All Comments on 'The 750 Word Project 2019 - The Stories'

by Literotica

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26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

This should be a good one for sure.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
All Right Now!

Thank you to all involved -- I'm really looking forward to these hit-and-runs!! Now maybe I won't have to re-read the westerns for the third (or more) time because i can't find anything new and interesting. I hope many of the other excellent authors here will join in as well. Write on!

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 5 years ago
This will be more like a drive-by fruiting.

We'll lob some short, but sweet word collections at the reader and let the chips fall. Hell, my comments here are more than 750 words. Thanks to Literotica for providing a free venue for writers to post their stories, as well as allowing readers to find and read them. Part 2 of this comment is available on Amazon and Kindle for just $9.99.

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 5 years ago
Cool concept

It’s funny how “Bebop3” suddenly became a part of the Inner Circle.

boatbummboatbummover 5 years ago
Looking Forward To The Flashes!

I'm sure I'll be half-blinded by their intensity and brilliance, but will do my best to read and appreciate all the offerings that day! ;-)

Thanks for hosting -- and herding the cats, Jezzaz.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Of course it can be done

One of the writers has already done one in the Loving Wives category, and it's quite good. He even had to add to the preface slightly (No contactions), to get it there. And the preface counted.

Since there is a desire for more of these, can Literotica start adding tags for Flash stories? Those little vignettes can be quite fun, and fill a mood, but are hard to find. Say, anything less that 2000 words has an automated Flash Story tag added so they can be searched for?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Clique Clique Boom

So nice of the Inner Circle to grace us all with their talent. Maybe we should all just worship them and lick their boot heels.

The membership of the Great Cabal of Mutual Support and Protection has now been listed publicly. Now I know whose stories to ignore.

It's funny.

If you really thought this was a great idea, why not open it up to the community, instead of deciding for us who gets to participate? This is an exercise in mutual promotion and nepotism.

stev2244stev2244over 5 years ago

I don't know anything about circles, inner or not, and I don't think they are relevant. There are no conspiracies going on. The truth is much more simple. Jezzaz had this cool idea and asked a few authors if they want to do it. 10 wanted to and soon you're going to see the results.

It was fun to do and I think that the results are astonishingly diverse. Don't expect the Great American (or German) Novel, but a lot of plot pressed into very short texts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Neat concept

Hey Joe, maybe if you weren't an asshole you could be in an "inner circle." Maybe you could start one. Gather up all the assholes and make the asshole circle.

silkstockingsloversilkstockingsloverover 5 years ago
I think ill do this

Is this open for all?

I think i could do it.

I think.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 5 years ago
There is nothing funny about Bebop3!

The man is devoid of humor, plus he has only achieved the outer ring of the inner circle. He refuses to participate in the required piercing and tattooing the inner, inner circle demands. You would think his scrotum was something special and has never been pierced, or even prodded. Todd laughed through his initiation rites. He is one tough hombre!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

An announcement that ten of the best writers around are going to write flash stories for the enjoyment of us readers, and there are some people out there with so little to do and so much hate they will take time to not only score an announcement, but give it a low score. Wow. That's impressive.

JBEdwardsJBEdwardsover 5 years ago
Just like Silkstockinglover

Not that I'm even remotely in her league! I did however just write a little story of 744 words. Would you like it for your event, or should I just publish it separately? In other words, is this by invitation only? Also, it was fun trying to write a story in under 750 words.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Well this event sounds like fun.

750 words fly by in a hurry. It will be interesting to read what happens that quickly. The fun has already started. One of the "Anon Brigade" is already complaining without having read a single word. No wonder why the comments section in the LW category has become a wasteland. Want some cheese with that whine Big Boy? Looking forward to the 4th. Thanks to all in advance.

jezzazjezzazover 5 years ago
Is this open to all? Sure it is!

So, the rules are simple.

Post on Feb 1. Make sure it's tagged with the words "The 750 Project" and ensure that in the 'story notes to administrator', you put the words "story for 750 Word project", so the admins know to hold the posting of that story till Feb 4.

We are using Word to calculate word count, and it needs to be 750 words exactly - no more, no less. That is not counting any header you may put in, just the actual text of the story part.

Good luck, and thanks for joining us!


luedonluedonover 5 years ago
For those of us who find LW comments more entertaining than the stories

For the next Author Event, perhaps remove the 750-word minimum. Is it possible to engage (or enrage) the commentariat with a story of just a paragraph or two?

