Thoughts On Size

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Ruminations on size from a man with a lack of it.
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As a constant source of embarrassment that seemingly calls my masculinity into question, it's a hard thing to admit. But I guess there's really no other way to say it, so I might as well come right out with it. When it comes to the size of my penis, I come up short. Pun intended.

In a strange way, it's liberating to admit. But it's also the cause of a great deal of insecurity.

No, I'm not anywhere close to the eight inch feast of man sausage most men on the internet proclaim to own. Nor do I have the five to six inches most surveys reveal most men really have. No, I'm the guy at the lower end of the bell curve, the one bringing down the class average. I check in at just over three and half inches when fully erect. And believe me, I don't make up for lack of length with an abundance of girth either. There's no two ways about it, I'm small.

Seeing as I'm six foot-two with a body on the slender side makes my predicament even more awkward. If only I could trade some of my height for a little extra length. And yes, I've been known to stand naked in front of a mirror and look at myself. And I've seen enough of those shows about plastic surgery to know that I probably feel the same sense of insecurity that some women when looking at their breasts that may not be as voluptuous as they like.

It's strange in a way, because I don't think I've ever heard anyone admit to less than five inches. But surely they must be out there. I can't be the only one, can I?

Over the years I've tried a number of different things to try and make myself appear larger. Unfortunately, completely shaving my pubic hair just makes me seem like an absurdly tall fifth grader. When I let my pubic hair grow wild as I gather most men do, my cock seemingly gets lost in the jungle. As a result, I've generally opted for the trimmed look.

Truth be told, it's easy to joke about my size from the anonymous comfort of a random post on the internet, but dealing with my size in a real life situation is another matter. I think as long as I've been sexually aware, I've always realized I was something less than well-endowed. Size was something that always seemed to be discussed in a roundabout way. It was joked about and hinted at enough to make me aware that penis size was relevant.. I went to great lengths to avoid being seen naked by other men in the locker room, and my size was something I was successful enough at concealing, but seeing my classmates in the locker room, I instinctively knew I wasn't like them.

At best, my size has been a source of embarrassment and insecurity. At worst it's caused me to question my masculinity. As I moved from high school to college and sex was something that was more openly discussed, my lack of size was something that I became more and more self-conscious about. In a lot of ways it shaped my self image and my sexuality. I've always been a bit introverted, but I think my feelings of inadequacy made me even more so. My lack of confidence caused me to withdraw and feel awkward and uncomfortable around women, especially ones I was attracted to. In turn, this meant that most of my interactions with women tended to be with women that approached me. Of course, the kind of women that approach men tend to be aggressive and self-confident. That fact, coupled with my lack of size and self-confidence has always made me feel submissive in sexual situations, which in turn caused me to question my masculinity. It was like this never-ending circle that fed on itself, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I'm aware that most women say that size doesn't really matter, and that it's the motion of the ocean, and not the size of the wave that really matters. To this day I don't know if I really believe that, but still it doesn't matter to me. Just as it doesn't matter to some women when men say a woman's breast size doesn't matter, my insecurity about my size is ingrained.

But just the fact that questions about penis size are even asked makes it obvious that it is at least a factor. Maybe individual women don't care, but society as a whole must, or else the topic would rarely be addressed.

How has my size affected me? First of all, I'm not sexually experienced by any means. In fact, I would say I'm far from it. But even with my earliest sexual experiences, I remember feeling self-conscious even though my size never seemed to come into play. Probably because my partners were inexperienced enough themselves not to know any better, or because my sexual experiences weren't long enough where my size really mattered.

There have been other occasions however, where my size did come into play. In college, I distinctly remember a situation with a woman I had been desperately attracted to for some time. After months of anxiety about the situation and what might happen, we finally became intimate. Upon seeing me naked for the first time, her response was to grin and remark how "cute" it was. Let me say, calling a man's cock "cute" is no way build a man's confidence. The fact that we parted ways less than a month later didn't help my self-esteem either.

Another time during an initial intimate encounter, I found myself on my back as my partner unbuckled my belt and slid off my pants. As I looked down to see her reaction when my hard cock first emerged, I watched her look on in disbelief. She managed to stifle her chuckle when she glimpsed the look of horror on my face. Thankfully, she didn't call it cute.

During a recent encounter, my partner didn't pull any punches. Without missing a beat when she saw my cock for the first time, she declared it the smallest cock she had ever seen. To her credit, she didn't seem deterred by that fact, but rather reveled in the novelty of it all.

I really have no way of knowing if my experiences are typical or even common. Again, I'm not at all sexually experienced, and I do admit most of the time my size is never even addressed, either before, during, or after the fact. Still the fact that it's come up with at least three women, seems to suggest size is at least on some women's mind, even if others are too polite to mention it.

