A Fantasy Fulfilled

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Couple realize a fantasy while on vacation.
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"Dave, you want another drink?"

I rolled over, half asleep from my nap to see my wife looking over me.

"Sure baby, a beer would be fine."

We were in the afternoon of our second day of a well deserved week long vacation. No special reason for it other than just to get away from work, kids and the usual stresses of life. We had decided to come to the Grand Mayan resort in Nuevo Vallarta for some sun and fun. The place was amazing, too many pools and restaurants to count and an incredible beach as well. Palm trees blowing in the wind, and of course the odd beer or 10. The idea was to get away, rest, and just spend some time together, relaxing in the beautiful Mexican sun.

I watched my wife walk away and stared at that beautiful ass in her tight little string bikini. Kari and I had been married for almost 18 years now and she still had a body that I couldn't get enough [[of. Kari]] had always taken good care of herself and all her hard work had paid off making her 5ft5 frame a body most 20 year olds would want. She had great legs and took pride in her arms being strong but not too muscular. Her ass was amazingly tight for a 40yr old and her 36b breasts swayed in a way that never ceased to get me good and hard.

As she walked back with our drinks, she caught me staring at her. "You like what you see?"

"Oh yes I do baby, man that bikini looks incredible on you. I'm so glad you bought that one. I can't wait to get you back to the room."

Kari just laughed at me. "Settle down there, Tex. A few more hours of sun and then you can take me back and do whatever you want to me. But for right now, I plan on laying here for the foreseeable future."

As she laid down on the lounger I let my eyes linger on her body, taking in the small bikini that just covered her tits, her nipples poking up through the fabric letting me know that she was wanting to get laid as badly as I did but I resigned myself to waiting for tonight. Or, if I played my cards right, perhaps before dinner.

I looked around the pool area, taking in the palm trees swaying in the breeze, feeling like a lucky man. This place really was beautiful and so far I was having a great time.

I was about to go back to my book when a couple walked up and asked if they could use the loungers next to us. I smiled and told them they were welcome to use them.

"Thanks, Hi, I'm Mark and this is my wife Jill." I shook his outstretched hand and replied "I'm Dave and this is my wife Kari."

Kari looked up and introduced herself to the both of them asking "where are you guys from?"

Mark looked over at Kari and stopped for a second, taking in Kari and her bikini. "Umm, we're from Vancouver, what about you guys?"

"That's awesome, we are from there as well. Nice to meet some Vancouverites down [[here. Sure]] beats being in the rain back home, doesn't it."

Mark and Jill just laughed and settled in their chairs. Over the course of the next hour or so the four of us started chatting each other up. We found out that they were doing the same thing as us, getting away from life for a few days and recharging their batteries. They had 2 kids as well, both around the same age as ours and while Mark was in Marketing, Jill was a physical therapist. The two girls decided to go for a dip to cool off, leaving Mark and I alone.

Mark was eyeing them as they walked away and said "No matter how many times I look at my wife, I'm always impressed with her ass. You must feel the same Dave, if you don't mind my saying so, you have one very attractive wife."

I was caught off guard a bit by the comment but figured I'd play along "Well thanks Mark, I think we are both lucky in that department. Jill's got a great body on her as well."

We both watched as our wives got out of the pool and walked back to us, fresh drinks in hand.

Kari noticed us watching them walk back and playfully sauntered over "You guys like what you see?" with a laugh.

Dave quickly answered "Hell yeah, best view in town. Thanks for the drink."

As Jill and Kari dried off we could see Jill looking around the pool area. She looked over at Kari and said "I knew this was the adults only pool here but I didn't realize how many women are topless at this pool. I hate tan[lines, do you guys mind if take my top off and join them?"

Kari looked around "I never noticed that either, I'm not normally an exhibitionist but if you want to go for it Jill."

Jill looked at Mark seemingly for approval and he quickly answered "You'll never hear me complain about you going topless. I hope you guys don't mind. Jill has a thing for tan lines, we're always going to the nude beach in Vancouver."

