A Ride to Heaven and Back Pt. 02 Ch. 04

Story Info
Family party; confrontation; Dev does it again.
3.8k words

Part 11 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/18/2022
Created 06/05/2008
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Reni looked around the living room and decided that she and Kelly had done a fantastic job of turning the igloo into a home. Gone was the stark black and white, replaced by soft gold's and browns, the brown leather sectional gave them plenty of room to stretch out on and watch the big screen television together, and the carper was swirls of both colors. Kelly was proud of her work and Reni had to admit her sister in law was right; the colors did give it a warmer feeling. Filled with success, she and Kelly were working together to improve the other rooms as well. Sean was even glad to see his brother more active and involved not only in work but in family as well. So did the rest of his family, her future mother in law Francine or Fancy as she preferred to be called, had called Reni a miracle worker.

"I swear Devlin looks as if he's lost twenty years, I can't remember him ever looking as relaxed and smiling as much since he was just a boy."

Kelly had been there as well and she had smiled. "Oh I'm sure Reni has her own way to keep Dev smiling mom, and I wouldn't be surprised that if you ask her, he keeps her smiling just as much. I know we heard a lot of laughter the night we all camped out at the cabin..."

Fancy had looked confused at first, then understanding filled her eyes and she had giggled. "Oh really, well you know they say laughter is the best medicine for a lot of ailments. I hope my boy knows the right doses to administer."

Dev had walked up then and put his arms around Reni, "we both do mom, we know all the right doses and all the right ways to administer it."

"Well, my only regret is that you got married the way you did, running off to Reno...why I felt crushed that you would do that to both your families, and I fully agree with your mother Reni that a full wedding is the only way to make it up to all of us."

Well, her mothers were definitely going all out for the wedding of the century. And she did mean mothers. Both her adopted one and her real mother was making plans left and right. She was just glad her mothers had not complained about her being married in Seattle instead of Portland. She had few friends in her social circle there, and most of those were simply the children of people who knew her family. Still, it didn't keep people who knew her family but not her personally from wondering if they would receive invitations or not. Her uncle had already given her a list of people he wanted to invite simply for business sake and it had taken her dad to tell him that this was just a simple family wedding, and he was not allowing it to be turned into a circus, not that it wasn't already. And now a new situation had arrived. Her real mother had been hesitant to tell her about Cain McGovern, but in the end had admitted that he was her father and told her that yes, that was his photograph in the book.

"It wasn't that I didn't love Cain, I did, just not enough to be brave and stand up to mom and dad about him...I guess that's why I'm so proud of you Reni, not only did you pick the man you wanted to marry, but you didn't look at his bank account first."

No, she hadn't. When she had fallen in love with Dev, she had never known he was that Devlin Morris and even if she had, the money would never have meant a thing to her. Unlike the rest of her family, money had never been an issue with her from the time she was little. She had been lucky, she had grown up with love and understanding.

"Excuse me Mrs. Morris," the lady from the catering business that she had hired walked up to her. "I need to double check with you about the buffet tables and William wanted to be sure we had all the right drinks that you requested."

Reni nodded. "I'll be with you in a minute, I just need to take a deep breath and ignore the urge to jump off the terrace."

The lady smiled. "That's fine, I hear that a lot..."

Reni was sure she did, and once she had checked out everything, she went to the bedroom to change. This was going to be a long night and she seriously wondered if inviting her father had been such a good idea after all.

She was in the shower holding back the urge to scream when Dev came in. "Hey, save some hot water for me, or should I just come join you?"

It was tempting. Especially as she watched him getting undressed, but at the same time she knew that if she did, she would end up screwing him to death right now. Not from need of sex, but a release for the tension she felt over tonight's party. Still maybe that would be a good idea. She would have a good reason to scream then, and with a smile she made room for him in the shower. He grinned down at her and she wasted no time getting what she both needed and desired.

In the bedroom Dev looked at her and smiled. "You were in a hurry, what's up hon?"

"I am scared shitless Dev, what if my dad and Lucas get in a fight, or I find out he was the last person mom wanted to see...what if..."

