A Perilous Journey Ch. 05

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Issues arise.
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Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/25/2015
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Note: I got an e-mail from someone chastising me for not allowing comments. Let me say I like constructive comments. I had a couple of e-mails that I learned from after my last chapter and hopefully this chapter is a little better than the last. It is always my goal to improve my writing. However I don't allow comments because of comments and e-mails like this one: "I hope all of your children and grandchildren get cancer and you don't. That way you will have to watch them all die slowly." Of course this was anonymous. Please feel free to e-mail me and I enjoy your input but no one needs to see comments like this.

Now to Chapter 5.


Despite not getting to bed until almost seven Paul was up by nine and thinking about the changes in Anita. He still could not believe he went down on her while she was still leaking cum from her new lover. The idea of Anita having a lover was too much for him to handle and he got up and started pacing. He was anxious and having a hard time coping with the new dynamic. If she had come home and said she had sex with someone he would be able to handle it better than he was handling what happened last night. It was like a switch had been flipped and he suddenly had a wife who enjoyed being as slutty as possible and flaunting it.

When Anita finally made it downstairs it was almost noon. Paul had cut the grass and was lounging in the pool with a beer. Paul was not much of a drinker so it was a little unusual.

The coffee was cold so she opted for a ginger ale. She stood in the kitchen watching Paul and thinking about last night. She was not sure what had gotten into her. Paul did not deserve what she had done but she was confused by his reaction. She had not seen him that hard in years and he was practically panting while eating cum from her stretched pussy. Is that what she really wanted? A cuckold husband that she could dominate? He was just so different than Al. Al took control and she would never treat him like she did Paul last night. She was just as confused as Paul but she decided until she had it figured out she would not give up her new found control.

She walked out to the pool still in her robe with nothing on underneath. "Morning babe. I thought you would be at the golf course by now. How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Ok. I called and canceled golf for today. Didn't think I could really concentrate on it after last night. How about you?"

"I have a slight headache but nothing too bad. I smoked more than anything else last night."

There was a long pause before Paul finally spoke, "Did you enjoy last night?"

"Yes," she replied without hesitation. "I enjoyed the time with Al and my friends as well as the time with you when I got home. I'm not sure what got into me but yes I enjoyed it all. What about you?"

"I'm not sure how I feel about it. I've never considered myself bi or submissive or anything like that. I know I'm not as aggressive as a lot of guys. You know how I feel about sex. It is for fun and pleasure so I have no issues with anyone into what happened last night. I'm just not sure I am into it."

She didn't understand what he was driving at but she certainly was not going to give up spending time with Al before the six months they had agreed to were over. If he did not want to play like they did when she got home she would not push that but she now had a taste of it and decided she liked it. Finally she spoke, "Well we're only a few weeks into this and I'm sure we will explore things and push each other's limits. I guess after the six months we agreed to is over we can decide what we want to do."

Paul could tell by her statement and demeanor that she had ended the conversation. He could either play along and get used to it or not play. It was up to him. The one good thing was the holidays coming up and that would limit her outings. The kids would be in town for almost three weeks and that would curtail things even more. He decided to just drop it for the time being and live with things unless they got to out of hand. Maybe if he started seeing someone she would think differently about things.

Anita stood and walked over to the pool and dropped the robe she was wearing. She was naked underneath and Paul could see her pussy was still swollen from the pounding it had taken last night. Despite himself he began to get a hard on.

Anita walked into the pool and swam over to him. Reaching down she grabbed his now hard cock and freed it from his trunks before wrapping her legs around him and letting him slide in. As they slowly fucked she looked at him and said, "Despite what may happen over the next weeks and months remember that I still love you. It's just fun and games. If you are real good maybe Al will let you watch." That sent Paul over the edge and he came with a groan.


Al was out of town the next weekend but had text her about going to a Halloween party. He was not sure if that fell into their special holidays or not but wanted to give her plenty of time to arrange it with Paul if she could. Anita and Paul spent a lot of time together the next week. They talked about the kids, the holidays and avoided the new lifestyle except during sex and then it seemed to light a spark. Paul did not like his reaction to Anita's taunting during sex but he could not help it. The idea of watching her with Al crossed his mind more than once.

