The Villain Ch. 04


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His hand ran smoothly around the curve of her breast. She fought the instinctive shiver when his thumb casually brushed across her unseen nipple. Kraken found herself thankful that the fabric, that looked and reacted so much like spandex, didn't bow outward to display the hardening of her nipple in reaction. She hoped to deny this monster any sign of satisfaction to feed his ego.

Quickly enough, his hand dropped below her breast to the invisible potion at her navel. With a normal two-piece bathing suit his hand would have bumped over the edge rather than continue as if there was no change in the material; which, in fact, there wasn't. He slid around to her side where his fingers cupped to her back possessively.

"Another thing I know; any where you can get in, you can use it to get out as well!"

His fingers curled roughly and exploited the nearly undetectable seam across the back that let her slip on the skin-tight suit. Each costume was designed independently so that no two had exactly the same entry. Even now, after seven years as an agent, she still found it difficult to find the seam sometimes.

Her body jerked forward at the rough treatment as he pulled harshly on the hole in her costume. Half of her back was suddenly exposed and, though it felt little different than through the miraculous fabric, she began to feel well and truly naked. This time, she didn't bother to hold back.

Two men held her arms, and the leader stood slightly off angle, so that she wouldn't be able to easily kick him in the crotch, but that was fine by Kraken. They had failed to secure her most effective weapon. Even half bent over her hair would retain its full leverage. If anything, her bowed head gave greater stability to her neck.

Four tendrils of hair lashed out as one. Two smacked her captors in the chests. The unexpected attack, and even more unanticipated strength, caused them to lose their grips and tumble against the rail of the boat. She could have continued to bash at them, and probably toss them overboard, but they were at the very edge of her reach and she was too conscious of overextending herself with the gunman so near.

A third snake of hair immediately reached for the leader's neck and wrapped tightly about his throat to cut off his air. His mouth and eyes gaped wide while his hands twitched toward the attack before he regained his composure and realized an attack would be more effective. With her costume in one hand and a gun in the other he had the potential to stop the assault instantly.

Her final tendril of hair went straight for the gun. Even as he began to swing the handgun back to aim at her head, the roped mass of hair whipped across his knuckles and sent the weapon flying. Bent over, she immediately lost track of it but remained confident it had flown far enough from his grip that it was no longer a threat. The same string of hair spun under her body and wrenched his grip from her costume and slowly fought his hand back between them.

For one timeless moment they stood there glaring hatred at each other. With his life at her mercy, however, there was no question who held the upper hand. A flare of red-hot rage made her wish she possessed the strength to snap his neck. A cruel grin spread across her face when she realized that she might not have the strength with just the little hair currently around his neck but she should if she focused all of it together.

Almost negligently, Kraken's outermost lengths of hair flicked out to smack her former captors. Already off balance, it didn't take much to topple them. A single hit to the chest was followed, almost instantly, by a sweep of their legs and over the rails they went. All the while the second strand joined the first around his neck.

The two free lengths of prehensile hair reared up like vipers. She waved them slowly, taunting him with the nearness of his death. Given the odds, no one would question if one of the criminals died while she tried to escape their captivity.

A hand grabbed each of the wayward tendrils at the same time. Before her shocked brain had time to process the change, her hair was yanked backwards. Her head snapped back and dragged her body off-balance. She refused to surrender her one advantage, at least, and the leader was yanked forward with her. She landed on her back, on top of someone, only to have the leader sprawl across her in a tangle of limbs and hair.

Feet pounded on the deck while Kraken struggled to free herself from the mess. She struggled and thrashed but the angle was bad. Whoever had her from behind didn't need to do much to keep her down. All he needed to do was keep himself tangled in half of her hair and she had no way to throw the leader off of her.

In moments, she was yanked to her feet. She tried to thrash free of their collective grips but found herself held fast. One man held each of her arms while three focused on wrangling her unruly hair.

"The mer-bitch has funky hair."

Kraken recognized the voice at her back as the man who'd been lowered down to catch her in the first place. She cursed herself for forgetting about him. He must have climbed back up while she dealt with her other captors. From there it was simple for him to get the drop on her. Her second mistake was not counting on even more people below deck.