Dev walked up to her and did what he always did to calm her fears. "Hey, that's perfectly normal." He stroked her cheek and held her tight. "Just remember, he doesn't want you to know he's your dad. And odds are, he's just as nervous about tonight as you are. So, chin up, just treat him the same way you treated me the first night we met."

"Before or after you insinuated I was a lot lizard and I walked out of the café?"

"Before you walked out, just imagine he's another truck driver putting the moves on you." His hand slid down over her back and cupped one ass cheek. "Before you found out what a nice guy I was and how hot we were together in the sleeper."

"Hmm, I still miss that sleeper. I think we need to have it bronzed..."

"Not until after the honeymoon, we still got some places to go and things to see before we do that."

Yes they did, and she was looking forward to it. Bringing his mouth down to hers, she kissed him deeply and gave him an impish smile as she drew back. "Don't drink too much tonight Dev; I want you fairly sober tonight after everyone leaves..."

He looked down at the red and black corset she wore and smiled. "Are you wearing that under your dress?" His eyes took in the garter belt, stockings and crotch-less panties he had picked up for her not long ago, "and the stilettos?"

"If you want me to," She licked her lips.

His smile turned into a leer. "Forget the fucking party; let's just spend the night in here, all by ourselves."

"Hmm, but just think how much fun you'll miss not being able to see me talking to our families and know what I'm wearing underneath my clothes..."

He groaned and pressed his now hard cock against her. "Let's hope everyone gets bored and leaves early."

Besides her family and his, she had invited a few folks from DM Trucking that she had gotten to know, Noreen and her husband arrived early and were full of news over the announcement that their daughter had just delivered a new grandson. The only person she would have preferred to leave off the guest list was her mother's husband and it was clear he was less than happy to be around her as well. More than once she found him glaring at her and she was tempted to stick her tongue out at him just like she had as a little kid. She hadn't known back then that who she believed was her sister was actually her mother, and once she did discover the truth she had done her best to stay out of his way.

"Reni..." Her aunt Judith walked up to her as she was watching everyone mingle and talk. "I have to ask, who did your decorating. It's such a pleasure to find someone who isn't into all this modern something Fei or whatever it's called."

Reni smiled. "Actually the lady we have to thank is Dev's sister Kate, she walked in, we talked and that was it. You should have seen it when I first walked in, I thought I was in an old movie from all the black and white there was..."

Unexpectedly, her aunt reached out and stroked her face with a long, brightly painted red nail. "I've never spent as much time with you as I should have Reni, and it's an old woman's regret that makes me say this. You've grown into a beautiful young woman and you've done the family proud by marrying since a gorgeous, successful man like Dev. But nothing makes me as happy as seeing how happy you've made your parents and how proud they both are of you. I had my doubts when they told me that they were adopting you, but now I can honestly say, I am glad they did..."

"Thank you Aunt Judith...though let's be honest, not all the family shares your sentiment..."

"No, but Charles and Sylvie are the two who matter, and I'll let you in on a little secret, even your uncle John is considering talking to you husband about that idea of using DM Trucking instead of hiring other companies. I think he would have done it sooner if your father had come to him first before talking to Dev, but you know how stubborn my brother is, if he didn't think it up first, he doesn't think it's a good idea..."

"I'd say that's a trait they both share Judith..." Her mother joined them and smiled up at her daughter. "You look lovely tonight, I'm glad to see married life agrees with you. And Dev is looking especially happy...taking good care of him are you dear...?"

Reni smiled, and blushed. "Mom, really..."

Sylvie laughed. "An advantage of being old dear, we can get away with such outlandish statements..."

The doorbell sounded and Reni watched as Dev moved to answer it. Sure enough it was the one person she had been waiting for. This was either going to turn her party into a free for all or make her day, she wasn't sure which. She watched Dev greet Cain warmly and took a deep breath as they approached. Dev gave her a smile and then smiled at both of the older ladies. "Reni, look who found his way to the party after all..."

Reni looked at her father and smiled as she held out her hand. "Mr. McGovern, I was wondering if you had forgotten..."

Cain McGovern smiled and took her hand. "Not a chance Mrs. Morris, I was called back to New York yesterday and I had to fly back this afternoon to be sure I was here at all..."