Efficiency is a virtue. Why waste words when there are such clearly obvious trigger words, phrases and concepts that elicit commenter responses?


MattblackUKMattblackUKover 5 years ago
I used to catch the Inner and Outer Circle buses in Birmingham (England)

when I was a child. Number 8, Inner Circle, Number 11, Outer Circle.

So I was in the Inner Circle.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

The clique of lit yet again dictating who can write and what they can write, Jezzaz has only taken over where Randi was dictating. The clique even need to have scoring on announcements, that is how desperate they are for a slap on the back.

PiperHamlinPiperHamlinover 5 years ago
I heartily endorse this product

Kudos to jezzaz for organizing this. I look forward to seeing how some of the wordier authors on this list self-edit to meet the challenge.

My thoughts on those who have already bitched about the "exclusive" nature of this event and those others that will follow is simple. Anyone can create their own event. Within the post for it, is this magical phrase "If you've got an idea for a themed writers event, feel free to contact us anytime!"

Another option, is accept the challenge yourself and write your own 750-word story. It's the type of challenge that appeals to me. It appeals to me so much that idea is likely to rattle around in my head for a while until at some point I decide to do it for myself, just to see if I can.

Events like this should be celebrated. I look forward to the 4th of February.

alexwatson62alexwatson62over 5 years ago

.....just reading the "complaints" already about the closed list of those who are allowed to participate seems to me at least, to go contrary to the reasons such a great site was set up in the first place!!

If a writer with the pedigree of "silk" for example wishes to submit an entry then why deny them or anyone else from participating?

Further, I`m sure there would be many others, including some first time authors who might relish the chance especially given the maximum wordage allowed, it COULD give them the confidence to at least attempt to start writing.

Just a thought.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Just wondering if qhml1 will have his sharing is caring story done by then.

tazz317tazz317over 5 years ago

as always I will comment but not critique, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

So with all the non-invited authors, will you be adding links to their stories on your Lit announcement page?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Another invitational to a select few

What are you lot so scared of? That maybe some new authors might emerge and become faves of the readers? I am guessing none of you were part of the popular crowd at school and this is the first time in your lives you get to dictate the rules. And guess what? You wield it with all the subtlety of a bulldozer. And for the men in the group I am thinking its your wives that wear the pants.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
@ Swingerjoe

No mystery how Bepop made it to cloud cuckoo clique land.

Try cross referencing her with 'sychophantic comments on last six BR58 stories.'

It's a toss up between her and HDK to see who gets BR's money s

Bebop3Bebop3over 5 years ago

Seriously, some of the comments by anons here are idiotic.

Before I was invited to participate in one of the collective events, you know what I did when they came out? I read the stories and enjoyed them. How on earth does an event like this, or the ones that Randi runs or the older events that predate Randi have a negative impact on anyone?

I have a great deal of difficulty wrapping my head around anyone being so childish as to be offended and take umbrage that people are doing EXACTLY what Laurel suggests and creating an event. Their actions cost you nothing. Absolutely nothing. No real cost, no opportunity cost, nothing.

People enjoy efforts like these? Cool! Read them and have a good time.

People don't enjoy efforts like these? Cool! Ignore them and have a great day.

The petty and juvenile behavior on display in the comments section is bizarre.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 5 years ago
I had a huge party a few weeks ago.

It was big. I had stars, pro athletes, billionaires and big titted naked women. My neighbor asked if he could come to my party, I told him, no. He asked why. I explained it was my party so I invited those I wanted to spend time with and not guys just eager to see big titted women. He said that was not fair, the whole fucking world should be invited and he really wanted to see the naked women. I told him I had a personal rule against inviting assholes, especially if they carry pickaxe handles and insult my friends.

Consider the reasons why you are not invited to a party. Could it be you are an asshole? Very likely. I have been left off the invitation list of a lot of parties, but I carried on. Throw your own party! Good luck getting pro athletes, movie stars, and big tittted naked women. Is it possible that if you do throw a party, only a few other assholes will show up. Jesus, there are a lot of whining assholes (aka losers!) out there!

AhazuraAhazuraover 5 years ago

Free stories by great authors and people bitch. Especially since Jezzaz (the organizer) has said anyone can participate. It was interesting enough of a challenge that I plan to throw one out there. Personally I love these type things as it get the creative juices flowing for me. So thanks to all the writers who are participating. Thanks to Jezzaz for organizing it. Looking forward!

jezzazjezzazover 5 years ago

"So with all the non-invited authors, will you be adding links to their stories on your Lit announcement page?"

