An Interview with a Trample Lover

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Christie goes on a radio show to talk about trampling!
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Not being one to shy away from something different, Christie jumps at an opportunity to shine her insight on a topic that she feels could benefit from a new angle!

She is sitting across from the hosts of the show -- one girl, one guy. The girl is an inch or so taller than her with strawberry blonde hair, including red highlights pulled back into a ponytail, blue eyes, and has a pleasing-to-the-eye build, yet nothing too fancy. She could shine up nicely if need be however. The guy is much taller, standing just above the 6-foot mark. He has short dark hair, green eyes, is clean cut, and has an above average muscular build.

They have just wrapped up a pre-interview with her in order to gain some insight on which direction, or overall tone, they should proceed with.

A 'Record' button is pressed, and the cast officially goes live.

"Hello and welcome back to our show provided to you by Sirius XM radio! I am your hostess, Selena, and you all know my co-host, Eric."

"Hey, hey!"

Selena continues, "Today we are accompanied by a lady who, in my opinion, really doesn't look like she belongs here, with all due respect of course! Christie, thank you for joining us!"

"Thank you for having me!" Christie replies.

Eric adds to the shows formalities. "For newcomers to the show, this segment is about encouraging sex and kink talk from our guests in an open atmosphere to help with making it less taboo in society."

"That's right," Selena says. "To clarify, what I just stated about Christie and not looking like she belongs here is very much a compliment, especially for the trait that she's here to talk about primarily."

"Yeah. I feel that it should be noted that Selena's opinion was a unanimous opinion throughout our staff; Christie's really not what any of us were expecting," Eric says.

Christie is flattered, "Oh my gosh you guys! You are so sweet!"

Selena smiles, "For those who aren't tuned in through our live stream, Christie has a mixed look of casual and semi-formal to her at the moment, and being that her kink is trampling, we can't go on without mentioning that she appears to have kicked off her shoes already, and is rocking a... light purple pedi?" she asks while eyeing her guests toes.

"Lavender, yes," Christie replies. "And you guys said to make myself comfortable, so off came the shoes," kicking her legs about in front of her.

"She got us there," Eric says.

"That she did," Selena says. "Something I want to add real quick before we get to our questions is that we honestly thought her submission was a bluff. We have only had guys on the show before who had foot fetishes, and with that came the trample fetish to some degree, but never a girl! We thought a guy named Chris was playing us for fools, but this charismatic lady shows up and completely proves us wrong!"

Christie laughs softly, "Yeah, the looks on your faces were priceless! It was so adorable! I'm glad I could break the mold for you though!"

Selena smiles again, "Did you ever!"

"For real," Eric agrees. "During our pre-interview, we sat down with Christie and let her share some of her history with us, and quite frankly, my mind is blown -- like what she talked about, her attitude towards her subjects, towards life in general -- I mean I gotta admit, it's hard to put everything together because it's so unbelievable!"

"That it is! We had a very limited amount of questions ready, because again, we thought we were being played," Selena admits. "So our pre-interview allowed us to gather more questions - rather easily I might add, and far more than our hour-long show will allow us to ask for sure! So Christie, go ahead and enlighten our audience as to what makes you special -- or at least the first part of it for now."

"Yes, of course," Christie says with enthusiasm as she straightens her posture in her seat. "As you said, trampling is my thing -- pure and simple! I love doing it as much as most guys in the trample community love receiving it, if not more so! Where I differ in most cases is that I'm actually polite about it. I don't call anyone names or degrade them in any way like what you'll see in almost every trample video or story you can find. My style is usually very gentle and sweet since I like seeing people enjoy themselves, but I'm also no stranger to testing limits at random."

Selena nods, "Definitely different for sure as trampling is most commonly known for being destructive, and the women who do it are never expected to be polite -- quite the opposite actually from what I've gathered!" She glances at her notes briefly. "You say you're no stranger to testing limits -- what does that mean exactly?"

Christie smiles, "Well I know for a fact that my size is trivial for most guys and some girls, and my biggest pet peeve specifically for guys is when they can't handle my weight. I usually give girls a pass as we are physically built different, but even still, I've walked on girls who have handled me better overall than some guys who have an obvious muscle advantage."

