TNQF Slightly Secret Six & A Half


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'Oh to be that scatty and not realise the danger we're in,' Thought Roger, 'God she's fucking thick,' He added as an afterthought to his thought.

"Hey guys, we never had our picnic, let's stop here under these trees and have it now," Millie suddenly cried out loudly making for a little quiet clearing beneath some Beech trees.

Roger looked at Bert and then Marvin, they nodded, well hell they were almost out of the woods, you could see the road and some of the houses through the trees in the distance, close enough to civilisation. Why not ... Marvin looked round carefully ... his shadowy figure was nowhere to be seen, he realised he hadn't actually seen the figure for some time, 'Nerves, I was dreaming it,' He thought.

"Ok chums picnic time," Roger announced as he followed his sister into the little clearing just off the track, 'Funny how we always forget adversity at the mention of a picnic with ripe tomatoes and lashings of Ginger beer,' thought Roger as he plonked down alongside Millie on the warm grass.

"Ham or liver pate Rog darling," Millie chirped as she opened the picnic basket.

"Umm Ham I think love, and crack me open a bottle of Ginger beer, I'm gasping," Roger replied all sort of manly and confident, the recent scare receding in his mind as he took the drink form his young sister and glugged a big mouthful down.

The little crew sat munching their sandwiches and gulping down their Ginger beer, not a care in the world it seemed. Idle chit-chat and spirited little jokes were the order of the day, the adventure and recent grisly happenings lost for the time being in the back of their minds.

Millie laid back reclining against a tree, she stretched her legs out and threw her arms back hugging the tree trunk behind her head ... there was an audible little gasp and mutter from the watching boys. All three had been clandestinely studying Millie ... all reflecting on how she seemed to have grown up so much in the past year since she left the last term of ordinary secondary education and took her place in the upper 6th form in preparation for university.

As she lay back her skirt had ridden up somewhat, exposing even more of her shapely upper legs, her pert firm breasts sticking out proudly in her sweater, just a hint of bare belly flesh exposed between her skirt waist band and the bottom of the sweater.

All three boys felt a stirring sensation in their loins their sleeping trouser snakes twitched and began stiffening as they studied Millie, luckily she had her eyes closed and the unashamed lecherous looks from the boys went unnoticed by her.

Roger would normally have been twisting ears and ordering Marvin and Bert to behave themselves, this time he too was snared by the beauty and sensual nature of his young sister, to be honest he had a boner up to his neck in no time.

"Aint she fucking lovely?" Marvin whispered in Roger's ear.

"Aint she fucking just," Roger replied under his breath as he comforted his throbbing weapon in his jeans.

"Ohh!! God, Oh shit, I love you," Bert mumbled as his hand furiously thrashed about in his pocket, he was laid on his side with his head pressed side on to the ground so as to see up Millie's skirt as far he possibly could.

"I'd love to do her," Marvin grunted taking a dive to one side in case an ear twisting from Roger was on the cards, but none materialised.

"So the fuck would I," Roger replied much to the astonishment of Marvin and Bert.

They'd never heard Roger make such a direct reference to sexual interest in Millie. Ok he'd joked about taking her in hand but not really direct admission of an interest.

'Or was it a joke about taking her in hand, after all he does it to me,' Thought Marvin.

"Wow Rog, can we ... like now ... you know make a try for her like, all of us like, fucking hell I'm stiff," Marvin whispered.

Roger eased himself up on his hands and looked around the surrounding woods, up and down the pathway he surveyed the territory.

"Don't see why not Marv nobody about to see us," He mumbled after a while.

"Fuckin'ell, Fuckin'ell, Oh yes, Oh yes," Bert was continually mumbling as he pounded his pocket rocket into oblivion. He was rolling about on the ground his whole body juddering to the rhythm of his assault on his tool, a massive dark wet stain saturating the front of his trousers in no time.

Roger knew this was bound to happen eventually, there had always been a strong bond between the chums ... they'd stayed together and stayed unattached outside the family in order to maintain the little crew of adventurers ... Still in their time warp and still behaving like kids with much child like behaviour between them, a naughty little game of sorts was bound to develop ... Not only that, but Millie was a horny looking young bird and lacking in much moral inhibition with her rather child like attitude to life ... and basically she'd be an easy lay.

