A First, My Friend's Sister Ch. 05


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"Now just hold on there, buttercup, that might not have been a kiss; it was awfully quick," I retorted.

"Oh BS," she yelled, "quick or not that was a kiss, which means I win."

"I want verification before this bet can be substantiated, hold on," I demanded. Tony made his way back to the Jeep and hopped in. He gave me a nice, big smile. "Well, well, you are quite the gentleman; I'm impressed," I said to him.

"I am and you should be," he gloated, as he started the car and pulled away.

"So was that a kiss we just saw?" Jeanie piped in from the backseat.

"Mind your own business, Frankie," he chided her.

"Come on, Tony, settle a bet for us, kiss or no?" she pleaded.

"A bet?" he yelled. "Look, I'm not taking part in your weird little perverted games. In fact, you both sicken me for even watching," he yelled again, but I could tell he was mostly joking.

"You did," I chimed in, "you kissed her; I can tell."

"Well, that depends, which one of you was betting I would and which was betting I wouldn't?" he asked accusingly.

"I said you would," Jeanie yelled proudly.

Tony shot me a look and shook his head. "My best friend. My best damn friend. First he's getting it on with my little sister..."

"Hey!" Jeanie yelled.

"...then he's betting against me getting a goodnight kiss. Well, for your information, pal, I totally kissed her so in your stupid face, punk!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha," Jeanie gloated from the backseat. "So awesome, so freaking awesome. You lose, Stillman; way to go, big brother."

I just looked at Tony and smiled. "Thanks," I said to him.

"Shit, whatever you lost I hope it hurts, you deserve it for doubting me," he said flatly.

"I'll never hear the end of it, that's the part that hurts," I replied.

"Hey, you wanted her," he reminded me, a smug smirk smeared his across his face, "well, you got her."

All the while Jeanie was in the back singing a little victory song to herself. "Giana was right, Jim was wrong, that's why I'm singing my victory song. Jeanie rules, Jim drools, Jeanie is a genius, and Jim is a fool..." On and on it went like that practically the whole ride home. But everyone was in a great mood and Tony was beaming. He even informed us that he and Theresa had made plans for a second ate tomorrow night. All in all, it had been a pretty outstanding night.

When we arrived back at their house, Tony got out of the car and headed into the house. Despite his good mood he announced, "Say goodnight and do it fast. And no making out on the porch; I'll be watching." We both laughed as we got out of the car, and I took Jeanie's hand as I walked her to the door. She had a big, goofy grin on her face as well.

"No making out, well, he won't have to worry about that. You can't even kiss me, James," she whispered smiling.

"You seem awfully happy about that, Francesca, and here I thought you wanted to kiss me," I said, making a pouting face.

"Oh I do, you're the cutest, but I just love winning so much I have to have some fun with this," she laughed. Once on the porch she turned and put her arms around my waist. "So... have some fun I will," she whispered.

I ran my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me. "You can't do this to me, Jeanie, I am dying here," I whispered back.

"Do what?" she asked. "I'm just giving you a little hug is all." As she said this she stepped into me and pressed against me.

"I'm serious, sweetie, I'm like in pain," I said.

"Awwwww," she said sweetly, jutting her lower lip out, "I don't want you to be in pain." Her hands ran down my back seductively and she stood on her tippytoes to rest her head on my shoulder. I leaned down and held her tightly to me, feeling her warmth and stirring the desire within me.

"Be nice, Giana," I whispered in her ear.

"Aren't I always nice?" she whispered in mine, her breath warm and tickling against my earlobe.

"Mmmmm, you are, baby, but you're going to drive me wild."

"Oh we wouldn't want that now would we?" she whispered seductively, her lips gently tickling my ear, breathing her breath warmly against me. I felt my cock harden in my pants and I pressed it against her.

"Jeanie, sweetie, you feel what you're doing to me?" I asked.

"Mmmmm, yeah," she moaned, "I bet you'd like to kiss me right now, wouldn't you?" She dragged her lips slowly across my cheek and down toward my mouth. But she backed away just enough so that I could feel her warm breath against my lips, but I could do nothing about it.

"Yes, very much so," I whispered.

"But you can't, Jim," she whispered, her breath tickling my lips, "not until I say so."

"Then say so," I insisted.

"Not yet," she said, "not until I know you're not just in this for the seduction."

