A Slight of Tongue

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Abby helps her husband overcome his insecurities.
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Abby and I met at her office. I was the only local contractor that could repair her company's custom assembly line, and she worked in accounting. We got to know each other when she helped sort out an error in my billing. She was bubbly, fun and beautiful. She mentioned her dream of touring France, so without hesitation I asked her to dinner at my favorite French restaurant. We spent the evening talking about our families, our passions and our fears until the waiter politely guided us out the door at the end of the night. We found that my hardworking quiet personality was a good compliment to her vivacious outgoing nature. We both wanted to have kids and raise our family in town. After dating for several months we were soon married.

Initially married life was everything we hoped it would be. We used birth control for the first year and then spent several years trying to conceive a child. Eventually we visited a fertility specialist in desperation. We found that my sperm count was low. While it was possible for me to have children, the likelihood was very low. The doctor gave us pamphlets about ovulation and fertility cycles and instructions about how to measure the best time of the month and tip the odds in our favor. Sex became a mechanical chore that was subject to the phases of Abby's hormonal cycle and I was just a cog with a small role I failed to fulfill.

After more than a year of dutiful sex we gave up. By then Abby was profoundly depressed and I felt like a worthless husk of man - unfit to perform my most basic function. We carried on the best we could, but our sorrow soon became overwhelming.

On a quiet Saturday evening I took Abby to our favorite French restaurant for a lovely meal. Afterwards we drove to a romantic lookout and I gave her the most beautiful diamond ring I could buy with all the money I could borrow.

"Sweetheart, I want you to have this ring," I said.

She was stunned. She looked at it without taking it out of the box and then looked at me.

"I want you to know that I will always love you, and that I want you to be happy. I can't give you the life you want, so we need to split up, and you need to find a husband that can give you kids and make you happy - and we need to do it now, before it's too late."

She burst into tears. She didn't want to hear the words, but she was thinking the same thing. We drove home in silence. She packed a small suitcase and went to stay with her parents.

I wasn't there when Abby told her parents what happened, but her father shared the story with me. After the tears and the sobbing had subsided, he told his daughter, "Honey, I thought you already knew this, but I guess I'm going to have to tell you again. When you find someone that loves you as much as John loves you, you stick with them. John is always going to have your back, he will do everything he can to make you happy and I wouldn't be surprised if he finds a way to give you kids. You would be a fool to leave him and I know you are no fool. You may be sad, but you are no fool."

The next morning Abby came back with a smile that she forced herself to wear and a new determination to get the most out of her life.

To get back some of our lost intimacy we started playing 'The Honesty Game', where any question gets an honest reply. The game had strict rules. Questions were submitted in writing in groups of no less than three questions and answers were given verbally the next day after dinner. Follow up questions were permitted; however, the entire group of questions could be rejected if the partner was uncomfortable for any reason. No explanation was required and probing was not allowed. The final rule was that we couldn't get upset by the questions or the answers and they could never be brought up in an argument outside the game.

Almost all the questions concerned sex. I learned that Abby liked me to go down on her more than I had thought. She liked me to suck on clitoris more than lick it and liked my tongue deep in vagina.

She noticed that my penis was erect when I was going down on her. "Do you like giving me head?" she asked. She took her hands off of my head so that I could answer.

"I LOVE giving you head," I said.

"You know you're always hard when you go down on me." She poked my erect penis with her foot and pushed my head back down on her so that I could continue.

The next day the following three questions were waiting for me:

"Will you submit to me?"

"Would you consider letting another man into our bed?"

"Have you ever fantasized about having sex with a man?"

She smiled at me as I read the questions. I'm sure my face was ashen. The next day after dinner I rejected the questions. She smiled again, but didn't probe. She said, "You know I love you right?"

I nodded.

"...and you know I'll always have your back, right?"

I smiled because I believed her. But I was still confused about what she was driving at with her questions.

Soon after that Abby's father died of a heart attack. Most of Abby's office attended the funeral, including the head of manufacturing, Dan. He was a big guy with olive skin and black curly hair. Just about everyone liked him. He was known for taking good care of his employees and for playing for both teams in terms of sex. In the past I'd worked nights and weekends to get the company's assembly line back up, so I knew that he appreciated me even though I wasn't an employee.

