A New Alexandra Ch. 04


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Sam turned towards Alexandra as they stood outside, waiting for Lydia. "You sure you've got her?"

"I was here with her first, so I'll get her home. Yeah, I've got her."

"Okay, well, I'm headed the other way then. See you soon?"

Without realizing what she was doing, Alexandra hugged her. "Thank you so much for coming out. It was great running into you."

"You too." When they pulled back from the hug, Alexandra could see Sam's face had gone red again, just before she turned and headed into the South Side darkness.

Lydia finally emerged from the bar. She walked better than Alexandra had expected. That is, she only had to catch her petite friend twice in the four-block walk home. The night was calm, clear, but cold.

They didn't talk, so Alexandra's mind wandered throughout the last few days. Strangely, the alcohol was making a few things clearer for her. OK, Kira is what it is. I like her. I want to be her girlfriend, I think. But that moment with Katy earlier. An image of Katy McLean, with her new look and girlfriend, passing her on the street and winking, swept through Alexandra's mind. OK, it's ok to have a crush on someone besides the person you're dating. Nothing new there. But then there's Sam, too. I don't know what to do about that one. Katy's safe. She has a girlfriend, so I can fantasize about that -- and apparently even joke about it with Kira -- but no harm, no foul. But Sam. She's there, she's so different, she's so...Ah, shit.

"You didn't have to walk me home," said Lydia.

"Yeah, yeah I did. Hear about that guy who got mugged last week making this same walk?"

"No, actually."

"Well, it happened," said Alexandra, more sternly than she'd intended. "Don't walk home alone."

They had reached the door to Lydia's building. "OK, didn't," she replied in a sarcastic tone.

Lydia blinked.

"Yes?" asked Alexandra.

"It was weird earlier. I was about to ask you a question, and then Sam showed up right outside the window."

"Why's that weird?"

Lydia's eyes suddenly appeared clearer. "The question I was going to ask you was 'What if I told you I knew a girl with a huge crush on you?'"

"I...I think I'd want you to tell me."

"OK then, I will, but I don't think I could have made it more obvious if I hit y'all with a brick or something."


"I'm pretty drunk, Alex. The last time I was this drunk, I was sitting at that very same table, only you weren't there, just Sam and me."

Alexandra waited.

"I asked her the same question I asked both of y'all tonight: why aren't you two friends?"

Alexandra waited some more.

"And you know what she told me?"

Alexandra shrugged.

"She stared at her hands for a few seconds. Then she said this, Alex. She said, 'I can't act normal around her. I just...'. Then she stopped, and I had to push her for it. You know what she ended up saying?"


"She said exactly these words: 'I can't talk to her without thinking about what it would be like to sixty-nine her.'"

"WHAT?" Alexandra realized she had just yelled.

"Like I said. Sam wants to fuck you, Alex. There wasn't really much I had to do with this information until tonight. Now, well, little different, eh?"

"Sam wants to fuck me?" The concept was having more trouble sinking into Alexandra's brain than the words were. She'd apparently said 'sixty-nine,' she wanted to sixty-nine me.

"I'm drunk, but I think I'm still speaking English. Yes."

"And what would you like me to do with this information?"

"Whatever you'd like. This new girl, you're not like official or anything, are you?"

"No," said Alexandra. "I was kinda hoping to push it that way, though."

"Word of advice, then," said Lydia. "Well, let me put it another way. I'm having a party next Friday at my place. It'll be small, mostly girls from the team and some friends from class. Intimate, if you will. For your purposes, Sam will be there, and there will be enough alcohol that you two might actually come out of your shells."

"Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" Yes, please, thought Alexandra.

"I saw the way you were looking at her, Alex. You don't need to tell me anything. I'll just leave the two of you to it, and my lips will remain sealed. G'night."

Alexandra simply stared as Lydia turned on her heels and entered the lobby. For the second time in twenty minutes, she was abruptly left standing in the cold, alone with her thoughts.

She thought about walking home. Indeed, it was only a ten-minute walk, but it was late, she was hardly 100% sober herself, and she couldn't well disregard the advice she'd given Lydia just minutes before, so she summoned an Uber.

By the time it arrived, she was lost in thought. Had Lydia possibly been just messing with her, saying that Sam wanted to sleep with her? Did she really want to sleep with Sam? Was that really, truly possibly why they weren't friends, that they'd just been dancing around sexual tension of which apparently only Sam had been aware?

