The Broken Sword


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Kelnozz sent an agonizing look at Alesha, who only barely managed to avoid bursting out in laughter at Gregory and Nathaniel's repeated use of honorifics.

"Fair enough," Kelnozz said, letting the matter or formality drop. "There are people who know where it is, and I am one of them."

Gregory's eyes widened in surprise. "You know where Thoragloorin is? Is it passed down in elven history? Or something taught only to royalty?"

Kelnozz grinned at Gregory's blurted out response. Or more so, at his lack of any use of titles. "Well done, Gregory, you've gotten past all the silly name calling!" Alesha said, clapping her hands in twisted delight at Kelnozz's expense. Kelnozz just chuckled at her jibe.

"Yes, I know where it is. I was born there, over five thousand years past."

"Five thousand...." Nathaniel trailed off, stunned at the impossibility of the number.

"Elves do not feel the passing of years as other races do. Ogres were once the same as well," Kelnozz explained.

"Ogres?" Alesha and Gregory spoke at the same time.

Kelnozz glanced at his wife with an amused expression before continuing. "Indeed. Bavorish and Ancaruin seeded this world with life many ages past, and the elves and the ogres were a part of the world, living as the world lived. The elves happily embraced the world and nature, but the ogres felt differently. They strove to take from it and bend and shape it to their will. Bavorish saw much promise in them, and took them under his wing. They betrayed him though, refusing to work for him once they had learned a great many things from him. Not a God yet, he cursed them instead of destroying them all. Their curse caused them to find only the most unattractive and undesirable partners suitable for mating."

Kelnozz paused to enjoy the stunned expressions on the faces of his captive audience. "The inbreeding that ensued caused them to lose their bond with Viconia. From ogres sprang the other races : dwarves, orcs, giants, and others."

"Others?" Nathanial asked hesitantly, almost afraid to know the answer.

"Yes, even men can claim ogre blood in their ancestry, though it is easily 10000 years back if not further."

Alesha looked on, surprised. There were many things she needed to think about, in light of this news. Gregory was thoughtful as well, imagining the far reaching ramifications of the information. Nathan was stunned, having more then a little difficulty coming to terms that in some extremely distant way he was related to the large, smelly, and barbaric beasts he had been told to hate and kill since he was old enough to walk.

"Enough history, I would speak of the future," Kelnozz said loudly, forcing their attention back to him. "It is time Thoragloorin was reclaimed and the elves given the choice of where they would live. There are many who would stay here, but some of those who remember Thoragloorin's mystical beauty and some of those who are younger and more idealistic would like to see it renewed."

"What must we do?" Nathanial said, straightening again and proving himself ready to face whatever odds were necessary.

"Wait, Nathanial," Gregory said, putting his hand on the slightly younger man's shoulder. Before he turned to address Kelnozz. "Why us? You command thousands of elves, why not send an army in to recapture it?"

Nathanial looked to Gregory as though he were mad, questioning the whims of the King. Kelnozz nodded and smiled though, showing no concerns.

"Wise questions, I am doubly certain you are the right people for this task. I wish it to remain unknown that I seek to reclaim Thoragloorin, firstly. Secondly, no elf may enter Thoragloorin, a mystical shield surrounds it."

"There is more," Alesha said, walking next to Kelnozz and hopping up so that she sat on the desk beside him. Her legs were side by side but in the skin hugging skirt both men involuntarily felt their eyes drawn to them. Nathanial alone was able to resist, his discipline long since built up against temptation in his service to the church of Alto. Gregory did so only after remembering where he was and who he was in front of. Neither Kelnozz nor Alesha showed any sign of noticing their discomfort.

"There will be a third member of your company, and between the three of you the seal that keeps Thoragloorin apart from Viconia must be brought down," she said, pointedly ignoring the dark mien that came across Kelnozz's face as she spoke.

"Who is to be the third?" Gregory asked after glancing at Nathanial.

"Our son."

Chapter 5

In ages past the light elves had defeated the dark elves and forced them to exile far from the shores of Belurian. To deny the forsaken elves, later to become light elves, any of Thoragloorin's treasures the five most powerful wizards of the dark elven nation gave their lives fashioning the shield that would deny exit to anyone from within the city. Likewise no elf would be able to enter the city from without.

