All Comments on 'The Troll Hunter'

by SweetWitch

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Jenny_JacksonJenny_Jacksonover 17 years ago
Love It

Screw the damn Troll. Good Work SweetWitch

duddle146duddle146over 17 years ago

Is this lady allowed to write about trolls? Is it all right? Should she be doing this - maybe at her own peril? Gee! How sexy is that - having our own Sweet Witch fighting those pesky critters. *grins* Right on! Wait - I hear a lyric from an old song...'And there's no nicer Witch than you!'

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Take a bow and a well deserved five. I think I'm in love...Plumage had me spewing pepsi all over my computer at four a.m.

CapriciousLassCapriciousLassover 17 years ago
I don't know why this was in the

non erotic category. If I had a dick, it would have been throbbing by the time you shot the troll. Vey hot and sexy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
How True

I think the trolls need to be stuffed in a cave and gassed. Total spineless and weak souls who have too much free time on their hands.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Conversely - You Amplify Our Feelings When

the slack but talented wordmeister is brought to bear responsibility for her careless words of selfish demeanment of humans far and near for her own private self important churlish needs.

Now at last there is indication that she seems to understand the why and how some feel when some of talent choose to abuse people and their rights to read even that which is carelessly spewed in indignant and harmful intention to offend any and all who have humanity but not a soulless vindictiveness towards any reality without consequence.

You cry about the very right you take to fault for those who care to voice concern or objection to the purposeful intended assault on the semi-normal senses most have but some lack.

No voiced objection is quiet approval as you evidence in your rant so well describing that which you feel is yours alone but trying to suppress the very free speech rights you employ to try to embarrass and squelch in the other hand those who have the audacity to object to.

How openly unintelligent and superciliously stupid to fault what serves you.

Get a life and some reality little selfish one.

Evil AlpacaEvil Alpacaover 17 years ago
Want to borrow some bullets?

It's amazing! That troll just used his/her/its entire thesaurus on its sniveling complaint, and STILL couldn't make a valid point! And to again cower behind anonymity!

The entire issues with trolls is not that they have opinions, but the manner in which they are expressed. They have no constructive criticism . . . they just insult the work, then insult the writer (which serves no point). Who knows . . . maybe they can write and just need to feel better about their own work by demeaning others. Trying to hide their petty vindictiveness and shallowness behind the guise of "freedom of speech" is ludicrous and a tad sad.

Personally, if you need a sidekick on your noble quest . . . or even a trusty steed . . . gimme a holla! (BTW, that was quadruped gangster speak for "call me.")

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Very cute

and cathartic, I'm sure. ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
About damn time!!!!


Trolls Beware!! SweetWitch has your number, as do we all, and we laugh-- LAUGH I say!-- at your vile and noxious tantrums.

Begone foul beast!

Great work, SW, and I wish you happy hunting, and haunting!


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Go SW Gooooooooooo!!!!

Love this lively tale!!!!

Keep up the great work Lit authors!!! You are the reason we readers keep coming back :)

DutchMafiaDutchMafiaover 17 years ago
Cool story

OK, the anon. troll a few comments before me took the obvious not-so-funny way to comment on this. Did anyone not see that coming? Really.

Thanks for the humor SweetWitch. By the way, does sweet reference your disposition or your flavor? (Is there a bad pickup line troll?)

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
I wouldn't have left another comment

until I read the comment from anonymous. Sigh, and here since you quit leaving the nasty comments on my work, I thought you had disappeared. I guess we couldn't have gotten that lucky.

You see, SweetWitch has said what a lot of us wish we had, especially about people who don't go after how we write but what we write. Yes, freedom of speech is a wonderful right, but no one should use it to demean or degrade another, especially when that person has taken the time as a lot of the authors do here at Lit, to try to put out something that is legible and interesting. I, personally, put a lot of myself into my work and when it gets attacked, it becomes personal to me.

Such as what you did to my vacation stories. So if that makes me a "Little Selfish One" than I'm all for it.

I say SweetWitch did well with this story and whether it goes far or not, well, I have a lot of respect for her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Well now, is double aught the best choice?

It is critical to keep in mind how important it is to match ammunition to the intended target. For example, you sure wouldn't want to use double aught on ducks (man lookit those feathers fly!)

For mere humans (mortal or not) the International Wound Ballistics Association recomends number 1 pellets for personal defense and law enforcement usage.

Now against trolls - remember that many of these trolls have the Anonymous protection shield in place - consider that the 00 pellets have a diameter of .33 inches and weigh in at 53.8 grains. Impressive, huh? But then remember the target matching consideration: the 000 (that's triple aught for you non-technical folks) has a diameter of .36 inches and a grain weight of 68.0. Man, we're killin' trolls like crazy now.

Now wait a minute! A ten guage slug weighs in at a totally impressive 766 grains!!! Shooting one has been described as similar to being in a car wreck. Shoot (pun intended), I'll bet if we carefully lined the trolls up we could disintegrate all of them with one shot.

That was a fun story - I'll fade away into the sunset humming a few bars of, "Listen to the mocking trolls, listen to the mocking trolls ..." Damn, now I'm going to hear that all night.