Again, all these experiences and encounters seem to circle back on themselves. In a way, it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy, where my lack of size has dictated my sexuality. It's made me feel timid and insecure, embarrassed and submissive, and even to question my masculinity.

The strong, virile, well-endowed man is the one that is characterized as powerful and masculine. It is that image that is portrayed as desirable to women. With physical characteristics that don't meet that ideal, it's hard for the mind to overcome the stereotype. And for me, in a way it feels natural to assume the opposite role, and become a docile and submissive figure.

Indeed, most of my relationships have centered around me assuming that submissive role. Not necessarily in an overtly D/s role, but usually where my female partner assumes the role of the aggressive predator, while I assume the role of submissive prey. In other words, I always seem to assume the stereotypical female role, while my female partners tend to assume the stereotypical male role.

In most cases, these assumed relationships are metaphorical, but there has been occasion where they've crossed from the metaphorical into the literal. In one relationship, I literally assumed the female role of being penetrated by my partner wielding a strap-on dildo.

In some ways it's hard to fathom such a complete role reversal stemming solely from my feelings of inadequacy due to my lack of size. It's also a hard thing to admit, as it confirms that in my mind at least, my masculinity is tied to my physical endowment. But in a way, it has to be.

For me, it's hard to imagine a virile, physically well-endowed man assuming a literally feminine role in the way I have. I just can't seem to wrap my mind around it. Yet at the same time, it felt natural for me, or at least as natural as it could, based on the fact that part of my masculinity seems stripped away by my lack of size.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that size does matter. Perhaps it doesn't matter to everyone in the same way, but it does in fact matter to both men and women alike whether they admit it or not. Perhaps it matters in subtle ways, and in ways we don't like to acknowledge, but it's always there, lurking.

I suppose the eight-hundred pound gorilla in the room is the fact that even if it's on no one else's mind, it is definitely on my mind. The obvious retort would be to say that it's my problem and that I should get over it, but it's not really that simple. Looking from the outside in, perhaps it is, but for me, in the middle of the storm, it's not.

I don't know if my experiences make me special or unique. I suspect they don't. I've just never heard them discussed from this perspective. And now I have to say, I'm glad I've got that all off my chest.

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DarkAurther6969DarkAurther6969about 1 year ago

Was there a Point to this? Because I was hopping it would one of those "I Have a Small Dick So What I'm Prod of it" But No Instead I got from it a Shit Load Of Whining "Wha Wha Wha I Have A Small Dick" Booo Hoooo Hooo Hooooooooooooooo! In the words of Tony Soprano "Oh Poor You You Got A Small Dick Oh Poor You"

NthusiasticallyNthusiasticallyover 8 years ago
Small is Good . . .

from my POV as a petite lady. Copulation was painful due to the size (& lack of skill) of my partners. If any of them had been your size, I wouldn't have had to wait til I was 50 to learn it didn't have to hurt. I'm sure there are other ladies like me who prefer men your size.

blackhillsbbwblackhillsbbwalmost 10 years ago
Interesting read...

Man, you write so well. And I love that it's your thoughts. What i'm curious about is has this 'penis envy' of other men's perceived 'endowments' been blown out of proportion? I have been with some guys that are small, but I would never call their penis 'cute'. Nor would I have to stifle a chuckle. Am I weird? Maybe so, but i'm also honest and I cannot imagine that a person's masculinity needs to automatically come in question unless there are leanings in that direction anyway. If there are, then that is fine; to each their own. But something sure went awry in making you think that a 5" should strip you of that masculinity. I think it's a shame really. I have to agree though that our society is 'stuck' on size. I'm a big girl, and I've battled that image and criticism for years because Hollywood or media cannot even fathom that plus size women can be admired let alone preferred. But what has helped me are the men out there and yes there are plenty of them, that DO desire me with all my so called societal failings. So I surround myself with those BBW admirers because they build me up; not tear me down. Perhaps you really need to get more in touch and find out if you really have more leanings towards being dominated and being more feminine in the process. It does kind of sadden me you feel this way and that life has played this trick on you, but only you can figure it out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Your masculinity is very much in question.

Have you considered panties? You can be more of a "girlfriend" to the women you are attracted to and help them find lovers whose masculinity is not in question. Sit in the corner in your panties and watch how a real man fucks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Hey there

Had a few partners on the smaller side, personally prefer it as you can really feel it. Having confidence in the experience is key. As long as you're confident to communicate your desire for your partner then everything should be fine.

The thing that really gets in the way when you worry about any aspect of your sexual performance is the worrying is making you focus on yourself and your partner doesn't feel desired. Making someone feel desired is basically the basis of seduction.

