A Visit from Cindy Pt. 03

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Cindy needs help with oral sex.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/04/2017
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So, yes! It's been great having my wife's little sister living with us albeit a little frustrating. You see that fellow she was kinda sweet on? Well, he's in the picture big time now. I haven't asked but I assume he's now screwing her no longer virgin pussy and I'm not thrilled about that but he seems like a decent guy. Made friends with Melissa which goes to show he's smart enough to know the way into Cindy's heart.

Cindy now works at a little Italian restaurant a little ways from here and he'll stop by in the afternoon to do laundry and wait for her to get home. Melissa keeps him company.

I assumed my sexual adventures were over with after that one magical night when our little affair was consummated but, one afternoon when I was up in the bedroom packing for a golf trip to Bandon, Cindy kind of sidled up to me. As usual, she doesn't say much but I could tell she had something on her mind.

"So, how are things Cindy?" I finally asked her as I loaded up my suitcase.

"Oh...they're...fine I guess." she timidly responded. This obviously meant there was some kind of difficult problem that I would have to carefully draw out of her. The pretty teen usually would consult her sister about anything that was really personal so I wondered what it could be.

"Everything going well with Andy?" I offered. I assumed they were. The two of them would park in our carport after Saturday night dates and make out like crazy. From the bedroom window where Cindy sleeps you can look down into the carport and observe...okay okay, you can spy on the goings on in there. And yes, I've done so a couple of times. Just looking out for my little pal, you know?

"Oh, yeah, it's...it's...fine." She halted and seemed to be waiting for me to probe this issue further.

"So, it's 'fine' but not great then, huh?"

"Well, I really like him and he's a great guy to be with but, well, when we, you know, when we start to make...make love, well, he...he finishes. He finishes before...before..."

Oh. Now I was getting the picture. Andy was not satisfying my wife's little sister. It seemed like it would be difficult to get anything more graphic out of Cindy and I figured she might have already discussed this with her sister so I could get the info from her. Still, she was here in my bedroom as I was planning to leave on a trip so she must have some objective. I stopped packing and pulled the pretty redhead to me, cuddling her in my arms. she smiled up at me, appreciative of my gesture.

"Well listen up little lady..." I began, "I'll be glad to give Andy some pointers if you think that will help!" She knew I was just joking. But then she looked right into my eyes and said quietly "Well, I've been trying to...to do...'oral' with him but, well, maybe I'm not doing it right. He gets frustrated and wants to rip my panties off and, you know...screw me right away. So I guess I'm not very good at...at blowjobs!" She self consciously laughed when she finally was able to say that word.

Ah hah! I thought. "Well, honey there isn't really much to it." I explained. "The point you have to keep in mind is that you are going to sacrifice your pleasure to please him. In other words, no, it doesn't necessarily feel pleasurable to suck cock. You're doing it to please him."

"But...but wouldn't it feel better if he put it in my...my pussy Jeff?" She asked innocently.

"Of course but that's not the point. You see a pretty girl like you, your biggest sexual asset is your gorgeous face." She blushed and looked down when I said it. "So to be treated to sexually penetrating your pretty face is a thrill for most men...for any man!" I added. Now I was thinking of my own situation. My wife had plenty of experience before we married and is willing to suck cock but not to completion. Her attitude is, this is something I will do to excite you but then we're gonna fuck and I'm going to get my pleasure too. I understand this but the whole business of her sacrificing her pleasure to please me is not something she feels she has to do.

Just then, Cindy reached her leg around mine and gave me that little smile. That gesture was very similar to the one Melissa uses when she wants to get fucked! Then, I felt her little hand reach down and touch my cock through my golf shorts. Melissa was at Costco and wouldn't be back for a while. I took one last look at Cindy's little smile and then reached down and kissed her. And she kissed me back!

The next thing I knew we were smoldering on the bed with Cindy's hand inside my shorts and stroking me softly while I groped for her panties, hoping for a replay of our salacious encounter that took place weeks ago now.

