The New Neighbors Ch. 07-09


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Now Ann was caught even worse than when Maggie had strong-armed her. She couldn’t lower her body back down the ground without causing new pain in her privates. She was saying something about the bulging ass cheeks that had her face pinned into the carpet, but it was very muffled and no one could hear what she was mumbling about. Maggie returned with some rope and looped one end around the wrist that Julie was still holding, and reached under Ann’s trapped body to find her other arm to tie it to. Only moments later, Ann’s wrists were now tied behind her back. Julie got off of her neck and Maggie rolled Ann over then wrapped the remaining rope around her chest just below her breasts so that not only were her wrists tied – but they were tight against her body, and useless to any defense.

“Sue bring me a knife” She ordered her boss. Sue returned from the kitchen with an 8” serrated knife. Maggie used it to cut away the sweat suit that adorned Ann’s body. Since her arms were tied behind her, the mangled garment could not be removed and it clung to her arms in shreds. Julie got the idea of stripping her new captive and opened the belt to Ann’s shorts and proceeded to yank them down her lovely thighs.

Ann got a kick into Julie’s side as she was being stripped, and Maggie slapped Ann across the face twice – once forward, and once backward. “Don’t fight it Bitch!” she warned Ann. Maggie was now cutting away at Ann’s white bra. “Uh huh – this bitch must use a tanning booth, or maybe she likes to lay out in the nude.” Her remarks were due to Ann’s lack of tan lines on her golden brown skin. Maggie took the rope and made a figure eight circling Ann’s breasts. She wrapped it tighter and tighter so her tits protruded obscenely from her chest. Since the rope still had twenty or so feet left, she wrapped it around her chest one more time and then took the rope straight down toward her feet. Maggie & Julie turned Ann over on her stomach again and used the remaining rope to bind her ankles so they were pulled back toward Ann’s buttocks. They then picked Ann up and carried her to a short chair in the living room. They placed Ann face first into the chair and used what remained of the rope to tie it so Ann couldn’t escape. Now she was basically kneeling in the chair, the rope that ran from her chest to her feet was cutting beside her protruding pussy lips. Her grotesquely distorted breasts were protruding over the back of the chair, exposed for the torment that these two women were about to heap upon her body. Ann’s ass was equally stripped for punishment. The only clothes on her body were her tennis shoes and socks, and the tattered sweat suit that dangled from her bound arms. Then even the shoes and socks were removed. “Let me go!” Ann complained. “This is kidnapping – and people won’t stand for it!” “Shut up Bitch” Julie said as she slapped Ann across her mouth.

Ann was now a prisoner of these two women. They had Sue in their back pocket, and they now had a new treat to play with --- Ann.

Julie examined her right breast and saw the mark that the stun gun had left behind. She got mad at her captive. She picked up the stun gun and tried to get it to work. It didn’t. That was a good thing for Ann. “IF this thing starts working Bitch, I swear I am going to stick it up your tight little twat and pull the trigger” Julie threatened the confined Ann.

Maggie gave some support to her co-worker. “Damn, that looks bad even on your skin. You should return the favor --- even if that thing doesn’t work” Julie liked the idea and started to maul Ann’s restricted breasts. Ann cried as the big black woman pulled the nipple of her left breast and punched her fist into the right one. Then she switched and yanked on the right nipple and smashed her fist into the left tit. Real tears formed in Ann’s eyes. “Awww, the poor girl is gonna cry?” Maggie taunted.

“You wouldn’t have gotten me if it was a fair fight not two or three against one” Ann snapped back, trying to protect her pride of being caught and tied up by these two women. “Fair --- I guess a stun gun was fair.” Julie retorted. “Girl you are no match for me.” Maggie proudly proclaimed. “Even though you ganged up on me – I am still more woman that you or your fat friend.” Ann snorted.

“Pretty bold talk for a girl who is tied up and at my mercy” Maggie sneered at her captive. Julie meanwhile took offense to the fat remark Ann had made. And slapped her restrained tits about 9 or 10 times before Maggie stopped her. “I am not fat” Julie proclaimed Ann was not going to give in --- at least not yet. But she shouldn’t aggravate her captors. “I’ve seen smaller udders on cows, than those fat melons on your chest.”

Maggie laughed at the remark, most likely because she had thought the same thing a time or two.

Julie was not pleased, and warned Ann. “Before we let you go – you will swear that my tits are better than yours and you will beg to kiss my ass and lick my pussy”

“Fat chance” Ann smarted back at the big black woman, just before Maggie laid a stripe across Ann’s unprotected rear end with a riding crop. –WHAP-- “YEOW!!!!!” Ann shouted. That stinging blow had caught her completely by surprise.