"Umm Marvin, Bert, you know this is very wrong don't you ... what we're about to try to get Millie to do with us, you know what I mean Millie's kin isn't she like ... umm this isn't going to have an adverse effect on your development is it," Roger felt he needed to make sure the young ones were up to the job and ensure that there would be no long term problems if an incestuous relationship did develop.

"Fuck off Roger; I'm bloody 19 coming 20 not 14," Marvin snapped, Bert was too far-gone to reply.

"Fair comment Marvin," Roger replied as he edged towards Millie sliding himself along the ground.

"Hi Mill's."

"Hi Rog."

"Ok love."

"Mm fine darling."

"Hi Mill's."

"Oohh! Marvin as well ... a rose between two thorns ... Hi Marvin darling, Bert coming as well is he?"

"I think so the noise he's making down there Mill's."

"Oh he is so gross boys isn't he ... maybe best he stays where he is."

"Ooh that tickles Roger."

"Does it Mill's ... like it do you ... me touching your bare belly."

"Mm ... might do."

"What would you do if I lifted your sweater a bit more Mill's?"

"Roger that's really naughty."

"But would you stop me Mill's ... like lifting it right up past your boobs."

"You'll have to try it and see Rog won't you."

"Jesus Millie you've got lovely legs."

"Marvin that tickles as well ... Mmm ... nice though."

"Bloody fucking Christ!! What's that Millie?"

"A belly stud Rog, I had my belly button pierced last month."

"Bloody hell Mill's does mum know, wow she's going to have a fit."

"Roger! I'm old enough to make my own mind up about things like that, I don't need mum's permission any more ... bloody hell I've even got the vote now."

"Let me see Rog, wow Mill's you little tart, only tarts and sluts have those in their belly button."

"Do they Marvin darling ... maybe I'm a tart or a slut then."

"Wow! Are you Mill's?"

"What Marvin ... am I what?"

"A slut ... are you a slut Mill's?"

"Hmm I might be ... you'll have to find out won't you."

"Oh my God I'm so fucking hard."

"Hmm are you Rog, really hard like ... just for me."

"Yes I fucking well am Millie, God you lovely little slut."

"We're both hard for you Millie, you filthy little fucking bitch."

"Oh Marvin ... Roger, I love it when you talk dirty like that ... and both of you together ... wow."

"Do you like talking dirty Mill's, do you?"

"Might do Roger."

"Ohh! God, talk dirty Mill's, please, go on really filthy, go on."

"Roger! You dirty boy, Ok what do you want me to say about ... shagging and stuff like that that?"

There was a sudden cry of ecstasy from Bert as he rolled form side to side on the ground muttering obscenities to himself, quivering all over. Millie, Roger, and Marvin chuckled as they watched their cousin in the throws of cumming in his pants.

"He'll need to change his trousers and pants for sure now," Millie chuckled.

"He probably won't bother, filthy bastard," Roger replied with a grin, "Now Millie, back to business, you were about to talk dirty for us."

"Was I?"

"Yes you filthy little slut, you were ... go on ... do it Mill's, talk really dirty while we undress you."

"Marvin! Who said you could undress me."

"Can we Mill's, can we strip you, go on let us ... go on like we did when we were kids."

"Oh you want to play doctors and nurses boys ... how lovely, go on then ... strip me," Millie replied in a very sensual tone, and with a very wicked little grin on her pretty face.

Another sudden noise disturbed the little huddle of chums, Roger quickly pulled Millie's top down and Marvin took his hand off of her upper leg, Marvin was very annoyed, he'd been just two inches from the goal.

This time the noise was coming from away to their left, someone or something crashing through the undergrowth.

'Oh fuck it! Will we never get to ride her,' Roger thought as he leapt to his feet.

Roger was not normally this impetuous, he'd normally have surveyed the approaching noise carefully before showing himself, but he was pumped up with arousal, adrenalin, and frustration, he was also fucking annoyed to have been thwarted yet again.

Marvin too leapt to his feet, "What the fuck is it Roger, Jesus fucking Christ can't we get any privacy," He raged, he too was pumped up to the hilt.

"Oh! Boys, you're so forceful, Jesus fucking hell, if only you'd been more forceful with me half hour ago ... you'd have been riding me now," Millie cried out, Millie was also pumped up and not too pleased at the disturbance ... she'd been getting nicely moist.

A few yards away from their little clearing a big rough looking man was moving quickly through the undergrowth heading for the road, he stopped in shock as he saw the boys pop up as if from nowhere.

