Aphrodite's Curse Ch. 022

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Demetrius makes Queen repent, Persephone returns to Hades.
2.6k words

Part 22 of the 104 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/10/2016
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Every female eye on Gavdos was now trained on Demetrius, naked, chained, erect and covered in the blood of Asasara, having just dropped her head from his mouth. Looking around at the hundreds of frightened and angry faces staring at him, he grew greatly concerned. Thousands of years of tradition had just been wiped out before these women's eyes and the adjustment could be severe. How would they react?

The tension in the arena grew steadily as the minutes of silence ticked by. Finally, Queen Helkios stepped down a side stair and into the arena, her presence obviously a calming influence on the crowd, one could hear a pin drop. Demetrius, still throbbing ached as he viewed her curvaceous and lovely naked form coming towards him. How many times in the last year have those toes been in his mouth, or that slit been on his face or this cock been up her pussy, slowly teased to insanity. Now that I have killed her God, what happens now? This was new territory.

Stepping forward with a key, the quick thinking queen unlocked him and bowed, kissing the end of his erection in submission. "All hail your new God DEMETRIOUS!"

This was an unexpected turn of events, but not an unwelcome one. After the desperate yet oddly delightful year spent being teased by Punge, Sabe and even the Queen herself, Demetrius was anxious to resume his remaining quests and this might be his ticket off this island. It had been so long since he even had seen his ship, he only hoped it was still OK. Looking down at Queen Helkios, he cupped her chin raising her to her feet, taking her body into his arms he kissed her deeply. Turning to the crowd he cried out in a loud voice "All hail your Queen Helkios."

Tears streaming in her eyes, she looked up at Demetrius with a mixture of awe, love and mostly relief. After a year of such torture and teasing, surely a God like him could be expected to enact a severe revenge. Instead of blasting her to ashes like she would have in his position, he had reconfirmed her position. She owed him more than loyalty, but her life.

Punge and Sage also trembled, still not sure what to make of the incredible and horrific scene they had just witnessed. The elation at being selected as one of the 12 chosen to receive the seed of the sacrifice through Asasara had been thrilling. Watching the man they both had teased and tormented relentlessly for the entire year have his body stroked and sucked by the Snake Goddess herself was beyond erotic. Seeing this man, who should be incredibly angry with them both now assume the mantle of a God was terrifying. Sage looked at Punge with tears in her eyes. "You don't suppose he will transform us into horrible beasts do you? I would rather just be killed outright than spend the rest of my days deformed, or transmogrified into some horrible ugly or smelly thing. I hope we don't end up like poor Medusa."

Punge agreed and both looked on in terror as they saw their Queen pay homage to Demetrius. Now that Demetrius turned completely to look at the two of them, and they saw an evil glint in his eyes, they grew incredibly scared but quickly complied throwing themselves at his feet, begging for mercy. Their queen, and the two of them, all were sent by Demetrius to wait inside the queen's bedroom for their new "god" to arrive. The smell of fear mixed with lust was powerful, and as all were always naked anyway, their erect nipples gave away their status. Demetrius, cock hard as ever, came into the room and pointed to the bed with a stern look on his face.

"Listen ladies, I wish you no harm" clearing his throat to make way for the incredible sacrilege he was about to speak "I am an honorable and benevolent God, and will be on my way to Olympus in the morning. If I couldst asketh of think magnivulent mognuficence" his tongue getting more and more twisted as he tripped over his own words. In his attempt to appear Godlike, he actually only appeared incomprehensible. Finally, pointing to the bed, he informed all three that his only price for "revenge" was that tonight he was going to plunge long, and deep and hard inside each of them for the whole night without restrictions. For a solid year they had played with him, teasing his tool with their hot tight boxes but denying him full entrance. Tonight he was going to thoroughly enjoy himself by using their bodies to his great enjoyment even if he could not release his seed.

He wished so badly he could cum as emptying his load under these circumstances would be just about ideal, but he was happy to just to feel his cock slamming into their pussies, buffeted and whacked by his heavy swinging balls, bouncing in glee at each of his powerful and deep hip thrusts. This would provide at least some satisfaction. From the look on Helkios, Sage and Punge's faces this did not appear to be a punishment at all, as all grinned devilishly at his "command" and the four of them spent a delightful evening of his deep diving expedition. In the morning, Demetrius, the queen and her two gorgeous servants all slept together in the one bed, their naked bodies intertwined, deep looks of satisfaction on the faces of all. Well, almost all, Demetrius looked happy, but still felt the roar of decades of unspent cum boiling in his balls. Kissing each of the women goodbye as they slept, he tiptoed quietly out the door, sneaking off quietly to return to his ship.