A true classic, SW!

Regards, DJ

Now, where are my meds?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Dearest D/kitten & Other Writers

It will be ongoing this protection of your child against those who just don't know what you do. And that is healthy for you or you wouldn't be where you are talentwise or having the courage to publish that which you labored over so diligently.

So when I am, or were I you, I likewise would sometimes be offended by those who linger on my subject matter as much I would prefer they wouldn't.

But, in the real world of book writing & selling, which this site and others can be preparation for, certain subjects or viewpoints most definitely affect book sales.

In that scenario, publishers carefully choose what they feel will help them continue their business - stay in the black if you will. Even then, there are critics who take the time to point out their take on an effort both skillwise and subject matter. Of course, the movies are also subject to both the marketplace and critics as they should.

So how is this so different and why should it be from your viewpoint? It is difficult to justify a reasonable reason for difference from most positions including yours. It is human but not defensible in the real world.

If you will think about it without partiality, that aint bad and it is part of the checks and balances of a real world.

If you went through life thinking 2+3=6 and couldn't understand why no one would buy your product, wouldn't that be a shame and loss for you and possibly others. Not that there wouldn't be a few who would agree that the world is flat but isn't that an empty vessel.

You have the right to stay your course but don't deny yourself the right to grow - to be flexible - to see other viewpoints - to understand the why of difference from another angle.

This site more than any other is kind of like Peoria, where in showbiz, if it flys there it will fly anywhere, but only because here the worldwide cross sampling of readers is strong, intelligent and mostly well meaning.

The atta boys and girls here are your only currency but still must be earned in talent, subject and viewpoint which is the way of the world.

Perhaps the most difficult criticism for some writers like yourself and the writer of this work can experience is the expressed higher expectation from some of us from those who could.

By that I mean, sometimes myself and others feel the subject or viewpoint expressed by a talented writer is puzzling below them. Not that they can't but it is disappointing when they do, as they as so looked forward to for what they can and have done. It may sell a few books but long term it is a low in their normal portfolio.

Lastly, it is with difficulty of acceptance that anyone here really could legitimately feel that you or anyone has a viable identity any greater than mine or other anon.. Silly pseudonyms don't entitle credibility anymore than counterfeit currency does. Only our words and stated intentions can denote understanding, respect and drive credibility which no silly name can.

I lied on the last lastly - a no vote - a no score - a no comment means no one cares and you should be more concerned about that than someone who takes the time to comment.

Respectfully Anon.

P.S. - Writer I too favor Parker's, but for legitimate game. Also, as is normally the case, this effort of yours was extremely well written but the subject is beneath you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Good for you


I notice the two longest comments are from the truly stupid who title themselves anonymous and who are trying, without success, to justify their piteous existence. "It sucks," is not constructive criticism. Neither is, "you suck." If you have a comment that will improve the writer's ability to tell a story, that is fair criticism. It is also helpful. A series of anonymous "0" scores is not criticism, it is character assasination, pure and simple. A series of expletitives is not criticism, it is rather the rantings of some testosterone challenged, pimply-faced teenager. My final thought on the subject is this: May those of you who fit the foregoing, die with a hard on and both hands paralyzed. Thank You author. Ronnie W.

scriptordelectoscriptordelectoover 17 years ago
These anonymous

trolls are rather long-winded aren't they? It would be different of they were actually saying something, but after wading through the diatribes of pseudo intellect in the comments below, I find little of value. I say take them all out sweetwitch, and good riddance! If they still find they have something to say, let them write it out and post it in a story, but they will need to watch out for the trolls. HAA! Great little story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
You should always spare at least one Troll’s life!

SweetWitch, sharpshooter and writer extraordinaire,

Trolls can be the equivalent to the old portrait paintings where somewhere in the painting was a human skull. The skull apparently was to counter the vanity of the poser.

Now all authors/writers IMHO should show a similar small amount of modesty when presenting their works to the site. What better way than to be thinking of your favourite Troll or Troll comment.

Named Trolls are best because you can follow their progress easier, though they do need more encouragement to expose their evil side. I find by adding plenty of redundant words, or the odd description of basket weaving, to my stories, tends to draw them out quite

Said in jest, but then many a true word is.

My best wishes

itsame38itsame38about 17 years ago
You Go Girl!!

What a beautiful way with words! I am a new fan of SweetWitch and think I will be reading her for a long long time!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
i am mostly anon

ok most of my coment are anon but i usually vote and praise a great many authers here. I know what i like and i think you are all great however in the defence of myself and the others who leave positive coments anon; i would sign my name but i (as much as i hate to admit it) cant get my pc to let me leave info like that on any web page . I appologise for rambling but SweetWitch you rock

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Title says it all.

-- A not very trollish anon

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
I'm an anon.

I apologize for being an anon, but I will continue to be one. It is not my nature to give out any of my names. I did enjoy the piece and I understand your point, but anon I am and remain.

I found you through MarshAlien, who is also very good.

I'll be back. I'll be a voter. But I'll be an anon.

DesertPirateDesertPirateabout 17 years ago
Good Shot!

