Sugar Fix (Craving Sugar 3)


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"The gods are just, and of our pleasant vices make instruments to plague us." I looked over at John who appeared as I transfixed at the tiny ethereal beauty stood in front of us. John coughed nervously when he realised I was looking, shuffling over to the passenger door opening it as Sugar stepped towards us.

"Hey you." She kissed me tenderly on the cheek. I stood dumbstruck at how beautiful she looked. Her hair was especially curly with a small blue bow strewn into it. I imagined running my fingertips through it, before brushing her hair something, which I had become quite skilled at and found strangely therapeutic. "What do you think?" Turning left to right giving me free reign to ogle her. My eyes bulged along with my loins watching as her breasts swayed slightly and the hem of her skirt flared out, lifting slightly to expose more of her tender thigh and for a second, I thought I could almost make out a sliver of her pert ass cheek come into view.

"You look ravishing." I helped Sugar step into the car, which she did with so much grace and one of her killer smiles. John smiled at me as I went to step in the car. The gods are just?" I said arching my eyebrows slightly.

"King Lear." A quote relating to my own not a few moments before he said casually.


John started the car and pulled away smoothly. Sugar leaning in close to me. Her scent was exquisite spicy yet light and fruity. Her hand was resting on my thigh. "You smell delicious." I breathed leaning in to kiss her. Her tongue meeting my own, dancing with mine.

"You scrub up pretty good yourself." Her face was mere inches from mine; her eyes sparkled like a sea of diamonds, her cheeks reddened slightly by our lust-filled kiss. I sucked gently at her skin along her neck and shoulders. "So I'm wondering how you managed to do it."

"Do what?" I hoarsely mouthed before continuing my assault on her skin. I could feel her skin warming.

"Sort out a costume. We both know you wouldn't have chosen this yourself. So Mister how did you manage it?" I gently nipped at a sensitive spot on her neck trying to distract her. "That's not... going... going to work." Her hand slid up my thigh and over my cock squeezing it playfully. "Bruce, behave yourself." She giggled however; she made no move to stop me. My hand found the swell of her breast and squeezed before teasing her nipple beyond the fabric. She sobbed blissfully at my ministration. "Be...have." She was almost laughing as I reluctantly pulled away receiving a gentle squeeze of my cock.

"It's that damn perfume."

"I'll buy you some." She enjoyed teasing me, enjoying watching me squirm.

"Please do." I said with great sincerity. I leaned into her so she could feel my breath against her ear. "It makes me want to feast on your tender soft flesh. So warm and moist and innocent." I punctuated each word of the last sentence with a soft kiss finishing by biting her lip sucking it into my mouth.

"Mmm gods." Sugar was visibly shaking, her cheeks coloured, and I knew without touching her she was wet. "It's... it's Issy Miyake. L'eau D'issy." She was trying to keep control of herself. I decided to grant her a small mercy, and in truth to save me from losing my load right there. I wasn't sure who was teasing whom or if we would last until we got home before ravishing each other.

The dreaded burlesque show was anything but; in fact, I enjoyed it more and more with every passing minute. From checking out the costumes everyone else was wearing, it had been worth tipping the shop assistant as everyone had seemed to make an effort and some made me wonder if they hadn't spent the last six months preparing for the night, however it seemed to add to the enjoyment also the fantastic mix of people from young to old. A comment, which got a disparaging look from Sugar.

We took a seat near the stage as the compare for the evening was beginning his own version of 'the best is yet to come.' That got a few laughs. It was an intimate affair with about 100 or so people I could make out. I was beginning to wonder how Sugar had found out about this place. The performers and jazzy brunette leading the band were anything less than star quality. My preconceptions of some sleazy erotica trash were dissolved and the truth of a very respectable affair if a little tongue in cheek act followed.

All the while Sugar sat next to me, sipping her wine with one hand, and holding mine with the other, which she rested on her thigh just below the little white petticoat. Every once in a while I got another breath of her perfume. She placed her hand on top of mine allowing me to feel her sensual flesh before leaning over to kiss my cheek. I gave her thigh a little squeeze before she moved my hand under her petticoat and up over her skin. She licked my ear sending tingles down my spine. My senses seemed to be in overdrive since the lights had gone down. "I've got a surprise for you." She whispered. I felt her shift her weight slightly on the chair opening her legs a fraction more. My mind was ablaze. Her movements were slow and deliberate slowly encouraging my hand further up her skirt. I turned slightly to say something but her lips suppressed my words, she just whispered for me to enjoy the show. My hand had reached the top of her thigh; thank god, it was a loose skirt. I was nervous that any moment someone would notice what we were doing and have us thrown out.