"What do you do about the guys who can't handle you?" Selena asks.

Christie's smile turns to a sultry grin as she quietly replies, "I may or may not give them a reason to complain, a little."

"Go on."

"Well, I am 125 pounds right now -- roughly 56 to 57 kilos for your metric listeners, and I stand at 5-foot-6-inches, or 1.67 meters-"

"Wait," Selena cuts her off, "did you really just convert Imperial to Metric in your head on the fly?"

"Yeah, why?"

Selena is taken back by Christie's straightforward response, "No reason, just impressive. Please, continue."

Christie calls her out on it. "You've never met anyone who could do that, have you," she asks, resting her cheek in her palm.

"Let's just say it's not very common that I do," Selena says, trying to maintain a straight face as a crooked smile sneaks out.

Christie grins back in an all-knowing manner, "Mm, fair enough. Anyway, I know I'm shorter and lighter than nearly every guy I meet. I know whether or not they can physically handle me before I get on, and when they complain and struggle, it kind of sets me off."

"Which brings me to the second part of what makes you special," Selena replies, glancing at her notes, "you're said to have telepathic abilities, which I'm very intrigued to learn about!"

Eric chimes in, "Just F-Y-I real quick, her conversions are condensed but otherwise spot on. I just double checked them."

Selena is impressed and nods accordingly to him, "Very cool!" She returns her attention to Christie, "So yeah, these abilities you have, how would you describe them? Would you say they make you some kind of psychic?"

"I call it my gift, and it's been with me since I was eleven," Christie says. "My parents were a big part of helping me understand it. They never demonized it once and are actually the reason I call it my gift because that's how they referred to it. By the time I was fifteen, the things I could do with it were a game changer, not just for me, but for everyone around me!"

She adjusts herself in her seat, "I've heard the term 'psychic' too many times before to count, and I've never liked it since a lot of frauds use that term, and since I can spot frauds, I've never felt that term accurately suited me. Plus, when people hear the word 'psychic', they automatically think I can predict their future, which is a very common misconception."

"Well now's your chance to set the record straight," Selena says with a smile. "By all means, enlighten us!"

"For sure! So it really works in several different ways all at once. One way is that I can pick up on a person's thoughts if I am in the vicinity and focus on them, and right now, I can tell you that Eric here and Gabriel in the other room need to behave themselves," Christie says breaking into laughter.

Laughing along, Selena lightly smacks his arm, "Eric!"

"What?" he says in shock, "They aren't that bad, I swear!"

His reaction makes Christie laugh harder. "They really aren't," she says, getting him off the hook, "innocently naughty, but other than that, he's fine! But yeah, that's how I learn about people in the moment. Another way is that I can read memories, and the longer I'm near someone, the further back in time I can pick them up. Usually within an hour, I can read memories as far back as a month or so, depending on the person of course. When I was in school, my peers assumed that since I could go back in time with memories that I should be able to do the same going forward, but it simply doesn't work like that."

Selena's eyes widen, "Ok, my curiosity's peaked! Do tell!"

"What happens is that I pick up on someone's idea for the future which in turn becomes a memory. I can't pick up anything others haven't thought of, so that's why I say I can't see into the future," Christie says as she relaxes into her chair.

"That makes sense," Selena says.

"Yeah, and people's thoughts also change constantly, so for example if Eric here wanted to have a drink after work, that would be an idea he could have throughout the day, and I could pick up on that. But let's say I tell you that, and you want to go meet him, and later in the day he changes his mind and doesn't want to go anymore, but I don't relay that to you and you still go as originally planned -- well, then that makes me look bad because it would seem like I gave you false information and you may in turn consider me a fraud because it seemed as though I was wrong when it's really miscommunication. So the only time I'll share anything about the future is when I pick up enough thoughts or memories that allow me to be absolutely certain."

"Wow! That's insane! Me personally, I don't think I'd accuse you of being a fraud if you were able to tell me about things in the past that I hadn't already shared with you. Just saying."

"Well thank you. Honestly, I picked up on your feelings towards that before I finished my statement, even though what I said was only an example."

