We Need To Talk

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My version of the four famous words.
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I posted this previously and iIt was up for a while and then was pulled down, based on someone's perception that Holly, the 16-year old daughter in the story, was involved in a sex scene. There is only one brief sex scene and did not include her. Holly does discuss her mother's sex life and does mention being pressured by her boyfriend but at no time does she engage in sexual activity. Nonetheless, the story continues to be rejected as originally written.

Therefore, in order to hopefully pass muster with the webmaster, I have re-written the story and made Holly 18-years old. I think it takes away from her role in the story a bit but is a necessary change.

Disclaimer: All sexual acts in this story take place between consensual adults 18 years of age or older.


I had played well, I thought. It wasn't the best round I had ever played but I had finished 18 holes at just 7 over par, which was pretty darn good. My friend Matt and I had been playing golf together a couple times a month for the past few years. He was about 10 years older than I was. We had met when my wife Becky and I moved into our current house 6 years ago.

Matt is a big guy and has the gift of gab. He's in real estate and does very well for himself, though there is the occasional slow period. His wife, Pam, is a tall, thin blonde woman who had stayed at home to raise their son, Chet. He had recently turned 18 and was finishing up high school before heading off to the university. Pam and Becky had become friends instantly and visited with each other several times a week.

Becky is also a blonde, with straight hair (which she's usually happy with except on those occasions when she'd really like "some curls and a little body") that currently ends just below her shoulders. She keeps herself in good shape, with a few sags and soft spots but nothing more than you would expect from a 41-year old woman. She's still the most beautiful woman in the world to me, or at least she was before this whole thing started.

Guys, you know how it goes when you hear those words: we need to talk. There's never once been a time when a wife uttered those words that were good news for the poor husband on the receiving end, so when Becky said them to me that fateful Saturday afternoon I immediately braced for some sort of bad news.

I'm sure we all do this: we try to think about what it could be. I hadn't gone into the garage, so my first thought was something happened to her car. But that wouldn't really be a big deal. I made a good living as an engineer so if it was something as material as that it could be easily remedied and she knew that.

So then I figured it was something personal, like family. All of our parents were still alive, as were 3 of our 8 grandparents. Had something happened to one of them? Or perhaps it was our daughter, Holly. Holly was very close with her mother and we often joked that she was my wife's 'mini-me'. She had Becky's straight blonde hair and love of shopping. She had recently started dating (she had turned 18 a couple months ago) and had a boyfriend named Dean who seemed nice enough. They weren't sexually active that I was aware of but I guess dads aren't always in the loop on that kind of thing. Could Holly be pregnant? Crap. That would certainly explain Becky's somber tone, though it could be dealt with.

Or maybe Becky's pregnant. We still did it a couple times a week, though with age (I'm 43) things have slowed a bit and I can't go on like I did 10 or 15 years ago. But it was very satisfying for us and to my knowledge Becky hadn't been through menopause so could still get pregnant. Imagine that: a father again at my age. I had enjoyed it the first time around and thought it would be true again, but perhaps Becky thought I would be unhappy about it.

Of course, all of this went through my head in a matter of seconds and I had pretty much convinced myself that one of the women in my life was pregnant by the time I sat down at the kitchen table opposite from my wife of 18 years.

"Henry, my darling, you know how much I love you, don't you?"

"Of course, Beck; I've never doubted it for a minute."

I tried to remain upbeat, not wanting her to fear telling me about the new baby I was sure was coming, but a little doubt crept into my mind. Why would she ask if I knew how much she loved me unless she were about to tell me something that would make be question it?

"And I do, Henry. I love you with every piece of me and I will forever, and I look forward to spending the rest of our lives together. It's what I've always wanted."

"Me too, honey, but I assume this wasn't intended as a meeting of the mutual admiration society. What's this about?"

"Henry, we've been together for 20 years, 18 of them as husband and wife. I love you more and more every day, and I've happily dedicated my life to taking care of you and our wonderful daughter for that entire time. With the exception of some visits with friends, I've asked very little for myself. Would you agree?"

