Another Springtime Ch. 08


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I have no idea how long I was inside her that night, but the time was the most satisfying interlude together. We were just two becoming one. And now the stress and strain of the previous week caught up to us. I pulled out of her at last and then gathered her legs together and hugged them tight as I lay down beside her.

In the cutest little girl voice, pleased and full of wonder, she said to me, "You make me all full like that because you love me, huh?"

The look of joy and satisfaction in those twinkling brown eyes was just magnificent. All the gold and jewels and the awards mankind may devise can not approach the riches she bestowed upon me in that simple, heartfelt declaration.

I rolled onto my back and pulled her up close with my arm under her head, enjoying her long silky hair on my chest and arm. She wiggled close to me and soon the cooling sensation of the evaporating moisture on our bodies became a little chilly. I reached and pulled the one coverlet up over us and her cooing sounds of contentment told me she was cozy.

Well, friend, it was just about lights out for me. All that was left was to tell her good night and sweet dreams when she asked softly, "Darling, is ‘fuck' a bad word?"

That had me wide awake right now. I had to think about that. She must have read it somewhere. I had never used the word because, in my mind, the connotations in which I had heard it used over the years were almost all vulgar, and I had chosen simply not to be a part of that. Nevertheless, the word itself is phonetically powerful and en expressive verb, but in and of itself not a ‘bad' word.

That is what I told her. I added that to me that word expresses a beautiful and wonderfully intense and satisfying intimate experience with a girl who I love with all my heart and who is my wife. It is what a man and a woman do when they are married and in love; it is another way of saying they are making love. Technically speaking, the definition fits; in social usage, I thought to myself, the definitions are all over the map. What was she getting at, I wondered.

"Is that what we did, then?"

Well, what could I say to her? Life brings us new perspectives all the time, doesn't it? This was one for me. "Yes, Christine, that is what we did."

How did I get myself painted into that corner?

She was quiet for a moment. "Before you said, ‘people often redefine words and use them in their own way.' You said that once before when we were talking about politics and government things, remember? This is kind of the same thing, huh?"

Had I said that? Probably so. Stuff comes home to roost sooner or later.

"We can use the word then, and it's OK?"

What did she want, I wondered, my permission?

"I've never heard you use any profanity or swear words or anything like that, even when you get mad and really frustrated. So, I don't really know what are bad words in English. It's OK?"

What could I say, really? She seemed to want to use the word. Clearly, the vulgar aspects of which I was aware were unknown to her, or presented her with no serious problems. Of course, from her school in Switzerland to my companionship in the USA with only a hiccup in between hardly matched my years amid the rough and tumble profanities of the Navy and the world in general. "Well, all right, as long as we use it with the simple definition I made before. I will probably never use the word except in speaking with you."

But it felt heartless to just leave it at that, as if I didn't really mean what I had said. "Yes,my pretty little vixen," and paused to review one more time what I was going to say. "Ifucked you tonight… and I willfuck you again, too, and make your toes curl! Yes, it's OK."

That seemed to answer the mail, and she giggled softly beside me. In the quiet that followed, happier than a clam but drained from the day's events – and, I thought to myself,from fucking my stunningly beautiful young wife – I began to drift quickly into a fog with her tucked cozily in my arm.


I was almost gone and her soft voice just managed to get through the haze. "Yes, Babe?"

"This is that place you were taking me, huh?"

Now, that has to count as a success story right there! I could not have been more awake had someone touched me with a hot 110 volt line. Fantastic! Wonderful!

Life was good!

I pulled her tighter against me and whispered to her, so no one else could hear, "I have looked forward to this nightand bringing you to this place for several weeks and more, dear wife. Thank you for coming with me. You are more breathtaking to love –and to fuck – than I imagined any girl could ever be."

She giggled and wiggled closer to me.

I never thought I would be saying that to my wife!

"I love you, Dace."

"Sleep now, Babe, you'll need your strength for tomorrow. I love you, too. I love you with all my heart!"


