Tom's Noisy Girlfriend

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Tom noisy girlfriend drives cousins together.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/11/2022
Created 08/04/2005
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"It's a good thing your parents' room is down the hall," I said to my cousin Janet as I tried to cover my ears with a pillow. We were both blushing, not sure where to look or what to say.

"If they get much louder, my parents may hear anyway!" she replied in exasperation. We both laughed uncomfortably. Her brother Tom and his girlfriend Tina were in the next hotel room. They were doing what came natural for two eighteen year olds who recently discovered the pleasures of sex.

In some families that might not have been a big deal, but in ours it would definitely have repercussions if my aunt and uncle found out. The only reason why Tom was allowed to bring his girlfriend on the vacation at all was because his sister Janet agreed to come along. I think they invited me just for some extra insurance. I'm sure that they still thought their children were virgins. I knew better in Tom's case and was pretty sure about Janet as well.

My aunt made it very clear once the vacation was booked that the sleeping arrangements would be boys in one room and girls in the other. Of course, Tom made previous arrangements with us well before the vacation plans were finalized.

Janet was twenty-one and entering her last year of college in the fall. I was twenty-two and starting my first post graduation job in two weeks. I was looking forward to this vacation for some rest and relaxation before facing the 'real' world.

"They can't keep this up for long," I groaned and thought to myself, 'so much for my restful vacation.'

"We can only hope," Janet sighed. I wondered if she regretted agreeing to Tom's request as much as I did.

Tom planned everything out carefully, including convincing his mother that it would be best if we had adjoining rooms. Janet and I went along when Tom asked us to cover for him and Tina, but in retrospect, it might not have been a particularly smart arrangement.

Okay, that's not entirely fair. It probably wouldn't have been a problem if my uncle weren't so cheap. He booked our rooms in one of the older and most inexpensive hotels in order to save money. It was clean and relatively well kept, however whoever built it didn't worry about things like sound proofing the walls. The fact that Tina, a quiet and seemingly shy girl according to my aunt, didn't seem to be able to shut up during sex only made it worse.

Janet and I might even have been able to block that out, but the other aspect of her father's cheapness was that each room only had one queen size bed. He refused to spend the extra ten dollars a night per room for twin beds. I guess it was understandable in a way, but it certainly didn't help Janet and I sleep.

It was bad enough to be in the same bed with a cousin of the opposite sex at our age, but to have to listen to the sounds of sex in the next room was just too much. We lay on opposite sides of the bed facing away from each other. It didn't help.

"We might as well get up and do something. They sound like they're going to be a while," I finally suggested.

"Oh, hell!" Janet cursed as she turned on the light. "You're probably right, but we're going to be exhausted tomorrow." We heard Tina cry out loudly once again.

"You know, this hotel's walls are way too thin," Janet growled as we both climbed out of bed. The fact that she reiterated my earlier thoughts was not comforting at all. Janet was blushing and I'm sure I looked equally embarrassed.

My cousin was dressed in a very long tee shirt and I presumed a pair of shorts, but I couldn't really tell since the shirt went to her knees. I watched as she got out of bed. Her rather full breasts with noticeably large nipples caught my eye. I did my best to ignore them since she was my cousin, however I'm sure I failed miserably. Luckily, Janet was either too embarrassed to notice my wondering eyes or she graciously overlooked them.

"How about going for a swim? We can probably sneak into the pool," I suggested.

"Why not. If I stay here much longer my face is going to stay this color red forever," she agreed. I laughed and she grinned nervously.

Ten minutes later we were both relaxing in the water. It was nice to be alone and the water was surprisingly warm. Most of the lights were off, but we could still see each other.

Janet was medium height and well built. Her one-piece bathing suit showed off her assets admirably and her dark brown eyes sparkled as we spoke. Her hair was mid length and brown. She was well tanned.

"How much longer do you think we should wait?" she asked.

"I don't know. I would guess a while yet."

"It's going to be a long week," Janet sighed. I shrugged in resigned agreement.

"I'm glad you came along. It would be much worse if I were by myself with those two," she added. I laughed.

We spent the next hour talking. We were neighbors growing up and were close in our youth, but that changed as the years passed. My parents moved my family to the next town over just after I graduated elementary school. Janet and I went to different high schools and our colleges were in two different states.

