A Gift in Disguise Ch. 17

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More about the gift's feminizing influence.
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Part 17 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 07/24/2009
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Note to First-Time Readers: This is the continuing story about the sexual development of Tom Connors, a now-24 year old man who grew up in a small town and is now a post-graduate student in electrical engineering at a state university. You will understand him better if you read chapters 1 and 2. Very briefly, Tom thought he was becoming impotent. He sought conventional medical and behavioral help but they were unsatisfying. Only after getting a sub rosa referral to Dr. Lorraine Theriault, a registered nurse and PhD clinical psychologist, did he learn that rather than being impotent, he was if anything, hyper-potent. This and preceding chapters have been his continuing story of his hyper-potency experiences.


Watching Mom's car pull out of the motel parking lot and head for the freeway, I tried to assess exactly how I was feeling about her. About Erika Connors. About what we had done together as woman and man rather than mother and son.

It was more accurate to conclude exactly how I wasn't feeling. I was not feeling either guilt or shame for the sex we'd both wanted and happily shared. I tried to convince myself that I ought to feel at least a little remorse at the cultural violations I had committed so eagerly with her and the pleasure I had experienced from committing them. Well, pleasure we both had experienced.

After a couple more minutes of surprisingly reflective thought, I concluded that rather than feeling guilt, shame, or remorse, I should be and, in fact, was very happy for Mom and the likely prospect of her new job with the County Library. Just that simple and uncomplicated. The world hadn't ended at the moment of our cries of lust and explosions of our mutual orgasms.

When Erika and I had been lying together on the motel bed, both sexually exhausted, we seemed to come to an unspoken agreement that the sex we'd had was something both of us had wanted more than either of us had realized. We knew, too, that the time would come when we would enjoy it again. That thought kept returning to me. It eased my mind immensely during my drive back to my apartment.

On the way home, I called Lorraine to thank her for the wise advice she had given to me before Mom's visit.

"Tom! I'm so glad to hear from you. How's the visit going?" she said when she answered the phone. "Erika leaves tomorrow, doesn't she?"

I explained to her how Mom had been so rejuvenated that she decided to go home a day early to rework her application for the Library job.

"Oh. Well, I hope you both enjoyed the time you had together. Did you and Erika have the 'talk' you and I discussed at my office before her visit?" Lorraine asked delicately. Of course, Lorraine had encouraged me to be willing to do much more than talk if Erika wanted more than talk as badly as I did.

"We did," I answered enthusiastically, "And it went even better than Erika or I expected it would. It was one of the easiest and most comfortable 'discussions' I've ever had with her or anyone else.

Mom fully expects to get the County Library job. If she does, she will be coming over to the University Library more often to interact with her mentor there on some projects. As she was leaving, Mom said Erika might be coming from time to time."

"Tom, that's wonderful. I'm not surprised though. After meeting your mother and talking with the two of you together, there was little doubt at all in my mind that you and she have an excellent line of communication that is even more open now than before. Your physical connection obviously enhanced that rather than damaged it.

I'm hoping to hear all the details next time we're together," Lorraine concluded.

"Gladly," I promised. "But before I forget, has Jamie contacted you about Amanda's modification to your phallus?" I asked.

"Oh, she's already made the change. She really praised Amanda, Mercedes and you for the analysis and quick solution to my odd reaction," Lorraine said.

"I'm glad the changes were so easily and quickly completed," I added.

"Yes, that's what Jamie said, too," Lorraine said agreeably. "I'm going to her lab this afternoon to retrieve my phallus. Jamie said I'll have a slightly different application procedure to follow now, so she wants to make sure I understand it as well as keeping alert for any other reactions."

"Are you going to have to postpone any sexual activity because of the new process?" I asked.

"I'll be sure ask Jamie if she doesn't bring it up. She didn't say anything about it on the phone, though."

"Will you let me know what she says?" I asked.

"Is your interest personal or professional?" Lorraine questioned. I could hear the hopefulness in her voice, though.

"Definitely both," I responded emphatically.

"Good answer," she assured me with a laugh. "Could I call you tonight to tell you all about it?"

"Of course," I answered. "I was hoping you would."

