The Girl Beneath the Skin


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While she was still wracked by spasms, I pushed her upwards so that her head was resting on the couch's arm, then I slid all the way down until my face was between her legs. She just lay there, completely unaware of what was happening to her, until she felt my tongue on her clit.

"AAAHHHHH!" she screamed, her whole body jerking upwards so strongly that, for a second, it left the surface of the couch entirely. I wrapped my arms around her buttocks and held on for dear life. I pushed my tongue as far into her as I could, and I marveled at the muscles of her cunt clutching at it, contracting rhythmically. "Unghhh! Unghh!" she grunted. I went back to her clit, giving it long, slow, hard licks, moving from the bottom to the top, tasting her dripping, gushing juices. It was as if her body was being wracked by powerful jolts of electricity. Her fingers were in my hair again, and she was trying to pull me back away from her.

"Please," she said, in a groaning whisper. "Oh, please, Tim. I can't take any more! Tim, please!"

Reluctantly, I stopped and moved back up again, until our faces were even. "I have been programmed to ignore your pleading protests," I told her, grinning.

Her chest was heaving, gasping. She tried valiantly to bring her breathing under control. "This has gone all wrong," she told me. "I'm supposed to be pleasing YOU. This is only about YOU! You're supposed to be using me ... using me any way you want!"

"I'm using you EXACTLY the way I want," I told her honestly, and I kissed her again hard, forcing my tongue back into her mouth. But it didn't last long, since I sensed that she was getting very short of breath. When I relinquished the kiss, she panted and gasped, her chest pressing into my own.

She searched my face. "I've never tasted myself," she told me quietly, breathlessly. "Tim, tell me what to do! Tell me what you want me to do!"

"Touch me," I ordered.

Her hand immediately went down between us, and she wrapped her small, slender fingers around my shaft. She began pumping it frantically.

"Hey! Slow down," I told her. She looked imploringly at me. We were very close, our noses touching. "Be gentle. We've got all night."

As soon as I complained, she had pulled her hand away from me. Tentatively, she grasped me again, much too tenderly, as if she was afraid to touch it at all. I gave her a rather patient, patronizing look.

When she saw it, tears welled in her left eye. "I'm awful at this, aren't I?" she whispered. "I used to do this to my boyfriend. I wouldn't let him make love to me, so I did this for him when I knew he was especially frustrated. And he'd always gush right away, almost as soon as I started. But I was doing it all wrong, wasn't I?" She sobbed. "Tell me what to do! I'll do anything for you! Anything!"

"Slide down and look at it," I told her gently. "I think you're afraid of it. Look at it and get to know it."

Quickly, in an almost comical effort to please me, she slid down until her face was even with my cock. Again, she wrapped her fingers around the shaft and began to stroke it up and down, slowly at first, then more rapidly, then slowly again. "I've never really seen one before," she told me.


She stroked a few more times, then shifted her attention to my balls. "It was always dark when we went parking in his car." I tilted my head back against the arm of the couch and moaned gently. "You want me to suck it, don't you?" she continued.

"Only if you want to," I gasped. My breathing was getting a little beyond my control.

In a second, her lips were around my cock, and she was sucking on me. "I've never done this," she said, looking back up at my face. "Tell me how!"

"Try different things," I breathed. "I'll tell you what I like best."

She pushed her mouth down, scraping her teeth along both sides of my shaft. I jerked a little, but didn't complain. Then she started licking it, full length, like an all-day lollipop. "Ohhh. That's nice," I moaned. She did that for awhile longer, then began bobbing her sucking lips up and down rapidly around the head. "Mmmm. That's really great, Jenny!"

Her mouth was a warm, wet, soft, sucking machine that kept shifting gears, fast then slow. She kept experimenting, and I got the impression that she was actually having a lot of fun at my shuddering expense. First, she gave me a gentle little nip with her teeth, but abandoned that tack when I jerked violently. When she sucked the shaft as far into her steamy mouth as she could, I couldn't help but groan in ecstasy, and I felt my cock swell and lurch involuntarily. She took that as a good sign, and kept it up for several long seconds, before trying the next thing. Eventually, she was sucking hard on just the head, while stroking me slowly but firmly with her right hand and gently squeezing my balls with her left. That's when I almost lost it.

