The New Neighbors Ch. 01-03


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I was still engaged in heated conversation with Bob. “Look, you don’t come into my house and try to push me around.”

Sue was intent on answering Ann but heard my comment to Bob as well. “They are real. Leave before my husband throws you out.”

Bob replied, “Your husband can suck my cock!!”

I saw red. I am mad now…. I take the last 2 or 3 steps toward Bob with my fist clenched and started to say, “Get the Fuck out of….”

But before I could finish my statement Bob Stopped me “PET, SHUT UP!”

I didn’t finish saying my comment.

Then he pointed to the chair in the corner of the room. “Pet SIT!!”

I went right over to the chair and sat down. I didn’t know why. I couldn’t say a word. I wanted to yell. I wanted to get up and force them out of our house. I just sat there.

Sue was stunned. She looked at me, and didn’t know what to say.

Ann calmly asked Sue “Why don’t you sit over there, and let’s start all over. Perhaps I can explain.”

Sue looked at the large woman and back at me --- I was motionless.

“Joe!!!! Don’t just sit there. Do something.”

Ann brushed her hand against Sue’s breast and remarked “Hey --- they might be real”

Sue knocked her hand away and ran over to me. “JOE DO SOMETHING!!”

“He can’t. We haven’t released him” Ann gloated.

“What in the blazes are you babbling about?” Sue asked Ann.

Bob pipes in “Ann wants to see your breasts, and I want to see your pussy. If we can prove to you that you have no control over your wimpy husband and his boy sized dick. Will you take off your top for Ann and your bottoms for me?”

Sue spat back at him “My husbands dick is not your concern. AND IT IS NOT small.” Her voice sounded assured, but her heart was pounding at the starting turn of events.

Ann asked Sue “Has he ever given you an orgasm with his dickey buried deep inside your snatch?”

“Why are you doing this?” Sue stammered.

“Answer the question – bitch. Has he ever given you an orgasm with that little dick he has between his legs?” Ann forced again.

Sue looked back at me. I was trying to move. I was trying to protect her. I was trying to stop them. I had no idea why I couldn’t move or speak. Sue started to cry. “What is wrong with him?”

Bob said, “Your husband is a PUSSY. His only use is a good place to put my cock. He is good at licking the cum from a real pussy after a real cock has deposited its load”

Sue yelled back at him “Joe is not a pussy --- something is wrong --- this is not right!”

Ann asked “Is Joe gay?”

Sue answered her “Of course not, we have a daughter!”

Bob called out from the center of the room. “Pet crawl to me”

I dropped to my hands and knees and crawled past Sue and over to Bob.

When I was on my knees in front of Bob he leered down at me and slowly unzipped his pants. Reaching in he hauled out one massive size cock. It had to be 9 or 10 inches soft, and yet thick too. This was the cock I had seen last night. I knew it. I was drooling over it. My eyes were glued to his shaft. I knew there must be something wrong since he was able to make me do this.

Bob laughed and taunted me “What do you want Pet?”

“Master, I want your cock sir” I replied

He pulled it free from his shorts and held it out for me to inspect. “Take a good look at this cock --- Tell me what you see.”

“Master I see your huge cock before me. I see its veins running down the shaft. I see the head and the little mushroom shaped cup that attracts me.” I meekly replied

“Louder pet --- so everyone can hear you. Now, in simple terms, what do you see before you?”

“I see a MAN SIZE COCK” I blurted out.

Looking at my shocked wife, Bob held the shaft of his immense tool with one hand and aiming it at my face said, “Do you think this is a MAN SIZE COCK?”

“Yes, Master. Your cock is a man-size cock. It is what I live for” I replied obediently.

“I wasn’t talking to you pussy, I was asking your wife if she thought this is a MAN SIZE COCK?” Bob retorted.

Sue stared at the awesome sight before her. Her once proud husband was on his knees, Bob’s cock was dangling before his lips, the length stretched from the top of his head to below his chin. Bob was cupping it and slightly stroking it making it even bigger. To Susan’s left stood Ann, her arms crossed on her chest, her stance was wide and proud, one of pure glee. She knew that she and Bob had Joe…and soon they would have Sue.

“Sue, take off your top so Ann can see if your tits are real.” Bob commanded.

Sue looked over at Ann again…. Her smile was wicked. She looked back toward Bob and her husband and said, “I can’t”

Bob began teasing “Sue – do you see your hubby here?”

She nodded affirmative

Bob continued “What do you say I make him strip right now for our amusement.” She didn’t answer I guess Sue was still a bit in shock. “Pet, your clothes look bad on your body… don’t you want to remove them?”

