A Night Out With The Girls

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He makes sure nothing happens on girls' night out.
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When John got home he was drained after a very long week at work. All he wanted to do was have something to eat and then go to bed. When he walked through the front door he saw his wife Kelly from behind as she walked from the living room into the kitchen. She was wearing a little black dress. John went to the kitchen and found Kelly writing a note. Kelly stopped writing and looked up when he walked in.

"Oh good you're home...I guess I don't need to leave you a note." Kelly said.

"What's all this" John asked.

He used his hand in an up and down motion in Kelly's direction to show that his question was about why she was dressed that way.

"I'm going out tonight." Kelly said.

"Out?" John asked.

"Yeah. Lisa called earlier...she, Julie, and Emily are all having a girls' night out tonight. They invited me to come along so I said I'd go." Kelly said.

"A girls' night out?" John asked.

"That's right." Kelly said.

"And you're going?" John asked.

"Yes." Kelly said.

"Dressed like that?" John asked.

Kelly looks down at herself.

"Well yes, this is what I was planning on wearing...does it not look good?" Kelly asked.

"Oh it looks good Kelly...too good." John said.

"There's no such thing as looking too good." Kelly said.

"There is when you're the husband of a married woman who's going out for a girls' night out with her single friends." John said.

"Oh...I see. You're worried about what might happen if I got out like this without you." Kelly said.

"You're damn right I am. I see the way guys look at you when I'm with you...if I'm not there they'll be all over you." John said.

Kelly walks over and puts her arms around John's neck.

"Sweetie...do you trust me?" Kelly asked.

"Of course I trust you Kelly." John said.

"Then you should trust me when I tell you that all I'm going out to do is have a good time with the girls...maybe dance with a few guys, but then I'll be coming home to you." Kelly said.

"Kelly I do trust you when you say that and I believe that is truly what you intend to do tonight. I also know you though Kelly, and that's why I'm concerned." John said.

"What do you mean?" Kelly asked.

"I know that you like the attention so a few guys will probably turn into pretty much every guy in the place that asks you to dance. You're also a light weight when it comes to alcohol. Two or three drinks and you'll loosen up to the point of letting your inhibitions go and then things could get out of hand." John said.

"Well then how's this...I promise that I won't drink tonight." Kelly said.

"Again, I believe you when you say that you intend not to, but most of those guys that will want to dance with you will either send you a drink first to get your attention or they'll ask you to have a drink with them after dancing with them. You won't want to hurt their feelings so you'll say yes and have a drink with them...then another...and another. It won't take long before they have you three sheets to the wind. We've had to leave several parties early because you got drunk and were roaming around. If I'm not there to stop them and your defenses are down because of the alcohol...well...I don't even want to think about what might happen." John said.

Kelly still has her arms around John's neck. She looks into his eyes and sees that he's genuinely concerned.

"So are you saying that I can't go?" Kelly asked.

"I'm not saying that Kelly. I know how much you used to enjoy going out with the girls, but I'm concerned about what might happen if you do go out without me." John said.

Kelly looks into John's eyes for a few minutes and thinks about what he had said. The more she thought about it the more she realized that he was probably right. Still, she wanted to go. An idea came to her.

"You say that you're concerned about what might happen if I go out without you. Well how about if you come out too?" Kelly asked.

"Oh right, I'm sure the others would be thrilled to have me along on their girls' night out." John said.

"I wasn't thinking about having you come with us...I was thinking more of having you go to the same club and keeping an eye on me from a distance. That way I can go out with the girls and have a good time and you can be right there to make sure that things don't get out of hand." Kelly said.

John looked into Kelly's eyes and saw the nervous but hopeful look on her face as she awaited his response. John considered what she had proposed. He still didn't like the idea of Kelly dancing with other guys, but if he was there watching her it should be okay.

"Okay...give me 10 minutes to get changed." John said.

Kelly giggled and bounced like a little girl with excitement. She kissed John and then pulled him to the bedroom and started going through his clothes to find him the right stuff to wear.

"The club is that new one over on 3rd...I forget what the name of it is." Kelly said.

"I think I know the one you're talking about. The one with the crazy paint job that's like 5 different shades of red." John said.

"That's the one." Kelly said.

She picked out the clothes that she wanted John to wear and he changed.

