To My Kinky Friends...

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Grocery shopping turns erotic for traveler & roommates.
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After arranging to meet, I had come a long way to meet a cyber-friend for the first time. But since neither of us were who we said we were (I vowed, at that moment, to change my user profile to something more closely resembling the truth) I realized that it was time to go home.

I'd traveled through five different states to get here by car, bus and train! My car broke down in state # 2; (my crappy, blue Chevy Nova finally bit the big one,) so I hopped on a Greyhound Bus, after abandoning my old blue friend (with a cracked engine-block,) and when the bus broke down, shortly thereafter, I jumped on a train for my cyber-friend's house. Still three states away.

Well, anyway, like I said earlier, we just didn't click. I knew it when I got out of the cab and rang her doorbell. She looked at me like, "What the hell was I thinking, inviting you to my house!"

She was no prize, either, believe me!

Ok, sure, I'm NOT 6 feet tall (I'm 5'7") with a "swimmer's" body ("Shammu" is a swimmer, right?!) But then again SHE wasn't 21 years old (more like 51) and slender (she may have been slim 30 years ago, when she WAS 21!)

So, needless to say, we didn't click.

Depressed and dejected (not to mention pissed, because I had spent two months salary on this little jaunt,) I headed for the train station. I still needed a return ticket for home. I hadn't planned on leaving so soon but there was really no reason to stay.

I bought my ticket at the station then realized that my train didn't leave for another day! "Oh, no! Wha'do I do now? Where am I going to sleep?" Just then, I spotted a grocery store across the street. I thought I'd go get some sandwiches for dinner and the train ride the next day.

While I shopped, a strange, but cute, pair of eyes was sizing me up! I saw her out of the corner of my eye and introduced myself. We struck up a conversation and I asked what was there to do in town!

She just smiled and said, "I like to read and go loony at home."

I thought this was an odd statement but coming from a girl who looked like this, it didn't seem too strange! She was a knockout! She invited me over to her house, just like that, for dinner and drinks. I accepted her gracious invitation, of course, but insisted that I buy the wine for dinner. She said OK and off we went.

Once at her place, I was introduced to Nina, her roommate. Nina was a stunning looking woman, as well, who, as it turns out, is an "exotic dancer!" That's right! She's a stripper! She didn't care what it was called. It paid good money and that was all she was in it for.

We ate a very nice meal that the women prepared for me and drank the wine that I had selected for them. We talked about our lives, our goals, our aspirations and what the heck I was doing in their town! When I told them of the "Battle Axe" I had come to meet, they couldn't stop laughing. As a matter of fact, both girls got the hiccups from laughing so hard! It served them right, for laughing at my plight....even though it was rather humorous!! I started laughing with them and soon we ALL had hiccups!

"Where *hic* do you want to sleep to-*hic*night?" Nina asked me. To tell the truth, I hadn't thought about sleep, at all and was just going to wait at the train station for the duration of my stay in town.

"Non-sense, we'll have none of that," my friends told me, as they lead me down the hallway, toward the bedrooms!

'Ilo' (as I called her, because she never told me her name) said that I should go with Nina first. When I asked her why, she said, "Because, for what I've got in mind, you won't have any strength left when I'm done with you!"

"Not TOO cryptic," I thought to myself!

So I followed the lovely Nina into her bedroom, staring at the loose panties covering her tight ass the whole time.

She instructed me to strip and then sit on her bed. She stood there and watched me get naked with intense lust seething in her eyes! Once completely nude I sat on the bed and figured I'd get a show. Seeing as how she's a stripper, she didn't disappoint one bit!!

"Ohh, Nina, Nina, Nee-nahh," I sighed, as she revealed herself to me with sensual grace!!! Her body was magnificent. Her sexy tits bounced forward, threatening to put out my eye with their hard nipples! My cock began to grow impossibly hard at that moment. Seeing my discomfort only made her gyrations seem to grow more erotic; which in turn caused me to get harder. Nina is a consummate professional at inducing the male erection!

She saw me starting to grimace in pain and asked, rather facetiously, if there was anything she could do to help! She then looked down at my throbbing penis, dripping with pre-cum, and said, "Oh, sorry!"

Oh, sorry, she says... Can you believe it?

Well, she told me to get up off the bed. Then she got four pieces of soft, nylon rope from a drawer next to her bed and tied one end to each of the four corners of her bed. I told her that I wasn't into that kinda' thing! She just said, "They're not for you, silly. They're for me!"


