Amish No More Ch. 01

Story Info
Divorced man kidnaps an innocent Amish woman.
37.5k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/19/2009
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January 2009

I HAVE BEEN WATCHING SARAH for a year; planning how to abduct her while learning her habits and schedule. Sarah's younger brother Jacob works at Shultz's saw mill and wholesale lumber yard. He gets a ride into town with John Dobson a non-Amish neighbor who also works there. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Sarah shared a ride with them.

Sarah's older brother Saul sublets a tiny store front located in a rundown and mostly empty strip mall. Sarah has taken over and not just helping her mother to sell the families fresh baked goods and everything they sell is incredibly delicious. With her mother's recent passing and father's the year before Saul is the Patriarch of the immediate family. Saul is pushing Sarah into an arranged marriage to be able to buy prime farmland from her prospective suitor's father.

I was a regular customer there. I bought Sarah's pies and only Sarah's pies; not the pies her aunts, cousins or sister-in-law baked. I lingered for the pleasure of talking to her.....a few minutes at first; longer over time. I knew she enjoyed talking me. Sarah has a wholesome kindness and goodness I'm inexplicably drawn to.

Sarah flirted with me innocently in her own sweet way, getting slightly more confidant as the months went on. I was polite, respectful and engaging.

I listened to her opinions and feelings and this obviously pleased her.

The anchor business in the strip mall is a Bookshop that sells new and used books. I noticed a large section dedicated to travel. The owner Thomas Banes is an older man in his seventies. Thomas is a man of eclectic interests and I liked him immediately upon shaking his hand. I purchased several first edition archive quality books from him.

Thomas and his deceased wife traveled the world until she became ill. I know he allowed Sarah to borrow and read any of the used books in consideration for keeping the dumpster area neat and tidy and locking them at closing time. There also is a doorway in his bookshop covered with a double red glass bead curtain that leads into a long wide hallway with shelves of erotic literature of all descriptions.

Sarah had plenty of time on her hands until her ride arrived to take her home. While she waited she used some of the time to hand-sew pieces of material together for handmade patch quilts like the others that are on display for sale. She used some of that time read up on things to discuss with me.

I surmised from our talks Sarah wanted more out of life. She is an imaginative and intelligent young woman with interests and dreams that soar far above and beyond the narrow confines of her Amish community. Sarah dreams of going to Hawaii. She wants to swim in the ocean and walk on sun warmed sand beaches; she dreams of seeing the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls with her own eyes and not just from photographs in books.

At one time my ex liked to travel.....until we grew apart. I was married to "the ultimate bitch" as she called herself for the last two years of our ten years together. I tried to make our marriage survive after the sudden tragic accidental death of our son. I took my marriage vows seriously and if it was to be a loveless marriage without sexual intimacy, so be it.

Martha refused professional counseling and turned to her mother and her aunts for support and comfort. I was able to move on while Martha couldn't because of them. I turned to my work; to my inventions for solace and peace. I learned to ignore her rants and tantrums of breaking and smashing things.

Her angry outbursts were followed by long periods of icy silence as she became bitterer yet. Towards the end Martha threatened to divorce me as I knew she would. In her bitter frustration and unhappiness she filed for divorce. She took much of what we jointly owned; or at least what she and her attorney could find.

Martha received a generous cash settlement and half of our shared investments provided she sign off on the house and my future earnings. My divorce attorney is a pugnacious hard nose prick. Martha's attorney though very capable had the good sense to agree.

My wife wore her grief on her sleeve and she never forgave me for not doing the same with her. For all that I have said about Martha; I loved her passionately once and she loved me the same. There will always be small glowing spark of tenderness for her locked away in my heart.

After a time I hired architects and specialized carpenters and craftsman to transform the house to my preferences, needs and tastes. It became a sanctuary where I could pursue my work away from my office.

When Sarah's brother Jacob and his neighbor John get out of work they will find problems although minor to keep it from starting.

The parking lot in the old strip mall is full of potholes and patched or broken asphalt while the lighting by the dumpster is totally inadequate. Most of the lights are missing or burned out. The dumpsters are surrounded by a concrete block enclosure with a wire gate entrance.