"That is just too cool!"

"A drink after work doesn't sound like a bad idea actually," Eric admits.

"Well you've done it before," Christie tells him. "I have learned that much about you under the radar so far. The only thing I added with that example was her joining you."

Eric is stunned into silence.

Selena looks over at him and is impressed at the fact that he has nothing to come back with. "Oooo, you're good! That shut him up fast!" she says smiling back to Christie. "Please, tell us more! Anything else significant your gift does for you?"

"Oh yeah! It takes the guess work out of finding guys who I can walk on! I mentioned knowing if guys can handle me before I stand on them, and that's why. It also helps me find ladies who are either open to just walking on guys with me, or who would be open to taking a kind squishing of their own! It does a few other things as well, but that's the bulk of it!"

"Oh my... just so... AH! So cool!" Selena says with chills running down her spine. "If I could do something like that, I don't know how I'd feel about sharing it with the world, at least in the way that you are doing with us now. I think I'd be scared of any repercussions, but you don't seem to have any reservations or any fears about discussing it."

"Not at all!" Christie replies without missing a beat. "In the past, I have been called naïve for being so open about it, but I love helping people, and it allows me to do that on a level that is unheard of, so I have no problems with letting others in on what's really going on. However, most of the time I do keep it under wraps in the sense that I don't gloat or brag about it, but yeah, when it's asked about, I love sharing!"

"And in keeping it under wraps, that of course is how you silenced Eric so effectively just moments ago!" Selena says, tapping him playfully on the shoulder before getting back to her notes. "So you say you love helping people, which brings us to my first real question that we got from our pre-interview -- how is it that you help them?"

"Oh my gosh! So many ways! Obviously one of my favorite ways is walking on them! I do the usual back pop as a common request by guys and um... they often find out the fun way that I am far more than they bargained for," Christie replies with a gentle nibble of her lip.

Selena leans towards Christie with a smile of her own, "Care to elaborate on the 'fun way'?"

"I simply have too much fun with what I'm doing, and I'm never in any hurry to get off. I can tell when I've relieved all the tension in someone's back, and I know if they have any plans because of my gift, so I know how long I can go. I'm always amused when I sense the person's confusion from thinking I'm nearly done followed by the realization that I'm content with continuing on."

Selena gets a brief laugh. "So they expect you to stay on for a minute or so, and how long before they figure out you aren't in any hurry to get off?"

"The way I do it makes time slow to a crawl for the person I'm on, and I can easily make twenty minutes for me seem like two for them," Christie replies, matching Selena's posture by leaning in her direction. "Every scenario is different, but when I get some good time in on someone, they'll become curious about what I'm doing after thirty or forty minutes."

"Wow, that's a long time! Is this a service they pay you for or what?"

"I love it so much that I never consider it a service, so no one is ever expected to pay for what I do! If they do give me anything, it's out of their own gratitude, so it'd be like a tip. Also, thirty to forty minutes is considered a short amount of time for me since my guy has helped me get used to going several hours at a time without stopping."

"Several HOURS?!" Selena almost can't believe her ears. "And it doesn't hurt him?"

"Oh not even close!" Christie replies in a matter-of-fact manner. "He gets a little worn out, but nothing ever hurts him, at least not the way I do it. He's my miracle guy!"

"He must be! I don't know anyone who could last more than maybe a couple minutes without complaining that it hurts, and here you say you stay on for hours at a time?"

"Yep, yep!"

"Wow! This must be a real treat for you because right now I can't see myself wanting to stand on someone for that long or, like I said, a few minutes at best - like maybe to walk on their back, but I think once it popped, I'd be done, you know?"

"Mm, I do."

"So, when we asked you earlier about him, you said you and YOUR LADY trample him. Now she isn't just a good, close friend, but she is in fact your SECOND partner, correct?"

"She is indeed! Both of them are a dream!" Christie smiles warmly while also curling her toes.

"So it's a polyamorous relationship dynamic, how interesting! Let's talk about that for a moment if we may!"

