A Cougar Totally Turned Ch. 07


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To Sheri's complete amusement I asked if I had permission to change clothes. I saw her nostrils flare. Why do I bring this on myself? There was barely contained glee in her voice as she told me, "Pet, sit. I will give it some thought." Damn! She did it on purpose too!! Nearly half an hour later Sheri lifted her head from her homework as if she'd forgotten I was there waiting. "Oh, youare sitting here. Oh my. Yes of course, darling, do as you wish. Give me a kiss on your way." When I bent to her, she gave me a kiss that was best described as 'smoldering!' Her fingers, apparently, were tasked to find the exact temperature that would bring one to said condition. I ask you: how could a human being love another as much as I do her? She played every note perfectly. Every string is drawn taut; just so! Sheri certainly does know how to – tuna fish! Thank you!! You can't know how long I've waited to use that line!! I want it on record! I spent five paragraphs just for those two words!! Master craftswoman I am! Bowing is beneath me. Another will be beneath me tonight. The greens challenged me, saying game on girlfriend! Five game changing words!!

Dinner was delicious and uneventful. Well, uneventful is bad choice of words today.

The question I asked was, "Sheri, we have the weekend to ourselves - no physical therapy, no home health, nothing. Would you like to finish whatever homework there is to prepare for school Monday tonight? Over the weekend? It's your call."

She thought for a bit. Her face brightened as she asked, "What about Linda and Kat. Should we see about having them over for dinner tomorrow night?" Oh my!! Brilliant! I called Lin and, to our delight, they didn't have set plans for tomorrow. Yes, dinner at 7 sounded fabulous. Should they bring anything? Only their lovely selves, not another thing!

That was settled. I called Teresa in and gave her the news. She levitated to the kitchen. She would shop first thing in the morning. I never, ever, asked for a specific dish unless I really had a taste for something. Stop that! Yeah, I agree; it was there! Geez! It was 7 pm. How about two hours of homework then the rest of the night for us? Sounds marvelous; we sealed it with a kiss. I kept my hips far from those tantalizing digits. That 'fool me once' thing!

Okay, okay, I know there are probably some of you reading who are complaining about not enough detail recently of our lovemaking. I will do my very best spare no detail about the wonderfully romantic, erotic night we shared that Friday. The gong that sounded the end of homework time was Sheri slamming a book closed. She rose from her chair, beckoning me with a curled finger and a smile. She kissed me, hard, long, and deep. Oh God! She whispered in my ear as her tongue bedeviled, "Only one finger pet! Imagine the havoc I could wreak with my hand." This was a reminder of this afternoon and a tease for tonight. She took my hand and we headed upstairs for the night.

Woo hoo! I could see a coin being flipped to determine who would be 'woo' and who would be 'hoo'. In fact, it was with giggles that I did just that. Sheri's jaw dropped as I spat out the words through gasping laughs. She did join me though. Neither of us could talk so I pointed and flipped. Sheri signaled her call with a thumbs-up as tears ran down both our faces. I showed her the coin; we fell into each others arms laughing. We took each others clothes off quickly. Sheri – woo – declared a shower would be first. Me – hoo – jumped with glee. We are children, wild, wanton, lustful, sexy, fabulous children, madly in love with each other. I cry sometimes thinking about it. I know there are those of you out there who are smiling and nodding at my words. Others are angry; jealous perhaps. My heart breaks for you and hopes that love finds you. We all deserve it! Please know that this comes from one who had no idea she could love another as I do my Sheri. That is me laying my soul bare. On with the story.

I had taken a bath in my shower every now and then when I wanted to pamper myself. There were times when, on my moon, I ran the water very hot to try to ease the cramps. Yes I let the water slowly turn red. It humored me. It's weird, I know, but hey! There's an old joke: Her idea of exercise is to pull the plug in the tub and fight the current. Boo hiss. This night Sheri surprised me by running the tub. I don't know where she had them hidden, but she was pouring bath beads in the water when I turned back to her. Sheri showed me the box. Oh yum. The water wasn't too hot. Sheri got in first – longer legs needed to get set. She insisted I sit with my back to her. I fussed; she reminded me that she was in fact "woo." I couldn't argue withthat logic. I did as I was told. We lay very still against each other for a time, luxuriating in the silky warm water and each other. It was very relaxing and so romantic!

I said, "May I ask a question?"

"Of course."

"If you would, tell me what you thought and felt after. I'll tell you about me when you finish. Is that okay?"