But Cindy had other plans. She finally broke our kiss and moved to the foot of the bed where she unbuckled my shorts and then pulled them down freeing my bobbing cock. I was full blown hard now and wondering what she was up to. I didn't have long to wait. The pretty teen softly caressed my balls and moved her face lower and lower until I felt her warm breath on my cock head. Then...then she placed a little kiss on my penis.

"Oh Honey..." was all I could say as she then opened her mouth and took my cock into her warm depths! No, she didn't have a lot of experience but it doesn't take a lot to be a good cocksucker. Still, I offered encouragement to her...

"Oh, that's is Cindy! Oh, that's real nice honey. Just move your head up and down...just like that sweetheart, not too fast now, just like that. Now tighten your lips and suck a little harder...don't let my cock slip out of your mouth...Oh that's wonderful Cindy!"

The gorgeous redhead was warming to the task now and I began to subtly thrust my cock deeper and deeper into my wife's little sister's mouth, forcing her to take as much as she could. If she wanted to know more about pleasing a man, well, I was willing to teach!

"Use your hands on my balls honey." I told her, "Nice and soft like...like last time." I said remembering how wonderfully she had jerked me off in the shower after I'd fucked her and taken her virginity.

Cindy did a marvelous job of tickling my balls and even grazed her fingers back and all around my asshole, increasing my pleasure as she did so. Just then, Cindy stopped momentarily and reaching down, she wriggled out of her little white panties and brought them up to assist in caressing my scrotum while she resumed sucking my cock!

Now, that was a thrill! Here I was with my wife's little sister moaning as she sucked as much of my cock into her soft warm mouth as possible while using her freshly removed and still warm panties to coax the sperm from my balls! Cindy's moans were turning me on and I knew I couldn't last long with her panty teasing bring me to the brink.

"Cindy...oh, honey, keep sucking it! Don't let it out of your mouth! just...just nice and sweet Cindy. Oh, that's so good honey!" I gasped at her. I knew I was going to come and come a lot but I didn't want to warn her. Maybe I was selfish but I wanted this to end my way for a change. Cindy was whimpering now. Plunging her mouth down onto my prick and using her tongue inside to slide all over my cock head. I think she knew what was coming. She had to know! With her panty covered hand working my balls I was suddenly there. Cindy felt my cock begin to jerk and swell and her beautiful hazel eyes looked to to meet mine and then they opened wide as she felt my sperm beginning to splash into her mouth! She whimpered again and again but submissively swallowed my copious emission, managing to take all I gave her until I was finished.

With a gulp, Cindy swallowed it all down and then gave me that little smile again. I loved that little smile.

"Cindy..." I said as we finally began to calm down a bit, "You have nothing to worry about with your boyfriend. You know what you're doing honey. Just follow your instincts and he'll be a happy man!"

Cindy was quiet for a moment and then spoke. "But Jeff, he isn't like you. You seem to care about me and you know what you're doing when we get...when we get together. Andy is a great guy but, well, in bed so to speak, he's mainly thinking about himself."

I chuckled to myself when she said that. I wasn't really thinking about anything but myself when I ejaculated into little Cindy's hot sucking mouth! Still this wasn't the time to be totally honest.

"Give him a chance Cindy. There are ways to get a man to understand your needs. It might take time but, if you think he's worth the effort, try to show him how to go about pleasing you. Most men will appreciate the woman taking the initiative in sexual matters. All you did just now was rub your leg against mine and I got the hint!" I hoped my little pal understood my point.

"Thanks Jeff." She said as she pulled her little white panties back on. "I'll try this on him and see if he likes it!" There was no need to reply. If the guy isn't dead...he'll like it!


Oh Jeff. My sweet husband. Of course you wanted to fuck my little sister and I could see it in your eyes from the moment our Mom introduced you to her. And she has the hots for you too! You're not a teenage boy who only wanted to fuck and cum. No, you're a successful businessman with a home of his own and nice things to enjoy life. Cindy knows you belong to me. But, when she came to me about having you take her virginity, well, do I owe my little sister that? That's a pretty special thing you know? I guess I understood not wanting to have some frat boy waving your panties around like some kind of sexual trophy. And so I went along with it. But there will be a price to pay somewhere along the line. And both of you will have to pay it.