The sun was well up before I stirred the next morning. It had been a full, exciting, beautiful night of love-making with a beautiful young girl who loved me very much. It had been a fantastic night together and that several times over, and that was still understatement. I just laid still for a while after awakening, wanting to be sure I had not been dreaming. Turning just slightly to my right confirmed that I had not been.

Sprawled on her back, tipped a little in my direction, her face was towards me, heavy lashes – darkened slightly for her husband – still drooping in deep slumber and her features relaxed and at rest. Her hair was tossed every which way, some of her curls laying lightly on my shoulder. The sheet was over only one leg and her left hand held the it over her one breast modestly, but in her very relaxed condition her right breast, gloriously beautiful and bare, perched atop her reposing form like a beckoning beacon.

Taking in these visual markers with considerable delight, I concluded that I had not been dreaming… unless I still was. Dreaming or not, the scenery on that morning was exceptional beyond my fondest hopes and, without any cause for haste, I just lay there and soaked up the sensations of being in love with and married to such a wondrously passionate girl.

Watching her as she slept next to me, so provocatively indisposed and open, was a thrill that defies description in mere words. There just aren't any that do the visual image justice! Of course, such random and casual images, however extraordinary, are often swept away by other events, and so was this one. After several minutes, even though the sunshine had warmed the room nicely, the curtain swayed with a lazy, but cooler breeze off the water. Still asleep, she whimpered softly at the sudden chill and rolled towards me onto her side, pulling her legs up and curling into a little ball, her one hand working the sheet over her shoulder. Believe me, the most skilled seductress in her heyday could not have managed such an alluringly graceful and feminine performance.

A few minutes later those dark lashes lifted, and embarrassment swept over her – I could see it immediately – to think she was in bed with a man and all bare. She had been sleeping very soundly and awakening so was a little disorienting.

"Oh, my!" she exclaimed and clutched the sheet to her nude form, watching me closely.

"Good morning, sweet wife of mine. You are a very Pretty Little Vixen –with capital letters – this fine morning." I stroked her hair gently and swept it away from her eyes, and my reminder of her changed status made her eyes twinkle.

"I'm cold, darling!" she whimpered daintily.

"Well, we can't allow that now, can we!" I lifted the sheet from her shoulder, " Come over her, Baby, and I'll get you warm again."

With a satisfied smile of contentment, she stretched out and wiggled up against me, purring like a kitten, and I tucked the sheet behind her head and pulled it up over our legs.

"Oh, you're nice and warm." Can you imagine loving words dripping with the sweetest honey?

"How do you stay so warm?'

"Your love keeps me warm, Darling."

The innocent look on her face told me she really didn't understand what I was saying, but her head on my arm, her body snuggling close to mine, running her foot up my leg and pushing those pretty breasts against my chest, was quite adequate stimulation to stoke my furnace to white hot. Holding her close was… well, simply beyond words!

The morning sun slipped behind a cloud and we could smell the moist saltiness in the breeze off the water, and so I reached for a blanket at the side of the bed and flipped it out over our legs and up around her shoulders. She may have dozed for a while now that she was warm again, but I was beyond sleep… way beyond sleep.

After a time in each others arms she tilted her head a little and looked up at me, though not so I could see her face.

"Thank you for loving me, Darling, and…" her voice was meek and dainty, "and being so gentle with me. I was so embarrassed and anxious… but you made everything so…so enjoyable and… fun!"

"Do you feel safe and loved now, Babe?"

"Hmmm, umm!" she moaned into my throat.

"Well you are, and I am pleased to be your knight in shinning armor. I am delighted to have you in my bed… all naked and bare… you and your pretty body, my passionate little princess… you and your twinkling brown eyes, your sweet smile, your perfect breasts and your cute little flower… and all mine to love and to cherish."

She was quiet for a moment in response. That didn't surprise me; I sort of expected that reminding her of her passionate responses to our love making from the past evening, coming as she did from such a austere and conservative background, would give her pause. I think it did, and she was silent for a time and just stayed close to me.

