Virtual Reality: Xenosaga


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"GOD yes. But you really need to stop!" She paused for breath as Kos-Mos complied. "As good as I'msure you can make me feel, there are simply some things you can't do for me."

Kos-Mos dropped her hands to her sides and looked at the other woman in confusion. "I do not understand."

Shion's attention shifted to James once more, her hand moving forward to point at him. "Women don't grow like that. We don't have Instead, we get, uh, wet. So men can slide in better."

"So you wish him to slide his growth in you?" The innocence of the question was almost as touching as it was hilarious.

"God, yes." Shion had answered in a low growl. Blood rushed to the already engorged organ in response to both the tone and the woman. She continued in a more dejected tone, "but he likely wants you. I couldn't stand doing something right now if I couldn't finish by feeling him, someone, any guy, inside me." Her eyes held a hunger James knew well. Although the game never went into details, Shion tended towards solitude, distancing herself from everyone. It was a defense mechanism he could relate to. Unfortunately it made certain needs much harder to fulfill.

"So if he was awake you would want to feel him inside of you?" Shion nodded enthusiastically. "But you think he would rather be inside me?" Another, much more dejected, nod. To James' horror Kos-Mos turned to regard him. "Which will you put it in?"

Shion gasped as she realized his duplicity. She started to get up, to run from the room, but he reached her before she made it to the door. He slid in front of her, holding her shoulders lightly before shifting a hand to her chin in order to get her to look him in the eyes. "I'm so sorry. I woke up and you were discussing, well, something embarrassing, so I didn't want to make it worse. Then you and she, well, I certainly couldn't wake up in the middle ofthat." Round eyes met his, conveying her conflicted embarrassment and pain and failing to hide the naked desire. He stared back through her glasses, at her soft eyes, pouring every ounce of his sincerity into his expression. "I'm sorry."

They stood there, staring into each other's eyes, slowly the pain of his deception faded. Her hands came to rest on his biceps. "I understand. Apology accepted." She paused, building up the nerve to ask her next question. "How much did you..." She couldn't bear to finish it. His hands moved to a more comfortable position on either side of her waist, just above her strong, thin, hips. He knew what she was going to say, but failed to answer the unasked. The two were staring longingly at each other, enjoying, simply, being close.

"He has grown another three cubic centimeters in the last minute. Does that imply he desires to put it in you?"

Shion's eyes flew wide as she spun to stare at Kos-Mos. James' cheeks heated in shame that he had been unable to hide his growth, even from such skilled perceptions as the android had. He been careful to keep Shion from seeing him, or worse feeling it press against her. Unfortunately his skills at deception could not refute detectable data.

Shion's round eyes softened and returned to James. "She's right, isn't she?" There was a hopeful, almost pleading, quality to her voice. Still flushed, he nodded his agreement. Her hands slid down his arms to rest on his hips. All at once her hands balled, pulling tight the fabric of his jeans, as she pulled herself roughly to him. Her head tilted back and she stood on her toes in an effort to bring her height, slightly over a meter and a half, closer to his, of just under two meters.

James was shocked by the urgency as his lips met hers. More surprised, however, was he by the strength with which she ground her hips against his, and incited the burning need he had desperately tried to ignore. As his organ was crushed between their bodies it strained against all boundaries, of fabric and flesh. She felt the fresh response and rolled her hips forward to rub against him. These kind of dreams never ceased to frustrate him, but somehow the intensity and need in her kiss banished all of those thoughts.

He barely noticed when her hips flew away from his but he knew, moments later, when she began to tear at the buckle of his belt. Her lips betrayed the retreat of her reason as clearly as her inability to work such a simple clasp. He knew, from the storyline, how long it had been since she'd been with a man, but the knowledge was less telling than the pulsing heat flowing from her heaving breasts. He felt her desire clearly, even through the dual layers of their clothing.

Then the belt was free and the button and zipper were only a slight hindrance to her endorphin infused muscles. A single tug freed them both, instantly forgotten as Shion released the pants to gravity's embrace. With only the tight, cottony fabric of his boxer-briefs and her jumpsuit between them, she pressed against him once more. This time he felt her with agonizing clarity as she rubbed forward and back along the length of his extended bulge. Despite his own lust shrouded mind, he realized that she wore no underwear beneath the form fitting suit, as he felt her engorged lust scrape along the length of his shaft, sending thrilling jolts throughout both of their bodies.