Actually, yeah, thought Alexandra. I used to think I was pretty aware of my own feelings. Now, not so much. Also, what the fuck? How am I so bad at noticing when people are into me? Like, Katy earlier and now Sam? Also, do women really like me that much?

By the time the car dropped her outside her building, Alexandra felt exhausted. But also, she had to acknowledge, annoyingly horny. Everything from this day was swirling together in her mind into a strange mélange of women she wanted to fuck: Kira, of course, her ripped body, long blonde hair, huge, delicious breasts, and dominant attitude; Katy, the beautiful and stylish athlete Alexandra realized only now that she should probably have been dating two years ago; and now Sam, her erstwhile teammate, her shy smile and sexy waves of hair.

I want them. I want them all. But fortunately, that decision's already made for me: Katy has a girlfriend -- I think, it certainly looked like it -- and I can't possibly hook up with Sam. That would just be too weird. And there's no way I'm not going to be going down on Kira's delicious cunt sometime in the next couple of days, so...

Her thoughts trailed off, and opened the door to her small apartment. It was a little bit of a luxury for a college student to live alone, but it was worth it at times like this, when she wanted to talk to absolutely nobody. It was also where where she could rinse off her makeup and crawl into bed without having to fight anyone for the bathroom, and have nobody judge her for the fact that she wanted to do all this naked.

For once, Alexandra followed her intentions to the letter. Within fifteen minutes, she was asleep.


When Alexandra awoke Sunday morning, two things had changed: she was no longer even slightly drunk, and she was no longer sleepy. As she slowly stretched her arms and legs, Alexandra understood that another thing, by contrast, hadn't changed: she still had sex on the brain.

Alexandra checked her phone. She noticed with some surprise that it was nearly ten-thirty. She'd unintentionally slept in for the second consecutive day. The late start meant she'd have less time to finish the work on her paper she'd intended to complete yesterday.

And then there was the matter of her texts.

First, 8:30 a.m., from Lydia: "Thanks for getting me home last night. I think I was a little drunker than I realized." Alexandra tapped out a reply. "No problem. Hope you're feeling ok this morning ;)" and moved onto the next message.

Next, 9:15, from a number without a name attached. These wrong-number texts happened sometimes. When Alexandra opened the message, though, she saw it was no wrong number. "Hey Alexandra, this is Katy. Not sure if you still have my number, but it was great to run into you after so long. In case I need to say it, I was the chick with the blue hair who winked at you crossing the street. Anyway, hope this is still your phone, and just saying hi!"

Alexandra drew in a breath. She didn't ever remember having Katy's number in the first place, but they must have used it to get together for one of the handful of times they'd studied together two years ago. Now the number represented something very different, as perhaps it always had to Katy.

She waited a second for words to come to her. Seeing Katy yesterday had stirred her up, more than she'd even realized when talking about it with Kira at breakfast. It wasn't just that Katy was hot. It was the realization that I could have had that, two whole years ago that bothered Alexandra, and the follow up that now that she did want it, it was probably out of reach. None of this was a reason not to text back, of course.

She typed out a message, slowly. "Hey -- yes, I recognized you. Not gonna lie, it took me a second. Anyway, I can't tell you how cool it was to get your text, so hello to you as well. What are you up to these days?"

To her surprise, the reply came instantly.

Katy: I work at a tech company, doing data analytics. Live in Fulton Market. You? Aren't you still at UChicago?"

Alexandra: Ugh, yes. Don't remind me. So much work.

Katy: You always were a hard worker. BTW, I liked that jacket you were wearing. Where's it from?

Alexandra blushed even though she was alone.

Alexandra: I actually don't know. I was just borrowing it.

Katy: Well, tell whoever you borrowed it from that it's a nice jacket. And that if she lends it to me, it's not coming back.

Alexandra: Ruuuuuuude. :P

Katy: But seriously, it's a nice jacket. You up to anything today?

Alexandra: Just trying to finish a paper.

Katy: On what?

Alexandra: Pareto optimality and Lyft, basically. The idea is that the structure of the ride-hailing market and the near-instantaneous entry/exit conditions should make it a nearly perfect market for running natural experiments.

Katy: Except that it's a two-sided market with what's essentially a duopoly on the platform in the middle.

Alexandra: Exactly.

Katy: So what's the problem?

Alexandra: Writer's block.