This was obviously not about Holly, and was about something Becky wanted that she thought I might have some objection to. She had never suggested a desire for another baby so I was quickly losing confidence in that theory.

"I would agree, honey. You've always put Holly and me first, though we've encouraged you to take time and do things for yourself as well."

"You have, and I'm aware of that. And that's one of the ways I know how much you love me and why I believe you'll indulge me now."

"Well, I'm listening."

"Henry, as you are aware, as we age things change. Our bodies change, our energy levels change, and our sex drives change. You're a wonderful lover, Henry, and always have been, but you know as well as I do that you can't go as long or as often as you used to, and it typically takes a couple of days for you to recharge before we can go again. This is just a natural part of aging and I understand that."

I really didn't like the way this was suddenly going. Perhaps the last thing a man wants his wife to start talking about is his virility, or at least the lack of it. I had a bad feeling about this. She continued.

"I know you've tried the little blue pill and that has certainly helped with...some things, but it can't do anything about your energy and your desire, you know what I mean?"

Not knowing what to say at this point, I simply nodded that I understood what she was saying. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop, which I presumed had something to do with some sort of solution to this 'problem'.

"For me it's been the opposite. As I've gotten older my libido has increased. When I turned 40 it was like a switch was flipped. I wore you out for a while there, which I know you remember."

I did, that's for sure. We were doing it almost every night, though sometimes (probably more than I want to admit) I had to resort to getting her off orally because my little soldier wouldn't stand at attention again that particular night. But I still worked hard to satisfy her and thought I had been pretty successful. I was getting a different impression now.

"I find myself needing something pretty much every day. When you and I make love, as always you ensure I've had mine before taking care of yourself. However, it used to be that when we were done I couldn't possibly take any more, and now I find that, well, I could still use some more attention before calling it a night. I have some toys I use discreetly to take care of that but it's a bit frustrating."

"Don't you think I feel the same way, Becky? I love you and I want you to be taken care of, but you can't fully fight biology."

"I know, and I understand that, and I don't in any way hold these things against you. It's simply the nature of getting older."

"Okay Becky, now that you've pointed out my sexual inadequacies and done your best to minimize them, are you going to get to the point of this conversation?"

As she had talked about my inability to fully satisfy her any longer, I had reached the conclusion that this train was barreling toward her asking permission to have an affair. I was almost right.

"Henry, please understand that I'm not trying to put you down; I'm just trying to explain. This is very difficult to say, and I hope you won't get too angry, and that we can keep talking about this as we've been doing.

I said nothing and didn't move. I just waited.

"Henry, I have a lover. It's been going on for almost a year."

I was stunned. I couldn't even bring myself to respond, so she kept talking to fill the silence.

"We meet a couple times a week. I don't love him. I only love you. I've been very careful to make sure you didn't find out and that nothing changed for you at home. I've gotten very good at knowing when you'd be in the mood and planning accordingly. You've always had me whenever you wanted me and nothing about that will change. You are my husband and your needs will always come first."

"So this is something you intend to continue."

"Yes, Henry, I do. As I said, my needs have grown and I need to do this to satisfy them. But I want you to be confident that it doesn't change how I feel about you or the lovemaking we share."

"Who is it?"

"I'm not going to tell you that, Henry. You don't need to know who it is and no good can come from that. It's not any of your friends or anyone you work with. It's just someone I met."

"And you expect me to simply accept this because I love you?"

"Yes I do. I know you love me and you want me to be happy and satisfied, and I know that you know you've not noticed any change and I've tried hard to make sure of that. Besides, the alternative is you having to pay me alimony and child support and live somewhere else, but all that will do is keep you from getting my pussy on a regular basis, let him have it even more often, and separate you from your daughter. I love you and I don't want you to suffer like that. It'll be better for everyone if we just keep going forward as we have been."