"Don't be silly, sweetie," I said, looking her in the eyes, "you know I'm crazy about you."

"Are you sweet on me, Jim?" she asked, gazing into my eyes.

"You know I am, Jeanie," I whispered.

"Then tell me what I want to hear," she said, her voice barely audible.

I looked at her for a moment, then I whispered softly to her. "I dream about you at night, and you're the first thing I think about in the morning. You're my girl, Giana, and I want you to know..."

"Jim," she interrupted.


"Now's the time to kiss me." Without a second's delay I pressed my mouth to hers and drew her bottom lip between mine. She moaned softly and we held our kiss for a long moment. I pulled her into me by her hips, my mind beginning its descent into wanton lust, but I remembered her brother's warning and calmed myself. I broke the kiss and looked into her eyes.

"I never want to stop kissing you," I said softly. She smiled sweetly up at me. "Tell me we can hang out tomorrow night, just you and me?" I insisted. With Tony seeing Theresa again, it made hanging out with Jeanie simpler and much more guilt-free.

"Definitely, of course," she said, "you know I can't wait."

"Ok, I'll call you after work. We'll get dinner and do... whatever," I said.

She laughed. "Dinner and whatever sounds good to me," she said.

"So... it's a date," I whispered, "dinner and whatever." I nudged her nose with mine and stole another kiss. I pulled her body closer to mine so she could feel my strength and my hardness just for a moment. Then I stepped away. "I should go before your brother comes out and punches me," I said. "Better not push my luck."

She smiled. "Plenty of time to push your luck tomorrow," she said seductively, her voice barely more than a whisper. She raised her eyebrows and I knew exactly what she meant.

"Good," I said as I descended the stairs backwards looking at her, "because I'm feeling very lucky."

"Are you now?" she asked, the corner of her mouth curling into a wicked grin.

I returned her grin with one of my own. "I am."

"Well, we'll see," she said slyly, turning toward the door.

"Goodnight, Francesca, I had a wonderful time," I called up from the driveway before she opened the door.

"Goodnight, James, I did too," she called after me.

I smiled at her once more then broke towards home. Before I even got inside my front door, my phone buzzed with a text from Jeanie. "U r so sexy. Missing ur kisses already." I sent one back. "Not as much as im missing yours." I went up to my bedroom, threw off my clothes, and plopped down onto my bed. Thoughts of Jeanie swirled through my head. How did I get so lucky to have such a great girl like me this much? I felt blessed. And as I brought myself pleasure, aching to feel her physically, a dull emptiness swirled inside me that only she could fill. And not even my draining climax as I imagined having her again brought me the satisfaction I craved.

The next day at work was torturous as I counted the minutes and hours until I was done. I had nothing but Jeanie on my mind, and nothing but Jeanie could make me happy. I anxiously anticipated our time together, forcing myself to concentrate on my job and not to daydream the day away. When my shift finally ended I sent her a text telling her I was done. I raced home and showered and we decided to just go have a laid-back pizza dinner at a local place we liked a lot. I picked her up and everything went smoothly. Tony had already left to go on his date with Theresa, so there was no tension in the air when I entered the house. Jeanie wore another cute sundress and I struggled to keep my thoughts clean as I chatted with her parents.

But as we walked to my car, I just had to ask her a question that popped into my head the second she had come down the stairs. "How many of these dresses do you have, anyway?" I asked, tugging gently on the billowy yellow fabric.

"Oh, a few," she said smiling. "Why?"

"Because you look ridiculously cute in them, and they make me happy," I replied.

"Do they really?" she asked.

"Yes, they remind me of how sweet you are. They're like the perfect thing you could possibly wear."

She wrapped her arm inside mine and hugged me close. "You're off to a good start," she said and gave me a beaming smile. I returned it and opened the car door for her. We laughed and joked as we drove to the pizzeria. During dinner we talked about how well Tony and Theresa had hit it off. She had talked to Theresa during the day and it looked like all signs were positive. Theresa thought Tony was awesome and even though I hadn't talked to Tony yet, I knew he felt the same about her. Normally he was pretty shy about making the next move after a date. And sometimes, if he was being picky, he'd all but blow the girl off if he wasn't interested. So the fact that they were going on a second date the very next night was a tremendously good sign, and I told her so.

"Oh it's a good sign for more reasons than one," she said, her eyes getting that certain gleam in them.