My little sister seemed to be doing well at school, at least with her studies but this new boyfriend? There were a few obvious problems there. I asked her one day how it was going with Andy and her face clouded up as if she was about to cry. She took a minute to compose herself and then began to describe her last date with him.

"We went out on Saturday night like we have several times before and Andy seemed to be quite amorous towards me. He was holding my hand and he put his arm around me. I think he was kind of showing me off to his friends and I felt good about that. I was feeling special that night. So, we drove home and it was raining so we parked under the canopy in the driveway and we started kissing. I was really giving it my best and we frenched and his hands were all over me, feeling up my titties and everything. I wanted to go in the house but I didn't want to wake you guys up so we got in the back seat and continued our hot make out session! Now, Andy's hand was between my legs and he was slyly moving it upwards until he got above my stockings and then...then he touched my panties! And it felt good too Sis...better then when I touch myself! I opened my legs to give him a little better access and he took advantage right away, slipping his fingers underneath the leg band of my little panties. I figured it was time for me to get into the act so I reached for his cock and I wasn't surprised to find it was already getting hard! Meanwhile, his fingers were exciting me and finally I whispered to him: 'Oh Andy...take off my panties!'

"He kind of grunted when I said it and quickly...he almost tore them off Sis, and I knew he needed to slow down a bit. He was moving so fast! He pulled my panties off and just pushed my legs apart and then he took a moment to admire my bare pussy! I saw the fire in his eyes and I opened my legs even further...you know, trying to please him. But the next thing I knew he had his cock out and he stroked it a bit to be sure it was good and hard and then he was all over me trying to stab it in! 'Andy! Andy!' I begged him, 'Please Andy...give me a chance to...' But he was not to be denied. And so, I took hold of his, by now, big and hard penis and I brought it to my pussy. I laid back against the side door of his car and I slowly dragged his cock head up and down the lips of my pussy, trying to get some lubrication so it wouldn't hurt when he put it in. 'Please Andy,' I begged, 'let me get my pussy all nice and wet for you so you can slide it in nice and smooth!' I moved his cock all over my pussy and opened my legs as far as they would go in the small space we had in the back seat. Finally, I was ready for penetration and I placed Andy's cock right at the little division I have down there...right there on my little bare pussy. My panties were on the floor of the car now, and I looked up at Andy lovingly and quietly said to my boyfriend 'Oh Andy, go ahead and fuck me now!' I held the hairless lips of my pussy open and reached back behind him in an effort to pull him into me. It was finally time! I held his cock in my hand softly and was gently guiding him into me. He seemed to hesitate for a moment and so i grasped his bloated prick a little harder and attempted to get the head of his cock into my pussy.

"Then, I heard him gasp and he cried out 'Oh no!' and then streams of sticky white jism came pouring out all over my exposed loins! He came Sis! He never even fucked me! I was already panting and excited and my desire for him was complete but he never even got the head into my pussy and it was all over! I knew he was embarrassed and I tried to smooth his ruffled feathers but instead, he got angry and just about shoved me out of the car without even giving me my panties back. 'See ya' was all he said and then he backed out of the driveway at, like, a hundred miles an hour and screeched away."

So. Now I had a feel for why my little sister seemed upset. It was beyond me to try and explain to her that, if you do all that pussy and panty teasing and then you're trying to gently guide an 18 year old guy into your hairless young pussy, Yeah! He's very likely to come in his pants! Which, from the sound of it, he almost did! I told Cindy that next time try and arrange a more private spot where he can take his time and do a little less with the teasing even though I'm sure Jeff told you all about that. She sniffled a little but seemed to understand what I was saying.

The next afternoon, Andy showed up to do his laundry and to hang out with Cindy when she got off work. By now, Jeff was up in Bandon golfing and so It was just me and Andy when he drove up and unloaded his clothes. I had just run a load of lingerie and was about to hang my things up on the clothesline. Of course we have a dryer but I like the nice scent of panties that are fresh off the line outdoors. Andy started his first load of jeans and watched as I hung up my tiny diaphanous panties right in front of him. I knew he was getting an eyeful but I actually had an ulterior motive.