Dan gave his condolences to Abby and then hugged her. I didn't notice anything unusual in their interaction. Then he gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, "Semper Fi, my man, Semper Fi." I knew Dan was never a marine, so it didn't make any sense. I just smiled and hugged him back.

"I feel so mortal," Abby said on the drive home. "We only have a few years and then we're dead."

I nodded. She was her daddy's girl, so I knew this was going to be painful.

"Do you think he did everything he wanted to do when he was alive?"

"Your dad wasn't a wimp. I'm sure he was fulfilled."

Abby nodded, "Yea, but if he knew the day before he died that he only had 24 hours left would he have done anything different?"

I thought for a moment before I said, "Probably. He would have probably called you and spent the time with you and the family."

She nodded.

A month or so later the following questions were waiting for me:

"What would you do if only had 24 hours to live?"

"What would you do if I died?"

"What would you want me to do if you died?"

After dinner the next day I told her that I would want to spend my last day with her. If she died I would be so heartbroken that nothing would matter and that if I died she should be as happy as possible.

"That's kind of generic don't you think? Can't you be more specific and more original?"

"OK smarty, why don't you answer the questions?" I said.

She gave a half smile. "We're still in the game right?"

I nodded.

"I want to try some kinky stuff in bed."

"Like what?"

"I want to have sex with two men, and I want to try double penetration. There, I said it."

I didn't know how to respond, so I said, "Is there anything else?"

"Yes, but I think that is enough for now. I want to hear what you have to say while we're still in the game."

I thought for several moments before I said, "I think a third person would ruin our relationship."

She replied, "I think we're strong enough to survive that."

She paused for a moment and continued, "I know this is against the rules, but I want to ask one more question. If I was dead and you only had 24 hours to live and an attractive gay man wanted to have sex with you would you do it?"

She continued, "You don't have to answer."

Of course, there was really no point in not answering, since there was only one question, so I said, "This question challenges my masculinity. With the whole low-sperm count thing I really don't need that."

"Oh fuck." she said and covered her mouth. "I am so sorry sweetie. Please forget I said anything." She gave me a big hug and said, "I am so sorry."

Of course, despite the rules of the game I couldn't forget. I was so thoroughly committed to making Abby happy that I knew that I was going to be incapable of denying her the pleasure of double penetration. It was just a matter of time and if I could figure out a way to not lose her in the process.

The next night after dinner Abby said, "I want to tell you something from inside the game." After a moment she continued, "I love you, and I don't want to lose you."

After a few weeks I left these questions out for Abby:

"Will you arrange for the second man?"

"Can I set some rules?"

"Is this a one-time thing?"

The next night after dinner Abby said, "Yes, I will make all the arrangements. What rules do you want to set?"

"You can suck on his penis and you can take it in your ass, but your vagina is mine."

"Can he lick my vagina?"

"No, the vagina is mine. No licking, no fingering, nothing."

"Okay, any other rules?"

"No cameras."

"Okay, no cameras. Anything else?" After a long pause she said, "I don't know if this is one-time thing."

I had hoped for a different answer.

A few days passed before Abby told me that she had arranged for Saturday night. I felt a tightness in my chest with the anxiety of what was likely to be the beginning of the end of my marriage. I had to prevail, but I didn't know how I was going to do it.

The corporate dinner for Abby's company was on the preceding Friday. In the previous quarter I had worked all weekend to repair the assembly line and evidently management wanted to show its appreciation. So, Abby was told to make sure that I was there. After handing out bonus checks and plaques for good attendance and safety Dan called me up to present a check for going above and beyond expectations in repairing the assembly line.

I awkwardly made my way to the sage where Dan was waiting for me. When I reached for the check Dan pulled me in and gave me a big hug. He then said into the microphone "I love this guy" and gave me a big wet kiss complete with tongue. I struggled to get out of his grip, but he was much bigger than I was. Everyone in the audience laughed, hooted and clapped. They loved him.