If you are thinking "what if she doesn't like my penis" over and over again, then what your body is going to communicate to the woman is: "we are not sexually compatible" and "this isn't going well". If you are thinking "fuck, she is so hot" then your body is going to communicate that and she is going to feel hot. It is very simple. People just want to feel desired.

Women who really care about what size your penis is (and aren't just saying it as revenge for how men have made their body parts feel commodified - many are) are about as good as the kind of men that only sleep with girls under a certain age. At the end of the day, they are only limiting their own experiences.

A viable solution for you - I strongly recommend hypnosis (you can get recorded sessions online) to give you a different outlook on things. Gets lumped in with the New Age /Alternative Medicine crowd but it has always worked for me.

You got nothing to lose. Don't like to see men suffering with body issues but pleased to see openness regarding it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
You're not alone

I'm pretty much the same size and have a lot of the same thoughts and fears. I have been with only one woman (I'm the only one she's been with too) and we've been together for 15 years. I always have this little fear in the back of my mind that if we hit a little rough patch in our sex life she might go in search of a hung guy, find that it's much better and leave me. I've been to therapy and I know these thoughts are totally unfounded since there has never been any evidence from her that this would ever happen. I guess I wanted to say that it never goes away completely, society has built it into all our heads that bigger is better.

From my findings on "does size matter" I would say that it is important to some women. For the majority of women, (my wife included) they would give up a monster schlong for a guy that is confident, skilled and sensitive to her needs in the bedroom. A positive stereotype about under-endowed guys is that we're amazing at oral. I embrace this and it makes a lot of difference. You're obviously an intelligent guy, so use that big brain and do some research on technique. The next time you get intimate, don't even take your pants off, go immediately down on her. Once you've given her an oral orgasm or two she shouldn't care what you're packing. Knowing you have this ability will also give you that confidence you're lacking. Again, great artcle and even though its anonymous youre still brave for writing so openly about yourself.

abc101abc101about 13 years ago
I think your better off than me...

Im 21 and I have about 5.7 inches but i have never had sex or a girlfriend.

..... I was teased a lot growing up for other reasons and had multiple family traumas occur since i was young. These moments of my past, i believe caused me to develop a introverted lifestyle that is slowly killing me. At least you have had sex. I unfortunately, due to my fear of people, will most likely die a virgin (which is my greatest fear).

I plan on seeing a psychologist soon to see if they can help me break my fears and introverted-ness. I'm hoping it will help me. I suggest you do the same, they might help you feel better.

..... Good luck to you.

NaughtyBunny85NaughtyBunny85about 13 years ago

As a female with a fiance who isn't very large I can say it really doesn't matter, most women are smaller then men realize down there any way and a too large penis only causes discomfort and sometimes pain. I was with a guy from age 14 till I was 21, who was at least 6-7 and I NEVER HAD AN ORGASM till I had sex with my now fiance because guys who are bigger think that their size is enough, trust me knowing how to use your body and her body to pleasure a woman is more important than size.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Me too

My wife and I had great sex for over 50 years and had 4 children. I always made sure that she had an orgasim even if I coudn't do it with my penis.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Well done...

I am more or less exactly the same size, and am bi. In general I find women are more tolerant of lack of size than men, guys are very explicit about nearly universally preferring a well hung guy. But at this size you do inevitably get comments, and occasionally do get dumped for an inability to satisfy, that's life.

I do need to rebut the comment about comparing a guy with a very small cock to a woman with A cup breasts...I made that mistake once with a woman who chuckled upon seeing my small but rock hard cock for the first time. I compared it to her still bra covered A cups. She demonstrated quite effectively how invalid the comparison was when she refused to let me get her bra off, and enjoyed pointing out that no one would plead for my cock that way I was pleading for her breasts!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Sounds like most women I've been with.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Self Confidence

More than a few studies have now been completed with the conclusion that you are inborn with a level of self confidence. You may be able to raise that level somewhat but any real elvation will collapse into arrogance.

What you have said in your essay, merly proves the fact that in whatever competion life throws at you, some of you are going to lose.

The only question I would have for you about your submissiveneess is : do you mind being submisssive or do you enjoy being submissive

But remember by the time you get really old the long dongs will probably be no longer asstiff or as big as they were.

You have explained most of your situation very well

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Intesting Topic

A good piece of work- your efforts are appreciated.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Someone once said

You are as big as you think.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
You are not just one characteristic

I was talking to the woman next to me at a Bar Mitzvah dinner this weekend. We’re friendly bun not friends. In the course of a wide-ranging conversation she said that men and women are so different; in particular, men don’t understand women. I asked what we should know about women. She said women aren’t looking for one particular thing as far as men are concerned. Their interest is based on the whole package.