"Those...those are some sexy panties there Melissa." He finally said. I turned to face him and gave him my little explanation about liking the fresh scent of line dried panties but, of course, I omitted the little detail about how I wanted to show off my underwear to my little sister's boyfriend.

"I love wearing sexy little panties Andy!" I smiled at him. "It makes me feel like such a natural woman. Tiny little panties tend to creep up into my vagina and it's stimulating for me. You know?" I shot him such a look when I said it. Andy looked surprised at my brutally frank comment and seemed to be at a loss for words.

"You mean...you mean your panties turn you on while you're wearing them?" Was the best he could come up with in response.

I pinned up a couple more pairs of scandalously brief panties and then casually added "Oh yes. In fact the pair I'm wearing now are so tight they get me all wet after only a half hour of so of wearing them. They're really quite enjoyable. Here, would you like to see?"

Andy's eyes widened as I turned to face him and then demurely raised my summer dress to reveal my tiniest Victoria's Secret panties. Just a barely there G string which did very little to hide my considerable female charms. With his eyes bulging out now, I turned around to show him my full ripe ass cheeks with just that tiny little ribbon bisecting them! And, knowing I now had his full attention, I 'accidentally' dropped a little lavender pair of lacy panties on the grass and, of course, I knelt down to pick them up. This maneuver caused my butt cheeks to open up and completely expose my tight pink asshole and the barely covered but obviously outlined lips of my pussy below!

When I returned my glance to Andy, he was shell shocked and a bulge was starting to appear in his crotch. Knowing I had him now, I simply told him "Andy come in the cabana for a minute. If you're going to do laundry, you should do all of your laundry."

I led the strapping blonde haired boy into the little cabana by the pool and began to pull off his tee shirt and then his pale green shorts. Andy was mesmerized by my actions and simply stood there while I pulled down his briefs exposing his rather large cock! Wow! Cindy didn't tell me about that! Wow! Look at that thing and it isn't even completely erect yet!

I tossed Andy's clothes into the nearby clothes basket that was next to be washed and then returned my attention to his penis.

"That impressive Andy!" I complimented him. "How does my sister like your big weapon?" I smiled when I said it and wasn't at all surprised when he was flummoxed trying to come up with an answer. He never did answer and I didn't care either. Instead I grabbed the bottle of fabric softener and squirted a dollop of it onto my palm. I then rubbed my hands together until they were good and slippery. Smiling up at Andy now, I brought both hands to his rapidly hardening cock and began to slowly stroke him which seemed to please him quite a bit.

"Oh Melissa...That's so good" He murmured almost to himself. His cock continued to grow in my hands and I slipped my left hand down to caress his balls while I jerked off his shaft with my other hand. Andy reached down and attempted to pull the straps of my flowered dress off so he could see my tits. I took a moment to help him out with that task and soon my large breasts were swaying right in front of the lad.

"Do you like my titties Andy?" I needlessly asked. Oh yes, he liked them all right. My sister has wonderful little tits but nothing like mine! Thinking the time was right, I reached down and pulled off my little G string and handed it to Andy. My pussy was now bare beneath my dress and Andy was sniffing my little panties while I brought him pleasure with my hands. I only intended to jerk Andy off so that when my sister got home he would have a chance to please her having just blown off some steam...and some sperm, with me. But, Wow! Now I was thinking about how that big piece of meat would feel in my pussy! And I started to get wet thinking about it! I redoubled my efforts and reached back to tease Andy's anus and firmly stroked his prick until, sooner than he wanted to be sure, he cried out and joyously began to spurt his seed into the air, gasping and panting all the while. I continued to milk his big prick until at last, he was finished.

I retrieved my panties from Andy's trembling hands and leaned back to put them on, showing him my bare pussy in doing so. I pulled my dress back up, covering my tits and quietly told Andy that he should get dressed, my sister would be home from work soon.

I wasn't sure what would transpire when Cindy got home but I assumed Andy wouldn't be quite as over amped as he was on their last date. I hoped Jeff was having fun golfing up in Oregon because I was having plenty of fun here and my fun wasn't over yet!

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