I reached down and grasped her by both shoulders, pulling her up to me. Her mouth parted from my cock with a wet "pop," and she struggled a bit, trying to maintain her task. When I had her face even with mine again, I kissed her, and this time, without hesitation, she threw her arms around my neck and passionately returned my ardor. When our lips finally parted, she kept clutching me.

"Why didn't you let me finish?" she implored. "You were all ready to cum, weren't you? You were going to gush into my mouth, weren't you?"

My breathing was labored, and I couldn't keep the hint of brutality out of my voice when I answered. I was trying to maintain control over my body with sheer will power, but I somehow knew I was about to lose that entirely. "Jenny, I'm going to take you now," I told her flatly.

"Oh," she said in a small voice. "Yes. Yes, you should."

"It's like you put a beast inside me," I said through clenched teeth.

She smile affectionately and stroked the hair along the side of my face. "And you've been keeping the beast bottled up inside until now because you wanted to please me first," she said softly.

I pushed her back and shifted her around until she was lying flat on the couch. I worked my legs between hers. "I'm afraid I'm going to hurt you," I said. My heart was pounding, my breath ragged and strained, my muscles taught.

"Yes," she said quietly, looking up at me. "But I want you to, Tim. I'm ready for you. I've never been more ready for anything in my whole life."

My body was between her spread legs now, and without further hesitation, I pushed it upward toward her. She's a small girl, and I'm a pretty big guy, so in that position, her face was well below my own. It takes a little maneuvering to get things lined up when lovers are of vastly different sizes. My cock slipped moistly past its target until it was resting on her tummy. I pulled back and tried again with no more success.

"Help me!" I groaned.

She reached down between us and wrapped her little hand around my rigid pole, then she bent it downward until I was finally lined up properly. I began pushing in, and she let go, throwing both arms around my body, burying the side of her face into my neck, and she let out a long, moaning "Oooohhh!"

I should have stopped. I should have let her rest, so that she could take me into herself by degrees. I should have been more considerate and responsive to her needs. But suddenly, all I could think about was the necessity of fulfilling my most primal need. At least I didn't impale her with an immediate quick thrust ... but I couldn't get myself to let up on the pressure. I just kept pushing into her, slowly, relentlessly, more and more, inch after inch, until I was fully imbedded in her body. Her chest was heaving against mine, and each exhale produced a moaning little "Mmmmph!"

I pulled out of her half way, rather rapidly, but I kept my forward thrusts slow, steady, strong, and I paused several beats between them. "Oh!" she exclaimed during each thrust. "Mmmmph! Mmmmph!" she breathed in the interim. I was beginning to pick up the tempo, her exclamations keeping pace. But I still wanted to delay ... just a little longer; and after a particularly strong forward thrust, I pushed myself upward on my hands so that I could look down on her.

Instinctively, she raised her good eye toward me. "Mmmmph! Ohhh! Oh, Tim! You're so deep! You're so deep ... inside ... me! Mmmmph! Don't stop! Please don't stop!"

And so I began again. Slow, even, steady strokes in, rapid withdrawal, gradually increasing in rhythm ... progressively increasing ... constantly increasing ... always increasing .... And with an animal howl that I didn't know I was capable of producing, I clutched her small body to mine, thrust as far into her as I could, and erupted. It seemed to go on forever. Just as I thought I was through, my cock would jerk again, sending a wonderful tingle through my balls, the muscles deep inside me clutching and triggering yet another satisfying spasm throughout my whole body.

Eventually, with a final moan, I rolled to the side and looked down at my secretary. She, however, half rolled with me, so that my cock remained inside her. "Are you okay, Jenny?" I asked, trying desperately to control my breathing.

"Yes," she said in a small, meek voice.

"Did I hurt you?" I implored, worried now. I'd really lost control for a minute there.

But she smiled up at me, maintained eye contact for a few seconds, and then looked back down at my chest. Idly, she began playing with my chest hair. "Yes, it hurt a little. Not much, though." She was quiet for a long minute, while she traced patterns on my chest. Relaxing, almost floating, I began running two fingers through her lush hair. "That was the most intimate thing that's ever happened to me," she continued, not looking up. "For twenty-six years, I denied myself to all men. And then ... and then it was too late. I didn't think any man would ever want to do that to me, ever again. I thought I'd die without ever having experienced that. For months now, I've been chastising myself for not letting it happen ... before. But now ... now, I'm glad I waited." Finally, she looked up at me and smiled brightly. "I'm glad I waited for you."

She slung her arm up and across my chest, tucked it under her face and rested her chin on it, smiling up at me. "Are you enjoying your one-night-stand, Tim?"

