The Girl from Nepal Ch. 03

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Kurlack is sent to Earth.
2.7k words

Part 4 of the 12 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 09/22/2007
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Bas started to disrobe. Watching Jagati's beautiful eyes devour him, he knew he'd chosen wisely. He'd manipulated Aakil into choosing 'this' body for him. After he'd pointed out to Aakil how Jagati had recognized her own countrymen, he'd no problem with placing Bas inside this particular body. And somehow this body feels right. In my dreams I've seen myself as such a being.

"Bas, what are you doing?"

"Getting ready for slumber. I find the clothing uncomfortable. I can see why you always choose to sleep in the nude." He slipped his pants off, then straightening, he stood before her in just his under shorts. He reached for the waistband on them, when she grabbed his hand.

"Ah, I don't think that's a wise idea, Bas." Her cheeks reddened.

"Is something wrong, chhetri?"

"I can't ... you can't sleep like that with me. I understand you feel the need to keep an eye on me, but I've never slept next to a nude man before."

He watched as a rosy blush crossed her almond-colored skin. He smiled with pleasure as he realized she found this body just as attractive as he found hers. His little warrior was nervous about them being together in the same bed as if she wasn't sure of her self-control. It's not much but I can build on her obvious desire for this body.

"I'll leave the shorts if it makes it easier for you, Jagati."

"Ah, yes, please, I would appreciate that." She slipped her own shoes off. She reached for the t-shirt that was hanging out of her open bag. She grabbed it and a clean pair of undies before darting into the connected bath.

Bas smiled as he sat down on the bed to wait for her. He was looking forward to holding his precious girl in his arms all night.

* * * *

"Get off, Kurlack! You weigh a ton!" Queen Silva stroked a hand down his heavily muscled back, before swatting him on his well-toned ass.

He smiled before rolling off of her lazily. He scratched his chest as he stared up at the ceiling.

"Satisfied?" she asked him sharply. He stiffened next to her before rolling on his side to face her.

"With you, Mistress? Always."

"Good. I've a job for you, Kurlack. I'm sending you to Earth. You're to hunt down the chhetri and kill him."

He schooled his features to keep the shock off his face. He hadn't expected her to order the chhetri's death. He knew why she was angry. He'd received a call from Silva's advisor, Josja before she had arrived. The man seemed to enjoy tormenting him. Josja knew in her anger, Silva would be more brutal and easier to provoke into lashing out at her pleasurer. In fact Josja lived for the rare times Kurlack failed because he knew Silva would hand him over to the sadistic advisor.

Josja relished in telling him about the fool Earthling who'd released the chhetri. Kurlack had heard the tales of the ancient warrior who'd been imprisoned on Earth because he'd spurned the affections of Silva's mother, the former Queen of Starklin. He wouldn't want to be the poor unfortunate fool who'd made that particular blunder. Silva wasn't a very merciful queen. His back bore bruised testament to that fact, and it was only one of her minor punishments.

"You don't want him sent back into the machine?"

"No, I won't take the chance on the bastard won't escaping again. I don't know what possessed my mother to place him in that blasted machine when death would've been much better." She rose from the bed, closing her robe, once again the royal queen.

"I'm going into refresh myself. I expect you to be gone when I return, Kurlack."

He rolled out of the bed.

"Oh, and one more thing, Kurlack. Take the soiled sheets with you. I won't sleep on sheets smelling of you."

"Yes, your Majesty." He yanked the sheets off the bed, kicking them into a pile before replacing them with clean linens from the chest at the foot of her bed. He worked quickly. He didn't want to be present when she returned.

* * * *

Jagati stared at her reflection in the mirror. She could see the rosy flush that still filled her face. Pressing her hands to her warm cheeks, she tried to give herself a serious pep talk. She needed to get control of herself. Just because Bas was showing interest in her, didn't mean she'd do anything about it. Despite his protests to the contrary I know he'll either be returned to the machine or be killed fighting to stay free. That's if Anderson doesn't kill him outright for disobeying a direct order.

"Get a hold of yourself, Jagati. He's only a computer." She tried to reassure herself as the pain of leaving him a second time tore through her. It had taken all of her willpower to leave him the first time but she'd known at the time she couldn't take him with her. Since he was in a body now, she didn't have to leave him behind; it'd be so tempting to take him on the run with her. She knew he would protect her with everything he had. He was simply programmed that way. She sighed as she slowly undressed, then tossing her dirty clothes in a pile, she reached for the soft t-shirt and drew it on over her head.