We ended our call. Traffic up ahead was slowing to a stop. I flipped on my car radio to the local news station that also has the most up-to-the-minute traffic reports. Bad accident a short distance ahead, but now that I was sitting in the gridlock, there was no finding an alternate route. They said the police expected to have one lane of traffic each direction open in another few minutes.

Oh, well. I decided to use the tie-up time to call Bethany. I should be able to catch her before she leaves for work.

She answered right away, but she sounded a little stressed. Nothing alarming, just not the usual bright and cheerful Bethany.

I thanked her for her advice about Mom's visit. Bethany's encouragement had been slightly different, but it had bolstered me as much as Lorraine's had. As we talked, I could still hear something odd in Bethany's voice. She sounded a little distracted, so I asked her about it.

"Oh, it's just one of those things that come up at The Club occasionally," she said. Then she quickly added, "But don't worry. It doesn't have anything to do with Geri's and my flying out for the meeting with Misako and Risa tomorrow.

We're both more certain than ever that The Club will be hosting Misako's photo exhibition and talk. But, since this will be the first time for this type of special program, we're a little nervous about how it will be received by members and their guests. We want to be sure we get our first presentation as right as we can. Even though it will likely have strongly sexual sidetones and results, a photographic exhibit is not the same as the live, onstage sexual presentation our members and guests are used to.

What's got me a little concerned right now, though, is something further down the road."

"Oh?" I said. "Anything I can do to help?"

"Remember I was telling you about the'Boys Will Be Girls' night at The Club? Well, there's been a glitch. The booking agent for the actors we used last year called to tell me the actors decided not to do it this year. Now I've got to try and come up with another headliner act with the same theme.

This year's BWBG had been scheduled for about a month from now. Fortunately, we've tentatively plugged Misako's exhibit into that time slot, so I've got a couple months or more before I have to get BWBG back on the schedule. Still, it's a bit aggravating. Tasteful and classy but arousing trans acts and actors that are comfortable and skilled working in our type of venue are tough to come up with."

I instantly thought about Kerri and Karla, KK Productions of Maryland. I hadn't really discussed the scope of their production business with them. I knew they did high-quality customized streaming video sex shows for individual clients, but I didn't know if they also did live performances for larger venues like The Club.

"Tom, are you still there?" Bethany interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes. Something just occurred to me, Bethany. I may know someone who can help you with your booking agent problem. Let me check and get back with you on Monday if not sooner. I promise to be discreet. I won't divulge any information about The Club or you or anything. You are still coming back from California on Sunday night, right?"

"Yes, Sunday night's still the plan. Thank you for wanting to help. Regardless of what you come up with, please call me Monday, mid-afternoon. I'll fill you in on what Geri and I discussed with Misako and Risa. If you've come up with something, that's fine. If not, like I said, thanks for trying."

I was pretty sure Erika would thank Sharon Madison in her own very personal way when she got home, so I decided not to steal Mom's thunder by calling Sharon myself.

Traffic hadn't started moving yet, so I called Emily at work. She and Marta were in a meeting with a client, so the secretary said she would give Emily a message to call me at her convenience.

I arrived home about thirty minutes later. Emily had still not returned my call, but that wasn't a surprise. She and Marta Cruz have a law practice to run.

About 5 p.m. Emily called me. She sounded exhausted.

"Long day?" I asked trying to sound sympathetic.

"And then some," she said, her voice sounding as if saying every word depleted a deep energy reserve. "Really a tough day. We've got a client who is not especially receptive to our representation. His lawsuit is very winnable, but he's more focused on wanting to embarrass his opponent in court than winning his suit.

But you didn't call earlier to hear my tale of woe. What's up?"

"I know this is going to sound a little strange, Emily, but I'm trying to do a favor for a friend. Please bear with me on this, okay? I'm not sure how to get into this kind of conversation."

"Sure, Tom. What's going on?" I could hear the interest in her voice.

"When Kerri and Karla were here, they sort of explained their business plan for KK Productions. I was curious but didn't really press for details.

Anyway, I know they do streaming live video shows for special customers. Do they ever do - I don't know exactly what they'd be called, live shows or personal appearances I suppose, for larger private audiences? And if they do, do they book their own appearances or do they have a booking agent or someone like that?"

