All Comments on 'Writing Sex Scenes'


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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I think it left out a very important topic: Sensory Perceptions. It is absurd but true that the tissues that generate sexual sensation are not at all anatomically understood. Only in the last ten years has the exact structure of clitorises been described and to this date no one knows what the fork of the clitoris into the bulbs and crus over the ureter and vagina has to do with sex pleasure. One might surmise that the 250 blood spaces separated by a stiff membrane in the corpus cavernosa of both a dick and a vagina cause a faint yet satisfying stridulation on the sensory nerves to the 12th vertebra. No one actually knows how this is sensibly conncted to the nerves from the coccyx to the sphicters which erect the cavernosa and release the orgasm.

LADY_ILADY_Iover 10 years ago
Thank You.

This article was very helpful to me. It was very constructive and gave me beneficial information on how to write better. I am grateful I took the time to read it.

beautyzdizasterbeautyzdizasterabout 13 years ago
Thank You

I wish I had seen this earlier. I'm a first time writer and I just submitted my story today. You're advice is great and will keep me focused on the things I sometimes forget about in a story.

Adding this to my Favorites once I submit this comment :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

I favorited this so I could find it again and use it as reference. Thanks. I've only been writing for a couple years and have been doing it intuitively. It's nice to have a small outline of rules and suggestions. Great job!

WFEATHERWFEATHERalmost 14 years agoAuthor
To drbob80

I have also seen this as an issue with some who are writing for the first time, but that in my experience is an issue which pervades all stories and is not exclusive to erotica or to sex scenes. I suppose my thoughts on first-person falls into this category as well, but since first-person puts the reader much more squarely inside the head of the character, the first-person pitfall is (in my opinion) more prominent for sex scenes.

But as for your larger point, there are a number of other considerations and potential pitfalls which could certainly be included in this or any other article on how to write sex scenes (or how to write anything in general). If someone really wanted to attempt to include everything, it would be a NaNoWriMo-length project at minimum!!!

drbob80drbob80almost 14 years ago
A technical point

One of the worst problem for neophyte writers is slipping in and out of the present or past tense. This is one thing that can absolutely kill the erotic mood that is building in a scene. Other that that, all your comments are spot on.

HeyAllHeyAllalmost 14 years ago
nice article

The main points which I stick by are: realism, details, and emotions.

nomoretears00nomoretears00almost 14 years ago

Going to 'fav' this as soon as I finish this comment! Wonderful advice.

avidreader_01avidreader_01almost 14 years ago
thank you

excellent advice and certaintly things to ponder... i've recently started writing on here and i've had a bit of a hard time writing sex scenes so this is a great help :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
best yet

this may be the most useful "how to" i've seen on this site. a sincere thank you.

Scotsman69Scotsman69almost 14 years ago
Perceptive and helpful.

Any aspiring writer on Lit would do well to ponder this. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Useful Stuff!

All your How-to posts are excellent and this one is no exception. Concise and amusing, it is certain to be useful to many an aspiring Literotica writer.

Thank you.

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