Anticipating that Anita would be going out the next Friday Paul decided he would let her squirm a little and arranged a date for Thursday night. He knew Anita played tennis on Thursday's so he got home while she was still at the club. When Anita got home he was in the shower and she walked in the master bath. He heard the door open and slid the shower door back. "How was your game?" he asked.

"Good. I almost beat Eve. You're home early? Want some company in there?"

Laughing Paul shut the shower door before replying, "I wish I could babe but I don't have time. I'm supposed to meet Sarah in an hour."

Anita just stood there for a moment. "Who is Sarah?" she asked as she slid the door open and looked in.

"Just a lady Steve and I met the other night. We got to talking and seemed to hit it off pretty well so I asked her if she would like to go out sometime."

Anita closed the door and leaned against the sink. It suddenly occurred to her that Paul was testing her. He had not mentioned anything about a lady over the last few weeks. There was no Sarah. "That's great," she said. "I'm glad you are getting out and having some fun also. I felt a little guilty about it being so one sided. I'll leave you so you can finish getting ready."

She smiled as she walked out of the bathroom. Let him play his little game. As she started to strip out of her tennis clothes she heard a buzzing and looked to the dresser where Paul's phone was going off. She walked over and picked it up and saw he had a text. She opened it and stared.

It said the text was from Sarah. "I am running a little late. See you at 7:15. Sarah."

Anita put the phone back down and walked over to the bed and sat down. She had not expected this. They had talked about it and Paul was perfectly within his rights but she did not think he was forward enough to do it. She had gotten so wrapped up in the excitement of dominating Paul and being submissive to Al that she had lost sight of what might happen. What if Paul was as excited by Sarah as she was by Al?

She heard the shower stop and quickly left the bedroom. She had to have a moment to think before she talked with Paul. She had to get herself together. She went to the kitchen and got a Ginger Ale and sat out on the deck. A half hour later Paul stuck his head out the sliding doors and said, "I don't think I'll be too late. We are just going to dinner so I should be home by ten or so. Love you."

"Love you too babe. Have fun."

As soon as the front door closed Anita called Niki. She was distraught and was almost in tears as she explained what was going on. Niki tried to reason with her that it was part of the lifestyle and that Paul was not doing anything wrong. She did not mention that Anita had been doing much more than Paul. After an hour on the phone Anita finally calmed down. She did not want Paul to see her like this when he got back in. She smoked the second joint she had brought home the other night.

At nine she filled the garden tub with a bubble bath and got in with a glass of wine. After the joint she was feeling more in control and decided that she was now free to have her own fun without feeling guilty. Paul was having fun and she was not stopping him so he had no right to stop her from doing whatever she wanted.

An hour later she dried off and put on a pair of panties and T-shirt. She grabbed a magazine and was lying in bed at ten ready to show Paul that she was unfazed by his date. She was still lying there at eleven and Paul still had not gotten in. Just before midnight she got a text from him apologizing and saying he was on the way. She was seething but determined to not show it to Paul. She ignored the text and turned off the bedside lamp. When she heard the car pull in the drive she fluffed her pillow and lay down pretending to be asleep.

Paul slipped into the bedroom and went straight to the shower. Anita could not help but remember doing the very same thing just to make Paul wonder about what she had been doing. Was Paul doing the same thing? Ten minutes later the shower shut off and after another five Paul slid into bed.


Friday morning Paul was up earlier than usual and fixed coffee before getting ready for work. He brought up a cup for Anita before he left and shook her awake. Anita had not fallen asleep until very late and was grudgingly roused from her slumber.

"Morning beautiful," Paul said picking up her coffee. Anita sat up and positioned her pillows before leaning back. Paul handed her the cup and waited as she took a sip. He did not mention last night but the truth was he had a very good time with the date he had arranged. He did not plan to tell her the date was with Steve. He had changed the name on Steve's contact information to Sarah last night and had him send the text. He was careful to change it back after he left last night. The truth was he still had no real interest in putting in the effort to actually make a date.