The conversation turned out to be far more enjoyable than I think either one of us expected. We were both very tired and this seemed to lower our inhibitions. I talked to Janet more openly than I'd ever spoken to anyone else. She did the same with me. We told the stories of our first loves and how they ended.

I'm not sure if we would have stopped talking that night if a young couple entering the pool area didn't interrupt us. They were obviously surprised to see us considering the pool was supposed to be closed. I saw that the guy looked disappointed as well. Janet and I looked at each other. I rolled my eyes while she sighed. The couple was just turning around to leave when I spoke.

"Hey, wait up! We were just leaving."

"You don't have to do that," the girl said.

"It's all right. My cousin and I need our rest. We only came here to wait for my brother and his girlfriend to fall asleep. We're in adjoining rooms," Janet explained.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. This place could use some sound proof walls," the guy grumbled. Janet and I burst out laughing while the girl turned a light shade of pink.

"Have fun," I said as Janet and I turned to leave.

"Hey, do you guys like red wine? We're leaving tomorrow and I don't want to pack it anyway," the guy asked suddenly. He was holding up two bottles he took from a bag he carried. I noticed that there were at least another two other bottles in the bag. It was still nice of him to offer.

"Sure. How much?" I replied.

"Don't worry about it. Just take them with you as you go," he said pointedly. The girl hit his arm. I laughed.

"No problem, and thanks."

Tom and Tina were thankfully asleep when we got back to the room. I put the wine away and we changed back into our sleepwear. We climbed into bed and I noticed Janet looking at me. I raised one of my eyebrows, wondering what was bothering her. She saw and sighed loudly.

"I hope you don't mind," she said, and then before I could ask for clarification, she undid her bra underneath her shirt and pulled it out from her sleeve. "I can't sleep with it on."

I didn't see anything, but my imagination threatened to draw me pictures. I clamped down on it hard.

"Goodnight, Janet," I said as I turned off my light. I lay stiffly in the bed. It seemed silly that I felt as uncomfortable as I did considering the conversation we just had by the pool, but I couldn't help it

"Goodnight," she replied. We lay as far from each other as possible. It was still a while before either one of us fell asleep.


I woke up and the first thing I noticed was that Janet and I were spooning. It got worse as I became aware of my surroundings. I was caressing one of my cousin's breasts in my hand. Thankfully, it was through her shirt and not under it.

My semi-hard dick was pressed against her firm ass as well. I froze, unsure of what to do. I didn't want to wake her, but Janet was my cousin and we couldn't stay in this position. It was just wrong!

I felt her nipple getting hard in my hand. I also noticed her aroma. She smelled tantalizing. I knew the right thing to do was to roll away from her and forget this ever happened, but I just couldn't get myself to do it.

I heard Janet's breath catch a few minutes later. She was obviously now awake as well. She tensed and I held my breath, waiting for the explosion. I frantically tried to come up with an excuse better than saying I was asleep, but I couldn't and I doubted Janet would buy it.

I was surprised when she remained still instead of screaming or even moving for that matter. My cock was rock hard now. She had to feel it against her ass. Her nipple was a pebble in my hand.

We both pretending to sleep, but it was silly because I was certain we both knew better. We lay like that for a few minutes. I was indecisive on what to do next. Janet was my cousin and the thoughts I was having about her were wrong on so many levels, but right then it didn't seem to matter. Maybe it was an overabundance of testosterone that was making it hard for me to focus, but whatever the reason, all I could think about was the fact that I was caressing a beautiful woman. Janet seemed to be breathing a little heaver.

Whatever might have happened next, if anything at all, was interrupted a moment later by a knock on the adjoining door between my cousin Tom's room and ours. I rolled away from Janet and got up without making eye contact. I threw my robe on to cover my obvious excitement and opened the door.

Tina stood there. Her hair was messed and she was a dark shade of red. She said good morning, but refused to look me in the eye. I couldn't blame her after the racket she made the night before.

"Tom's in the shower. I thought I should come back to this room before his parents come looking for us," she said.

"Yeah, no problem," I mumbled as I let her past.

An hour later all four of us met my aunt and uncle for breakfast. They had a full day of sightseeing planned. I didn't enjoy it very much. I was just too tired. Janet looked equally exhausted. Tom and Tina of course seemed well rested.