This didn’t relate to anything else in the conversation and I assume it had to do with something between her and her husband. But she considered it the key concept in male/female understanding. I think the concept relates directly to this topic. It’s one aspect and won’t take on overriding importance unless you make it by diverting all attention to the one issue.

The study mentioned in a previous comment, that women can’t determine size without additional information. It seems to be the perception of size, rather than size itself, that matters. How big do you have to be for successful phone or cyber sex? It’s because the key elements of sex are in the mind. Imagine the ideal body for your tastes for a moment, the body that makes your mouth water. Now pull back and imagine that it belongs to your 80 year old grandmother. Is there any difference in the level of excitement evoked by those two images? It’s in your head.

Confidence is in your head. Most women find it appealing. If you focus on a single characteristic such as size, height, hair, clothing, wealth or being well-spoken as disqualifying you from being appealing, you will probably be unappealing; not for the reason you focus on, but because of its effect on your confidence. If you portray yourself as not worth spending the time to get to know, people will believe you. You should know you best, probably not true, but that is the perception. Others will tend to defer to your opinion.

Some stories here depict women (and men) being driven to the brink of orgasm by words alone. If you haven’t had the experience yourself, ask around; I’m sure you’ll find someone who has. You can obviously express yourself effectively. It may be that size does count and that you have one of the biggest vocabularies around.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 17 years ago
Good essay, but...

I think there's an analog the author missed: dicks and tits. Sure, C and D titties are fun to look at and play with, but some of my best memories are with A ladies. Many A ladies wish to be a B or bigger (just as men would like to be bigger), but it ain't gonna happen for them either without plastic (which has another set of issues) although the pill sometimes helps. My good memories came from ladies with the right Attitude (HDK is correct), which didn't have anything to do with size (theirs or mine).

And then there's the joke about the guy whose Genie is partly deaf... he ended up with a 12" Bic... and then a million ducks...

BazzzBazzzover 17 years ago
No one's perfect

A well written essay. Everyone has a fault that constantly rolls around in their head and hinders their success, be it with women, in business, etc. Afterall we are all humans aren't we?

At least your shortcoming (sorry about that) is one that you can't try to hide to the point of being ridiculous. Just check out the bald guy with the massive comb over or worse yet the big ass rug, the fat guy trying to hide his girth or the desperate short guy wearing lifts. Now if you think women won't go for a small penis try one of those gimmicks and see how it works for you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Enjoyed it...

I'm just slightly larger than you, so I pretty have had alot of the same thoughts. My way around though is usually to focus on the woman very intensely. Watch her, try to do what she seems to like, and make her feel good. Obviously, this is always good, but it helped me block out that bit of anxiety. Also, and I guess this is obvious, but try to get first encounters in the dark. Like a previous poster said, it's mental for women too, so if they enjoy it BEFORE they see the size, it's much less likely to be a factor.

Anyway, it's always good to read something honest and open like this, thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
It's not the size of the wand...

But the magic it weaves. Or so I think. I have been married for over 15 years to a man with a 4" penis. When flaccid it is pretty darn small. He has given me plenty of stimulation with his wand and in all seriousness the orgasms I have from intimacy with him are far better than the ones with my 8" super thick dildo.

My only sorrow with having a partner with a small penis is that some positions are difficult to achieve, but we have worked around that too.

Good luck and thanks for your excellent submission.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Well written but wrong . . .

I think the author would benefit from some counseling for his insecurity. Masters and Johnson did a number of experiments with blindfolded, volunteer female subjects who had intercourse with a variety of male volunteers of different penis sizes. The women were not permitted to feel their partners' penises except via intercourse. The researchers found that the women could not discern the size of the men's penises based on the feeling during intercourse. The same was true for lubricated dildoes inserted into the women's vaginas. The researchers found that the vagina maintains the same pressure on the object, penis, whatever, no matter the variance in size or thickness. There was no difference in the time needed to reach orgasm for those women able to have orgasm with intercourse (some women have a great deal of difficulty achieving climax with intercourse or simply can't, irrespective of their partner's penis size). Based on this research, penis size must be a factor in a woman's enjoyment of intercourse in the same sense as a woman's breast size is relevant to a man's enjoyment of sex with a woman (basically it is a mental thing, not a physical thing). Of course, much of sex is what's in the brain, so one must still respect the fantasy aspect of sexual relations, but once again, physically there is no relationship between penis size and a woman's physical sensation during intercourse. And no, my size is larger than average and I'm not "just saying this" as some sort of excuse.

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