"Hmm," the leader pondered. "I wonder if Medusa here has any more tricks? She obviously can't turn someone to stone, or else she'd have done it by now. Between holding us and that death glare she's shooting me, we'd all be statues."

He leaned close and gruffly grabbed her chin with an iron grip. The world narrowed down to him and the red haze of rage that pulsed across her vision. She heard the rasp of metal on leather but knew that whatever it was, there was nothing she could do about it so she continued to stare her defiance.

"Time to see if she's got anything else up her invisible sleeves. Hold her tight boys."

A momentary glint of silver out of the corner of her eye was the only warning Kraken got. His knife flashed up and immediately tangled in her hair. Her eyes flew wide with horror and her breath caught in her lungs. The men with her hair yanked it taught, her head still caught in the leader's vice grip. In moments she began to feel the strands begin to slice apart.

One hair at a time, each was torn in half. Her scream held less pain than anxiety. It didn't hurt, at least no more than the rough tug on her scalp before each finally relinquished to the sharp blade, but she could still feel every indignity.

Within a minute, her whole head had been shorn. The bastard hadn't bothered to shave her bald. Instead, he had roughly cut her hair to shoulder length. A small, vain, part of her damaged psyche bemoaned how inconsistently it had been cut; with some lengths many inches longer than others. Mostly, Kraken felt lost and blind. She could still feel through the remainder of her hair but she was used to it being a sensitive field that hovered about her.

Without so many men needed to hold back her extra limbs, Kraken was dragged backward until her back crashed painfully against the rail. Tears began to leak from her hazy vision as she beheld the tangled pile of hair that lay unceremoniously on the deck. The leader had dropped the knife and it lay tauntingly gleaming on top of the pile.

"Now then. I don't think we'll have any more trouble from this little slut."

Kraken glared daggers at the leader. He walked carelessly close and she lashed out with her feet, looking to kick that self-satisfied grin off of his face. Maybe she'd even get lucky and jam his nose into his brain or snap his neck.

Unfortunately, her focus had narrowed too closely on the leader. The moment she kicked out, a man on each side grabbed her legs. She floated, trapped in the grip of four men, off of the deck and spread eagle. For a delusional moment, her mind gloated that her costume wasn't as skimpy as it appeared and he'd never be able to get through it. Reality crashed down on her in a panic when she remembered he knew exactly where the seam in her outfit was.

Kraken thrashed. It took all of the concentration of the four men holding her arms and legs just to keep her under control. Unfortunately, with her hair shorn, there were still men to spare.

"Hold her!" The leader snapped. "You two, get down and grab her hips when I tell you. No!Under the bodysuit."

Kraken screamed denial and thrashed harder. The leader settled into position between her legs. When he crouched down, and reached under her to the seam along her lower back, she tried to close legs thighs around his head. Constant travel through the water had given her thighs strong enough to crush a walnut, she hoped his head wasn't so hard.

The men at her legs responded to the attempted attack by leaning backwards and slowly pulling her legs wider apart. Kraken screamed when her attempt caused her knees to bend unnaturally. Once more, her body betrayed her when her legs realized and opened her crotch wide to the man scant inches from it, all in a vain attempt to reduce the pain. The men, seeing only weakness yanked her legs even wider. Pain tore through her hips, unused to the extreme yield.

"Damnit!" The leader swore while glaring at the men who held her legs. "Think for a fucking minute! I can't get this thing off if you have her split like a god-damned wishbone!"

The two men glared at Kraken as if the beratement had been her fault. Even still, they shifted their grips to her knees and brought her legs closer together. The pain dulled instantly but the damage had been done. She continued to struggle but knew herself weaker both for their new position and the pain. She worried something might have torn but quickly reminded herself she had much greater concerns.

The leaders soft fingers brushed the small of her back and curled unerringly under the seam. One yank, even stronger than the one that had doubled her over when he tried to pull up, and the edge of her costume bit into the bottom edge of her toned ass.

"Now, you idiots!"