OK, I thought... NOW we're getting somewhere!

She laid down, spread eagle, on the bed, and asked me to tie her down, tightly!

After I secured her to each of the cords, I looked around the room. I saw a big, white Peacock plume in the corner, behind the door! I got a devilish idea!

I said to Nina, "I'm not going to fuck you yet, my dear. I'm going to make YOU suffer for the pain you caused ME!!!"

And with that, I jumped off the bed, grabbed the feather and proceeded to run the plume up and down her whole body! This elicited squeals of delightful pleasure from my sexy captive!

I was relentless in my torture, and she LOVED it! She COULD not stop laughing!! I wouldn't even let her catch her breath as I kept up the attack on her hot, bare flesh!!!

She begged me to stop. Not until I saw tears, streaming from her eyes, rolling down her cheeks, did I finally cease! I looked down at her pussy and it was also streaming with juices! I had to taste her. (All my adult life I had wanted to eat out a stripper's pussy! And guess who I had tied up in front of me!! Hehee!)

I lunged between Nina's firm thighs and clamped my mouth onto her soaking wet vagina! I sank my tongue between her delicate folds and licked slowly up from her anus to her clit! She REALLY seemed to like this, as she started screaming my name out loud! "BB! God, yes, BB! Keep DOING that, you bastard! Keep doing THAAAaaaaa---!" Her voice broke off as she started to climax.

Nina passed out after her orgasm and I was left with the biggest boner of my life!

Just then 'Ilo' came into the room. Much to my delight, she asked if I needed help with my "problem!" I just looked at her and said, "Get the fuck into your room! I'm gonna get you! You knew this was gonna happen, didn't you?"

"Uh huh," she said! "Nina and I do this a lot! But she's really out cold this time. What'd you DO to her?"

"Nothing," I exclaimed! "Compared to what I'm going to do to you, SHE got off easy!"

I noticed, once I was in Ilo's bedroom, that she had the same kinds of rope tied to her bed! I decided to give Ilo exactly the same treatment as I'd just given Nina! I tied her arms and legs to the bed posts and ran back to the sleeping Nina's room to retrieve the big, white plume. When I got back, I noticed how wet Ilo's cunt looked! She was even wetter than her roommate!

But I didn't care at this point. All I wanted was to shoot my cum into a juicy twat and I wasn't going to be denied!

I ran the feather over Ilo's nude body. She was laughing uncontrollably in a matter of minutes!

"It's now or never, Baby," I cried out to this lovely, laughing girl.

"Now! PLEASE!" She pleaded back.

I climbed up on the bed and positioned myself over her, still writhing, body! I grabbed hold of my penis, pointed it toward the entrance to her sopping vagina and plunged myself into her tightness!!!

After three strokes I thought I was going to blow my whole load into her cunt, but I didn't! I stayed hard! And with a renewed vigor, I started to really plow into Ilo's bubbling pussy!!!

We fucked like this for forty-five minutes! It was nice having a "captive audience" for my sexual performance! Even though she was still tied to the bed she was not passive at all. She was wiggling her ass and thrusting her hips and using her pussy muscles to the best of her abilities! All of which were having the desired effect on my cock!

I felt the tide of my orgasm about to burst forth! I pushed my throbbing penis as far into her smoldering vagina as it could possibly go! I let my whole weight rest on her body as I blasted everything I had into the darkest depths of her body!!!

Ohhhh, BB! Thank you" she cried, as she had another orgasm of her own!

After I untied her, we fell asleep like that. Me on top of her, my cock still buried in her pussy!

We were awakened by Nina, a few hours later, when she came into Ilo's bedroom and shouted, "Ooo-wee, BB! Hit me one million times, if you'd like! Janet, if he can make us cum like that every night, he's more than welcome to stay forever!"

I moved in with the girls, Janet and Nina, that week! We've been fucking and sucking each other ever since.

* * * * *

I hope you enjoyed reading this story, 'cause it sure was fun to write it! I'd promised two fans that I'd write it for them! I know THEY'LL be cumming in their panties as they read it!!!

Bye, girls!!!

xoxox, -BB

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AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

OMG, i love tickling stories! And when you tied the women down and tickled them mercilessly, i came while reading that part!

Thank you BB! Your stories touch me in ways only your stories can!

love, --robyn

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