The House on Wilshire Road


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"Yes my sweet, I'm still here". He began lighting the torches that were mounted to the walls around the room, dimly illuminating Jasmine's surroundings. "Are you OK? Are you comfortable in this position", he asked as he softly caressed her bare breasts from behind, pinching the nipples lightly?

"Mmm, yes. I'm fine as long as you're here".

"Great. Jasmine, I want to play a little game with you. Are you up to it", Bruce walked around to stand in front of her, his fingers still fondling her hard nipples as he awaited her answer. He knew she'd say yes, he just wanted to hear her verbalize it.

"Umm, what kind of game? How can I play if you have me tied up", she said, sounding a bit hesitant.

"Ahh, my sweet. You are so innocent. This will be so much fun", he chuckled as he bent to take her protruding nipple between his teeth. He bit down lightly on the sensitive nub causing her to recoil from the slight pain. He reached between her legs and pinched her nether lips roughly, pushing the thong panties aside hastily as he did.

"Hey, that hurt. I don't think I want to do this anymore. Untie me, I don't want to play if it is going to hurt". Jasmine's voice shook as she spoke, a sudden fear shot through her like lightening.

"What are you going to do about it?" Bruce laughed loudly before he bit down again, harder this time. "Seems to me that no one will hear you scream, and don't even think about trying it or I'll be forced to use this", he held up a handkerchief and swung it back and forth in front of her face, smiling wickedly.

Jasmine's eyes started to burn as tears welled up and softly streaked her cheeks. She noticed how dark Bruce's eyes looked now. The bright sparkle had all but faded, and his smile, once so welcoming now looked twisted into a scowl. Her heart raced, "What's going on, why are you doing this to me", she sobbed?

"Why...why am I doing this to you? Oh, that's right, you don't really know who I am", he retorted sarcastically. "Well, let's get to our little game and I'll see what I can do to give you some answers". He walked behind her and slapped her bare ass, his hand stinging the supple flesh when it made contact.

Jasmine gasped and sobbed harder when he slapped her bare cheeks, she thrust her hips forward trying to escape the blows that came one after the other. He spanked her tender bottom ten times before stopping and coming to face her once again.

Using the handkerchief, he wiped the tears from her reddened face, "Awe, come on now. Surely it wasn't that bad, my sweet. You must have found at least some pleasure in that"? He leaned into her and kissed her hard on the mouth, sucking at her lower lip and pulling at it with his teeth when she tried to turn away from him. "Here is how our game is going to be played. You will give me a pleasure and I will give you an answer. If you refuse me it will be painful, if you play along it will be pleasurable for both of us. Let's begin". Bruce reached for her pert nipple and started rolling it between his thumb and finger. He applied just enough pressure without causing pain.

Jasmine's body betrayed her as he fondled her breasts, she moaned softly in spite of herself, in spite of her mounting fear. She wanted to scream, but like he said, who would hear her? They were miles away from anyone. She was shocked to find that although she was scared to death she was getting wet from his touch. How could this be happening she asked herself?

"Okay", Jasmine sniffed, the tears still streaming down her face, "Who are you? You said I really didn't know you, so tell me"?

"Alright, fair enough question, but first my pleasure. He bent forward and kissed her deeply, his tongue snaking past her lips and probing the dark cavern of her mouth. He sensed her relenting as she returned the kiss. His hands cupped her breasts and squeezed them tenderly while he dined on her mouth. Suddenly he pulled away, releasing her weighty mounds from his grip.

"I am Martin Burrows, named for my great-great grandfather. My adoptive parents named me Bruce Billings. Now, another pleasure for me and then another answer for you", he smiled wickedly as he dropped to his knees in front of her.

Jasmine's pulse pounded wildly in her head as she tried with all her might to remember where she had heard that name before, Martin Burrows. Her concentration was lost when she felt him slowly slip a finger along the outer lips of her pussy. She fought to keep her hips still when he pushed past the inner lips and into her wet sheath. She moaned as he moved his finger in and out of her several times and then gasped in protest when he withdrew it all together. Why was she still so aroused by him, she thought to herself, especially when he was treating her this way?

Bruce looked up at her from his position on the floor; he sucked his finger into his mouth and moaned low in his throat as he tasted her juices. He started to unbutton his shirt while giving her permission to ask her next question.

"Why were you put up for adoption"? Jasmine didn't even try to hide the quaver of her voice as she spoke this time. Though she wasn't thrilled with the game at first, she knew that she was going to have to ask another question in order for him to give her more pleasure. Why she even still wanted him to she didn't know.