I was also excited; my cock was beginning to feel uncomfortable in its confinement. My fingers skimmed over her thigh and hips and across to the goal she obviously wanted me to explore. My senses in overdrive, my eyes darting about the dimly lit room. My first realisation was she had decided to forgo wearing any underwear. Strange considering how short the skirt was. If she bent over all and sundry would get a bigger treat than the magnificent view they were already afforded. "Just a little lower." She almost breathlessly whispered into my ear. My eyes were riveted to the stage to try to maintain any illusion I was here for the show as the compare introduced a sultry looking redhead. My fingers trailing over her bare skin. Lower and lower towards my goal. My second realisation made my mouth drop. My finger back tracking over her skin, before realising she had shaved her little tuff. Her pussy bare and exposed for me. Her lips were white hot and already wet, as my fingers slowly teased her.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I give you and don't forget to give her back when you have finished with her. Gypsy Red." A loud applause erupted.

The all too familiar beats of Peggy Lee's Fever. The leggy redhead shimmed around the stage. Slowly teasing the audience removing her red elbow length gloves.

My finger grazed over Sugar's clit making her squeeze her legs together tightly. My finger easily slipping into her pussy. The warmth of her silky folds enveloped my finger eagerly almost hypnotising me. Slow and gently my finger slid up and down her, my finger teasing her lips before pressing into her again. I glanced over to look at Sugar. Her chest was rising and falling in quick succession, my movements were causing her breasts to wobble infinitesimally, barely noticeable to the casual observer. I grazed my finger over her clit again teasing her as she tried to suppress a whimper. Her eyes closed at the contact, her head lifting exposing her slender neck, a low growl from deep within me wanted to take her right there and then.

The closing notes of 'Fever' got a roar of applause despite gypsy red still being clothed. There was a long pause before gypsy moved; her hair had fallen slightly over her left eye, fire red seemingly drawing you to her gaze and those crimson bee stung lips. I glanced around at a few of the faces sat near me. Men and women alike all transfixed, even Sugar. I looked again towards gypsy unable to turn away again. She glided towards the front of the stage with a grace I'd never seen.

"You had plenty money 1922." Her voice was silky.

"You let other women make a fool of you."

I felt Sugar's hand on my thigh stroking my leg softly. My finger absent-mindedly sliding between her wetness to the gentle beat of the band who were accompanying gypsy red.

"Why don't you do right? like some other men do." Her voice effortlessly carried to my ears.

"Get out of here, get me some money too." The steady pace of the double bass riveted me, my head swaying slightly to the tune, gently tapping out the notes with my finger.

Sugar squeezed her legs together, my finger tap, tap, tapping her clit. I felt her grab my cock through my trousers a jolt of pleasure ran up my spine. As the song finished with a lingering note from gypsy red's piano and bass finale the crowd erupted, Sugar's legs vibrating as her orgasm rocked through her making her hips buck involuntary. Her chest heaving, trying to suppress her whimpers. I leaned into her to check she was ok. Her hand grabbing me forcefully, pulling me in closer as her mouth hungrily sought mine, her tongue pushing its way between my lips wrapping it around mine wildly. "Wow." I said breathlessly. Sugar leaned as close as possible whispering her words so they danced over my lips.

"That was the best fucking orgasm I've ever had. Where the hell did you learn that?" Her whispers were punctuated by sharp intakes of breath still trying to come down off her little plateau of pleasure. Her whole body seemed to radiate energy like it was culminating just beneath the surface of her skin ready to explode and envelop the whole room. Her cheeks had blushed beautifully and I could feel her legs still quivering slightly.

"I'll never tell." I beamed before gently tapping her clit teasingly making her hips buck involuntary.

"God. Mmm. Please." She begged. A visible shiver of pleasure running through her body. "You have no idea how good that felt." She flashed her cutest killer smile and squeezed my aching cock through my trousers. "Or do I have to torture you for the information."