"This is the morning of," I started off slowly, but with some brightness in my voice, "our first day together as husband and wife, sweethearts forever. How do you feel this fine day, my dear wife?"

"I feel wonderful and… loved…" she pulled away to look up into my eyes with an intensity I don't think I had witnessed before, "and whenyou make me… like that… you make me full and warm, and happy, and safe, and… special."

Her words were like an outpouring of her very soul to me. When she finished she didn't know quite what to do, and at last that sweet smile curled the corners of her mouth and she dropped her eyes and snuggled close to me again. I kissed her hair and held her close, amazed myself at her sweet surrender to me. I pinched myself mentally to be sure I was awake. With the devotion and love of such a pretty girl I was a very wealthy man; a very wealthy man indeed. She was a treasure for sure.

We remained together in each others arms for a while yet, just getting her good and warm. I was replaying her words to me, enjoying the deep satisfaction of having a loving companion in my life again, when I realized she had redefined a word. She had detected my negative feelings about ‘fuck' and elected on her own to use a different word. I decided that I would have to, henceforth, be alert to her use of the verb ‘make' when she was the direct object, and read into it the connotation she intended. I had realized early on that she was quick, but her emotional sensitivity to me was now more pronounced than ever.



"Last night…" she was pensive and shy again, "that really happened, didn't it?"

She was a very intelligent and thoughtful girl. I had opened the door to our world of love and passion together, and, hand in hand, she had followed me through it.

Our new place was just wonderful!

We lay for a time together, quietly, content I suppose just to be in each others' arms. It had taken long enough to get to this point and I was not about to hurry things now. This was definitely the time to take the time to smell the flowers.

After what she had told me a few minutes before I was uncertain how quickly I might be able to accelerate the progress of our intimacy. She seemed very open and trusting, but then that was last night, in the dark, in the heat of passion, and this was bright daylight on the morning after. Time for a reality check.

Now, just exactly how does one conduct a reality check with a loveable and darling young girl laying all naked and bare next to you in bed, even if she is your wife? What the heck,especially if she is your wife!

"Hmmm. This has got to be somewhere close to heaven, Darling. I am so very happy that you are my wife and sweetheart, and we have this time together. You are like a cool glass of water on a hot summer's day, sweetheart. I love you very much."

She said nothing. She did have her one leg across my middle as she lay next to me, and it seemed she wiggled her cute little bottom closer yet.

"I think that today we shall… well, do just what we want to do together. I know already what I want to do… can you guess?"

"Uh huh."

Judging purely on the descending second tone I judged that to be a negative answer… and further, a playfully negative answer.

"I want to keep you naked and make love to you as often as I can today… tofuck you, Baby… tomake you… make you all day long until you're delirious and fully convinced that I love you.

"What do you think about that plan, darling?"

Now she was shy again.

There was nothing to do but push on. "Your breasts are just the most delectable beauties, Babe. You are truly an exceptionally girl! What a thrill you are to me!"

"You really enjoyed our love-making last night, I think. I certainly did. Being inside of you like that is a magnificent feeling."

No response.

Maybe if I am just patient, I thought, and let her respond in her own time. Then I could feel her. Was she pushing her bare pussy up against my hip bone as she lay next to me? Was I just imagining that?

"Well, it was a magnificent feeling to have you inside me." She was blushing now as she looked at me, and dropped her eyes. "You are so… sohuge, andhot" her eyes flashed with wonder at the memory, "and… I could feel you pushing into me, so big, and…it felt like youfilled me…." Her thoughts wandered a bit and a little smile curled the corners of her mouth. "You… youfilled me full of love and… you made me… you made me warm and happy and safe…and you made me… you made me yours!" There was emphasis in her words, telling me of her enjoyment at my attention, and big tears of thankfulness and happiness flowing freely and she looked at me.

"Did I hurt you in any way?"

"Oh, no, not at all." Her eyes got big as saucers. "I was afraid at first because you are so big. I didn't think I could… I couldtake all of you." She was just wide eyed with wonder, and radiant.