"My parents couldn't afford to have a baby when I was born, they weren't ready, so they put me up for adoption when I was only a few months old". Bruce pulled his shirt over of his shoulders and off of his arms. "They had my sister three years later. You know, I think you like this game", he said as he pulled her by the hips closer to his face. He inhaled deeply, making a scene of breathing in her musky scent before he slid his tongue across her moist lips, tasting her nectar.

Jasmine groaned loudly and tried to buck her hips against his masterful tonguing. She tried to get him to delve his tongue deep into her and lick her harder. But Bruce refrained from giving her too much, he drug his tongue softly over her clit, barely touching her, pushing her hips back when she thrust forward. He was keeping her on the edge, keeping her hungry for more.

"Okay, my turn", she announced, trying to sound confident and calm. "Do I know your sister? What is her name"?

"Ah, my sweet, that's two questions, you'll have to save one for the next time", Bruce stood and walked behind her, rubbing his hand over the tiny white welts that had been left from his spanking. Knowing she could take a few more whacks without really hurting her he brought his hand down across her bottom hard and fast. Jasmine groaned and a scream caught in her throat.

"Ouu, you said it wouldn't hurt if I played along", why are you spanking me"?

"Oh you know you like it and it gives me pleasure to see you squirm", he laughed. While he stood behind her he unzipped his pants and let them fall to the floor around his ankles. She was getting close to the million-dollar question and he wanted to be inside of her when she asked it. She was the perfect height for him to penetrate her in this position. He guided his cock between her legs, slowly rubbing the head against her clit, lubricating it with her dripping juices. Moving back and forth he let the head rest against the opening of her warm sheath. As he thrust himself into her hard, making her gasp from the force, he answered her first question.

Groaning with pleasure, holding her hips tightly, he whispered in her ear, "Yes my sweet, you know my sister. You know her very well in fact". He pounded into Jasmine wildly, thrusting over and over, pulling her onto him by her hips. "Ask your next question or I will stop", he said through clenched teeth.

Jasmine was overcome with lust, with the violent torrent of thrust that Bruce was unleashing on her. It was no longer against her will that he fucked her, she was now playing along of her own choice, she wanted it, wanted it as badly as she had wanted anything before this. She moaned and twisted her pussy against him, urging him to drive deeper into her. Panting she finally asked the next question to insure that he wouldn't stop.

"What is your sister's name", a scream caught in her throat as he thrust up into her hard, pushing her forward and causing her wrist and ankles to strain against their bonds. It seemed that that question excited him immensely, driving him to punish her sopping cunt more feverishly.

Breathing hard Bruce put his mouth next to her ear as he continued his assault on her clenching pussy. "Her name is Jasmine", he grunted loudly, pistoning hard in and out of her.

Immediately Jasmine put two and two together and the name, Martin Burrows, came to her in a flash. He was indeed her great-great grandfather as well. "Oh my god, no, it can't be. STOP, please stop. How can you do this to me? How can you do this knowing I'm your sister? She twisted and struggled against him trying to make him stop fucking her but his grip was strong and nothing she did made any difference other than to urge him on. She went limp against her bonds and hung there, sobbing as he pounded into her with more eagerness than before. And even after he told her that she was his sister she couldn't help enjoy still having him inside of her. She couldn't keep her hips from grinding into him. The harder he pushed the more she wanted it. She moaned louder and began bucking her hips in rhythm with his. Though her body was betraying her, her mind still raced with thoughts that it was wrong. It was wrong for them to do this, wrong for her to want him to keep fucking her. As she fought with her conscience her body tensed, she was cumming, and her body shook and writhed on Bruce's cock, her brother's cock. Why did it have to be this way, why did the one man that has ever made her this happy have to be her brother?

Bruce felt Jasmine tighten on his dick, felt the swollen head of his cock growing bigger as he was about to empty his seed into her. He had planned this for months after learning who he was...who she was. He had fallen in love with her and didn't care that she was his own flesh and blood. He pulled her limp body back into his hard, one last time, his cock as deep as he could get it as he emptied his balls into her womb. He grunted, a low guttural moan echoing in the room as he fell forward, his body lying against hers.

He lay there a few minutes, catching his breath, letting his legs steady themselves before he moved back around in front of her. When he came face to face with her he wiped the tears from her cheeks and kissed her tenderly, then unbound her ankles and wrists. She fell into his arms, exhausted from her orgasm and spent from the emotional overload. She cried softly against his bare chest as he held her tight, caressing her hair and telling her it would be okay.

"Jasmine, no one has to know but us. No one knows me as being anything other than Bruce Billings. I can fuck you and make you feel that kind of pleasure everyday and only you and I have to know that we are brother and sister. What do you say? You know you loved it. You know that when I told you it excited you, at least in some small way".