"Only if you promise to torture me anyway." I quipped. I quickly pulled my finger up to my lips savouring the taste of Sugar's sweet juices.

"I've got a better idea." Sugar leaned in licking my lips before kissing me passionately again. "Come on." She said grabbing my arm and standing up albeit rather shakily. She pulled me from my seat heading towards the back of the room with her. Sugar picked up the pace and made a beeline for the toilets looking over her shoulder with a devious grin on her face.

The door to the toilet had not even closed before she had turned grabbing at my belt and trousers to free my cock. "I want this in me now." Her voice was husky and horny as hell. She pushed me up against the cubicle wall, as she hiked her little dress up. My first quick glimpse of her freshly shaved wet little pussy. I was sure I'd heard a giggle from one of the other cubicles, before my train of thought was interrupted by Sugar sliding herself onto my cock moaning loudly.

"Shug's I think someone's in here." Sugar let out another sexy moan as I pulled out of her before thrusting back in. Sugar didn't care and hell, I wasn't minding much either. I was too busy enjoying the sensation of sliding in and out of Sugar's incredibly wet pussy too much.

"Oh god. Harder baby." I pulled the top of her dress down exposing her firm young breasts grabbing them roughly pinching her nipples, eliciting a long sexual growl from Sugar. "Harder. Harder baby. Mmm. Fuck my wet little pussy. Oh that's it stick that cock into my cunt." Sugar's vocalism spurred me on thrusting into her harder. The door of the cubicle banging against the frame on every forward thrust.

"I'm. I'm going to cum Sugar."

"Cum for me baby. Cum in your little whore." My legs almost gave way as I exploded inside of her. We stood there panting hard. My cock softening inside of her. We kissed slow and passionately neither having the strength to move. I could feel her breath on my lips, the form of a smile creeping against both our mouths.

She kissed me sweetly whilst she was trying to clean herself up and rearrange her dress. My wondering hands making the job twice as hard as it should be. Only to be told to behave countless times, but making no effort to actually stop my hands wondering. Sugar turned looking at me nervously. Her tiny hands cupping my face gently. Her eyes, those deep pools of light blue, which make me stop to catch my breath staring intensely at me. "Bruce I." The way that she looked at me stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Sugar what's wrong."

"I." A tear formed in her eye. I held her hand.

"Baby what's wrong? Please tell me."

"I love you."

"I love you too Sugar."

"No. I mean I love you." I knew exactly what she meant by those words. Up until then it had never been spoken between us. It was the point of no return.

"I love you too. More than I'm supposed too. I've always loved you, always will." She hugged me tightly as though she would never let me go. "Come on, let's get a drink." Hardly the place to declare one's undying love for someone, in the middle of a toilet cubicle.

As we stepped out of the cubicle, a young women was stood by the sink, her eyes appraised us both quickly and efficiently through the wall mirror before leaning over the counter to snort what I assumed to be cocaine up her nose. I stopped in my tracks guilt written all over my face and the awkward echo as I zipped my fly. Sugar shot me a look before moving to the mirror to touch up her make-up.

"That sounded fucking wild." The women addressed Sugar more than me. Using a tissue to dab at her nose. "I can see why he didn't wait you look pretty hot in that costume." She gave Sugar another glance smirking slightly as she checked out her legs and ass which was wonderfully exposed to me as Sugar was leaning over slightly to apply her eyeliner. I stood completely still, dumbstruck if truth were told. I wasn't quite sure what to do. "No panties. Very kinky. You really do look hot in that."

"Thanks hon, your looking hot yourself." I took a second to eye up her voyeur. She looked to be around mid 20's, taller than Sugar by a few inches with long straight black hair. She wasn't ugly but had a girl next-door gone bad look. Her brown eyes met mine glaring into mine, almost as if challenging me. The corset she was wearing did nothing to stop her ample bust from trying to spill over the top of it. She smiled slightly in a devious kind of way.

"Looks like your boi here is already thinking of dessert." Her hands slid around her breasts squeezing them for effect. Sugar caught my eye in the mirror my look of shock and horror at the thought I would cheat on her. Sugar looked at me rolling her eyes as if she knew exactly what I was thinking and that it was the most stupid thought I've ever had. Sugar finished applying her lipstick before walking over to the girl. I felt like I was about to see a major piss fight.