Rough, calloused, hands reached under the sides of the newly-made gap in the back of her costume. Fingers bit into her soft flesh and began to pull at her hips. Dry skin, toughened by the salty ocean air, scraped against her skin.

A fresh, cool, breeze blew across Kraken's pussy. The surprisingly gentle, soothing, sensation only heightened her panic. She was once more bent over, but this time they had managed to successfully peel her out of her only hope of protection.

The world blacked out momentarily with a sharp jab to her kidney. Her whole world narrowed to the splitting pain. She barely even remembered she needed to continue to fight. Another blow, this one to her leg, aptly reminded her of the trouble she was in. Pain lanced outward from her thigh, where someone hit her with a pipe. The resultant Charlie horse gave the beleaguered man on that leg a brief break from her struggles while she tried to right her body.

The world began to widen once more, only to reveal that her knees now pressed against her shoulders. She didn't remember if they'd put her down or merely dropped her. She immediately discovered a critical flaw in the design of her costume; one that had never dawned on her while putting it on. With both top and bottom pulled up sufficiently, she could be left in it unable to move, provided she didn't have the use of her arms to reorder her clothes.

The two men holding her arms now merely sat on her wrists. The lack of fight while the kidney-punch overwhelmed her had given them a sense of confidence. When she tried to struggle free, she proved it wasn't unfounded. She could barely curl her fingers through the pressure on her wrists.

"Look at that pretty pink pussy." Leered a man who came over and leaned back against her legs, pressing her ankles against the rail and opening her more thoroughly to her lecherous assailants.

"Hey!" The man who fished her out of the water shouted when the leader began to work his buckle. "What the hell? I went in after her, and if it wasn't for me she'd have popped your head off like a grape!"

The leader regarded him for a moment then nodded while he continued to open his belt. "You get her second. Everyone else gets to figure it out on their own."

"Please! Please, no. Please don't. Please. I don't want...I don't...please no." Kraken whimpered and begged. She didn't care about dignity any more. It terrified her that each moan and plea caused the cock that homed inevitably in on her to jump and pulse with anticipation.

The tip of his cock pressed against the soft folds of her core. He pushed forward and she screamed in pain. He wasn't any bigger than average but her terror proved insufficient to lubricate her. The dry, taut, skin of his dick dragged against flesh that refused to part, twice more, before he leaned back.

"Damn frigid cunt! You'd think a mermaid slut would be so wet you'd slide right in." Joked one of the mean standing back, waiting for his turn. He reached down and began to massage his crotch when Kraken began to sob.

Another scream ripped from her when something flat smacked heavily against her ass. The leader lurched to one side and smacked a board out of the hand of one of the crewmen. "Fuck you! You almost hitme with that you fucking cock-sucker! Besides, she ain't wet from all the struggling it's unlikely that will do much more than tighten her up!"

"Some of us like 'em tight, bastard!"

A few chuckles circled around her but the leader growled out a reply. "Yeah? Well, some of us don't have baby dicks. We're big enough we can't afford them too tight. Gimme that!"

The chuckles grew this time. Kraken couldn't see what he'd grabbed, between her own legs and the tears blocking her eyes. A flash of glass suggested a bottle of some sort, a moment before a torrent of liquid splashed across her dry folds and burned into her tender flesh.

Kraken screamed again. Then once more, louder, when he forced his cock into her barely wetted pussy. He growled and grunted as he used his own weight to push himself deeper. With every millimeter he progressed, the fires followed as the alcohol he'd used to lube her came into contact with freshly abraded flesh.

Every muscle in her body tensed when she felt his hips grind against hers. His grin revealed no little pain on his part but the savagery proved it failed to deter his enjoyment. Her hair whipped futilely around her face, the only part of her unencumbered enough to resist. Unfortunately, it only served to remind her how thoroughly they had already violated her.

Each fresh thrust became no easier to handle than the one before. Kraken felt as if her body were at once on fire and being blasted with gravel. Her muscles burned from the useless struggling until she could barely feel them. Her breath came in ragged gasps between sobs that had become as dry as between her legs.

