The Preachers Wife


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She turned her attention back to the little boy who looked so much like the man she used to love.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about that friend of yours, she spends too much time here, and I don't want her around my son."

Oh all of a sudden he's "your" son? He's been living here for four months and you haven't so much as held him now all of a sudden you want to come in here making demands like you've been any type of father?"

Kayla spoke quietly but there was something in her voice that made David take pause if only for a moment.

"He's always been my son. And this is my house and its about time I got it in order."

Kayla couldn't help but laugh.

"Putting your house in order? David please don't even try to preach to me."

David took a deep breath. He wanted to punch the woman in the mouth, the only thing that held him in check was the fact that the child was sitting right there. Instead of lashing out at her he composed himself and answered.

"I am a preacher, and it's about time I started preaching to you. Maybe if you went to church more often you'd be acting right. The bible says, wives..."

"Have you lost your mind?" Kayla spoke interrupting what was sure to be a long winded sermon. "I know what the bible says about being a submissive wife, I also know what it says about adultery. Your familiar with Leviticus right? "If a man commits adultery with another man's wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death." or maybe you're more comfortable with Proverbs since killing all those women would qualify as mass murder "A man who commits adultery lacks judgment; who does so destroys himself."

David just stood there not sure what to say or who his wife had become.

"Just make sure that women isn't in my house when I get home."

He turned and walked away as if the issue had been resolved by his decree.

Kayla rolled her eyes tired of him and the argument he had started, seemingly out of nowhere.

"Whatever." She said to his already retreating back.

She didn't see David pause in the hallway, or the way he clenched and unclenched his fists like a man preparing for a fight.

She looked at the baby and smiled "His mama should have named him Hananiah."

The child laughed and clapped his hands like he knew exactly what she had just said.


"Girl he was trippin, he was like just make sure that woman ain't there when I come home."

Kayla had just finished relaying the argument with David to Kai. The two of them were sitting in the living room talking over some daytime talk-show that played on low on the television. The baby had just gone down for a nap in the room that had been converted into a nursery.

"I don't know what his problem is we've been friends for nearly two years and now he wants to act like he can just walk in and change everything."

Kai just smiled, but her heart had skipped a beat and she was a little worried. From what Kayla had told her David had been making decisions like that for years. Hadn't

he been able to come between the woman and her own sister? Hadn't he kept her from having friends when they lived in Memphis? So how could she be sure Kayla wouldn't put her down as easily?

She didn't realize that she herself was the one who gave her friend the strength and confidence to step out of the confines she been living in and be her own woman. She had no idea how much she meant to Kayla or how strong the bond between them had grown. She had sort of come to terms with being in love her best friend and she knew that losing the woman would break her heart.

Kayla watched her friend aware that Kai had stopped listening. She knew the woman well enough to recognize the emotions that played across her face. What she saw there was fear and loss. She knew if the roles were reversed she'd be afraid of losing her friend but she wished Kai had more faith in her. Based on her track record she could understand, but she didn't have to like it. She moved closer to the woman and cupped her face in the palm of her hand. Forcing Kai to stare directly into her eyes.

"You know we're good right?"

Kai didn't answer, she was to busy staring into the woman's eyes and breathing in her scent.

"Right?" Kayla repeated.

"Right." Kai said just above a whisper.

Kayla kept right on looking into the woman's eyes even after she'd gotten her answer. Without thinking she closed the space between them and touched her mouth to Kai's.

She kissed her like a long lost lover. With the exception of the kiss they'd shared months ago no one had touched Kayla in nearly two years. It wasn't just that she needed to be touched and held and kissed, she wanted Kai to be the one to do it. She was only mildly shocked that she'd been the one to make the first move. She'd realized some time ago that Kai wouldn't seduce her and she hadn't exactly known how to be the seductress but she knew if she got a chance she would go for it.

Kai kissed the woman back opening her own lips, and touched the tip of her tongue to Kayla's mouth. Kayla opened easily deepening the kiss and sucking the woman's tongue. She was still cupping the girl's face when they pulled apart.

"Are you sure?" Was all Kai said.

Instead of answering the question Kayla stood and stripped off her pants and shirt. She wore a pair of simple black cotton bikini panties and a black bra but Kai couldn't remember seeing anything more beautiful. Not that she was raking her brain or anything, the only thing she could focus on was the woman in front of her. She was so exquisitely designed, all full curves and smooth brown skin.

Kai reached out and ran her fingertips along the surface of Kayla's abdomen. She heard the way the woman's breath caught in her throat as she touched her. She touched the woman every where pulling her down and allowing her to straddle her own hips. They kissed again while they touched each other everywhere.