"Ahh young sir's I'm looking for a friend of mine, don't happen to have seen anyone about here do you," The chap called out in a rather rough and common sort of voice.

"No we haven't my man, not a soul," Roger replied, his anger waning a little and caution taking over when he saw the size of the man, a big brute to be sure.

The chap turned and came over to the clearing.

"Oh hello there young lady, oh dear I hope I didn't disturb anything important," He said looking down at Millie as she lay against the tree seductively with one leg cocked up a bit, then he looked back with a sly wink to Roger and Marvin.

"Well as you ask ............Umm well no actually we were just having a picnic," Roger replied, he thought it may not be wise to admit to too much ... well he may be local yokel and news of their little family get together about the locale would not be too clever.

"So Mr ... umm, what does your wayward friend look like? If we see him we'll tell him you're looking," Roger said calmly as he could.

"Ah well, last time I saw him he had a black sailors coat on, brown corduroy trousers and was wearing a blue woollen hat," The chap informed them.

"Oh shit, oh fuck," Bert mumbled from his position still half kneeling on the ground.

"What's that young sir, did you see him then?" The man asked Bert.

"Umm, oh no, ugh like ... I just knelt on a tree root, it hurt my knee like," Bert mumbled, obviously making it up as he went along.

"Ah right then young sir, you be careful like, it can be painful having broken knees," The rough character sort of grunted, Bert gulped loudly at that comment ... especially the heavily emphasised 'broken knees' bit.

"He gives me the creeps," Millie whispered to Bert, hoping the chap couldn't hear her.

"Me too Mill's, me too, more so than you, believe me," Bert replied.

"Well I must away young people, now you tell my friend wont you if you see him, that Bob is looking for him, Ok ... got that ... Bob."

"Yes my man, I mean Bob, we will tell him if we see him," Roger assured the rough chap.

"Ok bye then young people, and you take care, there's stuff afoot round here you don't want to be involved in," Bob muttered as he walked off toward the road.

"Well I don't know, what a turn up ... what a rough looking chap," Roger commented as Bob moved out of earshot.

"More of a turn up than you know Roger, that mate of his, the bloke in the sailors coat and hat ... he was the dead bloke I found ... he had a blue hat on his head and a sailors coat on," Bertram announced.

"Wowee!! We're in the middle of an adventure already, yess!!" Marvin punched the air as he said it.

"Right then, right, Ok ... right then ... we'll follow him, see where he goes," Roger stammered, this had taken him a bit by surprise, he hadn't planned for the adventure proper to start so soon.

"What the dead bloke, how can we follow the dead bloke ... we don't even know where he is," Bert mumbled in confusion.

"Bert, don't be a fucking tit all your life, have a day off for fuck's sake ... Roger meant follow Bob not the dead bloke," Millie suddenly snapped, they all fell silent and looked at her, not being used to Millie making any worthwhile contribution to an adventure.

"What, What's the problem?" Millie snapped exasperatedly glaring at the silent and shocked boys, "God why do they always treat me like a fucking dumb blonde bimbo," She continued in a mumbled voice.

The chums set about hurriedly packing away the picnic kit, and took off after Bob ... all three in a line, flitting from tree to tree like soldiers, taking shelter behind each tree as they watched Bob make his way to the road, stalking him like the SAS troops would ... Very vivid imaginations had the young chums.

Bob stopped at the side of the road and sat down on the grass verge, he lit a cigarette; he appeared to be waiting for something, or someone. The little crew edged as close as they dare without being seen or heard, and they watched and waited with baited breath.

They began to chat in whispers.

"God I wish I had a fag I'm gasping," Millie announced.

"Millie, you don't smoke, none of us smoke, young adventurers don't smoke, only villains smoke, not the hero's," Roger mumbled quietly.

"Oh fuck off Roger, we all smoke in the upper 6th at school," Millie replied, she was quite crotchety and ill humoured, not like Millie, the boys were amazed.

"Umm, so do we," Marvin announced, "At college like, we all smoke and that."

"Got any fags on you Marv?" Millie asked.

"Sorry love, thought it best not to coming home for the break and all that, well you know how mum and dad are about that sort of thing."

"I got some back at the house ... in my case like," Bert announced.

"Thank God, we can have a puff later at least," Millie replied.

Roger was speechless for a while; he just stared incredulously at his three chums.