"Okay, so how's this going to work? Are you driving straight there or are you and the girls meeting up somewhere and then going together?" John asked.

"We're meeting at Lisa's and going over together. You should probably go over right away so you'll already know the layout of the club so you know where you'll need to be to keep an eye on me." Kelly said.

"I suppose that's a good idea." John said.

They both head out to their cars. When they reach the driveway John takes Kelly's hands and pulls her close to him.

"Kelly I want you to know that I do trust you...I do, and I want you to have a good time tonight. I just don't want anything to happen tonight that either of us would regret tomorrow." John said.

"I don't want that either. I think you being there is a really good idea. I'll be able to have fun and still be safe. Well I'd better get over to Lisa's...I'm supposed to be there in 5 minutes." Kelly said.

"Okay. I love you." John said.

"I love you too." Kelly said.

They kiss and then they both get in their cars and drive off. John finds the club, parks his car, heads inside, and begins scoping the place out. It's a pretty open floor plan with the dance floor sunken down in the middle of the main room with tables around the outside. The bar is one long L shape that covers most of two walls.

John gets a drink and then sits at one of the small tables overlooking the dance floor. From that position John can see the entire room. After about 15 minutes he sees Kelly, Lisa, Julie, and Emily walk in. They head for a table on the opposite side of the room from John, but it's right by the dance floor so he can easily see them. They get some drinks and it doesn't take long before all 4 of them are on the dance floor.

John doesn't want anyone that's looking at him to think that he's some psycho that's staring at one particular woman all night so he looks around the room, but his eyes always venture back in search of Kelly. A woman walks up to the table.

"Would you like to dance?" Amy asked.

John looks at the attractive brunette.

"Sure." John said.

They go out on the dance floor and dance to a few songs then head back to John's table for a drink. John immediately looks for Kelly...he sees her on the far side of the dance floor dancing with some guy.

"So which one is she?" Amy asked.

"Who?" John asked.

"Either your wife or your girlfriend or something. Which one is she?" Amy asked.

"What makes you think that I even have a wife or a girlfriend?" John asked.

"Well...most single guys don't wear wedding rings, and most guys sharing a drink with a girl at a private table don't keep looking out on the dance floor. You're keeping your eye on someone. So which one is she?" Amy asked.

John looks at Amy...she'd been able to see right through him and could tell that he was watching Kelly.

"The blonde over on the far side of the dance floor. The one in the short black dress dancing with the guy in the red shirt." John said.

Amy looks over towards Kelly then looks back at John.

"She's hot. So are you spying on her?" Amy asked.

"No...she knows I'm here." John said.

"Oh...are you one of those guys that gets off on seeing his wife with other guys?" Amy asked.

"Hell no." John said.

"Then why are you here?" Amy asked.

"Because I trust my wife, but I don't trust any of the guys in this place, and my trust in her waivers when she gets drunk...which happens pretty easily with her." John said.

"Oh...so you're here to make sure nothing happens to her." Amy said.

"That's right." John said.

"Well if you don't trust other guys around her and you don't trust her when she gets drunk why did you even let her come here?" Amy asked.

"She's got 3 friends...they used to do everything together. The 3 of them are single and my wife...well she's not single. So she hasn't had a night out with the girls in almost 4 years. Her friends didn't even ask her, but they did ask her to come out tonight. I wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea, but we decided that if I was here it would be okay." John said.

"That's so sweet. You let your wife come and do something you weren't comfortable with and you're here to make sure that nothing bad happens to her." Amy said.

"That son of a bitch....that's my girl." John said.

"What happened?" Amy asked.

"The guy she's dancing with put his hand on her ass. She pushed it away. The problem is in an hour or so with another couple of drinks in her she won't push the hand away." John said.

"So your plan is to sit here and watch her all night?" Amy asked.

"That's what I was planning on...yes." John said.

"Well you stick out like a sore thumb sitting here like that constantly looking for her." Amy said.

"Well what do you suggest I do instead?" John asked.

"Well if she's spending a lot of time on the dance floor then maybe you should spend more time on the dance floor too." Amy said.

"I suppose that wouldn't be a bad idea. Were you offering or were you just suggesting?" John asked.

"I enjoyed our first dance so I'm offering. Besides I came out tonight to have some fun, dance, have a few drinks, and some conversation. I have no intention of going home with anyone and since you're married and here keeping an eye on your wife to be sure she doesn't end up going home with somebody I figure there's very little chance that I'll end up going home with you." Amy said.