I disabled the telephone lines to the strip mall. Sarah was taken after dark when she went to lock the dumpsters. I disabled those few remaining working lights before I parked out of sight.

I waited in a dark corner for her to padlock the dumpsters as she always does at 6:00PM. I chose the month of November when the days are short and it is dark early.

When Sarah stepped inside the enclosure I quietly stepped behind her and placed my gloved hand over her mouth; she struggled briefly until I pressed the trigger on my hand taser sending 750,000 volts of electric pulses directly into her central nervous system.

This disrupted her neurological impulses causing a loss of balance and muscle control. The effect is instantaneous as well as intimidating but causes no permanent damage or discomfort after.

I eased Sarah to the ground and quickly placed a ball gag in her mouth followed by securing her wrists in front with standard issue police handcuffs. I put a blindfold over her eyes and secured her ankles together with the black nylon tactical belt I was wearing; the style of belt with a friction buckles. Sarah can struggle but there is little chance she will get free or hurt herself.

I carried Sarah to the van and put her in the rear bench seat buckling her securely in place with the factory seat belt and the double chest harness I installed just for this occasion.

The curtains were closed on the rear and side windows; the curtains separating the front from the back were drawn so that nobody could see her while we traveled.

"I have a gift for you, Sarah" I offered putting a red leather collar with an attached brass nameplate around her neck. I snapped a short leash to the collar securing it with a small padlock so that she could not remove either.

The nameplate is engraved with her slave name: Princess. The leash and collar is more for effect and drama than anything else. I certainly don't think of her as an animal. They are symbols to aid in her training and submission.

I'm not interested in an unimaginative mindless drone. I want a companion and lover to share my life. I have plans for Sarah besides the training which I discussed with an expert in such matters. It is a two hour drive from the mall to my home. I took secondary and back roads to avoid traffic. After half an hour on the road Sarah started struggling and trying to scream through her ball gag.

"Behave my pretty girl... be quiet. You can't get escape and nobody can hear you but me. I realize you're frightened but you received no real harm from the shock. Don't make me do it again. We have a long drive to your new home.

Do you like my present Sarah? I had Princess engraved on your new collar. Are you familiar with the origin of your name? It is Hebrew for Lady or for a Princess of royal blood.

Very fitting, don't you think, Sarah, my little slave Princess. I'm wondering, Sarah do you listen to good music? By good music, I mean Classical, Jazz, bluegrass and Rock & Roll which I have an extensive collection for us to enjoy.

My ex prefers to watch television. Most of what's offered on television is mindless haven't missed much there. Martha knew I loved to go dancing and showed no interest after.........well, it doesn't matter; she wasn't much of a dancer but did get by.

My favorite style of dance is ballroom; an art form of dance that is graceful refined and elegant. You will learn to dance and appreciate good music. Good people all over the world dance, my little Princess.

And despite what some think, dancing is not an exclusive ticket to hell. Speaking of hell, after today my best hope in the afterlife is an eternity in Purgatory for it sure as hell beats shaking hands with old scratch.

Do you know what else I think? I think that there are few things a pleasurable as relaxing with a good book in a hot bath in the winter months and preferably during one of our Western New York lake effect snow storms.

I'm sure you'll enjoy when we read aloud together the plays of Shakespeare or others of your choosing. I have an extensive library to share with you. Together we will explore a wide variety of literature, not just the types you read in secret. We never discussed those and now you shall experience them firsthand.

Are you aware the ancient Greeks and Romans prized and sought after educated slaves? I dislike shallow women; especially when they have potential and particularly if they are intellectually lazy.

You are going to travel to places and see things that before were not possible. You will be my companion and lover. I will allow you to have more freedom and choices than if you were married to the man chosen for you by your older brother Saul.....yes I know all about that.

I will take you to Hawaii. We will swim in the ocean together. We will walk on beaches of white or black sand and fill our pails with the colorful shells you described to me.

I as your Master, lover and companion I shall delight in taking you too other exotic travel destinations, but first my pretty girl I require your complete obedience and submission."

