All Comments on 'The Bodyguard'

by Colleen Thomas

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Mil fiction and erotica can mix.

I think Gunny is a bit hard to belive, no Gunny I know is that sexualy inexperenced *evil grin*. Still you let her have the right "kill them all let God sort the tangos"'tude. Jala is still a bit of a one note, her father on the other hand is pure quill (I had to put a Lensman ref in ya know). I think you've done a good ratio of combat to sex, I have to say I like the combat bits very much.


rgraham666rgraham666about 19 years ago
Very good story

A fine job done on all the major characters. Fast, hot action.

And then there's the sex. ;) Which, as always, was erotic and romantic.

Very nice piece of work.

Well done!

Evil AlpacaEvil Alpacaabout 19 years ago
About damn time . . .

About darn time! I was going through Colleen withdrawls. Yet another story that I think would make a great series but you'll probably move on to do ANOTHER story that would make a great series. Dang it, yer gonna give me a heart attack. But at least it'll be due to good erotic fiction.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Yay ... return to science fiction

Again ... another excellent story. Both your Science Fiction and Fantasy based stories are extremely well developed in terms of plot and character ... the sex is pretty damn hot too ... and I could easily see them jump from short fiction to a novel format.

(PS: Bullet Proof Corset? Classic!)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

First off i have to say i agree with Evil Alpaca this would be a great peice to turn into a series.

Now for something of my own.

This story was great, normally i wouldn't leave a comment, but i felt like doing it this time, and i'd just like to say that your storys are fantastic. keep up the good work as i'm sure you will.

alias xalias xabout 19 years ago
Good stuff

Nice work. A bit predictable, but that probably was a good thing. Nice to read story where the characters are interesting.

Rudy JamesRudy Jamesabout 19 years ago
Wonderous stories...

'Captivating' and 'Fantasytastical' are two words that spring to mind (at least: my mind) when reading your stories, Miss Thomas.

'Craftwomanship' is another one...

I've read my fair share over the years; from D.A. de Sade to I. Asimov and from de Maupassant over Bukowski to Jack Vance and other Clarkes (Arthur C.), Kings (Stephen) and Ludlums (Robert)...

As the aforementioned, you possess the ability to captivate the reader with neatly drawn characters, fabulously delicious and intelligent storylines and plots, intermingled with humor, raunchy but tasteful sex scenes, together with a variation of moody, touching and moving passages...

Should you not yet be aware of it, Miss Thomas, let it be said for once and for all: you are truly a true writer...

There's only one thing we can do here: stand in awe, take a deep bow while exclaiming a sincere thank you.

Thank you Colleen Thomas.


Rudy James, Port of Antwerp - Belgium.

Tail End PeteTail End Peteabout 19 years ago
Not only hot, but a damn good read!!

Were you perhaps a Marine in one of your previous lives?? You have done a good job of capturing the tedious drudgery of military life and then eased Sotina through the attendant traumas associated with moving into civilian life. Especially amazing is the intelligence and mental facility you have given to each of your characters. I'm very much interested in where the story goes from here and am eagerly awaiting the next chapter.

Tail End Pete

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
excellent combat

your combat moves are like choreagraphy of a become tense and your adrenaline level goes up just sitting in front of your computer screen.I'am going to read the story all over again just for them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Erotica as it should be

Your stories are fantastic - truely stories, where the sex augments the story rather than the story just being the framework for sex.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago

It's just perfect. It has futuristic combat, GREAT. It has a great love making scene ( Sex just seems too crass). In the right quantities. It seems entirely plauseable and "realistic" you are indeed a Godess among amateurs.

I think this is perfect for a series, infact I hope you publish this someday. I'd definetely buy it. I hope that I shan't have to wait too long, but I can't stop thinking that the wait will be well worth it. Thank you.

drvrkev2drvrkev2over 14 years ago
One of the best.