"One-night-stand," I repeated slowly.

The smile didn't leave her lips. "Yep. One night of completely guilt-free sex, compliments of a deep-set posthypnotic suggestion. All you have to do is just relax, and in the morning, you don't have to have any feelings about it at all. And when we come to work on Monday, we'll act as if nothing happened. I'll never tell a soul about this, you have my word. But Tim, if you ever want me to take you back into a hypnotic trance, all you have to do is ask me. And ... if you're ever feeling ... you know ... really lonely, or if you ever feel like you just NEED a sexual release, then I'll always be here for you. And you have my pledge that I will NEVER try to take advantage of you or tie you down. You have my solemn word."

"One-night-stand," I said again.

"Yes." She began running a finger around my chest again. "But ... you did it again, you know. You're always doing it."

"What is IT that I'm always doing?" I asked, feigning exasperation.

"Every time I try to do something for nice YOU, you turn it all around and make it into something really nice for ME," she said. "You're ALWAYS doing it. Anything I try to do in the office, even the really little things, you always notice and praise me for it. I did a little extra math for your stupid contract, and suddenly you want to take it upon yourself to make me rich. I decide to sacrifice my virginity to make you happy for an evening, and you go and turn it into just about the best night of my whole life!"

I pulled away from her so that my cock finally slipped out of her dripping cunt. Then I moved her so that we were both sitting next to each other on the edge of the couch, facing the center of the office. In this new pose, she evidently felt suddenly exposed and shy. She covered her breasts with her hands and blushed, but finally realized that after sharing such an intimate tryst, there was no need for modesty, so she let her hands fall to her lap. She sat silently, looking down at them.

"One-night-stand," I muttered.

"Well, the night isn't over yet," she said quietly, almost to herself. "Unless you want it to be. I understand how you might feel. I'll go home, if you want me to. I won't be upset. I understand completely. It really doesn't matter ...."

I stood up abruptly, and she fell silent. I just stood there for a long ten seconds, then I pushed the coffee table savagely away, stepped resolutely in front of her, facing her, fell to my knees and took her hands in mine. She just stared at me for a moment, and then her eyes widened in shock and she began trying to pull her hands free.

"Tim! What in the world do you think you're doing? Get up!"

"Marry me, Jenny," I said.

She barked a laugh. "Okay, great joke, Tim. Now, get up!" She tugged at her hands, but I wouldn't let go.

"You should be taking this a little more seriously," I chided. "Years from now, our children are going to be sitting beside you in our living room looking at the fireplace, and they're going to say 'Tell us about when Daddy proposed to you, Mommy.' And you're going to think back dreamily and say 'Well, it was in Daddy's office, and we were both bare-ass naked.'"

She threw back her head and laughed merrily. I thought it sounded musical.

"Marry me, Jenny," I implored.

Still smiling and chuckling, she stood up. Above me now, she had more leverage, and she was finally able to pull her hands out of my grasp. "You're a certifiable idiot! Get up, Tim!"

But I threw my arms around her hips and pressed the side of my face into her soft, smooth, flat stomach. She laughed again and began stroking her fingers through my hair.

"Mr. Grant, I will not marry you. You have given me a wonderful evening, but now, I must take my leave of you."

"Negotiations are only beginning, and quite frankly, you don't stand a chance. I'm a professional. In surprisingly short order, I will have closed the deal."

She kept stroking my hair, and when I looked up at her, I found her returning my gaze with intimate tenderness. "And what kind of deal do you think we're negotiating?"

"It's just a simple merger agreement. Practically open and shut. There are only two terms. Why don't you concede? All you have to do is sign on the dotted line and say 'I do.'"

She tried to smile, but suddenly she couldn't. In fact, she looked a little panicked. But she kept stroking my hair as she replied: "And what, exactly, are the two terms?"

"I will always be your knight," I told her seriously. "And you will always be my queen."

She blinked down at me. The tears began. "Where do you get all these lines?" she asked with faux levity. "Is there a book of them on one of these shelves, or are you just making this stuff up as you go along?"

"Marry me, Jenny."

"Tim, don't! Please don't do this to me! You know how I feel! Even if you felt that way, too, we couldn't! We Couldn't! You'd be committing professional suicide! I'd be an impossible burden to you. They say that behind every good man there's a good woman; but with an UGLY woman behind you, you'd be ruined!"