"But then… you kept pushing, more and more…and then you were all inside me… all of you … and it felt more wonderful than… than anything, ever!I had no idea…." She shook her head softly in wonderment and awe. That will always be a special moment in my remembrance. The expression on her face was just darling!

I drew her tighter against my side and stroked the small of her back with my one hand. Her tears were flowing, and she wanted to tell me more of her feelings, but she had no words… and just looked at me, lovingly, remembering.

"There really are no words for the experience, Christine. The reflex is called an orgasm in English, or a climax, and together with someone you love with all your heart it is an memorable moment without peer. Making love to you was wonderful for me too. Your pussy is tight and warm and welcomed me… your entire body… your entire being, beautiful beyond words, welcomed me. Your love and companionship is a fabulous gift to me. At the same time you came, you climaxed for me, I orgasmed, I came, as well… inside you… filled your body with my love for you. It was a beautiful time for me too."

She lay next to me for the longest time, quiet and just unhurried to do anything, thinking, I am sure, about our experiences.

"Darling, husband?" She waited for me to respond as if I might have wandered off. With her so beautiful and trusting, opening up to me like that, there was no chance of my attention wandering.

"What are you thinking, my pretty little vixen?"

"Last night was really fun, huh?" Her eyes told me the entire thing seemed like a dream to her now. She was waiting for me to confirm that it was as she remembered it.

"Hmmm, I have the cutest young lady for a sweet wife, and she snuggles up to me for me to love her and bring her joy… to make love to her… tofuck her." I paused and reached my finger over the draw slowly a little circle around the tip of her very sensitive breast and make her whimper. "Yes, last night really did happen, and itwas a lot of fun. Ifucked you and I loved it! And I think you did too… you liked my big cock between your legs and me thrusting into you. And I will fuck you again, too, young lady,and make you full and hot until your toes curl."

The boldness and force in the sound of the word itself carries a powerful image to the mind and emotions, at least it does to me. Across her gentle and expressive features passed an entire parade of emotions… and I enjoyed her ready response to my touching, the pageantry of blissful responses passing across this young girl's countenance, and her blossoming desire for the love and intimacy to which I had been privileged and able to bring her.

She curled up as close to me as she could in a little ball and spoke softly in my ear; "And make me until my toes curl?" She scrunched up her nose and giggled at such an idea. Then she looked at me with the most darling come-hither glimmer in her pretty eyes; "I hope you will again soon," and promptly buried her blushing cheeks against my shoulder.

The tenderness in her sweet request made it quite easy to toss all other priorities aside… of course, there were in reality no other priorities anyway. Even eating could wait.

She welcomed my kiss and my hands on her, walking my fingers over her bare shoulder and then down to the peak of her breast, making her shiver in response. I drew a line down her body, too, from her pretty mouth, over her throat, between her breasts all the way, slowly, to her little flower, and tangled my finger in her soft curls.

"Ooooh, Dace…" she purred, "you have roaming fingers, Darling… I love your gentle hands."

She had let the ‘g' slip away in her passion and ‘roaming' sounded more like ‘Roman' and that triggered a different response.

"Yes, my pretty little vixen, Roman fingers, like legions conquering," I put a little swagger and cockiness in my expression, "and taking possession of all the territory they find before them."

She was a little shocked at first at my metaphor, but when I wiggled my fingers a bit and touched her sensitive clitoris, pleasure ripped through her and she shivered with passion. When her eyes opened again they were cloudy with desire and there was a cute little smile on her lips.

With my hand on her vulva her legs parted slightly, seeming to welcome me, and I rolled over on top of her and between her legs.

After a few minutes of caressing her breasts gently and enjoying the sweetness of her soft whimpers, I raised up on one arm above her. She looked at me questioningly.

"It's time learn something new, Baby." She waited for me to lead, and I took first her one hand in mine, kissed her palm, and then placed it on me, and then added her other hand in the same way. She had no idea what to do with what she held, but holding me so inspired and aroused her, and her soft hands and the expression in her eyes as she looked at what she had, and then her tentative, exploring caresses, had a very inspiring effect on me.