But the seal could be broken. The council of elders that ran the Academy of Magic kept the secret. And they were subject to the whims of their king. The secret to the seal was a jeweled crown atop a mystical fountain in the great courtyard of the palace. The crown needed to be destroyed, but such was it's magic that it could only be unwrought in the greatest of flames within Thoragloorin. What could create those flames was unknown to the elders, as it had never been passed on to them. And of course the crown was protected as well, though by what was a secret the wizards took to the grave with them.

All of that information was passed on to Gregory and Nathaniel ere they met the prince. Their meeting with the prince was even more informal as their meeting with Kelnozz and Alesha had been. It was set in another tavern, this one heavily populated by off duty guards. Just how "off duty" they were was highly suspect, in Gregory's and Nathanial's minds.

A lone man sat at a table, drinking a mug of ale with his left hand. His right hand was unseen, hidden below the table. The two companions sized him up as they approached, knowing who he was without needing to be told. White skinned he nevertheless possessed the fair and delicate features of the elves without being quite as tall and scrawny in appearance. His thick black hair also set him apart from the elven race, though the sparkling intensity of his brown eyes would never be mistaken for a humans.

"I am Gregory, My Lord, the enchanter. My companion is Nathanial a monk of Alto," Gregory said when they both stood across the table from him.

Bobo looked up at them and nodded, hiding his distaste from his face. "Be seated then, and let us discuss the way of things to be."

The two companions glanced at each other and sat down, signaling the barmaid for ales. Bobo looked them over as they did so and nodded. "You'll do. Of course with my father and mother having already spoken with you I am sure they already knew that. But tell me, what would make two free men readily sign on for such an adventure?"

"Alto works in mysterious ways, My Lord," Gregory said. "He has given me many visions in my life, showing me the things I must strive for and accomplish. While this is not one of them, it is along the same line of seeking to do a good thing."

Bobo chuckled. "Yes, well, if it is a good thing, as you say, then it is good to have the Gods with us I suppose. I find it never hurts to have some divine favor on your side." His strange smile left both companions mystified as to the hidden joke, but they chose to press on rather then dwell on it.

"On top of that I must confess a strong desire to witness and study the magics of Thor... the place we go to. Your father has offered us whatever treasure we find within that we may keep." Gregory stumbled over the name of the ancient elven homeland, remembering only just in time that the nature of their mission was to remain a secret.

The Prince smirked. "Say what you will here, these are all men loyal to the King and pretending so very hard to pay no interest in what goes on at our table that clearly every word said is being memorized by a score of ears."

"And you, Prince? Why do you wish to do this? From the look on the King's face he would rather not have you facing such perils." Nathanial asked boldly, making Gregory glance to him wide eyed at his audacity.

Bobo blinked in surprise at the question. He was unused to being challenged, yet this priest had just done so. He smiled and nodded, "I think I'm going to get along with you two quite well. I do it to get out and to live. Always I am surrounded by bodyguards and those who would protect me from experiencing life. My father means well but only my mother truly understands me, I suspect."

Nathanial nodded and leaned forward, extending his right hand in an offer of friendship. Bobo smirked again and raised his own right arm above the top of the table and let it land on the table. His arm ended in a stump perhaps 4 inches below his elbow. Nathanial's face paled then flooded red in embarrassment.

Bobo chuckled and extended his left hand, "Perhaps this one instead?" He asked good naturedly. Nathanial laughed away his awkwardness and met him, each gripping the other's forearm.

"Doesn't that make wielding a sword difficult?" Gregory asked. "I suppose you must be left handed because of it, but still, you fight backwards against most of your opponents, don't you?"

Bobo nodded, still smiling. "Puts them off balance. I have a few tricks up my sleeve as well. You will see them soon enough. Meet me at the docks in 4 days, look for theDolphinchaser. She's the finest ship in the Elven Navy and I'll have words with any man who says otherwise."

Gregory and Nathanial both nodded, standing up and bidding him a good day. They left the tavern scant moments before the barmaid approached the table with two jacks of ale in her hands. She looked around then looked at Bobo, who shrugged indifferently. "Will your friends be returning, Your Highness?" She asked.