We had a late dinner and went back to our rooms when we were done. My aunt and uncle wished us all a good night and warned us about the early morning they had planned. I groaned silently.

Tom and Tina made a beeline for their bedroom as soon as his parents left. Janet and I stopped them cold.

"Oh no you don't!" Janet snapped. "You two kept us up half the night." Tina blushed, but Tom frowned.

"Hey, you two said you would cover for us..." he began, but I interrupted him.

"And we will, but we need sleep. Why don't you two go somewhere for an hour or so? Give us a chance to pass out first."

"Yeah, the pool's open," Janet added. After some griping by Tom, Tina dragged him off. Janet and I quickly got ready for bed.

We lay next to each other in blessed silence, yet we both tossed and turned instead of falling asleep. Finally, in frustration I turned on the light and said, "This is silly."

"What's silly?" Janet asked nervously.

"Janet, we're cousins. We should be able to control our hormones and sleep in the same bed."

"Yeah, but..." she began, obviously unable to finish.

"I know, I know. This morning was close to the line," I sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh come on, Janet! You and I both know we were awake this morning." Janet looked ready to argue, but she sighed loudly instead.

"We did go a little too far, didn't we?"

"Hey, it all started as an accident," I said a little defensively. After all, I was the one spooning her this morning. "It was no big deal anyway. I woke up and found my hand on your breast. I should have moved, but between the fullness of your breast, the feel of your nipple and the fact that you smelled so enticing..."

"I smelled enticing?" Janet interrupted, obviously surprised by my admission.

"Yes! I got so turned on that I didn't want to move," I cried, not letting my embarrassment hold the truth back. I thought Janet might get mad, but instead she sighed again.

"Boy you must have been, because when I woke up it was impossible to ignore what you were doing."

"You mean my hand?" Janet shook her head.

"That was nice too, but I was talking about what was prodding my backside."

"Now I'm embarrassed," I said, blushing.

I barely heard Janet whisper under her breath, "You shouldn't be." I fought back a smile.

"So we admit this morning was a mistake and that we should be able to sleep in the same bed without it being a big deal?" I asked. Janet nodded.


"Sleep well," I replied. I barely closed my eyes when we heard Tom and Tina enter their room. I groaned.

"Oh, No! That was barely fifteen minutes!" Janet moaned. Tina remained reasonably quite for a while, but soon she was as loud as ever.

"We have got to get that girl a gag tomorrow," Janet said. I laughed despite my anger.

"Do you think your parents would notice if we asked the hotel to reassign rooms?"

"Maybe we should just switch rooms with them," she suggested. This time we both laughed.

"Let's go break them up," I said once we were done laughing.

"Oh hell, let them be. They're bound to finish sooner or later."

I shut the light and we both tried to fall asleep again. Tom and Tina were going at it for a while. My cock grew hard as we silently listened. Janet tossed and turned. Once when she moved, the blankets opened and I got a whiff of her. My mouth watered as I berated myself silently.

"How about some wine?" I suggested, unable to remain still.

"Okay," Janet said as she turned on the light. I stood up and got the wine and two glasses. It was surprising good. We tried to act as if we couldn't hear Tom and Tina, but one or the other of us would make a comment that would start us both laughing when Tina became too loud.

"Maybe its Tom and not Tina," I suggested at one point. Janet almost spewed her wine. We laughed. Eventually they finished what they were doing and fell silent.

"Finally! That's it! Let's turn off the lights and get some sleep," Janet said. Still giggling, we got back into bed.

I soon regretted the wine. Although Tom and Tina were done, I was still horny and now I was slightly buzzed. I got up and went to the bathroom. It was cold and I'd left my robe in the bedroom, so I relieved myself quickly.

I thought about taking care of my horniness after I was done, but decided against it. The bathroom's fan was silent and I was afraid Janet would be able to hear me. Besides, the damn room was just too cold!

I threw some cold water on my face, but not only didn't it help my horniness, it made me even colder. I opened the door quickly with thoughts of rushing back to bed and getting warm. However when I looked toward the bed my feet seemed to stop of their own violation and I winced.

Janet was lying there with her hand between her legs. She was covered with the sheet, but it did little to hide what she was doing. I made ready to ignore it, but Janet didn't give me a chance.