"Gladly!" Christie's enthusiasm is accentuated with wide eyes and a big smile. "Yeah, my lady and I are bi-sexual; however, we haven't always been that way. We were straight when we met each other thirteen years ago during our second year in college. With him, we met him six and a half years ago at a movie theater and we all finalized our partner status after knowing him for five."

"So you ladies were together when you met him; it wasn't one of you introducing him to the other?"


"Cool, cool. We don't hear about those kinds of relationships too often on the show, however, they are very much a thing!"

"If I may interject into the conversation here," Eric says, "something I'd like to make clear to our audience is that Christie's relationship with her partners is one of the big factors that threw us off about her. Again, for those who can't see her right now, Christie is nothing shy of a ten out of ten with her looks -- like, no joke. During our pre-interview, she showed us pictures of her partners, and if I'm being honest, they are probably close to, if not, thee best looking poly trio I've ever seen!"

"Oh I know right?!" Selena pipes up in agreement. "Yeah, her lady is gorgeous, and her guy isn't half bad either -- at least I don't think so!"

"Oh my gosh you guys, thank you so much! That is so kind of you to say!" Christie says, flattered by their compliments.

"No problem! You are very welcome! Anyway, by all means, back to what you two were getting at already," Eric says as he rests back in his chair, content with listening to the ladies talk for now.

"Yes! So! You and your lady were together first -- how did you two come to decide about including someone else," Selena asks.

"Well remember, her and I started out straight, so we have always been very much into guys. Throughout college, we dated guys off and on, but I knew very early on what I wanted from them -- she didn't, and she would often get hurt pretty bad when things didn't work out. I was the only one she could trust because I could learn what happened to her with the help of my gift, and it was while I was comforting her that I picked up on a stray thought that she wanted a kiss that would mean something -- so I kissed her... and she didn't fight it," Christie says as she subtly melts into her seat. "Ever since then, we've been a flame in each other's eyes."

"Awwww, how sweet," Selena replies. "I mean, not that I would come to that resolve, but I'm glad it worked for you two. She doesn't mind you sharing that?"

"Oh not at all! She loves that story and would share it herself if she were here!"

"Very nice!" Selena says with a smile. "So for most couples, that's where the story would end -- you two would be comfortable with each other and call it quits with guys. However, you aren't a lesbian couple as you mentioned; you're bi, so...what happened next?!"

"So after that moment we shared, we knew we were each other's first and last means of support. The thing was, with my gift, I knew she still had a thing for guys, like she still wanted that kind of relationship first. We talked about it, and eventually she asked me if I would mind helping her find a better guy, and I knew the only reason she had the courage to ask that of me is because she knew I loved helping others, and I have never possessed any kind of jealousy, like at all -- so of course I agreed to help her."

That jars Selena a bit, "Whoa, hold up, you don't possess jealousy? How is that possible? That's like a basic human feeling, and something that makes us who we are! It has to come out at some point!"

Eric quietly nods in agreement.

"That's what I thought too!" Christie replies, moving to the edge of her seat. "I really did take a step back and try to understand that emotion. I definitely felt it come from the guys I dated -- they would always get jealous when I was anywhere near another guy. I would simply talk to someone the way I'm talking to you now, a casual conversation, and I would start feeling sick, like legitimately sick, from the jealous vibes I'd get from my dates -- they just couldn't handle it. They really hated it when I'd start walking on other guys without any hesitation, and for me, that's where I had to draw the line."

"Maybe the guys didn't like other guys getting off on their girls feet," Eric says.

"That was certainly part of it, but they also didn't like how much I enjoyed doing it because it was my thing. They wanted me to change my habits, but I don't change the way I am for anyone, and that's what really ticked them off."

"So is it that you don't have jealousy because you don't like others having it, or what," Selena asks.

"No. I've been on the opposite side of that coin many times, and everything that would incite jealously in others has had no effect on me."

Eric asks, "Did you care about those guys? Usually when jealously comes up in a relationship, it's because someone feels like the other person doesn't care about them as much, so problems ensue."

"Of course I cared about them, but that wasn't the problem. One thing I should clear up is that I was never with guys for very long. While it sounds like a common thing for women to do, my reasoning is due to my gift. Remember how I said the longer I'm around someone, the further back I can read their memories?"