An Affair of the Heart


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The door opened behind me and not one, but two women came out of the small, one toilet room. One of the women was wiping her mouth as she walked by me, and I got the unmistakable whiff of female sexual arousal. As I walked into the tiny restroom, I remember thinking how depraved the women in this place were. I barely managed to drop onto the toilet before the floodgates opened and I sighed loudly as my bladder emptied.

When I pulled my underwear back up, I noticed right away that they were soaked., and it wasn't from pee. I had been creaming in my underwear without even knowing it, and the proof was cold against my pussy. I quickly pulled them back down and put some folded up toilet paper in the crotch so it wouldn't feel wet and sticky. Once I was fully dressed and washed up, I headed back to the table and sat down.

"Feel better?" Sara asked.

"Hell yeah. I was bursting, and with you laughing so hard, I thought I was going to piss myself for real."

"Have you had enough excitement for one night, or would you like to go downstairs to the dance floor?" Sara asked.

"There's a dance floor?" I asked. I hadn't seen one when I came in.

"Yeah, it's downstairs through the arch by the bar. That's where the music is coming from."

"I love dancing!" I gushed. "Derek is too self conscious and says that he is an uncoordinated white guy with no rhythm. So he won't take me dancing, but I'd love to go down and shake a leg, if you want to, that is."

"Sure." Sara said with a grin.

Mackenzie was back just then "Hey, how was everything?"

"It was awesome." I insisted, and Sara agreed.

"Great, so how about dessert?"

"I think that will have to wait Mac," Sara said "we're going to go work off some of our meal on the dance floor."

"Oh dancing. Sounds like fun. Well you two enjoy, and if you decide you want some dessert, just track me down." Mackenzie said as she loaded our dishes into a plastic tub. I pulled out my credit card to pay for the meal, but Mackenzie put her hand on mine and said "Oh no, put that away, the meal has been taken care of already."

I looked up at Sara, who shrugged and said "It's my aunt. She insisted that our meal is on her tonight. It's her paying you back for you giving me a ride home last week. She always worries when I ride the bus."

"How nice. I'd like to meet her and thank her." I put my credit card away, then pulled out a ten dollar bill and handed it to Mackenzie. "At least let me pay the tip then." I said.

Mackenzie thanked me by giving me a hug and a peck on the cheek, then she followed suit and did the same to Sara. Instead of going back down the stairs, Sara took me down the elevator for employees only, which brought us to the kitchen. She led me through the bustling kitchen area, introducing me to a few of the kitchen staff on the way to a hallway where the timeclock was, then through another door which opened into the area where the dance floor was.

The music was booming, lights were twirling and flashing, people were dancing. Sara grabbed me by the hand and led me toward the raised dance floor, which was lit from below by colorful flashing and spinning lights. As she walked through the crowd, she was swaying her body to the beat, her free hand raised above her head.

Finally we stepped up onto the dance floor and Sara turned toward me, still holding my hand and dancing. I danced with her, my eyes becoming fixated on her gyrating body. She was a great dancer and the way she moved showed off her sexy body. Watching her was almost hypnotic and I found myself unable to tear my eyes away from her, and not wanting to.

As that song came to an end, and another one started, I glanced up into her eyes, and saw that she was staring right at me, with a knowing look on her face. She grinned at me, then spun around and continued dancing while facing away from me. My eyes travelled up and down her backside and settled on her ass as she bent forward a bit and shook her booty. Her ass and thighs jiggled like a big bowl of jello. I laughed and slapped her ass a couple of times until she jumped up and spun back around to face me.

We danced to three fast songs in a row and were both panting hard by the time the DJ played a slow song. Figuring that we were going to take a break, I started to turn away to give way to all the couples that were now hugging each other close. Sara grabbed my arm, stopping me and as I turned back to look at her, her hand slid down my arm to my hand. Holding my hand tightly, she stepped toward me and pulled me into her embrace.

I thought for the briefest moment she was going to kiss me as we came together. She didn't try to kiss me though, instead she pulled me to her loosely and began to sway with to the slow beat of the music. It took me probably thirty seconds to loosen up and allow myself to relax with Sara. Once I realized that she wasn't trying to feel me up or anything, I was able to focus on the music and just dance.