Kai moved her lips from Kayla's and kissed her neck, letting her hands cup the smaller woman's full breasts. She pulled the woman's left nipple between her fingers and pinched it through the bra her friend still wore. Kayla gasped at the sensation and arched her back pushing toward the point of contact.

Kai dipped her fingers between the woman's thighs and felt the heat and wetness of her through the panties she wore. Cupping the woman's pussy in her hand she squeezed eliciting another moan from her, she squeezed again and Kayla whispered her name.

Kai wanted this so much she could hardly think, she knew she shouldn't but she also knew she would. She should have walked away, and not let things get this far but all the while she'd known if it came to this she wasn't going to say no, which is exactly why is should have never come to this.

Already pushing her doubts regrets aside, she turned slightly and lowered the woman onto the couch. She hovered above her for a moment memorizing her features, then she reached out and touched her face. She ran her fingertips over the smooth plain of the woman's cheekbone and cupped her chin in her own palm. Once again she felt the need to ask,

"Are you sure?"

She almost wanted Kayla to say no. She knew she herself wouldn't resist but if her friend put a stop to this interaction then she wouldn't push the issue.

Kayla nodded, she was sure. She had never been more sure of anything in her life. She craved this woman, had been wanting her for the better part of their friendship, and now that she had her she wasn't about to let her go.

Kai closed the space between them and once again kissed her friend's full lips. She lingered there enjoying the taste and feel of the woman's lips and tongue on her own. She moved her lips down the woman's body kissing all the skin that wasn't covered by fabric. She let her hands and lips touch Kai everywhere and when she wasn't kissing her she was telling the woman how beautiful she was.

Kai was mesmerized with the girl's touch. David had been the second man to touch her, and neither man had ever invested the time that this woman was taking. She didn't think it had to do with gender so much as the fact that both David and Charles were selfish partners. Charles because of his age and inexperience, he'd only wanted to claim the "prize", he didn't much care about the game. David was a different story he had plenty of experience with women he just didn't take the time to truly satisfy her. At first she hadn't even known her satisfaction was supposed to be a part of sex.

Even her own mother had made it seem like sex was something a wife did as chore or a duty rather and it didn't necessarily have to be enjoyed. She hadn't even talked to the woman about premarital sex. She knew Mama would have frowned on the whole aspect of her daughter having sex. They had grown up in a "good Christian home"where sex and even talk about sex was a no-no. forget the fact that her mother was unmarried and had two daughter's that didn't share the same father, forget the fact that there had been a steady rotation of men coming in and out of there lives on the regular basis. Kai was ten before she realized that an uncle wasn't a man who showed up for a few months at a time and sometimes spent the night, creeping in when the girl's were supposed to be asleep, and then creeping out of their Mama's room in the early morning to leave.

She and Cece had grown up going to church and reading the bible. She knew her Mama had tried to do right by them but the girl's had conflicting veiws about that. Cece was forever calling her mother a hypocrite and smirking every time their Mama showed up with a new "uncle" for them to meet. She had understood the nature of what was going on behind those closed doors late at night. She hadn't explained it to her sister, she had in fact tried to shield the girl from what kind of woman their mother was on everyday but Sunday. At the time Kayla hadn't even known what the word hypocrite meant. Hadn't understood that the knocking sound they sometimes heard on their wall late at night, was the sound of the headboard striking the wall in her mother's room.

She was almost grown before she equated the sounds she heard as a child with the very adult things that they denoted. By that time Cece had long since struck out on

her own and even though she was older Kayla never was comfortable with discussing sex, even with her own sister. Instead she had made her own deductions and was left deflowered but still naive.

She had thought Charles was the man she would marry, had confused the lust he made her feel physically with love. He'd let her because he'd wanted to be the one to

introduce her to sex and hadn't really put much stock in her feelings. He'd ultimately felt bad when he'd ended it, for all his disbelief the girl really did seem to love him. It had taken her years to realize she'd dodged a bullet with him, the sex had been mediocre at best and she hadn't loved him at all, over time she knew that would have hurt them more than anything else.

David had come along and swept her off her feet, whats more he didn't pressure about sex the way other boys did. He was also a few years older than her and seemed so mature.

On top of all that he went to church and was a preacher. They even went to church together and could share similar stories about growing up in church. She'd thought they were meant for each other. It had taken him more than a year of courting to even get past the wall she had built around her heart but through it all he'd been so patient with her which made her love him all the more. She didn't know that even while he was courting her and setting her up as his future he was out there sleeping with every bitch that shook her ass in his direction. She didn't even suspect it which was why she went right on and loved him. After two years of dating they were married. And for a little while they were even happy. Then he'd started to show her who he really was.