"Well I'm glad you made it, Mr. McGovern, this is my mother Sylvie Marks and my aunt Judith Dalton. Mom, Aunt Judith, Cain McGovern, he's a business associate of Dev's."

It was clear from her mother's expression that she knew exactly who Cain was but her aunt seemed none the wiser. They both greeted him and when Dev had taken him away to find the bar, her mother looked at her. "Reni, may I speak to you privately...?"

Reni knew that look in her mother's eyes and dreaded what was going to happen now. "Sure, uh, please excuse me Aunt Judith..." They walked to the bedroom and she noticed that her mother also grabbed her real mom as well. Once in the bedroom, she sat on the bed and sighed. "Okay let's hear it, I know that tone too well mom..."

Sylvie sighed. "Reni, do you know who Cain McGovern is?"

Her real mother paled. "What about Cain?"

Sylvie looked from her adopted one, to the one she had given birth to. "It seems your past has caught up with you Beth, Reni's real father just walked in the front door...You do know that don't you Reni?"

Reni stood up and began to pace the bedroom floor. "I know who he is, I found a photo of him in an old book of mom's one day, but I never knew his name until I walked into Dev's office a few days ago. Dev hired him to find out who is siphoning money from DM Trucking into a few dummy companies and off shore bank accounts." She went to the nightstand and found her cigarettes. "Sorry mom, I know you don't approve, but right now, I need one. He knew all about me and Dev, we'd run into his parents when we were out to dinner with Mac and Fancy one evening...his mother looked like she was going to have a heart attack when I told her who my parents were...He doesn't know I know, and he doesn't want me to know from what he told Dev..."

The bedroom door opened, and both her husband and real father stood looking at them. Cain looked at her and smiled. "I should have known better, you being my kid, hello Sylvie, Beth..." He walked up and hugged Reni. "You and Charles did a good job with her Sylvie, she's beautiful, and she's smart."

Sylvie arched an eyebrow. "Maybe too smart, how are you Cain...?"

He grinned, "Rich, successful, happy. And relax, I'm not here to cause trouble, Dev hired me to do a job, and finding out that he was married to my daughter was just a bonus. I heard about Charles, I'm sorry Sylvie, he's a great man..."

Sylvie nodded. "I know, and he's in remission right now."

"That's good to hear. How are you Beth?"

Reni looked at her real mother, "Mom?"

Beth looked at her daughter and the man she had once loved but been such a coward about. She felt a jumble of mixed emotions right now, she was glad to see that Reni now knew who her father was, and at the same time knew this was going to cause problems between her and Lucas. Well, that was nothing new. It hadn't been six months into the marriage that she had learned just why he married her and for the last twenty years it had been a series of dramas usually all centered around her daughter. He had never forgiven her parents for adopting the little girl he had refused to accept.

A loud voice outside the bedroom caught all their attention and Reni tensed as she heard Dev respond. "You're not going in there Lucas, this has nothing to do with you..."

"The hell it doesn't, that is my wife in there and I don't know what your bitch wife was thinking when she invited that bastard, but Beth and I are leaving and we're leaving now..."

Reni heard Dev's voice take on a cold tone, "What did you call Reni...?"

"A bitch, just like her mother, and you Morris are nothing then a fucking truck driver who got lucky...what did she do, offer you some free pussy for a ride and you liked it so much you married her, or is she like her mom and knocked up already...?"

Reni ran for the door but it was too late, her step father lay on the floor blood running from his mouth and Dev was standing over him with a deadly calm aura around him. "Dev, no..."

He turned to look at her, "Stay out of this Reni, I told you what would happen the next time a man did or said anything to hurt you, the only thing keeping me from killing the bastard is respect for your mother and the rest of your family. I may be just a fucking truck driver who got lucky, but mister, you're nothing but a fucking abuser who has to beat on women and kids to get your kicks. Oh I know all about you Lucas, your son Jon-Jon is a good friend of my nephew and he's told my sister all about it, how you beat him and his mom, how you bring your whores to your home when you know they'll be home to hear you, and I won't even go into some of your more deviate practices..."

There were assorted gasps and Reni saw her adopted father smile. "Good for you Dev, give it to him with both barrels, I been waiting for twenty years for someone to stand up to this bastard..."