The rest of the night went really well. I was having so much fun and it was obvious that Sara was really enjoying herself too. After a while, Sara said she needed to use the restroom, and I said that was fine because I needed a breather anyway. We walked away from the dance floor together and I told her I would take a seat by the mirrored wall, since there was a few empty chairs.

I made my way through a crowd of people and came face to face with Yolanda, who was leading her slave Amanda around by a leash. "Well hello there." She shouted above the music. Up close, Yolanda was an intimidating woman. She was tall, standing nearly a foot taller than me which was greatly helped by the five inch stilettos on her thigh high black platform boots. She was wearing a shiny black latex mini skirt and her top was nothing more than a shaped black latex bra. Her generous cleavage was on display for all to see.

I did my best to not show any weakness. I smiled curtly and yelled "Hi" then tried to go out around them. Yolanda moved in front of me, blocking my path. "Excuse me." I shouted, and tried to move back the other way. Yolanda moved right along with me, this time stepping forward so I bumped into her, my face about chest high. It was obvious that she was intentionally blocking me, and I was losing my patience.

"What do you want?" I shouted, backing up a few steps.

"I want to talk to you!" she shouted back. "Out in the other room where it is quieter."

I shook my head and shouted back "I don't know you, and I'm waiting for my friend to come out of the restroom."

"Yeah, Sara right." She nodded. "We'll wait for her here."

Oh boy, this was going to be fun. I turned around and looked through the crowd for Sara, then felt a heavy arm slide across my shoulder as Yolanda sidled up to me and pulled me against her. She outweighed me by who knows how much and was obviously much stronger than me, making me worry about what she was going to try to do.

I didn't have to wait long thankfully, as I soon saw Sara making her way back through the crowd. She saw me in Yolanda's embrace, and I saw a look of worry on her face, as I'm sure she could see on mine also. As she came up to us she asked "What's going on?!?"

"Follow us! We need to talk." Yolanda shouted to Sara, then turned with me still under her arm and led me into the other area until we could hear better. Once out in the quieter area, she pushed me into a booth and shoved in beside me, blocking me in.

"Okay, I don't know what the hell you think you're doing, but this is not okay." I said, as I was really starting to worry. Sara sat opposite us and Amanda kneeled on the floor beside the table. I could tell by the look on Sara's face, that she was not happy.

Yolanda ignored me and looked at Sara. "'Kay Sara, how much for one night with your whore?"

"What?!?" I snapped. Who the hell did she think she was anyway.

As calmly as she could, Sara answered "Yolanda, listen to me. Jessica is with me, and I don't share...ever. So move your fat, black ass out of her way, and let her get up, before I call Darla over here." I looked at Sara in shock. She was maybe half the size of Yolanda, hell she is smaller than me, and yet there she was standing up to the bully without fear.

Yolanda turned to me and said "How come I ain't never seen yo' ass in here?"

Thinking fast I answered "I'm not from around here. I live on the west side."

"West side huh? You too good for us over here on the east side?"

"Of course not, I just didn't know this place was here until Sara brought me here."

"How long you two been going together?"

Sara spoke up again "What does it matter Yolanda? I told you once that I don't share, and I meant it."

Yolanda gave an evil sneer to Sara and I worried about her safety, not necessarily that night, but who knows what Yolanda was capable of. Sara however, never backed down, and I was more than impressed, I was in awe.

"Well then," Yolanda turned back to me and said "if you ever want to sample some real woman, you come see me honey. Mistress Yolanda will treat you right." She slid out of the booth and yanked the chain that was attached to Amanda's collar. "Come on pet, time to go home and get back in your cage." I watched in wide eyed amazement as Yolanda walked toward the exit with Amanda following two step behind her.

Once they were out of sight I looked at Sara and said "Oh my God Sara, what the hell was that all about?"

"Don't worry about Yolanda. She likes to talk tough, but if you stand up to her, she'll back down."

I shook my head in wonder and then asked "Did she really mean it when she said that Amanda is going into a cage?"

"I haven't been to her place, but I've heard plenty of rumors, and if those rumors are true, she does have a cage where she keeps her pets."

"Wow." was all I could say. I looked at my watch and was surprised to see that it was already past midnight. I had been having so much fun that the time had just flown by. "So, are we still on for shopping tomorrow?" I asked.