His teasing was different. He didn’t command me -- Somehow I could answer slightly of my own free will. I said, “No, please don’t make me”

“Pet look at my cock. Stare at it. You want it. You OBEY it. This cock wants you to obey. Seeing my cock makes you know who has the POWER here. If your little dick isn’t as big as mine, then that makes you submissive to me. Do you feel how submissive you are? OBEY the cock. My cock rules you. It is huge, and powerful. Yours is small and weak. Strip for me PET and show everyone here how weak you really are.”

I tried to resist before…but after his mind-altering words reminding me of his hypnotic work last night…and I was helpless to resist any further. I yanked off my shirt, kicked off my shoes and socks, and while trying to remain kneeling before him, I pulled down my pants. IF I could just keep a little of my dignity maybe I could break this spell I am under… I tried to keep my underwear on but it was no use. It was like he was mind reading me.

“Pet, you want to please this cock right?” Bob tormented.

“Yes Master” was my answer.

“What do you want to do with this huge cock to please it?”

I was repeating what had been drummed into my brain last night. “I want to --- to touch it --- I want to stroke it --- I want to watch it grow big and strong --- I want to kiss it ---- I want to lick it --- I want to suck it.”

“Take off your underwear Pet” was his reply. I obeyed.

“Now, with one hand hold your dick… and with your other hand hold my cock” he commanded.

I eagerly obeyed.

“Explain to your wife how yours compares with mine.”

“My Master’s cock is big and powerful, eleven inches when erect. Master’s cock is more than double of mine. It feels so good to stroke it. I can run my hand up and down the shaft and lots of cock is still exposed. I would only be able to use 2 fingers to do that with my cock.” I explained to Ann & my wife.

“Don’t you want to kiss it pet?” Bob probed

“Oh Yes Master, Please.” I responded

“I won’t give you permission yet. Do you want to please my cock pet?” He said.

“Yes sir, I do want to please it.”

“You get a lot of pleasure when you stroke, kiss, lick or suck it don’t you pet?”

“Oh Yes SIR, Master. I love how it makes me feel,” I eagerly admitted.

“Obey me, and you receive pleasure. DISOBEY me and you feel pain, don’t you Pet?” He enjoyed showing me the difference of what happens when I obey, and what will happen if I refuse or disobey him.

I paused for a moment without answering.

“Do you remember the pain of not obeying me?” Do you remember how much it hurt when I refuse to allow you my cock?” He warned. I shuddered and responded with fear. “Yes sir.”

“Pet you want to be allowed to please my cock because it makes you feel so good doesn’t it?” he went on.

“Oh yes SIR, Master.” I again responded eagerly

Meanwhile, while Sue is watching this unbelievable spectacle, many questions are going through her head and she asked some out loud that Ann answered. “How is this all possible?”

“Joe & I had sex last night. With a little help from some scientific experiments Bob has the ability to hypnotize a subject. Last night, after I screwed your little hubby there, Bob and I had some fun with him under hypnosis.”

“There is no way you can make someone do all that under hypnosis. Especially against their will.” Sue rationalized.

“In a way, you are right. Under the surface of your marriage Joe has a hidden Homosexual tendency. We can realize it and encourage it. At the same time we can exploit someone’s weakness and use it to our advantage.” Ann calmly explained.

“What weakness could Joe possibly have?” Sue argued.

“His cock size for one” Ann sneered. “It bothers him that he is not even 6” in length when erect. He feels inferior.”

“Oh my!” Sue exclaimed.

“Bob is – rather a fine specimen of a man don’t you agree?” Ann asked. “Wouldn’t you like to feel that hunk of meat inside you?”

“I – I – Oh, I couldn’t possibly – Oh no, I am married” Sue stammered

“Pet I am going to put this cock away. Do you know what happens if I deny you this cock?” Bob asked his kneeling subject.

“Don’t do that Master. Don’t cause me the pain” I begged. I was practically humping his leg … begging him not to put his tool away from my sight. I received such pleasure from just looking at his cock.

“I will give you 3 minutes before the pain starts.” he warned.

“Pet, I want you to go convince Sue to take this cock inside her.” Bob explained “I am going to put my cock away from your touch, away from your reach, inside my pants and out of contact with your mouth. You have exactly 3 minutes to get your wife naked and ready for me” With that, he yanked his cock from my hand, and stuffed the huge tool back inside his shorts.

I tried to fight it. This was something that I didn’t want to do. After all, Sue was such a petite woman. I liked how tight her pussy was for my cock. I didn’t want that pussy stretched to the limit to accept his massive dick. Besides that, I loved my wife. I didn’t want her fooling around. I continued to kneel there in front of Bob as my mind worked over my dilemma.