Maggie continued the threats “Bitch, before we let you go --- you will swear that you are just a little girl compared to me, and that I can whip you anytime I want. You will also swear to obey us both. I guarantee I will break you. I will humiliate you, and I will show you who the better woman is”

Ann shuddered at the prospective that she would be made to obey and swear allegiance to these two. Amazingly enough, the Amazon Maggie was quite attractive to Ann, who switches between men and women for her enjoyment. Being a slave to her sounded acceptable, providing she really gets broken in. But to be a bitch for the overweight Julie, was not a pleasant thought.

Maggie yanked down her shorts and called Sue to her side. “So this was your little toy that you hypnotized huh? Well, watch as she responds so well. Come here and lick me while I whip you new neighbor”

(Whap ----- Whap ------- Whap) The riding crop smacked against Ann’s butt making it jiggle and squirm under its lash. “Oh I just adore having weak helpless girls please me. And you know what – YOU ARE VULNERABLE TO ME!” Maggie punctuated her words with smacks to Ann’s exposed rump. Ann thought to herself how much fun it would be to get these two Hypnotized --- and turn the tables on them. It was the only thought that would keep her from breaking down and begging them just like they said.

Chapter 8

Ann spent the next hour being punished by Sue’s co-workers. Julie was synonymous with the torture, and loved to pull Ann’s pussy lips and flick her clit with her finger. She was still angry over the welt that Ann had left on her right breast. She was determined to give it back harder than she had gotten it. As long as that tit burned, Julie would smack the inside of Ann’s legs, or yank on her tits, or pull the nipples with tweezers, allowing them to dig into Ann’s sensitive flesh. Maggie allowed it to continue because she needed this woman broken. And besides, this was Julie’s home. Maggie only occasionally stopped Julie from causing actual HARM to Ann. Julie thought that they should brand Ann. When Maggie inquired as to how --- Julie told her about how pimps would brand girls’ years ago. Take a coat hanger, shape it into a letter or two and heat it up, then brand her on the inside of the thigh. Maggie didn’t like the idea of something that could be proven that they were torturing her, she preferred the less permanent signs of abuse – tied tits, a few rope burns, welts on her butt and inside thighs.

Maggie meanwhile used a different technique on Ann. She would tickle her exposed feet. It sounds kind of tame, but if you have ever been tied up, with the rope connecting your ankles up past your pussy to your bound tits, just the slight movement of a struggle was unbearable. Besides, the tickling didn’t waste any of Maggie’s energy. It was amusing to see her captive squirm, and entertaining enough to cause Ann to get erotically stimulated. When Maggie would lightly run her fingernails down Ann’s sides, that too would be sheer torture.

With the rough approach that Julie took and the subtle teasing that Maggie offered, Ann was becoming a puppet on strings. She no longer worried about what she would do to these two when she got free, she wondered how long she could hold out from their demands. Namely to give in and become Julie’s Bitch, and Maggie’s playtoy.

Maggie offered sexual release in return for submissive obedience. Julie offered not to be so cruel if Ann would admit that her breasts were nothing compared to Julie’s. She needed her captive to kiss and lick her ass. Ann showed signs of breaking down. First Maggie was quite aware that Ann’s pussy was soaking wet. She was excited by what they were doing to her. Julie noticed that Ann was not mouthing off anymore. She was not calling her a fat cow, or making other remarks that would enrage her some more. There was a time to act tough and there was a time to suck it up and try to survive. She never doubted that she would be set free. It’s not like these two were professionals; they had less equipment at Julie’s house than she had at her own.

Maggie brought Sue directly in front of Ann’s view. Maggie asked Ann, “What do you see different between us both when you look directly at us and compare feature for feature?” Ann didn’t answer. “Oh, come on, you said yourself, Sue here is tiny --- and me – I’m what?” She prodded Ann for an answer. “You’re large” Ann replied. “No, Julie is large.” Maggie corrected Ann, then turned to her co-worker, “It’s OK you are a big woman” Then she turned her attention again to Ann. “Now what am I?” Ann answered “A woman.” “Ahh, yes, the obvious. But aren’t I a big strong woman?” Maggie prodded. Ann agreed to play along “You are bigger than her, stronger than her, and definitely more muscular than her. Your breasts look bigger, you have pussy hair, and Sue doesn’t --- Hey when did that happen?” “My, you are more observant than I was giving you credit for being. I shaved her. She looks like a little girl now. Well, maybe a little girl with big breasts, but not as big as mine and CERTAINLY not as large as Julie’s. Doesn’t she look like a child?” Maggie questioned her prey.