"Damn it, I'm only human!" she cried in embarrassment.

"Don't let me stop you. I'm having my own problems," I joked, trying to relax her. She didn't laugh.

My cousin didn't realize I was just kidding. Either that, or she just didn't care. Her hand started moving under the covers again. I was stunned, but I forced myself to ignore her and get into bed. The bedroom itself wasn't particularly cold, but I just couldn't get warm quick enough.

I crawled under the sheets and was nearly floored. Janet didn't let me see anything, but once again I was overwhelmed by the tantalizing aroma of her excitement. My dick quickly sprang to full length. I was unable to hide the tent it formed in the sheets.

I lay there wrestling with thoughts of what to do. My cousin lay next to me, obviously working on releasing her pent up emotions. I wanted to do the same, but I just couldn't.

I looked at Janet and realized she was watching me. Her eyes sparkled and I could see a need there.

"Maybe we can help each other," she said as she licked her lips.

"What are you suggesting?" I asked. I didn't know if the wine or just plain horniness that was getting to her, but whatever it was, I was seeing a side of Janet I didn't know existed.

"Look, we both need sleep and neither one of us is going to get any until we release some of this sexual tension."


"So why don't we?" she asked. I sighed.

"Janet, I don't think I can take care of myself with you laying next to me. It just feels too funny."

"I understand," she said, meeting me eyes again. "That's not what I was suggesting."

"What then?" I asked, not sure what she was thinking.

"Well, I thought we take care of each other instead of taking care of ourselves." My mouth literally fell open. I didn't know what I expected her to say, but this wasn't it.

"You're kidding!" I snapped. Janet sighed at my reaction and quickly tried to explain.

"I'm not saying we should do anything crazy." She moved her hand under the covers as she spoke and gently caressed by cock. My shorts were between her hand and my dick, but I still couldn't stop myself from I moaning.

"This is not crazy?" I gasped once I was able to speak again.

"Hey, at this point if I don't orgasm, I'm going to be up all night. I'm not suggesting we do anything other than lend each other a helping hand."

"But we're cousins!"

"Yes, and as cousins we should be able to help each other out without it being a traumatic experience. We aren't going to fuck or anything! We're only going to help the other get some needed release. Come on, we both need a good night of sleep!"

I'm not certain whether it was her words or the fact that she slipped her hands inside my shorts that convinced me, but in either case I turned on my side and moved closer. Janet did the same to me. It took a few moments to rid ourselves of our clothes.

I slipped my fingers between her legs when we finally settled down. She was hot and wet already. We lay facing each other as we tried to bring each other off. Janet's face lay only inches away from mine. I always knew Janet was beautiful, but I felt a burst of lust I'd never felt for another woman as I watched her panting.

"Oh, Yes!" she cried between clenched teeth. It was a little louder then I thought wise.

"Janet, you're going to have to keep quite! I don't think you want your brother to hear us," I whispered vehemently.

"You're right, but...mmm...I'm not certain...oh... I can control myself," she replied. Her mouth hung open invitingly.

"Here, let me help," I said and then, unable to resist, I used my free hand to gently pull her into a kiss. I thought perhaps I'd gone to far, but I needn't have worried. Janet kissed me right back and her tongue thrust between my lips. I was stunned briefly, but instead of thinking about it, I decide to just enjoy the moment. Our tongues danced. Our mouths formed an airtight bond, driving us both a little mad. I wanted Janet so badly it hurt!

I felt Janet move closer. I wasn't sure my cousin realized what she was doing. She had maneuvered my cock only inches away from her pussy. So close in fact, that it rubbed against my hand. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't help myself. I moved my hands to her ass and pulled her toward me. My cock head bumped against her clit.

"We are definitely not going to fuck!" she said looking me in the eyes, but she released my cock. Now there was nothing between us.

"Of course not! What kind of sick pervert fucks his own cousin?" I said, just before shoving the length of my cock up her soaked pussy.

"Yes!" she cried out. I smothered her mouth with my own before rolling her onto her back. All thoughts of right and wrong disappeared at that moment. Janet was my cousin, but as she wrapped her legs around me and used her hands to pull my hips toward her, it couldn't have matter less.