I selected two CD's: Vivaldi's Four Seasons and some Bruce Springsteen for us to listen to on the ride home.............

WHEN WE ARRIVED HOME, I parked in the garage closing the automatic door behind us. I removed the belt from Sarah's ankles and helped her out of van using the leash and collar for control.

I walked Sarah down the cellar stairs to the training room. Never having done this before I had no idea how long it would take to gain her trust and submission. Fortunately I did have an experienced Dominant working directly with me.

I first met Minerva by lucky chance in a bank. She pushed past me to take my appointment with one of the bank officers. She didn't like me at first, however over time we grew to be close friends. Minerva recognized my dominant personality; my drive to get what I wanted. She encouraged my dominance and to explore it.... Minerva is also my dance partner and mentor.

We have won dance many competitions together. Although we are not steady lovers we dance together and on occasion make love. It was she who introduced me to the Sanctorum. Minerva encouraged me to acquire a woman and mold her to my preferences and desires. Here lies the challenge to make Sarah mine.

Prepared for Sarah's arrival I installed an immovable polished stainless steel pole to the floor and ceiling adjacent to the floor drain. I made her stand with her back to it while I attached her short leash on one of the sliding rings with a locking carabiner.

There are three movable steel rings that will slide up and down the pole and three fixed ones welded to the top and bottom. Minerva suggested Sarah should be made to stand for the night by attaching her leash to the fixed rings at the top.

I rejected the idea on the trip home. I attached the leash to a sliding ring rather than a stationary one. I provided Sarah with a five gallon pail to relieve herself should the need arise.

I removed the ball gag and took her pretty face firmly in my hands "You can scream all you want Sarah for the basement has been completely sound proofed. There is a plastic pail should you need it. You can manage it with your hands cuffed in front.

I'll be back in the morning. When I return if you talk without permission you will be punished. I suggest you get some sleep until then."

I kissed Sarah's lips and whispered "lips like sweet roses" I removed her bonnet; a souvenir of remembrance and put it in my pocket before leaving her to contemplate her fate in complete darkness.

Sarah was quiet for about an hour. Then the pleading and questions began as she futilely struggled to get free. I telephoned Minerva to bring her up to speed before I went to bed...................

WHEN I AWOKE AND WENT DOWNSTAIRS Minerva was waiting for me in the kitchen; she has keys to my house and I hers. She was drinking coffee and watching Sarah on the monitor. I poured myself a cup and sat down next to her.

"I brought bagels, pea bacon, brown eggs and fresh cantaloupe. If you'll cook I'll do the dishes. I want one of those poles. I'd have never thought of using small padlocks that way.

After we eat breakfast go downstairs as we discussed while I stay here and watch" Minerva instructed, getting up and kissing my cheek before pouring herself another cup of coffee and sitting down to watch the monitor.

During breakfast we discussed Sarah "Your Princess is strikingly beautiful Michael and I would consider her a rival under other circumstances. Should you be admitted to the Sanctorum she is worth millions if you chose to sell her. Stay focused and stick to the plan; you mustn't be soft on her..............."

I FLIPPED ON THE LIGHT SWITCHES to the basement and punched in the six digit code on the electronic keyboard to unlock the doors at the top and bottom of the stairway. Sarah's blindfold was off and the pail was knocked over. There was a puddle of urine on the floor. She was sitting on the floor with her back to the pole quietly waiting and watching.

I went to laundry tub turning the water on to get it hot and let it run in the sink. While it was heating up I poured liquid bleach on the floor. I attached the water hose coiled on the floor sprayed the mess down the floor drain followed by more liquid bleach and more hot water before putting the water hose back.

She was dressed as I captured her in a dark grey wool coat. Underneath her coat She was wearing a faded blue knee length cotton dress and I saw simple white cotton stockings on her shapely legs. She was wearing black tie up shoes. Sarah reminded me of a frightened little mouse.... but a precious and cute little mouse. It was time to undress Sarah and examine her in all her naked glory.

I walked up to her and offered her my hand; remembering the taste of her sweet lips from the night before.