She briefly contemplated abandoning the panties but decided it would be against her better judgment. If Bas had to wear his underwear to bed, she could suffer the same indignity. Why place temptation in our path? She stepped into the silky underwear - her one concession to vanity. She could care less about her outer clothes, but she'd always longed for the caress of silk against her skin, especially for the most intimate areas of her body.

Shutting off the light, she opened the bathroom door and walked out into the dark bedroom. She could tell that Bas was already lying in the bed by his large outline. He'd left only one light on. She stopped next to the bed and stared down at him.

"Come to bed, Jagati. I can see how tired you are." Bas's voice whispered to her out of the darkness. Steeling herself to resist temptation, she crawled into bed and yanked the sheets up to her chin.

"Good night." She squeezed her eyes shut.

Bas rolled onto his side and watched as Jagati clenched the edge of the sheet in between her fingers. He slid his hand over to rest on top of hers. She let out a soft sigh as the tension crept out of her fingers.

"Relax, chhetri. I'll watch over you." He listened to her breathing even out and knew she'd fallen asleep.

Keeping his hand over hers, he stared up at the ceiling as he drank in the feeling of contentment. It'd been an elusive feeling since she'd left him. In retrospect, he realized he was happy to have her with him. Regardless of 'who' had sent him, Jagati was his. She'll always be mine to protect and love.

When she turned over and wrapped one arm around his waist and slipped one thigh between his, he drew in a quick breath. And to desire, he thought as her delicate scent filled his nostrils. His cock grew hard and he knew it was going to be a long night, but there wasn't any other place he'd rather be.

* * * *

He stared at the woman in front of him. In his many centuries as the protector of the Starklin, he'd served many queens. Unlike her mother before, there was no kindness in Sarith. She was spoiled and expected every citizen to give her everything she desired. When she'd set her sights on him - the most ancient of their protectors, he'd known she was going to throw a royal tantrum. Because there was no way he'd ever forsake his vow of protection to become 'her consort' .

As tradition required, he'd taken a vow of chastity until his mate was found. His vowed duty was to the people and the continuation of their race - he was to watch over them, to observe and protect, but never have any romantic involvement with them. He'd been born a Starklinian, but had been transformed from an ordinary man to a being of immortal life and unbelievable strength.

"You're refusing to become my consort!" the queen screamed.

"Your Majesty, my duty is to the people of Starklin, not to just its queen." He stood impassively in front of the irate queen.

"You cannot refuse me. I'm the queen!" She rushed at him. He grabbed her hands as she tried to hit him.

"I'm deeply sorry, Queen Sarith, but I'm totally devoted to our people. My sacred vows will not allow me to be your consort or any other woman's," he said gently before releasing her.

"You'll pay for this, Aathi Chhetri! I'll make you pay for this insult! You'll regret the day you refused me!" He winced as he closed the door behind him.

Bas awoke with a jerk. He rolled over and drew Jagati into his arms. The dream was so disturbing, it scared him. It's as if I'm somehow connected to this immortal being.


Her sleepy voice gave him a sense of acceptance.

"Shh, chhetri. Go back to sleep." He pressed a gentle kiss against her temple. She sighed and snuggled closer to him before her breathing evened out again. He wished sleep would be as forthcoming for him, but he was still staring at the ceiling when the pink streaks of dawn started to pour in their bedroom window.

* * * *

Silva stood in the chamber watching as the technicians prepared Kurlack for his journey. As she watched them, she was ripped back to the time she was a little girl and watched the chhetri being prepared to be exiled...

He fought his bonds as he was dragged towards the silver sphere in the center of the medical bay.

"You won't get away with this, Sarith! Once the elders find out what you have done..." He was drug ever-forward by the guards.

"My dear chhetri, who do you think approved this?" She touched the his cheek, before the attendants began to strap him into the sphere.

"I'll come back and have my revenge! You'll regret the day you attempted this foolishness!"

Gone was the protector of Starklin. In his place was the warrior who'd been awoken.

"I highly doubt that," Sarith said with a tight smile. "You see where I am sending you, you'll never be able to return."

"Where are you sending me?"


He paled before using a burst of strength to free one of his arms. Earth was a part of the parallel universe to Starklin. They'd known of Earth's existence, but only a very few had traveled there due to the dangers during transport. More than one Starklinian had died trying to reach Earth.

"That's a certain death sentence! You should've just killed me."

"Now, why would I do that, my dear chhetri? I want you to suffer."

"Because, if there is a way, I will return. Whether there or here, I'll retain my immortality. When I find my way back, you and you're family will die!"