I was not especially comfortable with the way my questions for Emily had come out.

"You mean do they perform live sex shows on stage for private clubs and events like that?" Emily asked easily.

"Exactly! A friend of mine co-manages a private dinner club. It's one of a series of very high end private membership clubs around the country owned by a consortium of business people. One of my friend's responsibilities is to schedule the evening's entertainment for monthly themed evenings at the club her family manages for the consortium.

Anyway, my friend's club has talent booking agents they normally work with for specific themes, and ..."

I had started to ramble. Emily no doubt sensed I was in uncharted territory for me.

She listened to my rambling for a while. Finally I heard her sympathetic laugh, then she interrupted me easily with, "Tom, let me see if I can help you.

Your friend, the club manager, wants to book a trans couple engaging in live sex on stage. You remembered Karla and Kerri and decided to contact me rather than them because you don't want to risk offending them. Am I right?"

"Yes," I said very sheepishly but also relieved by her keen perception.

This time, Emily's laugh at the other end was reassuring me that I had been right to call her.

"Tom, in addition to their live streaming video Karla and Kerri earn a very good living doing all kinds of live performances, some solo and some together. They engage an attorney to handle their bookings in certain areas of the country. Marta and I represent them in our area here."

"Why an attorney rather than a professional talent agent? Or should I not have asked that?"

"Oh, it's a perfectly reasonable question, Tom. Karla and Kerri want someone who will not only represent their business interests but protect their privacy and personal reputations as well. We make it very clear that the arrangement is strictly limited to their onstage performance at a venue. Nothing more. In other words, Tom, Karla and Kerri aren't prostitutes; they're onstage professional entertainers. Their engagement does not include anything beyond that. Period."

I started to try and explain without revealing anything about The Club. Once again, Emily laughed a little and stopped me.

"Tom, why don't you have your friend call me directly. I'll try to set up a meeting with him ..."

"...her," I interrupted. "My friend's a woman."

"Okay, I'll try to set up a meeting with her for a mutually convenient time to discuss if KK Productions would meet your friend's needs.

Since you know all the prospective parties involved, would you be willing to be with me at the first meeting to facilitate introductions?" Emily asked.

"Sure," I agreed. "Do you want her to call your office number or your cell phone number?"

"The office, please," Emily answered. "If she calls after hours, make sure she asks for me by name and that the message includes a reference to KK Productions and your name as the referring party. Obviously, I'd need her name and a phone number where she could be reached easily during whatever hours she wants contact."

"Okay, she's flying out to the west coast tomorrow on business. I'm going to try and call her and pass your contact information along to her right now."

"Great, Tom. I'm sure Karla and Kerri will appreciate your thinking about them and your willingness to suggest their business interests."

After concluding my conversation with Emily, I called Bethany back. She was quite excited and grateful that I had been able to possibly help her so quickly. She was going to call the law office number immediately in hopes of catching Emily there. Otherwise, she'd leave a message for Emily with a promise to call during normal business hours if possible on Friday while en route to California.

Not wanting to delay Bethany's call to Emily, I ended ours quickly. Besides, traffic had finally opened up and I was getting close to my apartment.

I was relaxing at the computer after dinner when my cell phone rang. It was Emily.

"Hi, Tom. I'm still at work so I've got to be quick. I spoke with Bethany Battaglia. She sounds really nice. Very businesslike but in a comfortable way. We've set up a meeting for Monday afternoon at 2 p.m. at The Club. When I mentioned I'd like to bring you along, she said maybe I could ride with you since you know where it is. Are you available Monday and can you drive us?"

"Yes to both questions," I answered. "Is Marta coming or will it just be you and me?"

"Just you and me, but it will probably take most of the afternoon. I'll want to see everything at the venue so I can fill in Karla and Kerri if they're interested in being hired for the gig."

"We should leave your office about 12:30 on Monday then."

"That'll be fine. I'll see you here about 12:20 on Monday. Gotta run now. Bye!"

I was in bed about 9 p.m., still reading, when my cell phone rang again. The caller ID told me it was Lorraine. That reminded me she had said she would call with a phallus update.