“Yes, it makes her appear much younger.” Ann admitted. “Just makes her look like a little girl, doesn’t it?” Maggie teased. “Yes, she looks like a little girl” Ann agreed. “Do you think you are woman enough to handle me? Should we shave you bald to remind you that you’re not a big strong woman, but rather a weak, little girl.” Maggie again teased. “Set me free and I’ll show you who is stronger,” Ann warned.

“Ahhhh, so you still have a bit of fight left in you after all” Maggie cooed “Julie you wish to smack that crop against the bitch’s tits don’t you? --- Go for it.” WHAP “OOOWWWWwwww” Ann howled WHAP “Oh, don’t do that!” Ann begged WHAP “Mmnnn Ohhhh Yeow” Ann continued to cry out as each swish of the crops collides with her tender breasts. WHAP WHAP “Please – I beg you to – stop – hitting – me” Ann moaned between getting the crop to slap nastily onto her bound breast flesh. WHAP
WHAP The crop descended on Ann’s bound form over and over until she was no longer talking or crying - just whimpering. Once in awhile Julie would miss the nipples, and even miss the bound flesh surrounding them, and hit Ann on her stomach, arms or even once right in her Adams apple. She had gotten 25 or 30 hits full force into Ann’s unprotected body before Maggie stopped her from continuing the punishment.

“What do you say now – Bitch!” Maggie asked her prey. “I Give” Ann relented “It hurts too much”
“What do I want to hear you say?” Maggie stood with her hand on her hips, and legs spread open a bit giving a very good impression of power before Ann’s eyes.

“You are both stronger” Ann quietly spoke between her sign and sniffles.

“What about Julie’s breasts? Are they bigger and better than yours?” Maggie taunted. “Yes, they are bigger and better than mine” Ann admitted.

Julie enjoyed hearing her captive say this, and rushed to encircle their captive and crush her face into her huge melons. The auroras were the size of coffee saucers and the nipples were loose and soft. The veins that ran in her breasts were visible even through her dark skin. “Kiss them and show who’s are best” Julie ordered.

“Mmmfff” Ann tried to speak – but the words were muffled as Julie squashed her mamories against Ann’s face and mouth. But she did stick out her tongue and kiss and lick them as she was ordered. “What’s that Bitch? I couldn’t understand you” Julie taunted her captive. “Your tits are bigger and better – and I kiss and worship them” Ann managed to say back before she was nearly suffocated by the big black melons.

“And how about her ass and pussy – aren’t they better and need worshiping too?” Maggie goaded Ann while Julie swung around and backed her big smelly ass toward Ann’s face. “Her ass is bigger and better than mine.” Ann managed to get her digs into Julie anyway. This woman didn’t want to hear that her ass was bigger, but she did like that Ann was now kissing it.

When Julie pulled her butt away from Ann, Maggie and Sue were still standing in eyesight of her. “What about me? Will you beg to be a little girl for me?” Maggie waited then prodded her trapped slave. “Beg to have your mound shaved!”

Ann had taken enough abuse, and decided that there was nothing she could do to stop them while she was tied up so doing what they want – and getting out of there was the only course of action she had open to her now. “Pl – Pl -- Please shave my pussy too.” Ann stuttered in defeat. So Maggie untied her from the chair, but left the bonds still surrounding her body, and together with the help of Julie and Sue they turned Ann around in the chair so she was now sitting on her ankles facing out in the chair. This allowed the rope that was tight against her pussy lips to slacken up and be moved out of the way for a shaving.

“Sue, shave her pussy” Maggie told her boss while pointing to Ann’s bound form. Sue obeyed the tall woman without any questions, and minutes later Ann was denuded.

“You ready to be a good little girl and do what you are told?” Maggie asked Ann as she dug her fingernails under Ann’s chin, lifting her gaze up to her proud muscular frame. “Yes” Ann meekly answered “Yes – Yes what?” Maggie sneered. “Yes MISTRESS” Ann spoke and let her eyes bow down though her head was held in Maggie’s grip.

“Good Girl!” Maggie exclaimed. Then turned to her partner in crime, and said “Lets use these two – this has gotten me all wet” So Ann was untied (except for her wrists, which were still bound behind her back,) and the rope was left dangling down like a leash. The blood flowed back into her purple tits causing her undue pain and agony. Ann was in tears on the floor at Maggie’s feet when Maggie pulled on the rope encouraging Ann to move closer to Maggie’s spread thighs. She knew what was expected and she licked at Maggie’s wet cunt till the woman clamped her thighs tightly against her head crushing her face like a small beach ball. But Ann licked and sucked Maggie’s pussy until she finished coming. Sue meanwhile was busy pleasing Julie.