Sheri was quiet for a time. "I was scared Julia. The pain was so sharp. It took my breath away. I was a rag doll; I had no control as I felt myself fall to the ground. It hurt when I fell – a lot. I felt my life slip away for a bit then I saw you. You were crying so hard. There was stark terror in your eyes. I thought, "No honey, I'm not going to die today. It's okay, please don't cry." I was sobbing uncontrollably. Sheri held me close. Her voice was firm and soft, "I saw you take off your coat, give it to Lin, and heard your words. You may have saved my life baby. They told each other at the hospital that the coat had stanched the blood flow. I hadn't lost nearly as much blood as I might have." I wished I had the coat back. I would save it in an air tight bag somewhere.

Sheri kissed my ear. "I heard them talking. They were so calm and it helped me stay calm. I think that helped too. Someone spoke to me and gave me very brief details. I don't even remember them all. Something about checking to be sure no blood vessels ..." She shook her head. "I don't know. I was being rolled, we were on an elevator, more rolling, more voices, lots more, new ones. When I woke up, my mouth was terribly dry and the pain was awful for a few minutes, then it went away. I wanted water. I was so thirsty. I was on my side. The voices were soft; there were only a few of them. I guess I had been in surgery and was awake, somewhere else. I lay there; a nurse kept checking things, looking at my eyes, taking my temperature in my ear. There were things buzzing, strange noises. I was bored." We both giggled. I turned, we kissed.

"The nurse said, 'Okay Ms. Williams, we're taking you to your room. You're done here; they'll take care of you from now on.' My first thought: Julia!!" I cried again; we both did. "The elevator again; more rolling. I heard voices counting. I was being lifted and placed on a bed. Where's Julia? Then you were there! You were trying so hard not to cry. My god, your eyes were so swollen babe. I hurt for you. You kissed me. If I had died that instant I would have been happy." I turned to my lover. I held her beautiful face in my hands and kissed her. I couldn't possibly love Sheri more than I did just then. The kiss was long and sweet. It spoke for what we both were feeling. She made me turn around again. I relaxed in her arms. "I was so sleepy and wanted you to stay. We were both being silly and foolish. I think you said goodnight. I'm sure I fell asleep. The next morning Erica asked me to walk to the bathroom. Then she washed my hair. If I could have I swear I would have fucked her right there on the bathroom floor." We both laughed hysterically. "She asked what time I thought you might come. I said, 'Probably any minute now.' She said, 'Let's surprise her. How about having you sitting up in bed when she walks in?' That was the moment I knew she was a sweetheart. Your face; oh my god Julia, I wish I had a camera. You were so surprised; then, in a blink, the joy that shone on your face. I loved you so goddamn much."

It was my turn. We drained some water and ran a bunch of new, hot water. I got to lean against the tub; Sheri leaned against me. She reached to turn off the water. I was listening so intently to her that I had to gather my thoughts. Sheri actually had the nerve to say, "Waiting!" I pinched her nipple. She shivered.

I began with, "Your hand was in mine as we walked. I felt it tighten very suddenly. Out of the corner of my eye I saw you jerk; your eyes went impossibly wide, your mouth flew open and, just that quickly, you slid to the sidewalk. I heard Linda scream. I looked at you, then I turned my head. To my dying day, honey, I will never forget the shock of seeing Cindy there. Nor will I forget the horrible mask of fury on her face. If I had been called to testify, I would have had to say, truthfully, that in that moment the woman was crazy. That was the look on her face: crazy with hate. She lifted the knife to come at me. I thought she would kill me too. Then two men jumped her. One took hold of her hand with both of his, twisted the knife from it and let it fall to the ground. He twisted her arm at an impossible angle behind her back, and he and another man threw her to the ground and held her. I heard someone on the phone with 911. I turned back to you. I took off my coat as I saw you bleeding. I screamed at Lin, 'Press this hard on the wound!' I found your eyes. Oh god, you were so pale. I wondered if you might be going into shock. I kissed you; your lips were ice cold. Do you remember me kissing you?" Sheri shook her head. "I wouldn't let go of your eyes. I wanted you to stay with me. I heard sirens. I heard cops taking charge, moving people back. I saw, out of the corner of my eye, Cindy being lifted. I saw the medics come to you.

