gesturing to Tonda's tummy.

"Very soon, I believe. It grows harder to get around each day, and the child kicks unmercifully."

Let me guess, you've had the privilege of seeing both of them with those skimpy clothes off, haven't you? Nice outfit, by the way, Sis.

Yes -- and behave, Devan, Danica thought back to her sister.

"Shall we go then?" Darkniciad asked.

Everyone nodded, and the group made their way through the halls of Darkni's school, and out into the tropical lushness of his isle.


The small group of demonic minions gathered before Meckataur were not his most powerful, but they were some of his most cunning. They lay prostrate before him, groveling at his clawed feet, but the Demon Lord knew it was only because of his vast power that the creatures put on such airs.

"Rise -- we go to curse the Fey," Meckataur ordered, and the creatures immediately sprang to their feet.

Speaking harsh words of magic, the Devil transported himself and his minions to the remote desert near where the newfound elves dwelt. "Remain hidden. Learn of their numbers, and their magic. Touch none of the Fey unless I give you leave," Meckataur commanded.

The demons all quietly growled -- disappointed that they would not be allowed to attack the elves, which they hated just as much as their Master did. Offering a toothy grin, Meckataur placated them by saying, "Serve me well, and you shall have fine morsels of their flesh and souls, when the time comes."

Hisses of dark pleasure greeted that statement.

"Go," Meckataur commanded, and then vanished in a burst of flame.


"Okay, this is ridiculous," Devan grumbled, wiping sweat from her brow. She then spoke words of magic and surrounded her body with a cocoon of cool air. "I had no idea it was this hot outside the school. I know why you're half naked now, Danica."

Darkniciad chuckled, "You're getting soft, Devan. I remember a time when a little hot weather didn't trouble you."

"I was getting soft -- I was melting. How much farther is the village?"

"Not much further," Darkniciad advised, "We should break free of the trees shortly."

"This is much like our island," Tonda observed, looking around as Jaron aided her waddling steps along the narrow jungle trail.

"I often find it fascinating to discover such similar places, so far apart. Your language differs from that of those who dwell here, but I would guess that you will still be able to understand much of their speech. I believe I have magical means to hasten your understanding, but I have yet to have the opportunity to try it." Darkni gestured with his staff then, "There, you can see the jungle opening up."

A few steps later, they stepped out of the trees to see a village nearly identical to Jaron and Tonda's, right on a pristine, white sand beach. The couple turned and smiled at each other, glad to see that their lives would change little, should they choose to live here.

Darkniciad led the group to a slightly larger home near the center of the village, locals greeting him as they passed. The people were obviously curious about Tonda and Jaron, a few greeting them as well. The couple found that, while the language was different, they did indeed understand the general meaning of much that was said to them.

They were admitted to the chieftain's house with smiles, and greeted warmly by the man's wife. After a brief introduction and explanation, Darkniciad asked if he might attempt his new magic, which should help the couple learn the differences between the two languages. The chieftain agreed, and Darkni worked his Art.

The chieftain asked, "Are my words now clear to you?"

Jaron and Tonda both looked at each other and smiled. They turned to the chieftain and Tonda said, "Yes, it is quite remarkable. I understand everything now."

"Then I shall now welcome you to our village properly. We would be pleased to have you as one of our people, should you choose to stay."

Danica asked, "So, what do you think? I'd really feel better knowing you were here and safe, but you have to be comfortable with the decision."

"If you believe that our child will be safer here, then we will come," Jaron responded.

"He speaks with my heart as well, Danica. There are still many dark memories of the Nameless Ones on our island. We will come," Tonda added.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Danica smiled and said, "Let's go get your things, then."

"You may rest at the school if you wish, until a dwelling has been constructed for you," Darkni offered. "In fact, I would very much like the time to speak with you Tonda. What you know of Zoraster's servants could be valuable in combating his plans."

The chieftain's wife whispered to him, and he turned to Tonda to say, "My wife will attend you when you return. All in the village seek her out when it comes time to birth a babe, for her knowledge of the miracle is great. She can aid you in the time until the miracle as well."

"Thank you for making us feel so welcome," Tonda said with a slight bow.

The chieftain bowed back. "It will be enlightening to see how your customs differ from ours. Perhaps our people may be stronger for your coming. I believe all things happen for a reason."

"You do plan to at least visit for a while, don't you Danica?" Devan asked.

"I can stay for a while, but I'm worried about others too. I won't be able to relax until they're safe," Danica replied.

"Okay then, but you can't hide out in your picky valley forever, and I miss you," Devan chided.

Danica hugged her sister. "I promise I'll come spend at least a night with you once Tari and Rekhmire are safe."

Once they stepped back from the hug, Devan made a shooing gesture and said, "Well, hurry up then."

Danica laughed, and then asked for permission to cast her spell. When the chieftain gave her leave, she summoned up the Hellgate. Jaron and Tonda followed her in to gather up their things in preparation to move.

As they walked back to the school, Darkniciad said to Devan, "You seem troubled."

Devan sighed. "I don't want to get into it. My life just feels like a lie whenever I look at Danica."

"Now the tables are turned, and you feel inferior next to your sister?"

Devan chuckled, "You know me too well, Darkni. I spent my whole life avoiding attachments, but seeing Danica and all the people who love her, I know now that I was only convincing myself that I was happy."

"You can find your path, just as she did," Darkniciad said, laying a hand on Devan's shoulder as they walked.

Tears misting her eyes, Devan replied, "I hope you're right."


C'seka's head came up and the demon turned toward the North. Then almost immediately, it turned toward the East. The same sensation again, the same woman using the Hellgate. A woman of power, one whom its kind within her gate feared.

Clicking its claws together, C'seka pondered this development. Meckataur would be pleased with this growing power, should C'seka reveal it the Devil. Perhaps that was the path to power. The demon found that each time someone used the Hellgate spell, it knew about it. Whenever one used it more than once, the connection to them grew stronger.