Katy: You got a couple hours? Come get a coffee and some food, and we'll talk about it?

Katy: When I said I'm a data cruncher for a tech company, that company is Lyft. I think I can probably fix that writer's block.

Alexandra: Yes!

Katy: Bring your notes.

Alexandra: K.

There was a pause.

Katy: Meet me at Beatrix in Fulton Market? 12:30?

Alexandra: Can't wait.

Alexandra quickly checked the address of the place Katy had picked. It would take roughly an hour if she walked to the train, roughly 20 minutes by Lyft. She shook her head. If she kept spending so much time on the North Side, soon she'd become an honorary resident.

She took a shower, and for once Alexandra's thoughts calmed. Afterwards, she idly started doing her makeup. Only when halfway through did she realize she was unconsciously copying Kira's cats-eye look from their date. Alexandra frowned at herself in the mirror. What is happening to me? I've literally never done my makeup that way before, she thought.

Thinking of Kira's style made her think of Kira. Alexandra quickly threw her hair up with a claw and picked up her phone.

Alexandra: Hey, how was last night?

She went back to her makeup, surprised at how well she had mimicked Kira's look.

Kira: Hey babe. It was good. Yours?

Alexandra: Good. Just woke up. You guys win?

Kira: Yes, right at the end. By the way, you play for us now. Hope you're free on Saturday nights.

Alexandra: Good thing I am!

Kira: :) But seriously, I talked to the girls. Lucía thought you would fit in too, so welcome. We don't play next Saturday, but two weeks from now, get ready. I didn't explain how we knew each other, so no worries there.

Alexandra: I suppose it'll become clear soon enough.

Kira: Speaking of that, are you free tonight? I'd love to have you over if you are.

Alexandra: Yes, free after early afternoon today.

Kira: Would 5 or 5:30 work? I've got a basketball game later, but you can either come or hang out at my place while that happens.

Alexandra: Either one works. I assume I should bring some clothes?

Kira: Bring whatever you'd like. I've got class tomorrow so I can give you a ride back.

Alexandra: :)

Kira: Actually, I was wondering if you might want to bring more than one change of clothes. I wouldn't mind it if you had the stuff here to stay over a couple days in a row if you'd like.

Alexandra: I'd like. I'll pack a bag.

Kira: That was easy, wasn't it?

Alexandra: Um, so this is going where I think it's going?

Kira: I think so. There are probably a few things we should talk about before we get too far ahead of ourselves, just make sure we're on the same page with things.

Alexandra: I'm trying so hard to take a deep breath right now. I can't wait to see you tonight.

Kira: You'll live. :) You've got a lot of me in your future.

Alexandra: Just need to see a friend first and keep myself calm, lol.

Kira: Oh, right, brunch with that girl who's dropping out?

Alexandra: Actually, no -- we ended up hanging out last night. Katy, that girl we saw yesterday, texted me. Apparently she works for Lyft now. I'm writing a paper that's basically about Lyft/Uber. So hopefully she's gonna unstick me.

Kira: Wait, blue hair girl?

Alexandra: Yup.

There was a long pause.

Kira: I suppose the scenery won't be too bad for you in a little while, will it?

Alexandra: Nope, suppose not. It's ok with you, right?

Kira: Why wouldn't it be?

Alexandra: I dunno, I remember telling you about her and how attractive I think she is.

Another long pause.

Alexandra: But no worries, she has a girlfriend, so I'll just enjoy my window shopping?

Kira: So this was actually one of the things I wanted to discuss later.

Alexandra: Oh?

Kira: We'll talk about it later. Short version is that if you happen to go beyond window shopping, I'm not going to be upset about it.

Alexandra: Really?

Kira: Yes, really. This is for later, but for now, if you see green lights, go for it.

Alexandra: OK, not gonna lie, I thought about it.

Kira: Of course you did ;)

Kira: It also wouldn't change anything else, in case you're worried about that.

Alexandra: I was. I don't want to mess anything up with us.

Kira: Don't worry about that. I know what I want. We'll talk about it tonight.

Alexandra: OK. Not like it'll be a problem anyway.

Kira: We'll see. Hey, I'm about to hop in the car, so need to go. See you later?

Alexandra: I'll be at your place at 5.

Kira: Enjoy Katy, babe ;).