I didn't make that announcement page. That was done by the owners of the site, so if you want that, I'd suggest you ask them.

I asked a few friends if they wanted to try this. That's it. That's the extent of the obligation I have to anyone, frankly.

People here don't seem to understand that They Are Getting Something For Nothing. No author owes anyone here anything. Not inclusion into a group, not a gold stamped invitation, nothing. I don't have to do anything about putting names anywhere, because no one has a right to anything, and to imply they do is asking for quite a lot of the better authors on this site to just fold up camp and leave (and believe me, there are some authors who have already done that and only come back because Randi, who is awesome and fucking tireless in the effort she expends to be nice to authors and bring them back into the fold, for the people on this site to read, for nothing, I should point out yeet again.)

I opened this up simply because I was asked. I have no problem with that. But for anyone to be snide or imply that there is some kind of Illuminati or collusion or whatever is just simply silly. I thought it would be a good idea to try out writing short stories, and asked a few friends if they would be interested in trying it as a challenge.

Now, some anons appear to want to make this out to be the next Sniper on the Hill, and that's just dumb. If that's the response to this kind of thing, then fine. Have none at all, because that's the default response from the authors I talk to increasingly.

No one is asking for ticker tape parade, but instead of snide anon comments about who 'is included or not', how about a simple Thank You, instead? Is that too much to ask?

I can tell you right now, if this is what I get for trying something new with the authors I talk to, then I'll never do it again. I honestly don't know how Randi does it - I think she must have a much thicker skin than I do.

CPellsCPellsover 5 years ago
Want to participate

This looks like fun.

PiperHamlinPiperHamlinover 5 years ago
Since jezzaz has said this is open, I'm in!

Those complaining about "exclusion" miss a big point. Events like this encourage writers to write. I tend to be slower than I like, writing and publishing stories. Getting writers to commit to an event is a task not to be envied.

Even with jezzaz commenting it is open to all, some folks are still finding nits to pick. Write a damn story. It's open. Even if it wasn't, write your own 750-word story. It's the kind of thing that any writer should jump on as a personal challenge.

There is nothing to dislike about this event.


TxnPrdTxnPrdover 5 years ago
Outside Authors

They've already said outside authors are welcome and I plan on submitting a story.

eideticeideticover 5 years ago
I Don't Get It...

I don't get how commenters, especially the Anon ones, can't read when they're on a sight devoted to reading. Nothing in the invite limits the participants. In fact, it specifically says it's open to anyone. There is a specific list of authors already known to be contributing, but they aren't the only ones.

Maybe some of the critics need to take a step back, see their ophthalmologist and try again.

Personally, I don't think I can write a story in 750 words... I like verbose too much.

Good luck, Jezzaz, and all participants. Should be good reading...

luedonluedonover 5 years ago
Not bad so far

This story has 342 words and has elicited 33 comments so far. That's a pretty good comments to story length ratio, but I think a really provocative story should be able to do better.


ChloeTzangChloeTzangover 5 years ago
Clique schmeek - this is a great idea, I'm in....

For the anon that said "clique", I've organized one of these "story events". Let me tell you how it works, coz I did the "Australian" themed one. You have an idea, you bounce it around with the writers on Literotica so that you know to see what the reception will be, because you don't want to organize a story event and have no-one show. There are a LOT of writers on Literotica, and most of us only know a few that we interact with on the forums or off Lit, thru Facebook or email. Fact of life. You ask the ones you know. Now if it's by invitation only, as some of them are, that's fine. You're organizing it, you're prerogative. That can be a bit cliquey, yes. Whatever, once you've got that far, you ask Laurel. Laurel says yes or she says no. If it's yes, you work with Laurel to pick a date, and away you go....

In my case, for the Australian one, I contacted every Aussie on Lit I knew and I also contacted anyone I could track down who'd tagged a story with "Australia". And the announcement also said "open to anyone" very specifically, coz, like this one, it's fun to encourage everyone who might be interested to submit something. An "event" like this is a great way to get a start at submitting stories along with other writers without the competitiveness and sometimes the trolling that goes with the Literotica Writing competitions. It's a great way to get your feet wet, in other words, and kudos to jezzaz for organizing this. And no, I'm not in the "inner clique" LOL, so I had no idea....