With all of the pain and humiliation fighting to overpower each other, Kraken didn't think she would be able to fall any deeper. Shame and anger burned within her. She cursed her own stupidity for getting into the situation and began to wonder if this wasn't exactly what she deserved for her inattention. Maybe even what she deserved for being born a freak.

Kraken's mind focused sharply on the sudden, burst of pain deep inside of her. What already scraped and tore at her suddenly swelled and felt as if it would rip her open. The sudden pulsing that followed, along with his erratic rhythm, warned her what was about to happen. Her whimpered pleas took on fresh urgency.

"Please! Don't. Not that. Not inside!"

Her brain was too scattered to remember if she was on birth control or not, or whether it was near enough her time of the month. It didn't matter that he might even have some kind of disease. All that burned through her shame and humiliation was that it was one more slight; one more proof of her complete powerlessness.

The leader's crotch slammed against Kraken so hard that her body rocked and caused her head to slam into the gunwale. His back arched. His head flew back and a growl of pure contentment roared from his lungs. Fresh tears sprung from her eyes, where she thought herself used up. The world swam uncertainly and even her frenzied hair began to sway dizzily.

The leader staggered back. Kraken finally felt empty but what should have been a relief only burned all the more harshly with shame. A silky warm trickle of his cum began to seep from her and travel down the crack of her ass.

The sound of a zipper above her was cut short by a shout.

"Hey! You heard him! I'm next mother-fucker!"

"Aw, don't worry. You can have sloppy seconds. I just want to feel her tight, hot, throat wrapped around my cock as she chokes on my cum."

Part of Kraken reeled with terror. She'd never much liked giving guys head because it made her gag so easily. With all these guys around, there was no question that the bastard could do exactly what he threatened and overwhelm her with his dick and cum.

At the same time, a spark of hatred flared and she vowed she would bite off anyone who got close enough to try. She knew she was already dead. She would cause as much pain as she could before she died. Besides, it might even spur the freshly neutered pirate to hasten her death and save her from further humiliation.

"Stupid shit! She'll bite your cock off. And you'll deserve it, you dumb fucker."

"Eh," the man shifted from leaning against her legs to kneeling on one of her shoulders. His arm still pulled at her legs, stretching her doubled over, but now she could see his open pants and the dick he threatened her with. "I can still make her drink my cum."

Kraken could no longer respond intelligently. Instead, she screwed her eyes shut and clamped her mouth closed. She could win some battles, even if tears continued to leak through the corners of her eyes. It didn't keep her from hearing the slap of flesh on flesh as his hand hit his crotch repeatedly or the feel of the way his knee dug into the tender joint of her shoulder.

"What? Too good to drink my cum, bitch? You're whore enough to let him stuff you like a turkey, it's time you got your gravy, slut!"

As with everything else on the fateful mission, she couldn't manage to keep her silent vow. Kraken had forgotten about 'Number Two'. Whether he was working in tandem with Foul-mouth or not, the result was the same. Her resistance remained for only an instant when she felt the tip of a cock press against the puckered flesh of her ass.

Her resolve crumbled instantly when he forced her open with a single hard shove. Her mouth flew open with a fresh scream of pain. Her lungs emptied almost instantly. When she sucked in a deep breath she began to sputter and choke on the thick slime that Foul-mouth had promised to shoot into her mouth.

Ironically, Number Two had an easier time of it than his predecessor, despite the virgin orifice. Likely he was smaller, and the leader's cum served to act as a form of lubricant for the unconcerned man. The ease with which he pounded into her, over and over again, didn't lessen the fresh sensation of being torn apart. The world quickly devolved into incomprehensibility in a spree of unbearable agony and humiliation.

Someone yanked her out of the bottom of her costume and stuffed the legs into her mouth.

She was thrown onto the railing and assaulted from behind while he smacked her ass until it was a mass of bloody welts.

Her hands were pulled aside, when she feebly tried to protect her eyes from the streams of cum, and smashed with a hammer.

Someone smacked her jaw so hard it dislocated. From there it was easy for the men to force her to swallow them whole without fear.

She was taunted with the hope of escape, only to have her leg broken when she tried to crawl to the edge of the gunwale.