John smiles.

"Then it sounds like we can be of great help to one another tonight. Let's hit the dance floor." John said.

John and Amy go out on the dance floor and then again off and on throughout the rest of the evening. Amy helps John keep an eye on Kelly. She has several drinks and gets pretty well loosened up and as John had predicted she stops pushing hands away when they go for her ass. Lisa, Julie, and Emily seem to be having a hard time finding somebody to hook up with so they sit at their table drinking while Kelly gets asked to dance again and again and again.

Finally, towards the end of the night Kelly is pretty well out of it so she goes over to the table and sits down. Lisa and Emily are there...Julie is dancing. Amy and John are back at their table.

"Given what time it is guys are gonna really start trying to get her to go home with them very soon. If I were you I'd go ask her to dance and then get her out of here before anyone else has the chance to try." Amy said.

"That's a good idea. Thanks for all of your help. I really had a good time dancing and talking with you." John said.

"I enjoyed it too." Amy said.

John gives Amy a kiss on the cheek and makes his way over to the table where Kelly, Lisa, and Emily are sitting.

"Excuse me miss, but would you like to dance?" John asked.

Lisa and Emily are surprised to see John and get nervous. Kelly isn't looking at him so she doesn't realize that it's him at first.

"Sorry, I think I'm all danced out for tonight." Kelly said.

"Are you sure? I couldn't convince you to give me just one dance?" John asked.

Kelly turns her head and looks up at John.

"Oh hi sweetie...I didn't know that it was you. Of course I'll dance with you." Kelly said.

"Lisa, I'm assuming you drove so once we've had our dance Kelly and I are going to head home so you don't have to worry about her." John said.

"Oh...okay. Have you been here the whole time?" Lisa asked.

"Did you really think that I'd let Kelly come to a place like this alone? Just look at her...she's completely bombed right now. If I weren't here she could have ended up going home with some other guy. If you'll excuse us." John said.

John and Kelly go out on the dance floor and start dancing. After their dance they head towards the door. Kelly is pretty drunk so John has to hold her up as they walk to his car. He gets her home and puts her to bed.

On Saturday morning John is sitting in the kitchen reading the newspaper when Kelly comes into the room in her robe, pours herself a cup of coffee, and sits down.

"So...how much of last night do you remember?" John asked.

"Not a whole lot. I do remember seeing you dancing with some brunette." Kelly said.

"Oh that was Amy. She saw right through me and could tell that I was there to keep an eye on you. She was just looking to dance, have a few drinks, and talk so she figured I'd be safe since I wasn't going to try to get her to go home with me." John said.

"Did I...did I get out of control?" Kelly asked.

"No. I never let you out of my sight for more than a few minutes and I didn't see anything too bad. Once you got drunk you let some of the guys grab your ass while you danced, and you probably ground against a few crotches too, but nothing that was overly upsetting." John said.

"Good. I'm glad that nothing happened. Did I come home with you?" Kelly asked.

"Yes you did...we'll have to go over to Lisa's to get your car later." John said.

"Did I at least dance with you?" Kelly asked.

"Yes you did...in fact you saved the last dance of the night for me right before we left." John said.

"Good. Did I get sick or anything?" Kelly asked.

"Surprisingly no." John said.

"Did it look like I had a good time?" Kelly asked.

"Yes...it looked like you had a very good time. You danced with at least 20 different guys. In fact you danced with almost as many by yourself as Julie, Lisa, and Emily danced with all together. And as far as I know you're the only one of the four of you that walked out the door with a guy." John said.

Kelly smiled.

"Thank you for letting me go out last night. Thank you for making sure that I was safe. Thank you for making sure that I got home okay. I had a lot of fun, but I won't be doing anything like that again any time soon." Kelly said.

"I'm just glad that everything worked out well. I knew that I sure as hell didn't want to face this morning wondering what you might have done last night...or worse....knowing what you did last night and knowing that it was something very bad." John said.

"Thankfully we don't have to worry about that. I think I'm gonna go back to bed and try to sleep this off." Kelly said.

"Okay. I love you." John said.

"I love you too." Kelly said.

She leaned down to kiss John then headed back to the bedroom.

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