Bobo looked at her for a minute before responding. "Friends? Well, perhaps they might just be. Time will tell."

The barmaid looked at him strangely, wondering what he was talking about. She was about to ask again when he seemed to come to his senses. "My apologies, Katarin, I was lost in thought. No, they will not be returning to this table tonight. Leave the ale though, I find myself thirsty."

Katarin smiled and put the two jacks in front of him, taking his empty one from him and disappearing back into the kitchen. Bobo raised the first tankard to his lips and pondered again that which was in store for him, as well as the two humans his parents had found to accompany him. It looked to be an adventure, and a damned sight more exciting then hunting pirates! Or whatever the buccaneers the Freewater Society secretly employed to harass shipping in ports not sanctioned by them called themselves.

Chapter 6

They had been at sea four days, sailing into the setting sun towards the chain of islands that made up the Chachopeyan Empire and beyond them another week to the mainland of Belurian. Already two ships had veered close until they could make out the sails identifying the ship and then veered away. Three others had been spotted as well, but they were either merchant ships or another caravel of the Elven Navy. Gregory and Nathanial, neither a stranger to traveling the ocean, were still impressed with the ease and grace that Bobo employed while helping out the crew on the ship. He seemed to not only know what and when to do things, but also every member of the crew. They treated him as one of their own.

It was two days into the voyage that Gregory had commented on it to Bobo, drawing a good natured laugh from him. He told them that he had served on theDolphinchaserfor 6 months during his two year stint in the Elven Navy, and that without exception theDolphinchaserwas his favorite ship. It was the finest crew and the fastest ship, without argue, he maintained. In no position to debate, both men had accepted him at face value.

Bobo also explained how he lost his hand while fighting pirates on board theDolphinchaser, and how he had recovered from it and had a hook fashioned on a sling that fit over his arm to help him maintain his usefulness. He had other tools too, but those the two would see in time.

They put in briefly at a small port town in the Chachopeyan Isles to resupply the ship, and were off before nightfall sailing again. It took nearly a total of two weeks before the ship sailed into the passage marked with buoys through the waters rife with volcanic reefs and managed to dock at Port Easton, the most south-eastern port town on Belurian.

From Port Easton they traveled by horseback to the west, heading down ancient roads created before any could remember. Any save a few select elves, that is. They passed three other towns, all smaller waypoints along the way, until a large swamp began to loom off to the left. The road skirted the northern edge of the swamp, and was traveled frequently enough that there were seldom any problems encountered. Fate smiled kindly upon the three adventurers this time as well, for they were nearly past it before Bobo pulled up sharply as they drew even with a strange rock formation clearly seen many miles to the south in the small mountain range that lay within the middle of the swamp.

"We go there," Bobo said, pointing through the swamp towards the mountains. "Thoragloorin lays within those mountains."

"Oh good, a swamp," Gregory said sarcastically. "Maybe I can make myself some gator skin boots by the time we come out... if I'm not eaten alive."

Bobo grinned at him and hopped off his horse, reaching into on of his saddlebags and pulling out a strange contraption neither Nathan or Gregory had yet seen. He slipped it on his arm and secured the buckles to it, then turned to face them. It was clearly a modified firepowder pistol, though with two barrels.

"It will do you little good to worry about alligators," Bobo said, still grinning. "There are far worse things that lay between us."

Gregory's mouth opened but no words came out. Bobo had turned and headed off towards the swamp, counting on them to catch up. "What did he mean, worse things?" Gregory asked Nathanial as the monk hopped off his own horse and adjusted his robes before hurrying after the half-elven prince.

"Come and find out, why don't you?" Nathanial said over his shoulder, taking care to follow Bobo's tracks as closely as he could.

They walked through increasingly damp ground until it became muddy and sucked at their feet. Nathanial lost his sandals to the muck in no time, finally giving up and wrapping them in a piece of cloth after washing them off in one of the many puddles of stagnant water that surrounded them and slipping them into a large pouch that hung from the rope he tied around his waist.