The animal need that had consumed Shion rapidly transferred itself to James. As she dragged across the top of his length, she heightened her own pleasure far more quickly than his. She moaned as her hips rolled forward. On her retreat she bit at his lip, a primal desire to consume and engulf him mirrored in her actions. She growled and began tugging at her suit, peeling it quickly off. His eyes had remained closed in order to appreciate the sensations rocketing through his body, now they inched open to watch her reveal herself to him.

In the game's sequel there was an accessory which turned her outfit into a two piece bathing suit. Pixels and graphics could never do this lithe form justice. He witnessed her breasts spring from the supportive fabric. The soaked material clung to her cleft, before snapping free as she stomped out of the legs. Her skin was smooth and pale with just the slightest tint of pink. Her areola, only about three centimeters across, were a much darker pink and firm nipples sprang from the center of each. Her nether-hair was shaved almost completely smooth, leaving only a very well groomed stip slightly above her pulsing mound. His hands naturally shifted from her waist to her bare side and the back of her head as the outfit moved to pass her hips. He exalted that her silken skin was as soft and supple as its apparent perfection insisted it should be. The long brown hair cascaded between his fingers and whispered against his bare arm.

She was already grasping at his shirt and in moments their kiss finally broke as she pulled back to clear his now raised arms and head. She was halfway finished when she stopped, the shirt caught at his neck. A twist of her hands and suddenly his arms and head were trapped in the encompassing material. She adjusted her hands to grip both James' shirt and crossed arms, insuring his captivity. Her weight shifted as she jumped, her knees clung to his hips as she pressed her body against his chest and held herself aloft. The sudden weight threw him off balance and he fell backward heavily to land, to his utter surprise, on the bed. Somehow the two had moved across the room as they kissed.

"Kos-Mos," James gasped as Shion said the name and reminded him of their audience, "remove those for me please?" The whole command came out as little more than a growl, inches from the fabric covering his face. He gasped as teeth began to nip playfully, hungrily, at his neck. He was moaning, his member pulsing in time with each bite, as soft hands carefully removed the last impediment; his boxer-briefs.

Shion never looked back but continued to nip and suck a trail down his body, to the nipple ring piercing his left breast, as she shifted her weight backwards. The tip of his head felt her hot, slick, lust at the same time her lips reached the foreign metal. Her teeth scraped at the tender flesh around his nipple and forced a loud moan from him. Blood surged into his member and pressed it between inflamed folds. She gasped into his chest and bit at his nipple. He groaned.

Her hips dropped.

The world, darkened by the shroud of his shirt, lurched into motion as she forced herself to his base. She gasped, a slight squeal of pain escaping her as her haste spread underused muscles far wider than she expected. Instinct drove her away from the amazing sensations racing along her flesh and pulled her up the length of his shaft. As the pulsing, hard, form rubbed against the tender depths of her core, her entire body shook from the continuous electricity. Muscles clenched within her in a vain attempt to pull, and hold, the intruder deep.

She was tighter than he expected and even the copious lubrication she released couldn't ease the pain from the initial thrust. Her body began to pump forward and back and he released a wordless scream of pleasure. He could feel, through her body and reactions, that Shion was close to cumming. Moments later she froze as her body tried to end the excess. His heels dug into the bed as his feet spread wide. Forward thrust his hips.

Shion screamed her complete release as James buried his member all the way inside her already quivering temple. He felt the ripple of her muscles as she released herself completely to the unbearable ecstasy crashing over her. She collapsed as he quickly withdrew. Her skin, heated as blood raced oxygen to over-stressed nerves, pressed against his. With even more force he pierced her depths again, hips crashed together. Her scream increased in pitch and volume as each tilt drove her to greater and greater heights of orgasm.