I kind of stammered a bit, not sure what to say, as I really wanted to see her topless and kind of hoped that Kari would join in but also didn't want to seem too eager. "It's your vacation, far be it from me to make you have tan lines"

Jill reached behind her and undid her top, letting her breasts free from the fabric. I looked over at my wife and noticed that try as she might, she couldn't help but stare at Jill as she laid down on the lounger next to her.

"Kari, you should really give it a try, I hate it when I want to wear a dress or top and see different lines going all over my shoulders and back." She then turned to Mark "Baby will you hand me the sun screen, I don't want to burn these."

Kari couldn't take her eyes off of Jill and after a few seconds said that maybe after a few more drinks she would get up the courage but for now she was ok.

Mark by now had moved over to Jill and was squirting some sun screen into his hands. "You know, I think I should do this for you, you'll want to make sure they get fully covered." With that he slowly started to massage the lotion onto her breasts. Both Kari and I sat there transfixed as we watched him cover her tits and work the lotion in. He seemed to be thoroughly enjoying his job and taking his sweet time. As he moved around her nipples, you could see them harden under his touch and he seemed to play with them a bit, almost taunting us in a way.

I looked over to my wife, not wanting to make it totally obvious that I was watching this man play with his wife's tits in front of us. Kari for her part was making no bones about the fact that she was watching every move. You could see her breathing heavier as she watched and you could easily see that her own nipples were hard as they stretched the tight fabric of her bikini top.

Mark finished his job, and went back to his chair, trying to hide an obvious hard on that was poking at his shorts. The four of us went back to chit chatting and relaxing. I decided that I needed to cool off and went for a dip in the pool and refreshed our drinks. As I walked back I noticed that now Jill was fast asleep and that Mark was now sitting beside Kari and was now working sun screen onto her back. I stopped for a bit to watch as Mark slowly worked the lotion all over her back, then down to her legs and upper thighs, taking his time around her ass and lower back. I could tell that Kari was breathing heavy as Mark continued working the lotion into her skin. I guess I had to admit that like many men, I had always enjoyed the fantasy of having another couple or man join us in the bedroom and if this was the closest I would get to it, then I was going to enjoy the view.

I walked over and set down the drinks, Kari looked up at me with a sheepish smile, trying wordlessly to apologize and get approval. I simply smiled back and let her know it was ok.

Mark seemed to notice the exchange and quickly chimed in "Hope you don't mind, Kari was looking a little red so I thought I'd put another layer of sunscreen on her."

"It's ok, no worries, someone's gotta do it."

It was starting to get later in the day but it was clear that none of us wanted to leave, the temperature was still warm and we were all enjoying ourselves so much that we decided to just order some food and eat it at our chairs. Jill by now had been topless for so long that it none of us seemed to notice her sitting there eating her food half naked. Every now and then a wind would come up and it was amazing how quickly her nipples would harden. Every now and then I would glance at Mark who would simply smile at me, knowing full well that neither I nor Kari could take our eyes off of his wife.

We all eventually finished our food and got a few more drinks. By now all of us were feeling the effects of a day in the sun filled with drinks. The pool was pretty much empty except for the 4 of us and Mark and Jill decided to go for a quick dip and swam off.

Kari looked over at me "Well that was a bit of a weird day."

"What do you mean?"

"Well let's see, first we meet what seems to be a normal couple, only to have one lose her top, her husband totally feel her up in front of us and then have him have his hands all over me while you watched."

I gave her a little smirk "Are you saying you didn't like any of it? 'cause from where I was standing you seemed to enjoy the whole thing."

"I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, I'm just saying that it was a bit weird."

"So you did enjoy it, I thought so. You couldn't keep your eyes off of Mark when we was putting sunscreen on Jill and you certainly seemed to enjoy having him put it on you. I noticed his hands lingered a bit long on you and you didn't seem to mind."

"Like I said, I didn't say that I didn't enjoy it. It was quite the show. Are you ok with him putting sunscreen on me? You weren't around and Jill was sleeping. I hope you're not mad."

"I'm not mad at all. I'm a little surprised that you enjoyed it so much but I must admit it was kind of a turn on watching you watch them and then watching you with him."

"So you liked watching him. You liked seeing another man touch your wife? Did that turn you on?"

"Well yeah, it was kind of erotic in a weird way. I love you more than anything but you know we've randomly talked about having someone join us from time to time and as much as this was pretty minor, it was kind of a fantasy come true."