"I wanted to keep your eyes on me. I moved, I think. I'm not sure. I don't remember all that they said. Most of it was to each other. A few questions were for me I think. One dude got up and came back with a gurney. There was a board; they rolled you on it and lifted you. I lost your eyes but got them back. They strapped you to the gurney and raced away with you. One of them asked if I knew your blood type. I had no fucking idea. I asked you; you mumbled something that I didn't understand. I asked if I could come with. Long story short: yes. The ambulance was cramped. I just stayed out of the way. The guy was barking orders at something – a hospital I guessed. It felt like the ride took forever. Even before it stopped the doors opened and people grabbed at the gurney. A whole bunch of them. People were barking orders; the medic was spewing a stream of medical stuff. I just went along with the crowd. You went one way; I watched as they took you from me. I was led to a small room, to a chair. The nurse, Renee, turned me around, looking for some sort of injury. I told her I was fine. I just wanted to be with my honey." Sheri took my hands and tenderly kissed them. She locked fingers of both our hands. "I heard someone come. The voices were tense but calm. God that sounds stupid." We both laughed. "She asked me, 'What's your name miss?' I told her. She asked me your name; no, she asked me, 'What's your friend's name?' I told her, 'She's not my friend. She's my lover; she's mylife.'" My voice cracked. We both cried.

"I found your driver's license and searched for an insurance card. I handed it to her when I found it. Renee smiled. They want this and that ... I wanted to scream. I wanted to find and see you! No. I was taken to a surgical waiting room. I was so tired, Sheri, so tired. The crash came as the adrenalin left. I asked a nurse for coffee. I swear I wanted to kiss her. I called Lin; she was in hysterics. I told her what I knew and promised an update. While I was on the phone, the nurse came by with someone. It turned out to be Catherine; what an angel. She listened, honey, as I poured out my fear. While we were talking the surgeon came with the news. I cried again; you were going to be okay. Catherine held me the whole time I cried. She basically dragged me to the cafeteria. God love her for doing it. I came back to the waiting room. Finally, a nurse came and brought me to you. She kept me in the hall for a few minutes to tell me about what I would be seeing. All I wanted was to see your greens and your smile, lover." I kissed Sheri's neck and shoulders. "I did have to hold back my tears; I had to be brave for you. I wanted to climb into bed ..." Sheri smacked my hand; we giggled. "I would have sold my soul to stay with you. Do you remember calling me pet?" Sheri giggled wickedly and nodded. "You were so tired. Your eyes were dull with pain and from the medications. It was a good thing to let you sleep; I needed it too. I called Sue from Randi's car. Georgia screamed in agony when Sue whispered to her. Teresa had tears when I got home. I didn't sleep very well that night. But you were safe. We were going to be okay."

The water was chilly. We had finished and we had yet to begin. Sheri pulled the plug. We turned on the water and showered. It was steamy and soft and sexy. But the main event lay ahead. I think we both had thought it would begin during the bath. I felt a renewed intimacy with Sheri after what we just shared. We shared our fears, our concerns, your pain, our joy. It was ... it took me five minutes to settle on this word: beautiful. I hope you understand why I chose it.

We lay in bed, our bodies mirrors. We were quiet. I had a sudden inspiration. She saw it in my eyes. I kissed Sheri's nose, "I think I have been sorely denied Ma'am. Tonight I will do what I begged in the hospital. I will give bathe you with my tongue." The smile spread slowly. We both smiled. Sheri nodded. "Turn over Ma'am." She did. I began. I took her hair and tied it with a scrunchie so that it sat off her neck. I kissed my way from her neck down her spine to her butt. I licked deep into the crevice of her ass, leaving a wet trail behind. I bit her butt softly; she jumped. I blew a thin trail of air at the cooling saliva and she shivered. I licked, slowly, from her tail bone all the way up to the hairline on her neck. Sheri was a quivering puddle and I'd just begun. I lifted her arms so her hands lay on either side of her head. I licked my way up one arm and back down. I did it over and over, each trip meant a finger would slip into my mouth to be licked and loved. I drew my tongue back down and into her arm pit. I darted, licked and nipped. I moved to the other hand. Sheri was moaning. "Each time you squirm, dearest, it prolongs the torture. It is when you surrender to it that it will end." My tongue darted into her ear as I breathed the words. An impossible trap had been set. No one,NO one, could be still for the delights I would bestow upon her body. I was counting on it. Her body was my canvas. Each stroke with the paint brush of my tongue was for her pleasure. I changed tactics. She hated it. I know. I love you! I darted from place to place; she never knew where the devil might strike. I used only my tongue, except when I nipped her with my teeth; or blinked her with my eyelashes; or swished my hair on her trembling skin. Back of the knee, shoulder, flank, butt, heel, neck.