"Morning," Anita tried to sound cheerful. "How was your evening? Sorry I feel asleep before you got in."

"It was fun. Dinner tonight?" he asked.

"Sure. Should I make reservations somewhere?"

"No. Let's just keep it casual. Grab a pizza or something?"

"Ok. Oh yeah. Al called last night and wanted to know if we were going out next weekend. He thought it would be a good for you two to meet." She was not sure why she said it and regretting it immediately.

Paul thought for a moment before replying, "Sure. Sarah wanted to meet but I can put that off."

"Sarah again already? I thought we only got one weekend a month alone," she said hating herself for sounding irritated.

"Well this is September and next weekend is October," Paul replied hearing the concern in her voice and wanting to needle her.

"Fine. We can do it another time. I am saving my October night alone for a Halloween party I've been invited to."

"No. I don't mind changing plans. I look forward to meeting him," he said as he got up and headed for the door.


"How are you Cyn?" Mark asked.


"Yep. How are things at school?"

Cyn had not heard from Mark since she was home in the summer and was excited he had called. They had gone out a couple of times in high school just before she left for college. The truth was she still had a thing for him. "Things are ok. I'm surprised to hear from you? To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I just missed you and wanted to check up on you. Make sure you hadn't forgotten me," he replied.

"If I recall you were the one that suggested breaking up since I was going to school. I wanted to try to make it work," she said with a smile in her voice.

Laughing Mark replied, "Don't remind me. Worst mistake I ever made. When are you back? I would enjoy taking you to dinner."

"Supposed to be back for Thanksgiving but only for four days. Might be hard to get together with all of the family stuff going on."

Mark smiled. This was going just the way he wanted. He knew Al because he had done some work for him and also knew all about Al's Halloween parties. He had also recognized Anita with Al at the bar a week or so earlier. He could tell Anita did not recognize him and was not surprised since they had only met once. "How is your family doing? John still overseas?"

"Everyone is fine. Laura is still the perfect one, John is Mr. Macho and my parents are just waiting on grandkids."

"Listen, I have a Halloween party coming up at a friend's house. Why don't you drive up and go with me. No one even needs to know you are in town so you won't have to worry about family stuff and you can always stay with me until you go back," he said knowing this would appeal to the wild child in her.

"I don't know. I am sure there will be a few parties here. Why don't you come down here?" Cyn asked.

"I can't. This is an annual thing I always go to and I can't bail out. Besides I am sure Laura keeps you in line there and here you can let your hair down. I think you will enjoy it. I promise you a very special surprise."

"Do tell? And what would that be?"

"You have to come to find out but I promise you will be interested," he said trying to figure a way to coax her into it.

"Let me see what I have going on and if I can I'll come up. I would like to see you again. Orlando is getting boring."

"Ok. Let me know as soon as you can. I don't want to go stag. We can wear something with masks and no one will even know you are in town."

"I will let you know by Monday. Don't make any dates. Talk to you soon."


Anita and Paul had spent the next weekend together and nothing was said about playing or seeing other people. She had made arrangements with Al for the Halloween party and she and Paul were meeting the group before the party. Al did not have a problem meeting with Paul but wanted Anita to discuss with him about whose date she would be. Al wanted her to go as his but understood the dynamics and was willing this one time to let her do what she felt comfortable with. He had enjoyed Anita's company and this was a small consideration if it allowed him to see her long term.

"Who's going to be there Saturday night?" Paul asked on Wednesday.

"The usual group. Greg and Niki of course and Frank, Cheryl and Al."

"What are the plans? Just drinking and dancing?"

"Depends. Did you decide about whose date I was? I half expected you to invite Sarah," Anita said.