"Why's that?" I asked, intrigued by her little change in attitude.

"Well, think about it," she said. "Tony will be out on his date all night. He'll be totally out of our hair."

"Yeah, that's nice," I agreed.

"But that's not all," she continued. "He's out of the way, and my parents always go to bed early. So we'll have the family room downstairs totally to ourselves. To do, ya know... whatever."

That was when I finally got her point. "Oh," I said, my interest piqued. "Well then what the hell are we doing here? Finish that pizza and let's go!"

She laughed. "They won't be in bed yet, silly!"

"So? This is still valuable time we're wasting here!"

"Ok, Stillman," she said laughing, "give me one good reason why you deserve to have me alone right now and I'll finish this so we can go."

I leaned forward in my chair. "How about because all I've thought about every day is you. Because all day long today I've been waiting for tonight to be with you. Because you are the most gorgeous girl in the world and I can't stand being away from you for a second. Because..."

"Whoa," she interrupted, "I said one reason." Her eyes were burning into mine and I could feel her desire emanating from them.

"Well, there are several," I whispered.

"Yes, I noticed," she said. "Let's get out of here." As she said this she dropped her unfinished slice of pizza onto her plate.

"Sweetie," I said, "we don't have to go right now; I was just kidding about that."

"I wasn't," she said simply. "Let's go." She took me by the hand and stood up. I stood with her and collected our plates and cups. I dropped them hurriedly in the trash as she practically pulled me out of the pizzeria. I let her into my car then slid into the driver's side. I turned to say something to her but before I could her mouth was on mine kissing me.

"You know how long..." she said between kisses, "I've waited... wanted... longed... to hear you say those things to me?" Before I could answer she was kissing me again, her mouth crushing mine and her lips pulling and holding mine. She was moaning and with every kiss she pulled me closer to her.

I realized what this moment meant to her. She'd had this crush on me for so long. To now hear me say I felt the way about her that she'd always felt about me must have meant the world to her. So I pulled her close to me and kissed her hard, every ounce of passion flowing from me to her.

Finally, after several moments, she broke the kiss, practically pushing me off her. "Start the car and drive fast," she said hurriedly, and I could feel her desire, palpable in the air.

"Right, yeah, drive fast," I muttered, doing exactly as she told me. I got us home in record time, but of course it was still early. When we entered her house her parents were still up watching TV in their big living room. We chatted a bit with them. They were wondering why we were home so early; Jeanie's curfew wasn't for another couple hours. But she explained that we just wanted to relax, and that we were heading downstairs to the family room to watch TV and hang out. Both parents gave us a sideways glance when she mentioned this, but they allowed it. Jeanie took me by the hand and led me to the kitchen.

We grabbed some snacks and soda and headed downstairs. Once we were in her family room, she clicked on a light and turned the TV on, leaving it on whichever station it was already tuned to. Then she walked over to me, stood right up against me and whispered softly. "Ok, here are the rules. We'll totally hear them coming if they come this way. The floor squeaks in the kitchen to give us warning. But still, we gotta control ourselves until they go upstairs to bed. Then they won't be able to hear anything. Got it?"

"Yeah, got it," I said. "Control myself until they go upstairs, check."

"Right," she said flatly, then stared into my eyes for a few moments. Finally, she asked, "So, you've got me here; aren't you going to kiss me?"

"I thought I was supposed to control myself?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I'm not going to make it easy for you," she said quickly, then craned her neck upward and pressed her mouth to mine. Immediately I took her by the waist and pulled her into me. Our bodies pressed together as our mouths tangled with lust. I squeezed her soft hips and the desire within me began to pour forth. I'd been fantasizing about her all week, dreaming of the moment when I'd have her alone again. And now, finally, it had come. I had her all to myself, to feel her soft, warm body against mine.

I picked her up by her waist and gently moved her to the couch. We sat down together, never breaking our kiss. Within moments I lost myself to my desire. Jeanie was kissing me so passionately, her tongue invading my mouth so sweetly, that I was almost overcome with longing.

My hands began wandering her body practically of their own accord, and I felt her hands searching mine in return. Up her hips and along her curves, over the pert, little mounds of her breasts, to her neckline. Her hands scratching down my chest and over my back, her nails raking against me. All the while our mouths dancing together hungrily in our desire.