After many more hours than Ann wanted to spend in that little house, she and Sue were free to go. Sue was told as she stepped out the door to “Obey any female 5” taller than her except Ann”

Ann was defeated, bruised, battered, sore, humiliated, and pissed off. She didn’t want to see anyone. When she got back home she found a note from Bob saying that he was called out of town for a few days, and to watch out for Joe since he had left a suggestion in Joe’s mind that would be funny for everyone and embarrassing to Joe. Ann had enough and just wanted to rest. She took a long hot bath, put some cream on her sore spots where Maggie and Julie had abused her body for most of the day, and then drew the curtains and went to sleep.

For the next few days Ann didn’t come out of her house. She was humiliated by Maggie and Julie, and just couldn’t admit to herself that she had let herself get caught, beaten, shaved, and reduced to a crying little girl by the amazon Maggie.


Sue meanwhile had to go to work each day and be with those two co-workers. It was getting worse for her at work because Sue had no where to turn: at home, she was with a cock craving wimp of a husband, and at work she was crawling under her own desk while Maggie sat in her chair and forced her to eat her out. Maggie was getting to be the dominant person on the job. She instructed Sue to give Maggie praise in front of other co-workers who were not involved in this extreme lifestyle. Maggie was given control of many departments and she was to report to Sue for constant training. But behind closed doors and after working hours, it was Sue who was getting trained, and had to obey the powerful woman. The company was running fine, it is just that Sue was no longer in charge of everything – Maggie was.

On Thursday Julie had taken Sue home with her for lunch hour, returning 3 hours later telling her other workers that she had to leave for the rest of the afternoon. Sue quietly went to her office and closed the door. Maggie came in to Sue’s office to see Sue standing at her desk instead of sitting. Tears were streaming down her face. Maggie asked, “What is wrong little girl?” Sue turned around and flipped up her skirt, showing the panties that had streaks of red. Maggie was concerned and bent lower for a closer look. Julie had gone too far. She had beat Sue’s rump till it bled. Maggie had compassion for the miniature Sue and held her tight in a hug.

“What did I do wrong?” Sue cried. “I obeyed. She smells awful, but I licked her crack, and her ass.” Then taking a deep breath. “She is mean. Just plain mean.” Maggie looked past her huge breasts, and down to Sue who stood beneath them, and asked “Why?” “I hesitated to lick her. I – I just tried to block the smell, and the taste, and do what she wanted – but she got mad and tied me up – gagged me, and then did this.” Sue said as she pointed to her striped bottom.

“Have you seen Ann again since last week?” Maggie asked Sue. “No.” Sue answered. “She hasn’t given you any commands?” “No. I know that for a fact. You commanded me not to obey her, but to go back to obeying any female 5” taller than me” Sue answered. “Good Girl!” Maggie smiled at her.

“Now, what will your husband say when he sees this?” Maggie questioned. “He won’t like it – but he’s broken. He is big and strong weight wise, but - but.” Sue went on. Maggie waited.
“But what?” Maggie asked. “This week he’s been pre-occupied with cocks. He downloads pictures of them from the Internet. What’s more – he worships things that look like a cock. All Julie has to do is strap on that huge black dildo that she loves to fuck me with – and he would fall to his knees and be begging to lick and suck it.” Sue admitted. Maggie laughed at the thoughts running through her head.

“So I don’t have to worry about him. I just have to find a way to stop Julie from going too far and you will love me as your Mistress even more – won’t you? If I protect you – from that fat cow, you will be all that much more beholding to me – won’t you?” Maggie summarized. “Would you please?” Sue begged her co-worker.

“Yes, but I think it is time we paid a visit on your neighbor” Maggie noted with a gleam in her eye.

Later that evening, Maggie and Sue went to Ann’s house. Ann reluctantly let them both inside. “What do you want?” Ann asked her guests. “I want the source to hypnotize someone. I want to know HOW YOU DO IT. Then I want to be able to do it.” “NO WAY!” Ann defiantly objected. Maggie reached for Ann’s blouse but Ann grabbed her hands and stopped her. Maggie used her power to force Ann’s wrists back toward her chest. When they wouldn’t go any further, she was pushing Ann backwards and then down to her knees. She was proving that she was stronger. “I can make you tell me!” Maggie threatened.