Paul had thought a lot about this and had vacillated unsure of what he wanted. His normal personality was to take charge but he had noticed that in these sexual situations he had fallen into a pattern of following everyone else's lead. At work and other areas of his life he was pretty dominant and took charge making most of the decisions. He had read a little on the internet and based on what he learned he was more submissive when it came to sex. It seemed the theory was that some men who were otherwise dominant wanted someone else to take charge at times almost like an alter ego. It was like taking a break from always being the person people looked to for direction. Despite that he said, "I think it's best if you are with me until I have met Al. Maybe as the night goes on we can change things.

"Ok. But I have the same right. As the night goes on if I want to be Al's date I can. Agreed?"

Paul shrugged and said ok as he headed upstairs.

Anita had talked to Al a lot over the last few days about Paul and their sex life. She had confided in Al that it was kind of boring with Paul because they seemed to do the same things as if neither wanted to take charge and possibly offend the other. Al smiled to himself as she talked realizing that both of them were perfect for this kind of relationship. At his suggestions Anita intended to take charge of Paul's sex life. He could run everything else but when it came to sex she was in charge. She gave Paul time to get upstairs, shower and get settled into bed before she went up.

An hour later she walked into the bedroom and sat on her side of the bed. She reached into the bedside table and pulled out a joint and a lighter as Paul watched her. Paul noted that they both had been smoking almost on a regular basis lately. She lit it, inhaled deeply and handed it to Paul. Shaking his head he said, "Not during the week. I have work tomorrow."

"The best thing about pot is there is no hangover," she said as she continued to hold the joint out to him. He looked at her for a moment more and took it. "I'm going to take a shower. Finish that before I get back," she said as firmly as she could.

She stood and started undressing as she walked to the bathroom. At the door she turned so he could see her tits. They were not huge but they were "C" cup bordering on "D" cup. Sliding her hand down the front of her shorts she disappeared into the bathroom. Paul sat and listened to the shower and smoked the pot. As he got high the thought of getting to fuck Anita had him hard.

Paul heard the shower stop and after a moment Anita back into the bedroom and over to the bed. Sitting down beside Paul she reached for his boxers. She pulled them down as he lifted his ass so she could slide them off. Once off she took the joint and inhaled deeply before handing it back. Smiling she stroked his cock while he finished the joint.

"You know things are changing," she said.

"What do you mean?"

"Between us. The sex. It more exciting and different since I began to take charge," Anita said.

"Have you been taking charge? I didn't realize that," he replied knowing that what she said was exactly true.

"Don't deny it Paul. You run everything else but when it comes to sex I am the one calling the shots and you know it. And you like it."

Paul did not reply as he took the last drag on the joint and leaned over and put it in the bedside table. He reached for her but she pushed him back and continued to stroke his cock. She thought a moment before speaking again.

"I know the thought of Al and me gets you hard and I think you like it that we are in charge now."

"We?" Paul asked.

"Yes. Me and Al. It won't be long before we decide when you can have me and when you can't. Al will be calling the shots."

Paul was a little uneasy with the way this conversation was going. "What are you driving at?"

"Just that after this weekend when we are out if Al is there I will be with him. I will do whatever he wants with whoever he wants and you will have no say in things," Anita said and felt Paul's cock twitch in her hand. She smiled. "That excites you doesn't it?"

Despite himself Paul could not control his physical reaction and he moaned as she continued to stroke him. He did not answer but Anita could tell it excited him to lose control to Al. "That is why I want to be your date this weekend. It will be the last time you are in charge if Al is there. When he is not there I will be in charge. This is your last hurrah."

"I'm not sure about that. Remember I have the same privileges you do. My hurrah's may just be with Sarah."

"Of course do. And I encourage you to have fun. I know I'll be having fun. But remember we only get one weekend a month alone. Right?"

Paul hesitated. Was she trying to get him to change the rules so she could go out with Al more often? "Right," he finally replied.

She leaned down and allowed Paul to begin fucking her mouth with his cock. She could feel him struggling to control himself so he would not cum but he was losing the battle. Suddenly he thrust up gagging her as he began to cum. He held her head in place as he pumped his load down her throat. Anita took it all until Paul moved his hands from the back of her head. She slowly raised her mouth from his cock and looked at him with a smile.