All these thoughts struck Kayla in the space of a moment then she was focused on the present and how good Kai was making her feel.

Kai had removed the woman's bra and pulled her left nipple between her lips. She sucked gently at first and then a little harder. She was listening to the way her friend responded with little gasps and moans. She was slightly surprised to find that the woman liked it just a little rough. She'd have thought Kayla was all about the sweet and gentle.

She dipped her finger's between the woman's thighs and into the band of the panties she still wore as she switched her mouth to Kayla's right nipple. She bit, licked and sucked as she stroked her finger's against the woman's slick lips.

Kayla was wet and open and didn't think she'd ever been so turned on. Kai slipped her finger's between the woman's lips penetrating her and making her moan. Stroking her fingers in and out while she continued to switch from one breast to the other with her lips. Kayla's responded moving her hips and chasing Kai's probing fingers. Kai moved faster, determined to drive the woman over the edge. She felt the exact moment when the silky wetness in her friends core became thicker. She curved her fingers and knew she was hitting the right spot when the woman's thighs tensed around her, Kayla was trembling and moaning when she went over the edge.

She lay there still trembling just a little as Kai slipped her fingers out of her pussy and licked them clean. She watched as the woman repositioned herself and pressed her face to the place had just vacated. Kai kissed the woman tasting her through the panties she still wore. She rubbed her face against the fabric of the woman's panties and gently nipped her lips. She was lost in the taste and feel of the woman and Kai was lost in the sensation of it all.

David flat out refused to give her any kind of oral sex and Charles had claimed not to like the taste of her. Kai didn't seem to have any objections. She had eased the woman's panties off and given her pussy a wet open mouthed kiss, before spreading her lips and pushing her tongue into Kayla's core. She couldn't help but raise her hips to meet the thrusts of her friends tongue. She was going over the edge again before she knew it. She grabbed handfuls of the woman's long thick hair and rode her face as her climax ripped through her.

Kai kept right on fucking the woman with her tongue, loving the taste and feel of her pussy. She held the girl's hips in her hands and moved her tongue up, flicking her friends hard wet clit. Kayla screamed and her body went slack as Kai sucked and licked the little pearl of flesh. She damn near passed out, and still Kai didn't let up. She couldn't get enough of this woman.

They were both wet with sweat and Kayla's scent when she finally brought her lips back to the woman's mouth for a wet sticky kiss. Kayla found herself liking her own taste but wasn't quite sure if she could touch the woman the way she herself had just been touched. She wanted to no doubt about that she just wasn't sure of exactly what to do. They were just laying there with Kai holding her naked body against her own fully clothed one.

Kai had mistaken the woman's hesitation as reluctance and wondered how soon the regret would follow. Now that she had satiated some of her need to touch Kayla she was starting to wonder why she had even gone this far. She knew she shouldn't have, she didn't want to lose a friend behind some good pussy but now she'd crossed the line and guessed she would have to take whatever consequences her actions had garnered.

She kissed the woman again before disentangling herself and standing. She needed to think and there was no way she was going to be able to focus in Kayla's presence, especially if the woman was going to be naked.

"I should go home, I'll see you later."

Kayla was a little stunned she wasn't sure what to say. The departure was abrupt and seemed a little cold.

She nodded not trusting herself to speak, how could something so beautiful suddenly seem so ugly and cheap. She wanted to believe that her friend wasn't just trying to get some. Hell she herself was the one who'd initiated this little rendevous but she hadn't expected Kai to disappear afterwards. She wasn't quite sure what she expected but not this.

Part two is coming shortly...

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Ugh! Another man/bad story. Let me guess Lesbian Sex cures all. Yup didn't have to read the whole story. Creativity: Don't look for it on this section.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Part 2?

Please add more...

CliterateDykeCliterateDykeabout 7 years ago

This was a syruggle to read what with the jumps in the timeline & how poorly edited it was, but the narrative had depth & profound emotion to it. I'm so anticipating the next chapter. My heart wants to give you 5 stars but reality crept on & demsnded 4. Still, this is an axceptional story.

germanchocolate4ugermanchocolate4uabout 7 years ago

Damn this is a good story but the grammatical errors and the switching of the names made the story a challenge to read and follow. It may be a good idea next time to not give characters similiar names starting with the same letter, as in "K" for Kayla and Kia. I like the storyline, please continue. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Interesting story, was expecting the typical slam/bam/thank you ma'am quickie sex story but this one is filled with a lot of backstory. I like the depth and look forward to more chapters.

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