This 750 word event is, like the one I organized, open to all. So jezzaz has rounded up a few writers jezzaz knows, sounded them out and they've said yes, they'll write for the event, so there's now a solid starting point. Which is what I did for my Australian-themed event. Then you make the announcement on Lit, as has been done by Laurel, and this one extends an invitation to everyone who wants to participate. It's an "open to all" event. You write and you submit, it will be posted on Lit. And the way it works is that Laurel will include a link to every story that is submitted for the event on the event page when it "goes live."

You write, you submit for the event, you ARE included. No vetting, no competition and the only requirement is it's exactly 750 words. Flash fiction at it's finest. Wonderful idea and I for one am going to jump in, altho to be honest I see 750 words as an introductory sentence. This will indeed be a challenge for me, but I'm going to wiggle my butt and get down and start writing. One pot of coffee later..... LOL

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 5 years ago
I am considering a challenge, opened to all.

I challenge readers/writers to explain in 750 words why a group of friends should not join together to post stories on Lit. Explain why they need to be all inclusive in any planned events. Explain why that is a great idea and how well it would work. If a writer joins with other writer friends in a discussion and themes and story ideas result, why do they need to tell the guy in Podunk what they have discussed and give every asshole a chance to jump on the wagon? It could be a straight essay, or a story with a moral, all in 750 words. Why is it bad for writers to toss around ideas for stories. We have not acted on most of the ideas that cross our fertile brains. Especially tell why you want your name on the list and linked to your library. That was a very telling comment and many of you may want to run with that one. I get my name on these challenges and invitations and you do not. Tell us how that really pisses you off. I can't tell you how bad I feel when you assholes complain, rather than joining with friends, if you can actually make some friends, and doing something on your own. Why can't you just jump on Randi's coattails? Why in hell should you have to actually put effort into anything? Who's in with me? "Why I'm an Asshole" in 750 words! Be there, or be square! Tags will be "asshole", "lazy", "stupid", "lacks imagination", "have no friends", and "link my name with Todd and Q"!

SosoclosettedSosoclosettedover 5 years ago
Ignore the 1star.

Ignore the 1 star I was not trying to rate this. Hate that you can’t change the rating , once you accidentally click on a star. UGH

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Stop bitching about not being invited to someone else's gig . Jeez !

P.S. I'd love to see the master of the flash story , Papatoad , submit for this .

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 5 years ago
Great news! I sent in my 750 word story about assholes today!

Use it as an example of just how powerful, brilliant, and humble a writer can be in only 750 words. I used my tags so it will be easy for challenged readers to find. Look for it on monitors near you in a few days!

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 5 years ago
I fear that Chloe may believe that Clique and Schmeek rhyme.

They do not. Clique rhymes with prick, chick, lick and dick. Schmeek rhymes with weak, cheek, meek and leak.

Bebop3Bebop3over 5 years ago
Looking Forward To This

One of the fun aspects of this project is that the brevity will make it easy to read as many as possible.

Maybe we can revisit the concept periodically.

PiperHamlinPiperHamlinover 5 years ago
I've started three stories based on this idea

THAT's how much I love this concept. One will eventually get submitted, the other two will likely be fleshed out at some future point into full stories. Or I may submit them after the event has ended. Hell, I'm considering calling the first story "750 Words" just so I can pick it up again at any time I choose with something like, "750 Words: Electric Boogaloo."

It's not only the type of challenge any author should take upon oneself, it's the kind of thing that can be fun to do more than once.

750 Words: I Still Know What You Did 750 Words Ago.

Had to get that last one in. I met Lois Duncan while I was in elementary school. It stuck with me.


UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyover 5 years ago
What if

Not having word, how to get the word count?

I use a freebie opensource, and assume others use alternate programs.

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958over 5 years ago
@Anonymous who asked about PapaToad.

Ask, and ye shall receive. PapaToad will have one of the famous PapaToad flash stories on the 4th.

Tigger_LillyTigger_Lillyover 5 years ago
I am in!

Love this challenge!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 5 years ago
Scoring on the Announcement

Just because scoring wasn't turned off doesn't mean that anyone was looking for scores, they probably simply didn't think to turn it off.

Nobody is forcing anybody to score the announcement!

rnebularrnebularover 5 years ago
I love this site

Thank you to all the great authors that have continued to contribute great content for us to read. I wasn't going to, but decided to submit my own 750 word story, purely for fun. It doesn't have to be listed, I don't need any kind of recognition, just had a good hour of fun as I pondered the idea. Again, a huge thank you to those great authors that continue to make my reading pleasurable here.