“You want to obey me” Bob reiterated.

I made up my mind to allow him the opportunity of having my wife and crawled over to her and started to pull down her bikini bottoms, when she stopped me.

“Joe, NO please don’t do this.” Sue pleaded with my sense of morals.

“I must please him” I answered.

Sue struggled to pull back up her bottoms and argue with me at the same time. “No Joe. Don’t do this to me”

“2 minutes remain Pet” Bob stated as he followed the second hand on his watch.

“Sue, please do this for me.” I tried reasoning with her.

“Snap out of it Damn you.” Sue exclaimed. Then looking at Ann, “How do you make him stop?”

Ann just smiled at the sight that we both presented her.

I was struggling to get Sue out of her bikini bottoms, and starting to worry about running out of time.

“Please Sue, I am so very afraid of getting hurt. Please obey him.” I tried to reason with her.

“How will you get hurt?” She asked me.

“My balls. My stomach. Oh god the pain.” I answered.

“What is he talking about? What in gods name did you do to him?” Sue pleaded with Ann & Bob.

Ann looked over at Bob as if asking should she tell Sue what the problem would be, and he shook his head to signal no. They both watched us struggle.

“1 minutes remains Pet” Bob continued counting down.

I continue struggling with Sue until Bob reached 30 seconds left and then I rushed to his side to beg for more time. “Please Sir, give me more time. Don’t keep your cock from me. I promise to make it all good for you” I begged.

“Your had the time I gave you Pet, your punishment is at hand” He admonished me. “10 seconds”

“Sue” I called out, “Please Sue do what he says. He has a big cock for you”

“5 seconds”

“Please let me have your cock” I begged while he counted to one.

“3 … 2 … 1” Bob counted down.

I went immediately to the ground, rolling in a ball, I could hardly breathe. I clutched my balls. I was feeling the pain. Such awful pain.

Susan’s eyes got very big as she watched me in agony when no one had done a single thing to me.

“What pain is he feeling?” She asked the others.

“He feels like he has been kicked in the balls. Not only once but twice in a row.” Ann finally explained.

“But it is not real. No one did a thing to him just now.” She tried to understand.

“True,” Ann admitted, “But last night we conditioned him to believe this pain would happen when Bob told Joe he could NOT have his cock and put it out of his view. He is conditioned to feel this sort of pain ONLY when Bob reminds him that he can NOT have his cock.” While Sue stared in awe, I was crying in pain on the floor. “To make it a good effect, last night when we took Bob’s cock from your husband, I kicked him in the balls and we told him to remember how this feels. If he disobeys Bob, then Bob won’t let him have or even see his cock.” Ann smiled at Sue as she proudly enjoyed her victory over the couple. “Joe feels submissive to Bob because he has a tiny dick. Seeing, touching, Licking or sucking a BIGGER cock gives him pleasure. Obedience is rewarded, and disobedience has this effect. His mind is doing it all. He is not in ANY pain … but he THINKS he is. To him, this pain in his balls is VERY REAL.”

Sue could watch no more. “Make it stop. I will do what you want. You can have me.”

Ann smiled at Bob, and nodded her consent to make it quit. Bob told Sue “Take off your bikini and I will end his misery.”

Sue hesitated for a moment, then looked at me on the floor – tears running down my cheeks, my hands lodged between my legs, my whole body curled up in a fetal position. Then she reached behind her back and undid the top of her bikini. As the top came off, and she let it fall from her chest, Ann remarked that she looked good. Then she hooked her fingers inside the bottoms and pulled them down over her hips, past her knees and let them drop at her feet.

“Come over here” Bob commanded her.

“I told you I will let you have me – I took off my suit. Now make it stop. Stop HURTING HIM!” She cried out.

“Very well” Bob agreed unzipping his fly he reached back inside and hauled out his cock. Then he kneeled down right next to my face. “Pet, it is OK. The pain will stop. LOOK. Here is my cock. Open your eyes and look at it.”

I tried to open my eyes, and there was his huge prick staring me in the face…but the pain in my balls was not quite gone.

Bob could sense this. “Here my Pet, SUCK on my cock. As you suck on my cock, the pain will go away. Obey me always, and you will never have to have this pain again. Do you understand?”

The moment he told me to suck his cock, my mouth was as wide open as I could possibly get it to accommodate his pole. When asked if I understood, I took my mouth off his shaft, and answered “Yes, Master, I will obey you.” Then went back to sucking and licking him for all it was worth.