Beth moved to stand next to her daughter, "You knew Dad?"

Charles got to his feet and walked to where his two girls stood. "Honey, I had him checked out the minute he came to me to ask if he could marry you. I kept hoping you'd wise up, but you didn't. Why do you think I never let him get higher than I did in the company? The man would have robbed us all blind. Now I can finally give you a choice, divorce this s.o.b, come back home for a while, and put all this behind you, or stay with him and be cut out of my will, lock, stock, and, barrel. Because there is no way, this asshole is ever going to see a dime of my money..."

To everyone's surprise it was a voice no one knew that spoke up. "That's a bit harsh isn't it Charles?"

Reni saw her grandfather smile, "Well Cain, if you'd been the man you are now twenty odd years ago I wouldn't have to be so damn harsh. I gave you a choice that day, marry my daughter or I was going to let her marry that weasel, you walked away..." He chuckled. "And don't give me any mealy mouthed excuses about how you were just a poor college student, if you'd had any balls then you would have said fuck you and married her right then and there..."

Reni looked at her biological father and then at her mom. "It's not too late you know...if even half the feelings you two had for each other are still there, you should go for it, and I know if Jon-Jon was here, he would say the same thing. You don't need this trash mom, and if I knew it wouldn't land Dev in jail again, I'd let him push this ass off the terrace and claim it was an accident."

Cain looked at her. "Reni, can your mother and I borrow your bedroom for a while, I think we need to talk about this alone."

Dev smiled. "Why don't you use the guest room, our room is...well...kind of our private domain..."

His sister in law Kate laughed. "That is putting it mildly, you don't want to go snooping in their drawers believe me..."

Sean spoke up, "And how would you know wife of mine...?"

Kate began to blush, and Sean began to laugh. Dev grinned. "It's down the hall past our room; we'll stand guard until you're ready to come out. In the mean time, I'll have security escort this trash off the property." He looked at Lucas and then at Reni. "Why don't you get me a drink love, I need it, and make it a double."

Her adopted dad laughed. "Make that two dear, and I think your mother could use a shot herself, now is this, a party or what...?"

Dev slipped into bed and pulled Reni close. "They still haven't come out yet huh?"

She shook her head. "I knock and kind of peeked in but mom was asleep and dad just sort of shooed me away. You know Lucas is not going to let this rest, not only did you cost him his wife, but his job and you basically humiliated him."

"All in a day's work honey. I keep pissing people off left and right since I've met you Reni." He nuzzled her throat. "Well, I'm not worried about it, the world could end tomorrow and I'd die happy as long as I had you beside me..."

Reni smiled and lifted his face to hers. "It better be me you die beside Dev, and I hope it's when you're over a hundred and you're on top of me fucking me senseless."

He chuckled. "Reni, if I can still get up when I hit a hundred, you can bet it will be your pussy I am in at the time. Speaking of which, I'm not drunk, just very nicely mellow right now, think we can risk having sex without your folks coming in and yelling at us...?" He began to caress her breast and let his thumb rub her nipple until it was hard and he bent his head to suck at it.

"Well, I think we're safe considering that both mom and dad had very disheveled looks, and their clothes were scattered all over the guest room...no I don't think there will be any problems." She shivered as he slipped a hand between her legs and began to run a finger around her clit. "Ooo, Dev..."

He didn't answer instead he simply threw back the covers and she watched as he moved down to settle between her legs, and inhale her scent deeply. "I thought I smelled something hot and sweet, open them wider Reni, you know I like to get a little crazy sometimes..."

She did as he asked and as she felt his tongue begin to swirl around her clit then move up and down her slit, she ran her fingers through his hair. "Go crazy Dev, I will be right behind you."

In the guest room the cries from the master bedroom were audible and Beth looked up at Cain. He had heard it as well, and stopped what he was doing. "Was that Reni Cain, she sounded like she was in pain..."

Cain McGovern laughed. "That was no cry of pain Beth, I can remember when you made that same sound and nearly got us both thrown out of school." He began to move again and wondered if he could still do that thing that had caused it in the first place. It didn't take long to discover he could.

"I knew there was something I liked about that man..." Beth giggled and let Cain kiss her to cover her own cries of pleasure.