I took pity on her. "Please turn over babe." Sheri's eyes begged. I whispered goodbye as I kissed her, slipped the blindfold on, and began anew. Her hands were over her head; my whispered order was that they not be moved. That came complete with a thorough taking of her ear. Aural sex? Oh my yes! Sightless, she was my prey. I took two toes, one on each foot, then moved to her belly button. Slip up the right side of her flank from low hip to underarm, then my teeth nipped the hip bone, and left hot breaths on her pearl. Oh how delightfulthat was. Sheri nearly came off the bed in desperation. Her mouth was open as she panted. She struggled to remain still. It was, I knew, impossible. I never once touched her sex, her clit, or her nipples, no matter how she begged. Even that became a torturous prison for her. As soon as she would beg I would stop whatever I was doing. Pavlov taught my honey quickly. She was quite desperate in her frustration. Held tight in captivity with nothing but my tongue. I flayed her with it, tore her up, and left her in tatters.

It was a glorious love I gave Sheri that night. When finally I took her, it was my nose that breathed in her scent, it was my tongue that lapped at the silky scented heat her body gave me, and my lips that loved her until she crashed headlong into a seemingly endless rollercoaster of pleasure. I whipped her from curve to curve, spun her upside down, turned and turned. I drove her slowly up the ladder, made her wait, torturing her at the peak with the promise of yet another spend, then threw her headlong into it as she screamed in the glorious, seemingly endless pleasure. Sheri cried out, begging for mercy. I gave it to her with yet another blinding run up the ladder and a spinning, mind-bending dash through colors, lights, and heat. It was when, breathless, she whimpered that I knew she'd had her fill. She was spent; awash in perspiration, matted hair nearly covering her face. Stray tendrils were in her mouth; she was, it seemed, unable to lift her arms to move it. I did.

I slid my body over hers; Sheri shivered again as my cold skin touched hers. I kissed her, gave her the liquid with my tongue, bathed her with me. I saw tears then; they slid silently down from the corners of her eyes. I cried with her, for what I had given her, for what was nearly lost. I held my lover and brought her back. I lifted from her and looked. Sheri was on her back of course, her head turned to her right, eyes closed, lips parted. Her left hand was in her hair as if it was helping her think, bringing some sense of what she'd been through. Her legs were wide with me between them. Her right leg extended out at an angle; the left was lifted, her foot near her ass. Sheri was more than a woman at rest. She was a women spent, thoroughly, in her pleasure, a woman adrift, MINE!

I admit. I did give thought to closing the night's escapades with the telling of her taking. The shared stories before and the complete ravishing I'd given her might have sated you, dear reader. If pushed, I will admit, I was satisfied with my glorious, loving demolition. Sheri was home and we were, once again, lovers. Yes, much more. But at the core? Intimacy is but a part of the whole. Glorious in its own right, it is but part of why we are so good as a couple. So I will give you an accounting of the rest as best as I can. I freely admit it is easier to write of the giving than the receiving.

My beautiful blonde she-devil began by inserting the egg in me. Oh my lord! She brandished (that is the correct word!) the controller and smiled. Icould write it as 'sweetly;' it was anything but. She batted her eyelashes at me and smiled a thin smile. She was gone. My wrists were bound with silk scarves. I couldn't get to the knots; those on my wrists were on the other side. Those on the bed posts? Sheri kept me in her grasp to ensure that I couldn't free myself. I love you completely you bitch! Oh yeah, I can write that now; Sheri is in another part of the house. I'll pay for it when she reads it later. Me: snickering. Sheri was as hard on me as I was easy on her. No, I didnot smile as I wrote that. She turned that fucking thing on high. I screamed. Not just from the egg but from her mouth on my clit. She drove me quickly to the first crest. It was awesome in its fury. The buzz told me what was next. The vibe lay on my pearl; it was still sensitive. Her mouth lapped at me, nipped at my lips, drank from the fountain, bathed me with kisses, tortured me with thin, cold streams on my pearl. I bucked as another one ripped through me. I cried, trying for purchase. Only the tip of the vibe on the tip of my clit – that was all she gave me. Oh, that and Sheri turned up the egg. I cried at the horrible pleasure of it.