I wish I had just smiled and laughed it off. I could have taken a bow, waved and walked back to Abby, who was laughing with the rest of them. If I had a laughed everything would have been fine. Instead I was crushed. I ran for the exit and to the car, but Abby had driven and I didn't have the key, so I started walking home. After a few hundred yards Abby picked me up.

"Are you Okay?" she asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," I said as I got in the car.

She simply drove.

A few moments later Abby's phone rang. She answered on the car's speaker. It was Mark, the owner of the company. He asked if I was there and if he could talk to me. "Son, I'm really sorry about what happened. I know it was inappropriate, and I want you to know that we think of you as a valuable member of our family. I know that Dan likes you and that his intent was to have fun, not hurt or embarrass you, but that doesn't excuse what he did. I hope you can forgive him."

I think I was supposed to say something at this point, but I let the conversation die.

Abby jumped in, "I think it might be best if we talk about this on Monday."

"I suppose you're right," he said. His bid us good bye and hung up.

The next day was Abby's special day. I still felt like my guts had been ripped out, but I put on a brave face and did the Saturday chores. Abby asked if I was alright several times.

"Your awfully quiet," she said.

"I'm Sorry, I don't mean to drag you down."

"Sweetie, I don't think you see yourself the way everyone else sees you. Somehow you're insecure in a world that views you as Mr. Dependable. You received the biggest dollar award at a company party when you don't even work for the company. What does that say? It says you're The Man. Dan kissed you because he's attracted to you, not because he wanted to belittle you. Buck up. Get on with it."

I gave her a hug and helped change the sheets on the bed. I was dreading the next time I would be in those sheets.

The doorbell range just after 9:00. Abby had changed into a very sexy red corset with black trim that was just barely able to contain her fabulous breasts. She wore stockings, heels and black gloves. Her makeup was heavy with deep red lipstick and dark eye shadow.

"Are you ready to have some fun?" she asked while stroking my cock through my pants.

I growled back at her and went to greet our guest.

I opened the door to find Dan.

"Sorry about yesterday. I'd just assumed that everyone knew." he said stepping into the house.

"Knew what?" I asked. Abby was half naked, so I tried to keep him outside and out of view, but he barreled right past me.

"You look hot" he said to Abby, who struck a pose. Her cropped blond pussy was fully exposed. He continued, "You look good too," and planted a kiss on my lips.

"You picked Dan for the three way?" I asked Abby. I was stunned.

"I thought it was obvious," she said.

"Abby, he's my customer. This is a really bad idea on top of another really bad idea."

"He's also the only openly bi-sexual man we know. We like him and he has the hots for you."

"I do you know," Dan said as he caressed my ass.

"Oh fuck. Does anyone else want a drink?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

I brought back three drinks to find Dan and Abby making out on the couch. He was massaging her tits through the corset, while she stroked his cock with her gloved hand. Somehow his cock had already popped out of his pants. They decoupled to take their drinks.

"Here, give me your drink. I want you to take off your clothes," Abby said to me.

Once I was naked she continued, "Now kneel down in front of me and give me head."

I loved it when she demanded head. I kissed the inside of her thigh, slowly moving inward. Dan had already warmed her up so I licked her from vagina to clitoris a few times and then began to softly suck on her clit. I was in no hurry. I knew how she liked it and slowly brought up the intensity. She grabbed a fist full of my hair to hold my head in place and started to moan.

I think Dan was wrestling with the corset while deeply kissing her, but I couldn't see anything.

"Dan, stop," she said. "Take a look at John's cock." My cock was rock hard, like it always was when I was going down on Abby. "Does your cock get that hard when you go down on someone?"

"No," he said. He watched for a few moments, then continued, "He really likes going down on you."

Abby interrupted me. "I want to see what happens when you go down on Dan."

Dan's erect cock was a foot from my face. I regarded it for a moment. It was about the same size as mine. It was darker in color and nestled in a bed of black pubic hair. "I'm not ready for that yet," I said as I stood up to get my drink.

"I'll take a turn," Dan said as he grabbed me by the balls. I stepped near and he took my cock into his mouth. He alternated between having his lips caress the crown of my penis and deep throating my entire shaft. Occasionally, he would place his lips on my cock's head and rotate just enough to stimulate me. It was the best head I had ever had and I told him so. I think Abby was a little miffed.