"Sure, but only if you come to my place for lunch first." Sara answered.

It was unexpected, but I wasn't going to refuse. "I'd like that." I said with a smile. Then I took a deep breath and said "I've had a great time tonight Sara, but I need to get heading home. Derek is probably wondering where I am."

She nodded and said "Come on, I'll walk you out."

We headed toward the exit and I thought about how uncomfortable I had felt when I walked in earlier. I didn't feel the same now, in fact I felt perfectly at home with all these lesbians around. Outside the fresh air smelled crisp and sweet, and there was a cold breeze blowing, cooling my heated body down. My ears were ringing and felt a bit like they were stuffed with cotton, but I felt so alive and happy.

We walked side by side across the parking lot, which had filled up a whole lot since I showed up. I never knew there were so many lesbians around. While walking we discussed what time I would go to her house the next day. As we reached my car, I turned toward Sara, and leaned against my car door. "I had such a good time Sara, thank you for inviting me tonight." I was looking into her eyes, and without any warning, she leaned in and placed a soft kiss right on my lips.

The kiss lasted only about two seconds, but as she pulled back, I saw that her eyes were closed and her face was blissful. As she opened them, she blinked a few times and her face went from blissful to pained, and she quickly turned and rushed away, running across the parking lot. I opened my mouth to shout to her, but no sound came out. Instead I just watched her until she jumped in her car, started it, and sped out of the lot.

I must have stood in that spot beside my car for another five minutes, my mind a jumbled mess of thoughts, feelings and confusion. It wasn't like I didn't know that Sara was a lesbian, I mean she told me that the first time I met her, but I didn't really think that she had any sexual feelings for me...did I? Then there was the idea that I may have been leading her on. Of course I hadn't planned on giving her the wrong idea. I'd told her that I was married, that I loved my husband and wouldn't think about having an affair. So why did she kiss me? And why the hell did I like it so much?

Chapter 4 - With my Husband Again

I finally crawled into my car and drove home. When I got home, Derek was asleep on the sofa with the TV still on. I locked the front door, and quietly walked past him and into the bedroom. I fished my cell phone from my pocket and scrolled through my list of contacts until I found Sara. I wanted to call her, but I decided instead to send a text. My texting skills were nowhere near as good as Sara's, but I was getting better. My fingers danced over the tiny keys until I had the message I wanted.

" Hello Sara. I'm worried about you. Are you okay"

I hit the send button with a bit of trepidation, then sat on the edge of the bed to wait for a reply. It seemed to take forever, but was really only a few minutes before I received a two word reply.

"I'm fine"

I quickly began typing again

"Why did you run away?"

Her reply came back amazingly fast.

"I was embarrassed."

She was embarrassed for kissing me. I typed again

"What were you embarrassed for?"

I waited for another thirty seconds or so before my phone chimed again, indicating another text. Before I could even finish reading it, another one came through, followed immediately after by a third. In order, the texts read-

"I shouldn't have kissed you." followed by "You are a married woman." and lastly "And you are not a lesbian."

All three statements were so true, and yet I wasn't upset that she had kissed me, not at all. In fact, my mind kept replaying the kiss over and over in my head. The softness of her lips, the taste of her watermelon lip gloss, the briefest look of serenity on her exquisite face, the tingle I felt between my legs, all together was not something that I would soon forget. I thought about what my next text to her would say. She was obviously emotionally fragile right now, and I didn't want to upset her more.

I settled for "Why did you kiss me?"

There was a much longer pause this time and I worried that she took the question the wrong way. I was just about to type another text, when my phone chimed again. I opened the text and read it.

"I don't know. You just looked so pretty, and it felt like a real date, and I couldn't help myself." Almost instantly, another text came through "I'm so sorry. ):"

This new revelation wasn't entirely a surprise to me. I had gone over and over it in my head after the fact and had come to the conclusion that Sara may have had feelings for me that went deeper than friendship. The question was, what was I going to do about it?.

I began typing on my phone "Don't be sorry Sara. The kiss just surprised me, but, I kinda liked it. I think."

I sat there looking at the text that I had typed and tried to think of a good reason to send it. All I could think of was reasons not to send it. I would be leading her on, for one. Another reason was that I might not feel the same way about her kiss come tomorrow morning, when the memory has faded. There was the facts that, as she already pointed out, I was married and straight. And finally, what would this do to our friendship?