Alexandra put the phone aside and tried to finish getting ready. She stared in the mirror, trying to untangle her feelings. First, Kira had basically asked her to be her girlfriend, which was exactly what Alexandra wanted. Second, Kira had even more directly told her that if she wanted to sleep with Katy, she could.

And as Alexandra was coming to realize, that was also definitely what she wanted. She looked at herself in the mirror. She'd gotten herself ready as if she was going on a date, and her clothes could pass as date-appropriate at a stretch: dark jeans with a tight black v-neck sweater and black flats. Cute, not overboard. The underwear, however, was her go-to sexy look, a lacy black bra and thong set.

I'm glad I have a couple pairs of this set. Oh, well, might as well remind Katy what she's missing, Alexandra thought, before reminding herself that she had been the one that caused the missed opportunity two years earlier, not Katy.

She carefully organized her notes and hit print. Her ancient inkjet printer, which she'd nicknamed The Coin (heads, it works; tails it doesn't; outcomes equally likely), slowly and noisily spat out the pages. Alexandra threw the notes into a massive canvas tote bag that she then filled with clothes to keep at Kira's place and a book Kira had bought her the previous day after their sexual encounter in the bookstore. She'd never quite look at bookstores the same way, Alexandra feared.


Alexandra was right on time. The book had been a godsend on the long train ride, which took fifteen minutes longer than it should have.

Katy arrived from the opposite direction, and she met Alexandra outside the front door of the restaurant.

Without a word, she wrapped Alexandra in a bear hug.

"It's so good to see you," Katy began.

Alexandra smiled, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "It's been what, two years? I mean, except yesterday, of course."

"Something like that. No worries, always happy to help out a fellow nerd. Inside?"

"Inside," repeated Alexandra.

As they followed the hostess to their table, Alexandra felt a slight tinge of envy. She looks so much cooler than me, she thought. More stylish, hotter, more confident, just so much cooler.

Katy had on the same black jacket she'd been wearing the day before, but now she had it over a white sweater, a pair of tight, bright green jeans, and black and white Chuck Taylors. As she sat down across the table, Alexandra admired the way she effortlessly and elegantly folded her long limbs into the chair.

"I come here a lot, so I don't really need the menu," Katy said, "so should I look at your notes while you figure out food?"

"Yes, please, I'm starving."

As the many fancy-brunch items passed her eyes once, twice, three times, Alexandra occasionally snuck a peek at Katy. She appeared to like what she was reading, nodding along.

"Got a pen?"


"I just found a small mistake in one of your formulas."

Alexandra reached into her seemingly bottomless bag and fished out a ballpoint, tossing it across. Katy scribbled a few quick notes, then casually put the pen behind her ear. I remember liking it when she did that back in class, Alexandra thought.

The waiter hovered over them. "I'd like the lemon-ricotta pancakes. And a black coffee, please," said Alexandra.

Katy looked up briefly. "Green chili enchiladas, coffee, cream and sugar." Then, to Alexandra: "Just one more minute, sorry."

Alexandra looked around the restaurant. The space was clearly the first floor of an old warehouse, complete with glassed-in garage doors, exposed ventilation, and unpainted brick walls. And it was packed with the Sunday brunch crowd, trendy-looking twenty-somethings with money. Am I seeing my future? Or is this just too far above where I'll ever be on the social ladder?

Katy put the stack of paper down in front of her.

"What are you doing after graduation?"

The question seemed innocent, if random, although the truth was that Alexandra had no concrete answer and that fact was already making her anxious. "I'm actually not sure. I'm still thinking about it. Maybe grad school next year, more likely a year or two down the line."

"Are you planning to stay in Chicago?"

"Probably, why?"

"After you fix that one formula, you could bring this set of notes into my boss's office and get hired on the spot. Fuck writing the paper, although I guess you have to do that for class."

"I guess you like it."

"We have people get hired with master's degrees, sometimes even PhDs, and they don't get this shit. Oh, and we also have a program where we give anonymized versions of data sets to educational institutions under license. I can get you the data you need, probably by midweek. That work for you?"

Alexandra was speechless. She'd been stressing about this paper for weeks, and Katy had just solved the two biggest issues with it in five minutes flat.

"Now," said Katy, "as we've finished the business portion of our meeting, what would you like to talk about?"

Sex, thought Alexandra. Sex, sex, and more sex. With you, specifically, Katy McLean. "Um," she stammered. "I dunno, what's it like working for your company?"