After a few moments of fantastic head I said, "This isn't about us, Lets go in the bedroom and give Abby what she asked for."

Abby led the way to the bedroom. Dan an I finished off our drinks as we followed. Dan had made little progress in getting the corset off, so we left it on while we proceeded to the double penetration that Abby wanted.

Dan went straight for the blow job and put his penis in Abby's face. I did not enjoy seeing his penis go into her mouth, but I consoled my self with the thought that the blow job he was getting was not going to be anywhere near as good as what I had just gotten.

I went down on Abby again. This time I started with deep thrusts of my tongue into her vagina. I adored her acidic taste and the smell of her sweat. My lips were nestled in the stubble of her cropped pubic hair. I thought of it as double penetration light. Once my penis was nice and hard I mounted her. This was what she wanted, so I hoped she was happy.

We worked away at her for several minutes, without an orgasm, so I went back to double penetration light, with the hope of getting her to climax with my tongue. At the same time Dan gave up on her head and came behind me with the plan of fucking my ass. He lubed me up and was just about to penetrate me when I turned around and took his erect penis in my mouth.

His cock was warm, slightly salty and moist from Abby's mouth. But I wasn't giving head for pleasure, I was on a mission. I tried to do what he had done to me, but I couldn't get past the gag reflex. Instead I reached around to my own ass and coated my fingers with the lube, then pushed my fingers up Dan's ass. He moaned in ecstasy as my fingers pressed against his prostate while I worked my lips on his cock's head. I looked up to see his deep brown eyes looking down at me.

Abby pushed my head further into Dan's groin while attentively looking at me with her blue eyes as he came in my mouth. "My sweet little cocksucker," she said as I drained his softening rod. His cum tasted and felt a like snot. I wondered what Abby thought of me now.

Once I was sure that I had collected all of his cum. I pushed Abby back onto the bed. She wanted to revel in the moment of watching her husband turned into a cum slut. "You should swallow like a good little girl," she said.

Instead I spread Abby's legs and went down on her. I started by pressing my tongue against her vagina, and then thrust my tongue into her cunt as deeply as I could. Both of her hands grabbed my hair as I pushed as deeply as I could with my tongue. Eventually, I gave up on my tongue, climbed on top of her and used my cock to push into her cunt. I pushed as deeply as I could as often as I could. I could hear Abby moan, but only peripherally as I concentrated on my own orgasm. Eventually I came, and as I did I heard her come too.

"What the fuck just happened?" Dan asked.

"I think she would like to be cuddled," I said as I rolled off of Abby and tried to distract Dan. I hadn't intended to to anything with Dan, and yet I'd let him cum in my mouth and finished it off with a reverse cream pie. On top of that, Abby had her double penetration and we'd all cum. The night should have been a success, but my feelings were mixed. I defiantly felt degraded but somehow victorious at the same time.

The next morning I woke up between Abby and Dan. Abby was playing with my hair while Dan stroked my cock.

"It's funny that Friday you were embarrassed when I kissed you and Saturday you made me come in your mouth"

I smiled and ran my fingers through the hair on his chest. I knew this would be the last time we slept together, so I made the most of it my sucking on his nipples while I stroked his cock. He held onto my head for a while then guided it down to his cock. Abby sat up and watched me give him head, but mostly she watched my cock as I did. I worked the tip of his penis and tried to deep throat again, but I couldn't. Once again I resorted to pressing my finger into his anus and worked his prostate from the inside until he came in my mouth. Once Dan came Abby laid back down. I think she was disappointed that my cock didn't get hard while I was give Dan head. I got up to take a shower and she smiled weakly at me as I walked by.

After Dan had gone home I asked Abby, "Did you enjoy your double penetration?"

"Not as much as I thought I would, but it was a fascinating evening."

"What was your favorite part?"

"I think it's that you tried to give me a child with your tongue." she said as she crawled on top of me. She put her lips onto mine and sucked my tongue into her mouth. I stuck my tongue out as far as I could while she went down on it like it was my cock. At the same time she stroked my now-erect penis through my pants. She pulled down my pants while sucking my tongue and mounted me.