I was trying my best to remain calm on the outside, but on the inside I was absolutely livid. How dare she threaten me with the ramifications of divorce? Perhaps Holly wouldn't be too keen on living with a mother that's cheating on her father.

"Well, that certainly sounds better for you, anyway. You've got it all sorted out, haven't you. You took page one from the lying and cheating wives handbook and played me for a damn fool. You've got me hooked and can now leave me twisting in the wind."

"Please don't look at it like that, honey."

"Don't fucking call me that, you bitch."

"Henry, getting angry and using foul language isn't going to make this any easier."

"That may be true but it sure makes me feel better."

"I know this is hard to hear; I really do. But it really won't affect us. You haven't noticed and you won't in the future. It's just something I'm doing for myself, to fulfill needs that I have. It won't take anything away from you. It's the same as if I was doing volunteer work in my spare time."

"Okay, let's assume I believe that, which I don't, but let's assume I do. Why now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you've managed to lie to and deceive me this entire time..."

"I never lied to you, Henry."

"You swore when we were married to only be with me, which was a broken promise if not a lie. But by never telling me about it you've effectively lied to me every day since the first time you fucked this asshole."

"He's not an asshole. He's very nice. I wouldn't be with an asshole."

"He seduces and has sex with married women. That alone makes him an asshole."

"Well, for the record, he didn't seduce me. I came on to him."

This was just getting better and better.

"Okay, so you're an even bigger slut than I thought."

"Henry..." I ignored her.

"So back to my question; why are you telling me this now? You lulled me into trusting you and you've tricked me for a year, so why are you telling me now?"

"Like I said, Henry, I plan to spend every day of the rest of my life showing you much I love you and how much I appreciate you for allowing me this one thing for myself. But the exception to that is that, well, he's taking me to Hawaii for a week, as sort of an anniversary of our first time together."

"You're kidding me. So much for this not affecting us. You're leaving to go spend a week getting fucked while I sit at home and work to support you. And what, I'm supposed to just welcome you with open arms when you come back. What the hell have I ever done to you to warrant this level of disrespect from you?"

"You've never done anything, Henry, and this isn't disrespect to you. I need you to understand that this is only something I'm doing for me and has nothing to do with how I feel about you."

"Personally I don't see how that's possible. What about your daughter, Becky? What do you intend to tell Holly about this little solo vacation of yours. We've always gone away as a family and suddenly you're going by yourself."

"I've already spoken to Holly and explained that some friends of mine and I have decided to take a little trip together, and that this would in no way affect our family vacation this summer. She was fine with it. She may even be glad to see me go."

She chuckled at what I guess she thought was a joke. Oh, isn't this just such a light-hearted topic.

"And you think I'm going to let her continue to believe that cock and bull story?"

"What proof do you have to the contrary, Henry? I've already showed her the brochures for the places my friends and I will be going and promised to tell her all about it when I get back. All you have is your word, and frankly Henry, she is more likely to believe me and what I told her than anything you tell her."

"Like I said, you've got it all figured out. You get to do whatever you want and who gives a shit how I feel about it, and if I don't like it that's just too bad. I'm not sure how you expect to remain married to me after this."

"I've told you, Henry. We love each other and once I get back things will return to the way they've always been."

I had enough of this nonsense. She clearly hadn't considered the long-term effects this would have. Even if we stayed married, which wasn't going to happen if she went through with this trip and was in doubt even if she didn't, it sure as hell wouldn't be the way it was before. I took one last shot.

"Becky, don't go. We can work on our marriage and try to fix things. Just please don't go."

"Henry, I'm going and that's all there is to it. But it will all be the same, you'll see. I love you too much to let this change things."

Well, I tried.

"I can tell you it's already changed things. But I guess you've done your duty. You've told me your plans. I'd tell you to have a good time, but unlike you I prefer not to lie to my spouse. I'll be in the wood shop, as if you care."

"Henry, please be careful down there. Working with power tools when you're upset is very dangerous."