With each thrust the base of her taut muscles dragged against the underside of his manhood. Each pull sent stuttering electricity racing across his skin. Every time her tight hole pushed against the tender skin at the base of his member, molten lust flooded his veins. Pressure built in his balls. Finally the slight cleft at the base of his head scraped carelessly against the bottom of her folds and he felt the pressure release. A wave of fire raced up the narrow tube, burning a path of ecstasy before erupting deep inside Shion. His final thrust pushed deeper than ever, his member expanding as it fought to release its load. The added forces, deeper and wider, sent her over the edge, another cascade of climax breaking her mind and body.

The two lay panting. They were connected still. Each pulse of blood to his manhood sending an echoing shudder through Shion. Each tremored clench of her muscles caused an aftershock in him. Her head adjusted and snuggled into the hollow of his neck and knocked her glasses askew, after she released him from his bondage.

As cognisance returned to James, he realized the blessed, or alternately horrific, truth. Whatever this was, it wasn't a dream. Never before had he remained asleep through the climax of a dream. Always would he awaken moments before the irreversible explosion. He felt himself, contentedly, as he filled her soft depths still. A thin sheen of perspiration covered them both and the sweet scent of feminine release wafted up to confound his brain. This was, somehow, real.

His arms shifted to encircle her, lovingly, protectively. Shion was a woman of intelligence, capable of incredible acts of destructiveness with her spell-like programs and equipment. She alone could summon the most destructive of ancient technologies, a massive robot capable of destroying all enemies, though she would not know it yet. Still, she was small, her body frail and her soul wounded. One thing James knew well; how to comfort.

"I wish to experience that." The lovers jumped at the sound of the expressionless voice. Both James and Shion had forgotten Kos-Mos' presence. Each saw the embarrassment, born of surprise, written on the other's face. "Both of your reactions registered far greater levels of pleasure than I have previously witnessed. You said that I am capable of emulating these experiences. I know that feeling."

Chuckling nervously James looked into Shion's deep eyes. "Insistent isn't she?" Shion smiled and nodded as she rolled from atop him, finally breaking their connection. He continued to watch her as he spoke teasingly. "I think you're going to have to handle her request as I'm a little spent." He waved absently at the limp and dripping form between his legs.

"Oh, I don't know." There was a decidedly mischievous twinkle in Shion's eyes. She lay, facing him, on her side. His gaze was drawn slowly down her body, to once more wonder at the perfection of her slight form. She propped her head on one arm while the other adjusted her glasses. She then reached out and began to suggestively flick the ring piercing his left areola. He shuddered. "There are certainly ways to grant her desire."

His brow furrowed in confusion. "Kos-Mos, would you like me to satisfy your curiosity?" Shion's gaze never left her fingers, playing contentedly with James' sensitive adornment, as she spoke. She seemed to delight in each shiver that ran through him because of her manipulations.

"No Shion. You stated you wished to feel him within you at the consummation. I also registered vastly heightened levels of endorphins released as he ejaculated within you. I conclude that his release prompted a greater effect within you and I wish to experience that."

James couldn't help his nervous laughter. "You really need to teach her slang. Everything sounds so clinical when she describes it." He wasn't sure if he was comfortable with the track the conversation was going down. He'd always been a 'one woman' man. In fact the very thought of Shion offering him to Kos-Mos made him decidedly nervous.

"I think she just needs a good fuck." His eyes widened at the vulgarity. She never said anything so corse in the game, it was designed for all ages. Then again there wasn't even an implication of sex either. She simply laughed at his expression. "Kos-Mos, his dick needs to be thoroughly cleaned if you want him to have sex with you." The android began to turn. "Kos-Mos?" She turned back. "You'll need to use your mouth."

Neutral, almost vacant, red eyes stared at the two lying on the bed. She nodded and moved towards them. Standing at the edge of the bed, she looked back and forth at the two before, apparently, making a decision. She reached up and began to peel away the layers of armor. Abstract pieces of curved metal began to drop to the floor until she stood before them, naked.