"Hi, Lorraine. How did your session with Jamie go this afternoon?"

"It's perfect! The phallus, I mean!" Lorraine almost shouted in my ear with very uncharacteristic excitement. Then she went on to explain.

The problem Jamie corrected had to do with the conductive adhesive that attached the phallus's electrical contacts to Lorraine's skin. Lorraine evidently had a reaction to one of the chemicals. The reaction had caused Lorraine to quickly develop abnormally aggressive masculine behaviors while wearing the phallus. Given Lorraine's very positive reaction to the correction Mercedes had recommended and Jamie had implemented, it sounded like Lorraine was back to her old self again.

"So you put it on after you got back from Jamie's lab this afternoon, and ..."

"... and I masturbated three times over two-hours. Three times! I had very satisfying orgasms each time but without any of the alarming hyper-masculinity I had experienced before."

"Lorraine, I may have misunderstood, but I thought you said when you first started wearing and using the phallus that you actually liked the increased feeling of masculinity."

"Oh, I did, Tom. But what I experienced at first was far less intense than I had begun to feel right after I applied the phallus with Amanda and Jamie's new pubic hair overlay - which I think you're really going to like, by the way.

The correction Jamie and Amanda just finished reduced my masculinity to being just a skosh higher than it was before. Like I said, it was good before, but it's perfect now. Oddly enough, there has been a side benefit. At least, it's a side benefit for me."

"Is it too personal for me to ask what it is?"

"No, not at all. I brought it up hoping you might.

I know you like the feel of my body hair rubbing against you when we're cuddling and fucking. I like it as much as you do.

Well, the batch of adhesive that caused my hyper-masculinity's undesirable behavioral effects also caused my body hair - all of it, everywhere except my depilated pussy - to thicken and darken. Legs, pits, brows, head, arms, everywhere. I'm not talking Wolfman growth, but I think you'll really be pleased when you see it.

And the best part is that the increased hair growth seems to be persistent even after Jamie and Amanda started me on the new adhesive."

Lorraine's sexual excitement was evident in her speech.

"I'm anxious to see it in person," I said truthfully.

"Well, I hope you won't limit yourself to just seeing it. But the best news is there are no restrictions on my activity. None." Lorraine responded. "So now that Erika has gone home a day early, is there any chance you might come by the office tomorrow afternoon, say about two?"

"For a personal demonstration?" I said suggestively.

"See you tomorrow at two," she said, her voice dripping with sexual promise. The tone of her voice made me harden.

Because Mom had left a day early, I broke with my usual schedule and hit the University pool early Friday morning. Afterwards I went by Hertz Hall to work on organizing some material for my PhD work with Kim.

"Tom! Good morning," Dr. Keller greeted me when he saw me walk into my cubicle. "I'm surprised to see you here today. I understood your mother was visiting you."

I quickly explained about Mom's meeting at the Library and her desire to return home a day early to revise and improve her application for the position of Library Administrator with the County. He was surprisingly interested that she had her Masters in Library Science and said he'd like to meet her during one of her with her mentor at the University Library.

"Dr. Devlin told me that she met with you and Dr. Geiler-Callaghan to discuss her idea for a work-study program for you at her lab. Her suggestion has considerable merit. I'd like to take the initiative and set up the meeting she suggested between Dr. Klein, Dr. Geiler-Callaghan, Dr. Devlin, you, and me to discuss it further."

"Thank you, Dr. Keller. With my classwork concluded, my schedule is very flexible, so please arrange the meeting to be convenient for you and the others. Kim and I both liked her ideas, but we all agree that we have to consider the University's positions as well. Jamie's meeting suggestion seemed like a good preliminary step."

"I appreciate your comment, Tom, and your understanding the need to proceed ethically. I'll be in touch with you as we progress toward a date and time for the meeting."

After Dr. Keller left, I filed my notes and papers and walked to the Student Union Building for a light salad and lemonade for lunch.

A minute or two before 2 p.m. I walked up to Lorraine's front door. Usually she was there watching, waiting to greet me. Today she wasn't, so I rang her doorbell. When she hadn't answered after a few seconds and I hadn't heard anything from inside, I rang it again. No answer.