I walked down the basement steps without acknowledging that she spoke and without saying another word. I couldn't believe how stupid she was. Sure I loved her, but I sure as hell wasn't going along with this and was amazed that she would think I would. Despite her thinking, I had every intention of telling Holly just what her mother was up to. If she didn't believe me, well, that's just a chance I would have to take.

And a trip to Hawaii of all places. We've been talking about going there for years but waited for Holly to get a little older so she could really enjoy it, and now before we can do it she decides to go off with this asshole. Shit.

I considered my options. She was certainly right about divorce. We were in a no-fault state so I'd be on the hook for alimony for a few years at least, and probably child-support since Holly would likely end up with her mom and the house. I could afford all of this; I just didn't relish the idea of paying for my wife to sit and home and screw her fuck buddy while I work and sit at home alone in some apartment somewhere. And who knows who she might bring home and subject Holly to. I saw no option but to just stay here until Holly left for college then get the hell out. But I wasn't touching her skanky cunt again, that was for damn sure.


I had been in my workshop for several hours when I heard my daughter arrive home. She typically spent Saturdays with her friends or with Dean. I had the bright idea to go right now and let Holly know just what her mother was planning, when we were all in the room. Maybe she'd believe me and maybe she wouldn't, but that was going to be for her to decide.

So I started to go back up into the house but was still inside the basement door when I heard Holly start talking with her mother, and the first sentence out of her mouth rocked my world even more than it already was.

"Hey mom. So, did you tell dad about the trip to Hawaii with Mr. Harrington yet?"

Holy crap; she knew all about it. Becky hadn't given her a story about a trip with her friends. Holly knew the truth and was apparently okay with it. And who was Mr. Harrington? Did Holly know the guy?

"Yes, just a little bit ago. He wasn't too happy and he's sulking down in the wood shop now. It's about what I expected. But he'll come around. He really has no choice."

"I can't believe he'd be so selfish about this, mom. If he really loved you he'd be happy that you're getting your needs taken care of. He's just going to have to accept that you need a younger man to give you what you need. As long as he gets his he really has no cause to complain."

Who the hell was this kid? Then I realized that Becky handled the bulk of the child raising and had apparently been filling Holly's head with this nonsense for years. She really was Becky's 'mini-me'.

"That's what I told him, but he took it personally. His poor, fragile male ego can't handle the fact that he can't satisfy all my needs anymore. I explained all about how people change when they got older but all he can see is his caveman view of me being 'his woman'."

No, clearly no disrespect here.

"I'm so glad I introduced you to Mr. Harrington. He's really looking forward to the trip. He says he has a few special things planned for you."

Oh. My. God. My own daughter didn't just know about it but played an active role in helping her mother cheat on me, and seems to be reveling in my humiliation. And how the hell does my 18-year old daughter know someone older that Becky would have sex with and could afford to pay for a trip to Hawaii. I'd have to look into that, but at least I had a name.

"Honey, please don't talk to him about our sex life, okay? That makes me uncomfortable and is really not appropriate."

"You were the one that started talking to me about how daddy wasn't getting it done and that it was time to take on a lover like grandma did, then complained that you had no way to meet someone. I think my finding someone for you entitles me to a little leeway."

"I suppose that's true, but it's still not appropriate for you to be talking with Rick about it. You're still a minor and he's still your teacher."


"Okay mom, I'll do my best. I'm just so excited for you!"

With that little conversation my plans took a sudden and drastic turn. I had no intention now of staying in the same house as those 2 conniving little bitches. Okay, not a nice word to use for one's own daughter, but her actions had proven what kind of person she was raised to be and she was old enough to understand right and wrong.

But there would be no divorce either. Either way I'd be on the hook for the household expenses at least until Holly graduated in June, but this way I could keep the expenses to a bare minimum, whereas if we divorced I'd be on the hook for whatever percentage of my income the court decided on, and it would certainly be more than I would care to contribute.