This is one of the best sci-fi stories I have read on this sight. It had the right amounts of sex, military, corporate intrigue, terrorism/freedom movement, science(3 months travel means 3 years in real time) and humanity. This is a great story. There should be more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

I enjoyed the blurred/altered femme-butch aspect. At the beginning of the story, the expected masculine chick saving the feminine damsel in distress ensued. However, as the story progressed, the former marine donned corsets, garters, and heels while the damsel favored "her boxers and wife beater." Nice change.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Long action scenes

Long action scenes. Short sex scene, but still very good, a sequel perhaps.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I'm a straight woman, and while lesbian sex doesn't turn me off, it very rarely turns me on. Your stories have the same passion and heat I love in my favorite stories without being forced or leaving me with a neutral so-so feeling. You're an amazing author who has an insane amount of talent, skillful plots, and lovable characters!

fingers46fingers46about 12 years ago
Great sci-fi,great erotica,great romance

Gibbs meets lady love?,why not,this is much better than the film,very suck sess full

jkthekatjkthekatabout 12 years ago
So sad to hear you have left us Colleen


Thank you for absofuckinlutly brilliant storys

cittrancittranover 11 years ago

Honestly, I don't get what the big stereotype is about straight guys loving lesbian sex. It isn't a turn-OFF for me, but it doesn't get me going either. I just view it as being sex.

That said, I read stuff on this site for the stories, not the sex. Yours certainly qualifies as having a great background story, and this was in only 3 pages. I'd be very hard-pressed to come up with something like this, and I'd need at least 3 or 4 times the number of pages to do it. And writing that much is difficult for me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
im a straight guy and I loooove lesbian stories like these.

For the simple fact that I loove women and not men. Seeing two women fall in love is simply double the entertainment. I guess thats shallow or something but w/e. How I feel

Crusader235Crusader235over 5 years ago

Excellent sci-fi Marine adventure! OooRah Five Stars! I so wish this author would have added a chapter two so we could have read how the Marine put an end to the Vermin trying to kill her love, Jala. I just hope this author found success, and went on to write novels. Wish we knew for sure.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
About author....

In an older post from a few years ago, it was stated that she had died and that’s why there are no more stories.

roveroneroveroneover 4 years ago
thoughtI left comment 1st time I read this...

gave it a 5 then, and while I can't vote again, would certainly do so if I could

just brilliant....

roveroneroveroneover 4 years ago
PS Jala's first time worshipping Sotina's petites...SO hot...

and Colleen leaving Sotina her 'dark pubic curls'...

...don't if it's true in her other stories(going to enjoy exploring) natural....

this going in 'all-time faves' folder

quite surprised there's so few comments

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefalmost 4 years ago
Another five *s

This is such a well written story that makes is easy to believe that among all the blood and carnage happening, there's a love blossoming. I've always heard of "bulletproof panties", but now I know where they make them, lol. Again, well written and easy to read. Thanks.

Shadowolfe1313Shadowolfe1313about 2 years ago

Liked the story, both ladies were great, the ending was awesome, had me laughing.

MarsPatrolMarsPatrolabout 1 year ago

Semper Fi Gunny 🔥

PurplefizzPurplefizz8 months ago

Truly outstanding story, very, very readable indeed, tbh it’s probably an editing Masterclass, it’s been pared down to just what is needed for the story and nothing else. All that aside, I’d have loved a follow up chapter, hopefully involving and resolving the unknown inside accomplice.

Many thanks for writing and posting, cheers Ppfzz. 5⭐️

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy8 months ago

Like Max in the tale its Elon for us in RL and for sure many humans are really pissed just focusing on Tesla and the environment destruction happen to produce those batteries … whats wrong whats right, love or hate, greed or success and so on, the one who is free of sins takes the first stone - we are all sinners - but killing people or War is the most perverted dumbest human act

Sotina Jala lots of fun cruising the galaxy’s 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝🌸✨🥰

💝🌸☘️ thats for your soul CT

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