"I can't believe this. I can't believe you did that to me. And I can't believe that I liked it", she said in almost a whisper. "Yes, it did excite me, it was wrong, it was a sin and I wanted you to keep fucking me even after you said I was your sister. Are you sure no one will know"?

Bruce started to answer her when he heard a noise in the house. "Shhh", he told her. I hear something. Get dressed, I think someone is in the house, stay here while I go check it out".

"No way, you're not leaving me here alone. Give me a minute, I'm coming with you". Jasmine hurriedly slipped back into her dress and followed him into the hall, her fears from earlier about the house were renewed. When they opened the door the sounds were louder, coming from the other side of the house. It sounded like a party, music and laughter resounded off the walls. Bruce put his finger over his lips, signing for Jasmine to be quiet. They walked silently in the direction of the music, peering into each room they passed, checking for intruders. They made their way into the foyer where Jasmine had entered the house, the music and laughter was much louder here, coming from behind the hulking wood doors on the opposite side of the room from where they entered. Bruce stopped and looked back at Jasmine, again motioning for her to be as quiet as she could. Then, creeping slowly they made their way to the doors. Bruce put his ear against the cold wood, listening for anything that might tell him who was on the other side.

He slowly pushed the doors open, cautiously peeking into the room. His eyes darted quickly from one corner of the dark room to another. After his initial visual inspection, he pushed the doors wide, Jasmine stood on tiptoe to look over his shoulder. The room was dark and empty; the music had stopped as well as the laughter. There was no one there.

Bruce closed the doors as he backed away from the room. He looked at his watch, noting that it was after midnight and they should get going back to town, then at Jasmine who had a look of shear terror on her face. "Hey it had to have been our imaginations right, you know, the lore of the house and all. Let's get back to town, it's late and a long drive".

Although he tried to sound calm, Jasmine detected the unease in his voice. She didn't wait on him to say another word and sprinted quickly to the door, breathing a sigh of relief as she filled her lungs with the crisp night air. She ran down the stairs and to her car, Bruce was right behind her and jumped in the passenger seat just as Jasmine was putting the car in gear. She pointed the car toward the open iron gates and stepped on the gas. When she had reached the lane beyond the house she looked back through her rearview mirror, she gasped and nearly ran off the road at what she saw. Bruce turned in his seat, glancing back at the house, "Oh my God, I must be dreaming, this can't be. Did you see what I think I saw"?

"Yea, I think I did. If you saw women dancing around in the beautifully lit ballroom, a room that looked as new as the day it was built, like they were celebrating some grand event, then yea...I saw the same thing you did". Jasmine shuddered as a cold chill crept up her spine, she pushed the gas pedal to the floor and sped down the lane toward the main road as fast as she could.

"You know we can't tell anyone what we just witnessed. No one would believe us, they'd have us committed, Bruce said, his voice serious and low.

"I know, I know. So what are you going to do with that you own a haunted house", Jasmine was trying to sound condescending, but her fear still filtered through.

"Well,Sis...It really isour house".

Jasmine shot him a look, a proverbial, "if looks could kill he'd be dead on the spot" look. She cleared her throat, "speaking of the "sis thing", if we are going to continue seeing each other then you had better never call me that again...unless of course you are fucking me like you did tonight", a wicked smile curled her lips as she thought about the surge of excitement that spiraled through her when he told her he was her brother. She couldn't believe she was telling him she still wanted to be with him. Most of all she couldn't get home fast enough to have him inside of her again.

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msboy8msboy8about 19 years ago
Great Story!

Wow! Suspense, BSDM and incest too. A very good read, an entertaining ride that holds the reader close.

sacksackover 19 years ago
very erotic

It might have helped this story to make the male character more of a warm fuzzy type. The rape scene was a bit brutal and took away my pleasure of the story. Otherwise well done...good luck!

impressiveimpressiveover 19 years ago
I danced ...

... in so many different directions with this story! Creeped out, turned on, repulsed. Very well crafted. Not over the top, as less talented authors would have done. Best of luck!

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Chilling Tale

Chilling, thrilling story. Good luck with the contest!

My Erotic TailMy Erotic Tailover 19 years ago

There were Tricks and treats in your tail...I meant tale!! Good story and Good luck (~_*) Happy Halloween

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

Well told, moderately violent Rape.There was no emotion expressed by him, only her during the sex. He appeared to get his main pleasure from beating her.That difference seems a bit out of sync with the apparently "happy ever after" ending. It might have been more convincing if he had belted her much harder(perhaps whipped her - it's more sinister) in the first place and then suffered the conflicting emotions of satisfied revenge/remorse. She of course was pretty confused anyway, but upping the ante would have put the story in emotional technicolour albeit melodramatic technicolour rather than the slightly insipid conclusion

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