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Beauty and the Horny Beast
An Adult Fairy Tale

by Anonymous ©

This story was split into 10 parts. Jump to any of the segments from here:
Note: This story was originally submitted as one long story
and it was only broken into 10 parts for faster page loading.

The next morning when she awoke I was already up and about. I had warmed water by the fire for her to bathe with, she was in need of a good scrubbing. She seemed embarrassed for me to see her body with its obvious wounds; I kept up my nonsensical chatter to ease her mind while she bathed. From the marks on her breasts and inner thighs I could guess much of what had been done to her but not by who. She finished bathing and dressed in some old clothes of mine, we had a light meal and then I asked her if she wanted to tell me about her ordeal. At first she was reluctant but finally the words began pouring out of her as fast as she could speak. I hurt inside for her. I wept with her. For one so high to have come so low was a pitiful thing to see. After all this, I took her to her house, rather than the hovel she first thought, it was now her refuge. I showed her the gold Alaina had given her and we went shopping for armor and furnishings. We then went to the woods where I taught her to hunt; she caught on quickly and became quite accomplished by days end. I left her there, in her house, with instructions to come to me if she felt the need for any reason.

Some of her words still haunt me and leave a chill on my usual merry soul. She said she didn't know for sure if Nevar was dead or had she merely wounded him. If he was not dead he would find her for sure and take her to his house again; after all she was his ward. If he was dead she said she didn't think she could bear it. And this then is why she is called "SaintLoon, The Pathetic"! She thinks she will never feel again what she felt with him and she feels her own body betrayed her by responding to him. She sits at night, alone in her house, and by the firelight she looks at the comb Nevar had bought for her. She runs her fingers over the words he carved; it simply says, "My SaintLoon".

This story was split into 10 parts. Jump to any of the segments from here:
Note: This story was originally submitted as one long story
and it was only broken into 10 parts for faster page loading.

Another top quality story by Anonymous.
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