"I've never wanted any woman behind me," I told her with utmost sincerity. "I need a woman BESIDE me. One who doesn't just expect me to provide for her ... one who will fight WITH me. One who understands my sacrifices, and isn't afraid to make sacrifices herself. You went to the trouble of somehow finding out my deepest, darkest secret fantasy, and you made it happen! And I can't WAIT for you to do it again ... and again and again. But more than anything else, tonight you gave me just about the only thing of value you had left in life to give. I need you, Jenny. I love you."

The tears were coming pretty hard now, but she still didn't stop stroking my face and hair. "I'm never going to be pretty, Tim. You can take that million dollars, and you can buy me all of the plastic surgery in the world, but I'll never be pretty again. And people DO matter. What they see and think and whisper about behind your back DOES matter."

"No ... no, they don't. Some of them, people like Grinsworth, might look with disdain, but they'll never SEE the girl that I see. They'll never see the girl beneath the skin. They won't even try. And those people aren't worth arguing with. We can handle them, Jenny." I took a deep breath. "Look, I can't change the world. I can't eliminate all the cruelty and injustice and prejudice. And for the rest of your life, you may have to face that. But after tonight, you'll never have to face it alone."

There comes a time in the life of a business negotiating session when everyone suddenly realizes that the deal is set. The atmosphere changes. People stop thinking in terms of IF, and start thinking in terms of HOW, instead. Questions still remain; many, many questions. But the biggest question of all has been settled. Oh, it might not have been verbalized yet, but everyone knows what that answer is.

Jenny slowly slipped down and down until she was on her knees in front of me, and she threw her arms around me and clutched me tightly to herself.

"Marry me." I whispered in her ear.

"Oh, Tim. Oh, gosh, Tim ...."

"If you don't, I won't make love to you again tonight," I threatened.

She laughed through her tears. "Well, now you're REALLY fighting dirty!"

And I knew had her.

Damn, but I'm a good salesman!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Holy Shitsky, Batman!! You can freakin’ WRITE. Keep. It. UP!! Please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I came for porn , but found instead great literature . A lovely wonderful and tender fairytale.Thank you so much.

BobLee7BobLee7over 1 year ago

I think I’m not going to read for a few days so I can soak in the essence of this one.

Thank you.

stewartbstewartbabout 2 years ago

Great story ... there seems to still be enough "knights" around to still keep the world turning round and round!!!

hazelnut_littlehazelnut_littleabout 2 years ago

It wasn't erotica. But damn me to Hell and back if this isn't the most beautiful thing I've ever read. I loved it, you are very talented.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This guy's a pretty good writer. I've read a couple of his stories, and he's outstanding. Great plots. Excellent descriptions. None of the purple prose seen in so many other stories on Literotica. I'm going to read some more of his work.

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassabout 3 years ago

I only happened onto this story because someone posted in Authors' Hangout they were looking for another story like this one. Now I'm glad I looked up the story. One of the best LIT stories I've read--and I've read a lot. Well done and easily worth ten stars!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
These lines, honest and powerful.

Some of them, people like Grinsworth, might look with disdain, but they'll never SEE the girl that I see. They'll never see the girl beneath the skin. They won't even try. And those people aren't worth arguing with. We can handle them, Jenny.

"Look, I can't change the world. I can't eliminate all the cruelty and injustice and prejudice. And for the rest of your life, you may have to face that. But after tonight, you'll never have to face it alone.

kendo1kendo1almost 5 years ago

Great story, wish it had been longer...

I was really enjoying that

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Amazingly good

Honestly, most of the stuff on here, I just skip. The stuff that’s tolerable makes me wince even though I read it to .. you know. But this was wonderful. Well written, beautifully emotional. Thank you for such a great story and THANK YOU for the simple inclusion that there is a line between fantasy and real life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Oh man you make me cry

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Shit, dude.

I come to this website to wank, not to feel. Beautifully written - I actually forgot it was a mind control story until the hypnosis bit, this really should be in Romance or something.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
One of the best stories I've read on this site

This is amazing! Please continue this story line, I want to hear what happens with Jenny and Tim. I quite enjoyed your imagination and style of writing ❤

kinkymousekinkymouseover 7 years ago

I felt very sorry for Jenny, how misfortune lined up on her one after another despite being highly qualified. Her plight made my eyes moist. Creating such feelings in the reader shows how realistically this story is written.Hope to read more such stories from you.

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