“That is enough Pet, you have pleased your master’s cock, therefor you have pleased me.” He stood up and his cock was standing at attention, straight out from his body, waiting to be stuffed into Sue’s tiny pussy.

Chapter 3

Susan had not been given any drugs in her drink. She had not been hypnotized into any beliefs. She had not been altered at all. Everything she was about to do was because of what she saw happen to her husband. She stood naked in front of us all.

“Pet wait over there in the corner while I enjoy your wife.” Bob commanded. I obeyed. “Let’s go to the bedroom” and off they went.

I had to stay in the corner of the family room, but I could hear things that they were saying every so often. Sue was still reluctant, but was doing what Bob wanted. She was complaining a bit about being dry, that his manhood would be way too big, she would be torn apart. I could hear Ann telling Sue what to do…how to position her body to better accept his cock.

10 to 15 minutes went by before Ann came back into the family room and ordered me to follow her. “Pet, stay on your knees and follow me to the bedroom.” I did as instructed.

The first thing I saw when I got past the doorway was Susan on the bed, her legs spread and sticking up in the air. Her breasts hanging down on each side of her chest, and they were being manhandled by Bob as he pulled on them forward and to the side. I could see his naked ass, yet not his cock since he was facing Susan. I was led over to the bed and when I got to the side of Bob & Sue, I could see that Bob just had the head of his cock inside her pussy.

“It is too big” I heard Sue describe.

“Nonsense, little woman, it is just right. Sure … as soon as you get to like it a little bit and get nice and juicy for me, it will feel a whole hell of a lot better, but for now, it is just right” Bob consoled her.

Heck it looked like he was inserting a baseball bat into her pussy.

Ann looked at me and told me to get beside the bed and watch real close. She wanted me to see what he was doing to her. She wanted me to enjoy it. I didn’t enjoy it. I had to watch and yet not protect my innocent wife. Sure it was my entire fault for screwing around behind Sue’s back. If I hadn’t been so turned on last night, perhaps she would be in bed with me instead of our new overgrown neighbor.

Bob would take the head of his cock and stroke it back and forth against her waiting pussy lips… the constant teasing began to get her a little bit wet. Oh, Sue was being raped. There wasn’t any question about that. I knew she was trying to deny him any pleasure. She was doing what he wanted by keeping her legs up and drawn back toward her head, exposing her trimmed pussy to his raging hard on. But she was not enjoying it. His fierce thrusts continued yet even when Ann would tell her to relax and enjoy it, she would just lay there, knowing she couldn’t stop them but rather would only be able to appease them.

While Ann stood beside me she look pleased to be part of this exercise in neighborly initiation. As my eyes wandered down her body, I realized that she had stripped down to what appeared to be a teddy, and a set of stockings that were being held up by a garter set. The black undergarments did make an impressive site against her deep dark tanned skin.

Ann moved my chin to focus my attention back on my wife and Bob and away from her. “Watch them Pet” She instructed me.

If it were not bad enough that these people had come into our home and set out to use us both for their amusement Ann began to narrate what Bob was doing to Susan. She was using all the key words that I had learned were instrumental in subjugating me to their will. “Look Pet. See his massive cock. You love that cock. You wish you had one. Your little wiener is puny compared to his strapping hard on.”

She continued her verbal assault, and it started to have an effect on Sue as well as me. Sue started get a bit wetter. His cock was easing inside of her inch by inch and was being engulfed by the walls of her pussy. Her nerve endings were getting excited no matter if she wanted this to happen or not. Sue let out a small grunt as his cock passed 5 inches inside her.

“That is about as far as your cock goes into her.” Ann said to me. Then holding up her hand, she stopped Bob from thrusting any further into the small woman’s pussy. He paused his momentum and waited for what Ann had up her sleeve.

“Sue dear, how does Bob’s cock feel inside your cunt?” Ann started teasing Sue. “He has about five inches inside you right now. I am sure that no matter HOW much little Joe here has tried to be a man with you --- this is all he could muster. But Sue, tell me, it doesn’t feel like just five inches does it?”

Sue just grunted a bit and tried to move her hips.

“Sue, tell me if you like how thick he feels within you?” Ann reached over and began rubbing Sue’s nipple between her thumb and forefinger. “Tell me Sue, do you have any dildos? Are they this large? Have you been the naughty housewife and gotten a cucumber stuck up inside you? The cucumber feels a bit dead and cold … as does a dildo, but my man here is full of heat. I’ll bet you can even feel that massive log of a cock pulse in you. Can you feel the blood flow into his veins? I know I do when he fucks me. You have got to be smaller and tighter than me, so I am SURE that you can feel it.”