"Oh hon. No. That was just a little teaser to take the edge off." Sugar inched forward her body pressing against the girls. The visible struggle of the young women was apparent however, Sugar had that effect. She was trying to keep control of herself, to keep her focus. For a second I thought Sugar was going to kiss her. The image in front of me was having a strangely erotic effect on me. Sugar leaned in her lips almost touching the girl's ear.

I only caught a few words. "Tight wet pussy...thick cock...." The brunette was shaken, her eyes closed. Then shot open staring at my crotch and back to my eyes. Sugar looked at me her eyes gleamed with conspiracy before turning back to whisper something else. The girl whimpered slightly. Sugar took a step back before slowly inching forward to the young women again looking like their lips were going to meet. Instead, Sugar kissed her cheek leaving a lipstick mark on the girl. Sugar walked over to me grabbing my crotch pulling me into her for a deep kiss. My mind raced, my heart pounding in my chest. "I need a drink." She said pulling me towards the door. We left the girl still looking shell-shocked. I just stared at Sugar, and they say men are territorial.

We were sat at a table; I was nursing particularly large Vodka. "Sugar I." I broke off my sentence not knowing quite how to finish it. Sugar had been staring at me intensely.

"I don't like to share." A smile formed across her lips. "Not unless it's mutually agreeable rather than some coked up tramp." I blinked. Several times. Did she just imply what I thought she did? "Do you? Do you want this to go further? What I said before I mean." Jesus, one killing blow after another. "I meant what I said. I love you."

"Sugar. I love you too. I want this to continue."

"But?" She looked like she was trying to brace herself for bad news.

"But. Not at the expense of hurting you. I can't do that to you. I love you too much Sugar."

"I'm not a little girl any more Bruce. Jesus. I'm not going to break that easily." Her tone and the emphasis of how she said my name made me focus on her eyes rather than my drink. "Damnit. I know, this is so hard. There are so many reasons why we shouldn't."

"Pete, the age difference." Something I'd bought up a few times, and too be honest thinking of a lot more of late. "Countless other things."

"Do you want this to work?" I could hear the pain in her words. It made my heart ache. Tell her the truth. Tell her the truth Bruce I said to myself repeatedly.

"More than anything. What were doing." She cut me off before I could finish.

"Is exactly what we want to do? Besides if memory serves I don't think you started this. I knew exactly what I was getting into." She exhaled. The tension in her shoulders relieving somewhat. "Besides I love you, you big lug. I want to be with you."

"I want that too Sugar, more than anything. But Pete."

"We'll tell him. When the times right."

"He deserves to know." Easier said than done. How could I tell my brother I loved his daughter more than I should? It would break his heart. How could I betray him like that? "What about the age difference?"

"It doesn't matter. What's one generation?"

"That's easy for you to say."

"With age comes wisdom. As for the rest, we will figure it out together. What's important is you and me." Sugar held my hand. "Why don't you come here and kiss me and remember the reasons we want to be together in the first place." Tentatively our mouths sought one another's. Her's moulding into mine. Two halves of a whole. It just felt so right.

"I'll make you a deal." I said my mouth hungry for another kiss almost as soon as our lips parted. "We stay like this, no matter what, no changes, no secrets. Just you and me." Sugar looked at me a small smile forming across her lips.

"Deal." My mouth moved in to kiss her again. "No more talk of this age shit though.

"Deal." I smiled at her choice of words. I had this feeling deep down that everything would work out well. Despite it all, I knew that Sugar and I would find a way. "Let's get another drink." Sugar headed to the bar after a slap on the ass from me. Turning she shot me one of those killer smiles and bounced away happily. I headed to the toilet, the men's this time. I needed to clear my head. It all seemed so much simpler 10 years ago. Hell, with age comes wisdom, with wisdom comes responsibility, and with responsibility comes headaches.

Looking into the mirror the King Lear seemed quite apt, and this bloody jabot was driving me crazy, after spending another few minutes at my futile attempt to correct the kink in the knot. I gave up and headed for the door.

Walking back toward our table any doubts about myself or ability in my mind vaporised instantly at the scene unfolding at the bar. The heckles on the back of my neck rose instantly.

Sugar was stood at the bar ordering our drinks. Her skirt dangerously close to exposing her as she leaned forward to give the barmaid our order.