PiperHamlinPiperHamlinover 5 years ago

"I wasn't going to, but decided to submit my own 750 word story, purely for fun."

This is the most fun and inclusive challenge I can imagine. Write that thing!

rnebularrnebularover 5 years ago

Submitted ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great fun

This sounds like a brilliant idea! The challenge of writing so short a story while providing enough detail and action is a really interesting one. I'm making a start right away. Good luck to everyone else who wants to get involved!

luedonluedonover 5 years ago
Re: Scoring on the Announcement -- SB comment

It's not only the scoring that's strange for an announcement like this.

Have a look at the 'Similar Stories' list. How in fortune's name can these five stories have any similarity whatsoever to this announcement? (Two author names are on the list, but that's hardly relevant.)

If there are any 'Similar Stories', surely they would be the other announcements of special events, not actual stories?

What is the purpose of 'Similar Stories' anyhow? I asked this question when I noticed the lists on my own stories and observed no similarities whatsoever. Kimi raised the question some time ago in a comment on Newbie's story 'Three Days of Watching My Wife Fuck' which seems to turn up quite frequently in the Similar Stories lists of other stories.

Does anybody know how the lists are selected?


MollydaKatMollydaKatover 5 years ago

People have been wondering about similar stories function for about 5 yrs now . At one time they would use stories with similar tags , now there is simply no ryhme nor reason to them .


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I submitted today which is the 31st, are early submissions ineligible?

rnebularrnebularover 5 years ago
@Anon re: early submission

If you read the post, it says:

"Post on Feb 1. Make sure it's tagged with the words "The 750 Project" and ensure that in the 'story notes to administrator', you put the words "story for 750 Word project", so the admins know to hold the posting of that story till Feb 4."

I submitted mine early 5 days ago, and it is being held (the only reason I know that, is because it hasn't posted yet). I think you are in the clear, as long as you tagged it like instructed.


JamesMiehoffJamesMiehoffover 5 years ago

Rats! I finished my first try and looked down at the word count. 127. Crap. Now I have to pad it out.

* grumble * grumble * grumble *


rnebularrnebularover 5 years ago

I am stunned at the response to this Challenge. Monday should prove to be a VERY interested day of short stories! Thanks everyone and Jezzaz!


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
My attampt for the IN 750 WORDS

IN 750 days the world can look very different. The best way to bring about the change we want is to use our WORDS

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

From the project description, I thought these stories would be complete, erotic stories in 750 words. A lot of are sexless and/or intros or continuations for longer works, and some aren’t 750 words. I’m halfway through the list and have only read a few that actually were self-contained 750 word erotica with sex (shoutouts to SILK, SUEDAYM, SSOARING CLOUDS, 8LETTERS, VIX GIOVANNI, KENT PREBLE, CHLOETZHANG, CHARLIEB, BAREFOOTCOWGIRL)

Sorry, not sorry; I’ll stick to NPR and Best American Short Stories for my amateur non-sex short stories fix...

Crusader235Crusader235over 5 years ago

Too PapaToad: Five Stars for your short-story, Holy Frijoles, you old curmudgeon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great concept amd Thanks.

Thanks to all the writers and editors. Very enjoyable two days--I wanted to split my pleasure over two days.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
So my story was submitted too late?

I sent a story a few days ago. When was the deadline? It seems that I was too late! Will my story be published normally or rejected?

Will have to pay more attention next time!!!

Crusader235Crusader235over 5 years ago

I personally would l like to thank all the writers of these stories for providing me with a few days of enjoyable reading. Almost every story was very good, a couple was great, and only one did I think the author was drunk. A late entry, "Choices" by King Bandor, was also very good. Thanks again to all who participated, us readers need you.

redzingerredzingerover 5 years ago
Here's another...

...I wrote a while ago.

I got similar comments about it being too short.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Jerk comments

Normally the comments here are nice or constructive. Whoever the jerk was, I just want you to know that you turned my puffy pussy into a desert. I gave 5 stars to every story I read with a nasty, needless comment.

danoctoberdanoctoberover 4 years ago
Repect to all the authors.

I found this to be a terrific and interesting challenge. I have a dozen unfinished stories while trying write a 750 word story. Each time the story took on a life of it's own and became far longer than 750 words intended. Reading the stories above by some of finest writers here at has been inspritational.

To all the writers who post here, I have had so much pleasure reading your stories. Thanks so much for sharing your talented skills as wordsmiths. All the best and have a great New Year.

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