Kari gave me a wicked little smile "Well since we're being honest, you're right. I have to admit that I did enjoy watching the two of them and having someone else's hand on me was kind of a turn on."

I leaned over and kissed her hard, my hands roaming over her body

"Easy big fella, don't you worry, you'll get some action. Take a look over there."

I turned my look over to the pool to see Mark and Jill over to the side making out like two teenagers. Clearly the events of the day had worked them up as well. Mark had his hands all over Jill and it was pretty obvious that her hands were down his pants. Suddenly an employee walked by them and said something making the two of them jolt. They laughed at each other and then swam their way back over to us.

Jill hopped out of the pool and was walking over to us when Mark came up from behind her and started toweling her off in front of us. He took his time, making sure that we all saw him slowly dry off Jill's breasts and ass.

"Think we're gonna call it a night you two, same place tomorrow." Mark said.

Kari by now was blushing a little bit from watching them. "By the looks of it you two need a cold shower." She laughed.

Jill looked down at Kari smiling "We can be exhibitionists sometimes when the mood strikes. You guys should try it sometime. I hope that you liked the show."

Kari looked up at Jill, I could tell that she was again breathing a bit harder and her nipples were now poking through her bikini top again. "Oh yes, we liked the show. We'll let you guys go and see you back here tomorrow. Have a great night."

Mark laughed "Oh, I'm sure we'll have a good night." And gave Jill a little smack on the ass as they took off to their room.

Kari quickly grabbed my hand and led me to the elevator and up to our room. I was more than a little disappointed when she went over to the kitchen and poured us a glass of wine and headed to the deck to sit down.

She motioned me over to sit by her "Don't worry baby, you'll get yours tonight, I just want to enjoy this beautiful view a bit. I have to admit though, that last little show got me more than a little turned on."

She took a sip of her wine and gazed out over the ocean. She turned to me and said, "So do you wish that I was more like that? More of an exhibitionist? Wouldn't it bother you to have other people looking at my naked body?"

I looked over to her "Honey, first of all I love you. I've been telling you for years now how beautiful you are. I'm totally secure in our relationship and know that no matter what I am going home with you and only you. I think you have an incredible body and I kind of like it that men look at you. I don't know what it is but I guess it gives me validation that the beautiful woman I see, everyone else sees. I also guess in a way it's a turn on for me to see other men look at you. For years we've talked about having a threesome or something like that and I know that it turns you on as well given by how wet it makes you and how you turn into a sex machine whenever we watch porn or talk about it. I guess I just figure that you only live once and if something like that ever presented itself then I would want to try it. Only with your permission of course. I'm not willing to cause any issue with you over some fantasy."

Kari was quiet for a minute or so. "You're right, it does turn me on. I kind of figured it would only be talk but today it was a bit more than that. I love you more than anything also and don't want to cause a problem as well but to be honest, I really liked the way both Mark and Jill looked at me and it really was a turn on when he put the sun screen on me."

"I could tell it turned you on but who knows, maybe today was a one of a kind and you won't have to worry about it tomorrow."

We both sat there in silence for a few minutes when Kari slowly got out of her chair and stood by the railing. Still wearing only her bikini she looked stunning in the moonlight.

She turned to me and gave me a smile. "Well since we're here and don't know anybody what the hell." And with that she undid her bikini top and let it fall to the floor. She turned back to the railing and stood there for a good two or three minutes staring out into space. From below a few guys were walking by and looked up. They obviously liked what they saw and gave her a whistle. Kari waved down to them. One of them shouted up "Nice tits baby, what I could do with those. Give them a little jiggle for us."

Kari laughed at them and then swayed her body to the sides, letting her tits move for them. The guys all gave an approving whistle when one of them yelled, "If you ever need some help with those, I'm sure me and my boys could help you out." Kari waved them off and they continued on their way but it clearly had the desired effect on Kari.

She sat back down on her chair and turned it to face me. "Wow that was a lot of fun. Is that what you want baby, some random guys staring at your wife? Did it turn you on to see me exposed to them? For them to see your wife naked?" She started running her hands down her sides and then slowly over her bikini bottom. She let her hands linger there for a second then brought them up to her nipples, slowly playing with them. She let out a soft sigh as she gave them each a little pinch.

