White Queer

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Tongue-In-Cheek Parody of Mercyful Fate's "Nightmare."
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Am I awake or is this just a wet dream?
I am a white queer, slurping up jism.
I am fucked in a dressing room, and I moan like a bitch.

We're at the gym. So, we have to make sure we stay out of sight.
Liquid fire, building in me. Oh, I feel like a woman!
Ecstasy--Oh, I feel it! I'm as hot as the sun.

I hear a man telling the others to come.
They will all know that I am gay.
There is a crowd of people looking at me.
They have caught me on my hands and knees.

The crowd of people are watching me get reamed.
We pull up our shorts and start to run.
"It's no longer a secret that you are a fucking queer!"

Pussy--glistening. I'm no longer a man.
Night after night, I have this fling.
I am not a queer. I'm a confused man.
Night after night, I have this dream.
(Taunting crowd, four times: "You are a gay!")

Guttural voice: "You dream of getting fucked in your behind because you're gay!"

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