"My God! My fucking God! You all smoke ... huh I suppose you all bloody drink alcohol as well ... my God ... There's me, the oldest, the leader, the sacrifice I've made in order to set a good example to you all ... I could have been drinking and smoking and all that, but no I stayed pure for you lot ...The fun I could have had at Uni getting pissed up and smoking pot, hell I could have got laid even, but no I had to remain pure ... you bastards!!" He mumbled and sat back heavily, head in hands.




The other three felt just a little guilty for a minute or two, then without a further word on the subject they all resumed their observation of Bob at the roadside.

"Hey listen, a vehicle engine, look a car, a big black one," Roger suddenly whispered.

The big black car with darkened windows pulled up alongside Bob, he stood and went to the front window as it slid silently down, a head appeared in the window opening, another rough looking chap a bloke with a big bushy beard this time.

The chums could hardly hear what was being said, they caught the bearded guy's first words, "OK Bob, any sign of him mate," Bob shook his head and replied, the crew didn't hear what he said but knew he'd said "no" among a few other words.

"Fuck it, where the hell's ......" They couldn't catch the rest of beardy man's next sentence.

Bob turned his head toward the woods and they caught a few words of his reply, "Dunno, but there's some ...... and youngsters ...... I suspect they joy," Was all they managed to decipher as Bob tuned his head back and forth as he spoke.

"Oh shit, he's on to us," Roger mumbled.

"Yes he suspects us," Marvin whispered.

Then Bob opened the rear door of the car and got in, Roger just caught a glimpse of another person in the back seat as Bob was shutting the door behind him, a woman.

The car roared off at speed and was gone from sight in seconds.

"Ok let's go, home to plan our next course of action and you lot can have a smoke and stiff drink to calm you a bit, I wondered why you were all getting so keyed up," Roger snapped after a few minutes silence.

Off they set on their travels again homeward bound, as they walked Roger and Marvin held back this time and studied Millie's pert rear end as she bounced along in front of them.

"Ooh! Nice arse Rog, aint she."

"Too right Marvin."

"Reckon she takes it up the back entry Rog."


"Sorry Rog."

They arrived home in minutes; the woods weren't too far from the house.

"Hello you lot, been adventuring then?" Dad asked.

"No dad, just a picnic in the woods," Roger replied.

"Ah picnic in the woods hey, sounds like fun kids ... you best watch these three alone in the woods now you're a big girl Millie," Dad said with a grin as he patted Millie on the arse cheeks, she giggled and twitched all over.

"Barnaby! Now you stop talking like that with the young ones you naughty man," Mum said with a chuckle. "Oh he is terrible isn't he Bertram" She continued.

"No aunt Sophie he's a good sort is uncle Barny," Bert replied, he liked his uncle.

Barnaby was the one who taught him how to play pocket billiards properly when he was younger.

The crew all disappeared into the playroom; Bert sneaked up to his room first and got his pack of cigarettes.

"Hmm I wonder if you ought to have a word with the boys, and maybe I should have a little chat with Millie," Mum whispered as she watched the young ones making their way down the hallway.

"How do you mean Soph?"

"Well you know, facts of life and that now they're getting older, I mean we don't want problems do we Barny."

"Bloody heck Soph ... if they don't know all that stuff by now they never will ... anyway I'm sure Millie's not silly enough to get herself in the family way."

"You're right Barny, of course, and Millie is on the pill I know that much ... can't do her any harm I suppose, it's just that I worry sometimes ... well mum and dad never told us anything did they and look what happened."

"Oh stop worrying Sophie ... it's done us no real harm has it."

In the playroom Millie, Bert, and Marvin were clanging off a woodbine half hanging out of the window to disperse the smoke and cigarette smells, Roger had cracked open a can of Lager and was gulping it down, 'Hell why should I hold back now' He thought.

When they'd composed themselves they began their planning proper for the coming adventure, Roger got the treasure map out of his pocket to spread on the floor between them.

"Oh fuck, why did I fold it ... get the lemon juice Millie."

To be continued:..

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
Nice one

Nice one friend, I love the style and humour.

MysteryjjMysteryjjover 20 years ago
Good effort love

I'll never be able to read FF & SS to the kids again with a straight face you old sausage. Loved it, and well done for writing it in such a short time, can't wait to read the rest.

You are right though, it's not on the right site or category, it won't win many votes or friends here.

Jan xx

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