Oh God, please help me" she cried, squirming at her bonds no doubt noticing the large scissors in my belt for the first time; I assumed she was wondering if the taser was in my pocket.

"Be silent, Princess and let me help you up. You were warned about talking without permission, were you not?" And she nodded her head for yes.

"Excellent, you're learning. You may speak and you will cooperate. I may or may not answer your questions until I'm through but you will cooperate. I've already explained why you are here."

"Please...why are you doing this to me? Who are you?" Sarah asked, pleadingly but allowed me to help her stand without struggling. I took off the leash from the sliding ring, doubled it over to shorten it further and attached one of the welded rings at the top forcing Sarah to stand straight on a taut leash.

Ignoring Sarah's pleas and questions I removed her shoes and stockings. I cut off her winter coat with the heavy-duty scissors, followed by her faded blue cotton dress. Close to her creamy skin, my Sarah was wearing a plain white cotton bra and pink cotton curious?

When she was completely naked I stroked Sarah's nipples with my hand and she began squirming. I can only imagine what was going through her mind "Please don't cut my nipples" she shrieked.

I slid the scissors back in my belt and continued caressing and fondling her beautiful round breasts with my hands getting her nipples hard at my touch.

"You will address me as Master" I corrected her while continuing to play with and stimulating her breasts "I assure you I will never do such a terrible thing like that to you. Be a good girl and calm down; don't let your imagination get away from you."

"Please, Master I am begging you, I will be good."

"You will be a good what?" I asked.

"I will be a good girl, Master."

"Much better; you're learning but you still have to be punished for speaking out of turn earlier. Tell me again who I am Princess" I whispered kissing her lips.

"You are my Master and I am your slave" she whispered trembling as I continued caressing her hard nipples.

"I will be lenient with you" and stepping back I reached into my pocket, Sarah twisted away expecting something painful. I took out a key and unlocked the small padlock on her collar letting the leash hang from the pole.

"Please get down on your knees for me Sarah....that's a good girl. I'm curious to see how long your hair is against your naked body and so far I like what I see."

I removed the hairpins from her braided bun letting her braid drop down her back. Sarah's medium brown hair is very thick and soft. Her braid ended at the top of her round buttocks and I was thinking

'What a shame I have to cut her beautiful hair, although the bottom is thin for lack of regular professional trims, it will take time for my Princess to grow her hair that long again. I will enjoy watching it grow out to butt length, although mid-back or waist is plenty long, we shall see.'

"How shall I punish you, my Princess? You still have permission to speak so what shall your punishment be?"

"Please cut my hair, Master."

"Do you know why you are being punished, Sarah?"

"Because I spoke without permission after I was warned not to Master."

"That is correct, what you say is true. You are an intelligent young woman with much potential. What do I require from you?"

"I must please and serve you, Master" Sarah replied looking down "I will be your lover and companion."

"I'm not a cruel man, Sarah; as a matter of fact I've been described as a Romantic. The first time I first gazed into your beautiful brown eyes I thought

'Oh, brown eyes with long black lashes, young brown eyes, depths of night from which there flashes lightning as of summer skies, beautiful brown eyes!'

There's more to the poem, although it is not mine. Mathilde Blind was a German poet who wrote it well over 100 years ago. I ask this to be our poem someday. I won't force it on you for it would sully the spirit of my request.

I'll know it is ours when you hug me and ask me to hear the rest."

I removed her handcuffs and said "Listen carefully and do exactly as I say. Please get down on your hands and knees.....very good so put your legs close together.....excellent."

"Please don't hurt me, Master" Sarah begged as she did as instructed.

"Good girl, now place your hands closer together for me. Wonderful... lean forward until your shapely bottom is higher than your pretty head.... Excellent, put your forehead on your hands.

You are a pretty little thing...say it"

"I'm a pretty little thing" Sarah repeated with her face and neck turning red from embarrassment.

"Tell me again Princess."

"I'm a pretty little thing."

"Formal slave etiquette demands that when a Master or Mistress enters a room you will a get into this position. Do you understand?"