This is perfect and why I won't post as anon. Another forum I visit labels them as annonymous cowards, how appropriate! I can't believe I missed this and am glad I found it! Thanks for another good story and the laughs.

SealockSealockabout 17 years ago

I loved it. Your description of troll types lurking in the Lit forest and the havoc wreaked on prose and poetry, but more importantly their authors, had me cheering for you, and of course, laughing out loud.

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
Trolling Anti-Troll Tales? Lawl.

Hahaha nothing funnier then seeing troll comments in an anti-troll story...

Btw, that one anon message that was like a page long... wtf? That was definetly on of the Haphazard Trolls, except it got hold of a thesaurus at some point... Thesaurus' don't help run-on sentences and grammatically errors unfortanetly :(

hahaha anyway, I got referred here by Alien's story first (helluva author!) and I think I'm gonna read up some of your stories too now... damn I got alot of reading to catch up on then >_<

Keep up the good work!

~CanadaAotS (bleh, I'll get around to making an account eventually... for now, you can call my Symon Ona ;))


Funny. I knew there was something that I liked about you.

caprinecaprineover 16 years ago

Makes me feel better after seeing some of my scores plummet.

PrincessErinPrincessErinover 16 years ago

Got to love the trolls.

LadyIlsaLadyIlsaover 16 years ago

This was so well written, so humorous and so TRUE! Troll infest any site that allows public (or even member only) comments. The skin of the writer needs to be thick, but when your child (story) is under attack, the soft spots are so exposed.

I really enjoyed this. Thank you! (Newbie here on Lit, but a veteran of troll attacks elsewhere.) Never could understand why anyone would hide behind 'anon' and would never do so myself. I always take responsibility for what I write and think others should too.

Gary_LostGary_Lostover 16 years ago

Just read your troll story, enjoyed every word of it. Don't know if I'm considered a troll or not. I do come down on some authors in LW because of cuckolding. I don't read incest stories or stories about rape. I always leave my name and respond back to the author if they email me wanting to know why I didn't like there story. This is the first story written by you that I've read. So far so good. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
I'm a little..

trollie, lurking in my cellie. Waiting for the right time, to give any author my dime. Here's to you, Sweetwitch! Surely, life aint that a bitch! =)

PsychoticDreamerPsychoticDreamerabout 16 years ago

I absolutely loved it! Spot on too.

araidayaraidayalmost 16 years ago
Very nice work

This was delightful! I love your sense of humor.

RoadbugRoadbugalmost 16 years ago
Very good

That was funny, thank you for the laugh...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

RoadBug recommended this story. I am very glad he did. I really liked it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I just read MarshAlien's troll story, Witching Hour, and figured (stupidly) that the trolling bits were fictional. I should have known that there would be no need to make it up. Seeing the original "You amplify our feelings when the slack but talented wordmeister is brought to bear responsibility..." in the comments here was hilarious - that word salad suggests such Sisyphean struggle on the part of anon as to leave me in awe. A failure so epic is not an easy thing to bring off.

Well played, all.

PrincessJezebelPrincessJezebelover 12 years ago
Brilliant! Damn you!

Here I am, sitting home with a cold, trying hard not to talk or make any sounds lest I lose my voice. And your story has me cackling out loud, barely able to refrain from rolling on the floor!

There is not much I can add to the earlier comments. I also will not leave a comment anonymously. It IS cowardly. I have been fairly hard on a few writers for their horrible grammar, punctuation, and word usage, and also occasionally on the action of the story. I have heard back from two writers whose work I criticized, and one has even become a friend. People who really CARE about their writing welcome constructive criticism.

One more thing: yes, I have a correct grammar fetish. I consider the terrible grammar of most anonymous trolls to be par for the course. What really drives me insane (the initial amusing irony having worn off after the first dozen or so times) are the comments left on those very common stories from authors who are wonderful story-tellers but whose writing is technically awful. These comments gush on and on about how fabulous the story is, that the writer is a god/dess, etc. And those comments are almost universally even worse grammatically than the story itself! (e.g. "I luv ur stories they r the best don't ever stop. i cant belief those assholes whocritzize you're stuff just cuz you speled a word wrong!")

It says a great deal about your story and your writing that most of the comments are clever, literate, and grammatically correct. Thanks for a good laugh and a fun story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Mindless and incompetent garbage !!

One of the worst. "1*" !

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I loved it.

Thank you.



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

It was YOU. It was you who took my beloved uncle Percival. You didn't even leave us his feet so that auntie Toejam could have one last....... You willll pay we know who you are, the best Cracker Bots will be dispatched to find your lair. Revenge will be OURS. Cousin Editor will be called. He very seldom cums true but we KNOW for you he'll make an exception.

Yours Truly, ANONYMOUS

roveroneroveroneover 8 years ago
GREAT one!

Good one-rarely give 5 without some hot sex, but....

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

When I was little, my Dad took me trolling (fishing from a boat going 3 or 4 mph) for Fish. Your story was a much better troll. Thank you. 5Stars.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Funny then

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Love it

Nice one, Madam.



OlgreyfoxOlgreyfoxalmost 3 years ago

Absolutely GREAT!!!! Very funny. Just what I needed to read to get my day started. LOL

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