I broke our kiss and dropped my mouth onto her neck, smelling and tasting her sweet perfume. Ravishing her with kisses and licks from her neck to her ear, feeling the hair behind her ear tickling my nose. Taking her earlobe into my mouth and nibbling it, hearing her exhale sharply as I massaged her softly with my tongue. The desire between us building, the moment threatening to get out of hand.

The minutes ticked by indiscriminately. I lost track of all sense of time as Jeanie and I tangled on the couch in passion. Her hand dropped down and ran flatly along my belly, stirring the desire within me. I felt myself stiffen in my pants as her hand neared my manhood, aching and craving her soft touch. But she stopped at my waistline, curling her thumb just inside my pants above the button and zipper. I arched my back to move myself toward her touch but she held it back. Instead she leaned her head back and exposed more of her own tender flesh to me.

Without hesitation I ran a long lick from her ear down to her chest, until I felt the gentle rise of her breasts. She groaned softly as I planted soft kisses on the soft skin just above the neckline of her dress. Very slowly I felt her fingertips go lower until they were gently rubbing against the hardness in my pants.

"Mmmmmm, Jeanie," I moaned as her fingertips just barely grazed and massaged my swelling cock. I reached my own hand up and curled my fingertips into the neckline of her dress, gently pulling it back to reveal more of her flesh to me. As I yanked it down I kissed more and more of her breasts in turn, dying to get inside her bra to the soft, tender areas beneath it. She groaned again as I let my fingertips search her breasts, seeking out the hardened little nubs of her nipples and gently stroking them. I began to pull outward on her bra to expose more of her to me, letting my tongue lash against every new inch of flesh I exposed.

Her hand ventured further downward and took hold of my cock in earnest through my pants, gently squeezing and rubbing it. Now my desire was reaching its peak, a point where I wouldn't be able to tame it. Her other hand raked across my back and pulled me closer to her as I pushed her left breast upward and out of her bra so that I could feast upon the tender nipple within.

"Oh Jim," she moaned as I ran my tongue in a circle over her nipple. The nails on her one hand dug into my back as the other squeezed my cock in my pants. I ran my other hand along the back of her leg and squeezed her thigh. I wanted her so badly. The long week of teasing one another on the phone and over text messages had built my desire into a frenzy. I was supposed to be controlling myself but I was losing that control by the second.

Just then, as we pawed each other furiously, lost in our passion, we heard a creak upstairs. "That's my parents," she said desperately, "holy crap!"

In an instant reality swept in and we separated and began putting ourselves back together. She smoothed her dress and ran her fingers through her hair. I adjusted my pants and backed away from her so that we sat a little distance apart. We heard the creaking in the kitchen and then the door to the downstairs opened with a little squeak. "Jeanie?" her mother called down.

"Yeah mom," she replied.

We heard the stairs creak one by one as Carla came down them. "Hey, you two," she greeted us once downstairs. "We're headed up to bed so I just wanted to say goodnight."

"And to check on us, right?" Jeanie added cheekily, but not in a spiteful or mean-spirited way. Just a little joke to poke fun at her mom.

"Yes, of course," Carla replied, her eyes darting to the TV which I finally noticed was actually on a news channel with the volume barely audible. It wasn't not like Jeanie and I weren't smart, or that we didn't ever watch the news, but it certainly would appear curious that we were watching the news alone together on a Saturday night. "Oops," I thought to myself, "probably should have checked that." But I couldn't help it; all I wanted was to get at Jeanie as soon as possible. I hadn't even thought about checking what channel the TV was on.

Carla's eyebrows raised a little and I thought I saw the hint of a smirk play across her lips, but otherwise she didn't bring up her suspicions. "You kids have a nice time and be good," she said sweetly. "But your curfew rule is still in effect, Giana," she reminded us, "sorry Jim but you're out of here in an hour."

"I understand, Mrs. Delvecchio," I said.

"Ok, now come here and give me a hug," she said, holding her arms out toward me.

"Shit," I thought to myself, "this could get awkward." I had tried to calm myself down and relax as though nothing had been going on down here, but there was only so much I could do. I was still pretty stiff in my pants and I wondered just how obvious that fact would be now that I had to stand up. And give Carla a hug, for crying out loud. There was no time to hesitate or stall; I had to just do my best to conceal it. I stood up off the couch and slouched just a little in the middle to try to hide my erection as best I could.