She had the smooth, muscled, legs of a dancer or swimmer. Where they met, the shock of blue pubic hair had been trimmed and shaved into a triangle, pointing downward to hint at the treasures flagrantly displayed below. As he traveled upward from wide, sensuous, hips her waist narrowed, a series of metallic looking plates covered her stomach in two columns which ran up her front. The plates ended shortly before his eyes reached her average sized, perky, breasts. His primal mind fought to keep his eyes rooted there, as it had at her sex, but he continued up the smooth curve of her powerful neck to her slightly pointed chin and round face, as a veritable waterfall of beep blue hair framed her head and spilled down her back.

James was always honest with himself. Kos-Mos was prettier than Shion, with her voluptuous curves and larger breasts ~ without being too large for his tastes. However he had never been as attracted to her as his friends were. He was content with what he had shared with the more intelligent woman. In the end his gaze returned to Shion to roam across her glory.

Shion saw the calculation in Kos-Mos' eyes and knew she was going to strip, determining that to be the 'optimum method of inducing the proper atmosphere'. Shion knew the man's newfound infatuation with her body would be short lived when he discovered the perfection that had been wrought of the android's. She watched as he appraised her body, seeing at each step that he admired the craft and found her rival, her creation, more appealing. Her eyes, therefor, widened when he smiled at the end of his tour and turned back to contemplating her. It could be some form of ruse, but it looked too natural .

Shion's fingers pinched the nipple-ring and tugged, twice, lightly, in order to get his attention back to her eyes. She chuckled as his startled expression flew back to hers. "You need to move to the edge of the bed."

He shrugged and shifted. He knew, from personal experience, it would take a while for him to get hard once more, much less be able to finish. He enjoyed the feeling of lips surrounding his member, the suction as he pulsed in a mouth. There was an indescribable high when he came in a woman's mouth and she continued to milk every drop from his beleaguered body. However, he sometimes just wished for the sensation of being tasted and enjoyed, wished for a woman to suck him playfully for the cause rather than the effect.

Kos-Mos knelt, uncertain, by his knees. Shion hopped to her knees on the bed, sitting on feet curled under her, as she faced the android. The remains of their passion continued to leak from her, to slide, ignored, down her legs and onto the bed. "Now, when he spreads his legs you will move forward until he's right in front of you. Then use your tongue and mouth to clean every last bit of cum off of him. If it twitches when you do something, then it's probably a good sign. Unless of course he says 'ow'." Shion's head turned to regard James. "Youwill say something if she hurts you, even a little. I've known some people who don't say anything, but simply lay there hoping their lover will change tactics quickly." James nodded his assent. "Oh, and do warn her if you're going to pop. She wants the full treatment so I should hope she's riding you long before that." He nodded again.

Kos-Mos began to move forward when James suddenly closed his knees around her. He knew he could never overpower her but the symbolic gesture had the desired effect of stopping her. "You said you had induced the pleasurable feelings in yourself before?"

"Yes. I have experimented, to a degree, with this."

"Then you might want to masturbate while you clean me. That's using your fingers to stimulate between your legs. If you're cumming, or even close, when we start to have sex, it will feel a lot better. Maybe not to the level you saw in Shion but certainly not if you're starting dry." To her surprise he turned to Shion, his hands grasping for her hips. "Come'ere you. I've got a surprise for you!"

Confused, Shion let his hands pull her closer, shuffling along at his guidance. Finally she knelt by his head, still confused, when his strong hands grabbed her hips and dragged her over him. Their combined juices smeared across his chest, face and arms, but he didn't care with her above him. He didn't even give her time to regain her balance before his mouth dove towards her still-soaked lust. Shion gasped as his tongue darted out to torment her swollen clit. She collapsed, quivering, with no desire to resist.

James nearly suffocated in the first minute as she sat on his face with her stomach covering his nose. Arms snaked around her thighs. Fingers carefully opened her temple to every delightful abuse he could think of, while the rest of his hands pressed lightly at her waist, buying himself enough room to breath through his nose. Desperately, his tongue traced a path across her inflamed mound before sinking deeper between her legs, until it finally wiggled and drilled into her depths. The bittersweet flavour of her cream mixed with the salty taste of his own cum. He didn't care in the slightest, as she already began to writhe and squirm above him. This soon after orgasm, the woman was still primed and ready, while he would take a while to rebuild.