"You like watching me don't you? You like seeing me when I get all horny and slutty don't you."

I stared at her, my cock throbbing against my shorts. "Mmmm, you know it darling."

"What do you want baby? You want to see me turn into a little slut for you? To fuck some guy while you watch? Suck his big hard dick and let him use me any way he wants to? Mmmmm, I might like that. Seeing the look in your eye as you watch my pussy get pounded nice and hard. Seeing how you react when he tells me what a good little slut I am?"

Kari moved her hands down to her bikini bottoms and slid out of them. She slowly started playing with her engorged clit, moaning under her own touch as she slid a finger then two inside of her soaking pussy.

"Is that what you want, to see Mark fuck your horny little wife? Maybe I'll let him fuck me while I eat Jill's pussy. Let her pull on my nipples nice and hard just the way I like it then have Mark fuck me doggy and give it to me really good."

She continued playing with her pussy, moaning louder as she moved one hand up to her nipples, pulling them harder and harder.

I got up and quickly took off my shorts, moving to her side I slid my cock into her mouth. "That's it, take that cock deep into your mouth."

Kari greedily sucked my cock, taking it slowly at first then all eight inches down her throat. She started moving faster and faster on my cock all the while working feverishly on her clit.

She let it pop out then quickly took my balls into her mouth, sucking them deep and rolling them in her mouth. I reached down and started playing with her nipples, slowly rolling them between my fingers then gently pulling on them. Kari moaned louder as I pulled on her nipples, squeezing them harder and harder. She went back to sucking my cock, taking it all deep into her mouth then licking the shaft and tip. I lightly spanked her mouth with my dick then slid it back in slowly starting to fuck her face as she worked harder and harder on her clit.

Kari let my cock pop out of her mouth and started jerking it with one hand. "Mmmm, play with my tits harder baby, you know I love it when you pull on them. I want you to cum baby, cum all over my face and tits. Give me all of it. I want you and Mark to cum all over me. I want to feel it on my body, my tits, my ass, anywhere you want to."

I pulled harder on her nipples, stretching her breasts out as she slid three fingers deep into her pussy. "That's it, play with that soaking pussy of yours. You want us to use you? Is that what you want? Both of us to fuck you like a little slut? Pounding your pussy and ass like the slut you like to be? Both of us fucking you in unison, stretching your pussy and ass then cumming all over you?"

The dirty talk had its' effect on both of us and quickly Kari's body shuddered under an intense orgasm. She continued jerking my cock telling me to cum on her and within seconds I spewed gobs of cum all over her face and tits. Kari looked down and rubbed it into her nipples and breasts. "Oh my God, that was incredible. I love you."

My knees were so weak from the orgasm that I could barely stand. I bent down and kissed her deeply, tasting my cock on her mouth. "That was amazing baby, I love you too."

The next day I slept in late, exhausted form the day before and the mind blowing sex. I rolled over to see Kari on the deck having a cup of coffee. She saw that I was awake and crawled into bed with me. "Good morning sexy. Last]night was amazing."

"You're telling me.That was incredible."

"I was thinking, maybe today I'll see about going topless for you at the pool. If just talking about it got us like that, then teasing you all day should make you even crazier. Besides, we don't know if this opportunity will ever present itself again. But]first, I'd like to go to that little surfing town that we heard about. I think it was Sayulita?"

We went off to Sayulita, this small little surfing town just north of where we were staying. It was a great little place to visit and check out some great local food. Kari had decided to buy a very small, very sexy bikini while we were at the village. It was a little black number with slits on the sides of the bottoms and the back matched the top. To be honest I couldn't wait to get back to the hotel and continue on our venture.

Eventually we made our way back to the hotel, Kari got changed into her new bikini. and we made our way down to the pool. When we got there we quickly noticed Mark and Jill lying in a relatively secluded spot in the corner of the pool. We grabbed some drinks for all of us and made our way over. Jill was already topless and wearing only a thong bikini that barely covered anything. As we walked up Jill and Mark noticed us and motioned that there were two free chairs beside them. We walked over and handed them their drinks