My mind still in a quandry, I touched the 'send' button. Damn the consequences, I thought, it was the truth. I waited for a reply, my nerves causing my body to tremble, and when my phone did chime, I jumped in surprise and quickly checked the message.

"I liked it too. (( :"

I smiled at her message and before I could reply, another chime lit up my phone.

"Are you still coming for lunch tomorrow?" and another one right after said "I promise I won't kiss you again."

I took a deep breath and typed "I'll be there. And another kiss wouldn't be so bad." I wanted to send it, but I didn't dare to. Instead, I deleted the part about the kiss, and sent just the first part.

"Great, see you then. Good night."

"Good night." I closed my phone and closed my eyes, thinking about my evening. It had everything, fun, excitement, fear, dancing, and it ended with a sweet kiss. I heard a noise, opened my eyes and Derek was standing in the doorway.

"How long have you been home?" He asked.

"Just a few minutes. You looked so comfortable on the couch, I thought I'd let you sleep until I was ready for bed."

He nodded and ran his hand through his dark hair, only recently starting to retreat higher on his forehead. He was still so handsome, even with tousled hair, and after my adventurous evening, I was horny. I set my phone aside, and got to my feet. Slinking over to him, I sidled up close and rubbed my whole body against his. I looked up into his still sleepy eyes and asked "So, are you too tired to fuck your wife?"

Derek's eyes opened wider and his hands slid around my back. "I think I might be able to manage that." He answered, before adding "If you can convince me."

I laughed lightly and pulled back "Oh really, I have to convince you huh?"

He nodded, his eyes sparkling. He wanted convincing, I would convince him. I slid down onto my knees in front of him and began unbuttoning his pants. Once unbuckled, I grabbed his pants on both sides of his hips and tugged them down to his knees. His boxers slid down with his pants, leaving his cock hanging in the breeze. It wouldn't be hanging for long. Without using my hands, I slurped up his flaccid cock and took the entire thing in my mouth. Derek grunted and moaned, feeling the heat from my mouth engulfing him.

His cock didn't just expand, it surged powerfully forward, filling my mouth so completely that I had to back off before I choked. It was as if his cock had been suffocating, and I had resuscitated it, bringing it back to life. It was mouth to cock resuscitation.

A moan escaped Derek's lips as he grew fully erect. I began sucking hard on the end of his cock and felt the head expand to what felt like double his normal size. This time, Derek exclaimed "Oooohhhh ffffffffuuuucckkkkkk!"

I popped my mouth off his swollen member and looked up at him. "Was that convincing enough?" I asked.

He looked down at me, a newly energized grin on his face, and hooked his hands under my arms. Derek pulled me up to standing, then lifted me up off the ground. He walked forward with me until the back of my legs hit the bed, where he dropped me on the mattress. In a sexual fever, he started stripping my clothes off, while I slid my hands up under his shirt to feel his manly chest. In no time at all, I was naked, and he ripped off his shirt and tossed it to the floor.

Derek grabbed my legs and spread them wide, folding my legs at the knees and pushing them up in the air, which raised my ass off the bed. Licking his lips, he dropped his face into my spread open pussy and started devouring it. I closed my eyes as the sensations took over, and in my mind I pictured that it was Sara who was licking me.

I was so wet, that Derek even picked his face up and said "Jesus babe, you're fucking soaked." before diving back in and slurping up my juices. His voice ruined my visual of Sara being the one eating me, but I was so close to orgasm, that a freight train could have crashed through the bedroom wall right then, and I would have still grabbed Derek's head and held him there until I finished.

Derek wasn't just licking me, he was using his whole mouth. He was sucking at my distended labia, he was gently biting me everywhere, and his tongue was probing my entire vagina. It was when he finally attacked my clitoris that the wonderful orgasmic spasms tore through me. My orgasm crashed through my body like waves breaking over a wall in a hurricane. My legs came together on their own accord, trapping my husband's head in between my thighs. He never stopped flicking away at my clitoris with his tongue, and even though it became super sensitive, my body was so rigid, my muscles so tight, that I couldn't release him and he wasn't stopping. If I was wet before, I was more than drenched now, as I actually felt my pussy squirt, something that never happens.