Soon the ground gave way to the swamp entirely, with only occasional mounds of earth rising above the water. Bobo kept them on a course where firmer ground lay only a few inches beneath the surface of the water. How he knew where to go baffled the other two men, they could only assume that it was either a property of his unique heritage or he had been counseled by Kelnozz.

Occasionally a nearby splash or a flutter of wings as a bird took to the sky startled them. Bobo glanced back at them one time, a very intent look on his face, and motioned them all to silence. Very stealthily he crept through the water and up to a nearby small hill that rose out of the water. He crouched behind some bushes and motioned for the other two to join him. Not as naturally talented at stealth as the Prince was, they nevertheless drew no attention to themselves when they crouched beside him. The inched up and looked over the edge the hill and around the gnarled roots of a half dead Cyprus tree, nearly gasping aloud at when they realized what it was Bobo was looking at.

Concealed by bushes and the murky water, a giant scaledthingwas laying in wait for its dinner. Several small fish gasped for air on the dry surface of the tiny isle the creature used for its trap. Some were already dead and others nearly there, their fate assured regardless of whether they returned to water or not. In the trees above several large birds hopped about, watching less then patiently and waiting for a sign that they could dive in on the feast below.

The true predator was over 20 feet long easily, but how long it was they could not tell for it's snakelike body trailed into the water and lay beneath the surface. It had several sets of legs, spaced evenly down it's length, allowing it to pull it's massive weight without dragging along the ground. It's head was large as well, large enough to bite a full grown man in half with a single chomp, though they had yet to see it open it's mouth to verify that it did indeed have millions of razor sharp teeth as they suspected.

Their wait was short lived, however. A bird finally grew impatient and fluttered down, grabbing a fish with its talons and trying to beat its wings to fly away quickly. The creature was faster though, and it rocketed forward catching the bird in its mouth and chewing on it only twice before swallowing it. Both men backed down from the small ridge and looked at each other, eyes wide. Another glance and they saw that the creature had returned to its hiding spot, waiting for another bird to descend. A few feathers floated softly to the ground, only now coming to rest.

Bobo motioned them away and led them back through the swamp to the trail, then quietly and slowly along it until at least 20 minutes and half a mile had passed. He pulled up short then and smiled at the two, who were looking back over their shoulder nervously.

"Frightened?" Bobo asked softly.

Gregory nodded, no attempt at false bravado present. Nathanial glanced back again before saying, "I fear no man or woman of this world, though perhaps I should, but what in the nine hells was that thing?"

"Cousin to a dragon I am told, a swamp-wyrm," Bobo explained. "Though that is the first I have seen. Rather impressive, I think."

"Impressive?" Gregory spat out, amazed at his calm behavior. "How would you even hope to kill such a thing?"

"Siege equipment," Nathanial said with a ghost of a grin. Bobo chuckled and nodded.

"Aye, that would be one way. I'm told either magic, a very sharp blade, or aiming for their eyes or mouth, where they are more vulnerable. That is the first I have seen of one, but this swamp is supposedly filled with them."

"So that would be theworsething you mentioned?" Gregory asked.

"One of them. When we get to the mountains there will be other threats, mountain-wyrms, similar to the swap-wyrm but smaller. Then there are the wyverns..."

Nathanial and Gregory looked at each other and just shook their heads. Silently the three of them continued, though all were more wary now then ever before.

They managed to emerge from the swamp unharassed. A few times in the distance Gregory or Nathan would have sworn they saw the ruins of an ancient building, but they never approached so were forced to remain uncertain. The swamp ended abruptly, the muddy ground climbing higher rapidly and drying out quickly. It rose into some low foothills and from there into mountains ahead of them. The unseen path Bobo led them down remained fairly level, though occasionally strewn with broken rocks that had fallen from great heights. It became apparent that at one point long ago it had been a major thoroughfare.

Shortly after they entered the mountains the ruins of a great gatehouse rose ahead of them. The walls that stretched to the nearby cliffs on either side had long since fallen into mounds of rubble, as had the gate itself. A lonely tower remained, itself only a few years from unrecognizable rubble. The scene was one of stillness, with the sun passing just beyond the easternmost ridge of the cliff and casting the valley into shadow.