"Highly unlikely, chhetri. I have prepared the appropriate prison for you. Once you arrive on Earth, you'll find yourself trapped inside a machine and will never be able to return..."

"Your Highness, we're ready to proceed." The technician interrupted her long ago-memories.

"Good. Come, Kurlack. I want to go with you to give you a few last minute instructions."

Kurlack nodded as he approached the silver sphere with trepidation. They'd made much progress in the last twenty-five years, but it was still risky to attempt the journey to Earth; accidents still occurred even if they were less frequent.

"Are we clear on what your mission is?"

"Yes, your Highness, you want me to find the chhetri and kill him," Kurlack replied flatly.

"Yes. If he returns to Starklin, it'll be disastrous."

"Yes, your Highness."

"Good. Do be careful, Kurlack. The chhetri has been trapped in a machine for over twenty-five years. He's bound to be pissed! Even on Earth, he's a powerful being."

Kurlack nodded reluctantly as he was strapped into the sphere.

"Finally, my dear Kurlack, I wish I would've asked your brother to join us. This is going to be painful, and you do know how watching you writhe in pain effects me. It makes me so horny."

"You gave me your word! I've submitted to everything you've asked of me and you swore you'd leave him alone! " Anger swept across his handsome face.

"I lied. After you're gone he'll be the one to replace you in my bed." Silva chuckled as she turned and left the room.

Kurlack stared at the attendant with fury in his gaze.

"Release me!"

"You know I can't do that, Kurlack. She'll kill my family if I do." The attendant's defeated expression told it's own story.

It's no good for me to plead with them for my release. Silva's terrorized everyone of them.

"Then tell me what's going to happen to me."

"For us to transport you to Earth, we have to separate your soul from your body. For a soul to cross the rift, it can not be contained by a body. We'll be running a high voltage current through you until your body releases your soul. Your soul will attach to the metal sphere, which we'll launch into the rift between the two planets and dimensions. The metal sphere will be drawn to the magnetic pull of Earth's core. Our division on the other side will retrieve your sphere and then transplant your soul into a human body on Earth."

"Fuck!" He watched the technician start to flip various switches on the console on the other side of the room.

He glared across the room at the glass wall. I know that bitch is watching, and she'll even probably have that sadistic bastard advisor with her. I hope he fucks her in the ass! His body convulsed as the first surge of electricity struck him.

* * * *

Silva stood behind the thick glass with her advisor Josja. She smiled savagely as Kurlack's body convulsed. Desire flooded her loins. She turned to Josja.

"Attend me, Josja." She lifted her robe and bent over, pressing her hands against the glass.

Josja paled. His preference was men but his queen didn't care if he got pleasure or not.

Silva looked over her shoulder at him and knew he hated every time she made him fuck her. Glancing back as Kurlack continued to convulse, she threw the advisor a bone. She needed to be fucked right now!

"You can pretend it's Kurlack you're fucking! Now fuck my ass!"

Lust flared high in Josja's eyes as he reached for his heavy belt.

Within moments, the queen was squealing her pleasure as she watched the final convulsions shake Kurlack's now lifeless body. Buried deep in her ass, Josja hammered her as hard as he could, growling Kurlack's name as he exploded inside of her.

As they straightened their clothing, Silva watched as the attendant's launched the sphere into the rift.

"Let's hope he succeeds." Josja came to stand next to her, once more his clothing impeccable.

"He'd better. If the chhetri returns, it'll spell certain death for the both of us."

Josja nodded.

"I've spoken with the team on Earth and they know your explicit instructions. They're going to place the behavior modification module in Kurlack's new brain before they transplant his soul. He may be angry, but there'll be nothing he can do about."

"Good." They exited the observation room.

"I've also instructed them to reinforce your will with severe pain. Therefore any time he tries to fight the module, he'll feel pain that'll only become stronger the longer he resists your will."

Silva turned and looked over at her stout advisor.

"I do like the way your mind works, Josja."

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PrincessErinPrincessErinabout 16 years ago

A very creative story. Can't wait to read the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Love this story!!! can't wait for more!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Healer's touch

i think that this story is great. i also think that you should add more to the healer's touch series. i just read that, and it rocked.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Love it!

More please! Great story! Thanks!!

GAnnEGAnnEabout 16 years ago
A 31st century romance?

The theme is based in the 31st century and yet isn't beyond mere human you have a real machine with a genuine soul; add more evil villians to try and stop progress - or true love - and DT delivers again! YES we are all looking forward to your forthcoming chapters!

marexotic18marexotic18about 16 years ago

Love your stories! Can't wait for more of this one, its amazing!!

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