Meanwhile In the rest of the world there was a huge tumult brewing. Now April, winter still gripped the land and the early worries in March was turning into full blown panic now. People initially were shocked when spring failed to start and those fears abounded throughout the whole of the ancient world. The Priests of Demeter feared somehow that Hades had broken his agreement with her and had decided to keep Persephone all year long instead of only for winter. Crops were not planted, sacrifices to the Gods were not made, it was a red alert situation all around. An emergency meeting was called on Olympus and all of the Gods were compelled by Zeus to attend, which meant about half actually showed up. Gods, like people, are not ALL reliable. Zeus opened the discussion, as Poseidon, Hephaestus, Mercury and Dionysius were all in attendance.

Zeus opened the meeting. "Gentlemen, there is a severe problem going on in the underworld. As you know, last week Persephone should have arrived for her annual release party and was late, and now it is two weeks later and she still has not shown up. We need to form a delegation to go investigate." he thundered in his most concerned and serious voice. Zeus was worried and he had had several signs that things were not right with his brother Hades. His priests had been giving offerings all winter that seemed extremely odd, as many concerned prayers to ALLOW people to die. Prayers of healing he was used to, but prayers of death, especially when not spoken in revenge were very rare. Something has definitely gone haywire in the underworld, and if no one else will volunteer, he himself will go investigate.

After a period of silence, Dionysius reluctantly volunteered as he was such a close friend to his cousin Persephone he was quite worried himself. It was agreed that he would leave for the Underworld in the morning, and hopefully sort all of this out. Hades was a powerful God and if he had turned rogue, they would have a major problem on their hands so this situation needed rectifying immediately. Demeter already had withheld her gifts of agriculture, in mourning for her missing daughter, so farmers throughout the Greek World were panicking as the endless prayers to each one of the Gods had indicated.

In the depths of the Underworld itself, a strange sound was heard, a sound that had not been heard there since the beginning of time. The sound was that of Hades voice crying out in passion and groans, pitifully begging for release and coming from inside his bedroom. How this came about, and why now the sexual combustion between Hades and Persephone was threatening the lives of millions of people began last summer.

Speaking with one of the nymphs of Hephaestus in August, Persephone was able to obtain the shackles of Atlas that no man nor God could escape. Ever since her tryst with Demetrius, and the fact that neither she nor her sister in law Amphrite are able to keep their mouths shut while drunk, her indiscretion had slowly made the rounds in the Olympus gossip circuit. Olympus is a very catty and snarky place so this is EXACTLY the kind of story that gets wide circulation, and by late summer it was quite the talk amongst all of the Goddesses. In discussing this with other female immortals Persephone discovered that she was NOT alone in being very unsatisfied with some of the pitiful and selfish sexual performance of the some of the other male Gods. Getting together each evening with her girlfriends, with lots of Nectar provided by Dionysius; tales were swapped, laughs were had, and unflattering comparisons made. It was pretty damning for the Male Deities no doubt, and by the end of September every Goddess on Olympus was hoping she was also on Demetrius's quest list.

Packing for her return to the underworld, Persephone slipped the shackles (as well as a BIG stock of Nectar from Dionysius) into her bags, thinking MAYBE they might come in handy and she could spice things up with old gloomy Gus. One of the water nymphs suggested she possibly slip some orris root into his drink as it tends to make men more "compliant". As facts would later show, this was a significant understatement.

As winter broke over the land Persephone floated again down to the entrance of the land of the dead, waving hello to Charon, who returned her wave with his own set of bony fingers. Cerberus, hearing his Mistress's approach, bounded to greet her as he always did on her return, each of his three heads licking her face in a boisterous greeting. To her surprise, Hades himself was there in all of his grim glory holding in his hand a bunch of flaming black roses. His body was so handsome, if only she could turn up the heat a bit on his moves. The flowers were a nice touch though, she had to admit. Strangely, she felt the stirrings of a bit of moisture forming between her thighs.

"Greetings Divine wife, Queen of the Dead, Empress of the Underworld, Caliphante of" Hades droned on and on, surprised when she jumped into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist French kissing him quite passionately, and knocking his flowers to the ground. Persephone had done this for two reasons, one out of a genuine love of her husband. Despite his grim reputation, he still turned her on, so it was not that outrageous, but mostly she leapt onto his waist and deep throated his tongue with abandon just to shut him up. Hades, still swimming from their passionate night together last winter returned her kiss just as strongly and had missed her greatly over the summer. When Persephone whispered naughtily into his ear, his mighty God Cock stirred to life. Regardless of being in the land of the dead, little Hades was quite alive.

"Come to my room tonight Hades, let's have a drink and "chat", just like old times." she purred into his ear. Hades began to throb and just nodded agreement as she went into detail about what she was going to "chat" about. She owned his balls completely and had for years, but now, with her new forceful and aggressive attitude she seemed even more alluring to Hades and he was re-smitten. He could not wait to join her in the bed for some horizontal refreshments later that evening and he was so distracted he almost let Tantalus have that apple kept perpetually out of his reach while at work.

When he did show up later that night, wearing his best Toga and doused with gallons of Hai Karate, he threw open her bedroom door like the conquering hero home from the hunt. The sight that greeted his eyes however literally made him do a double take. There on the bed was his unbelievably hot wife, NAKED except for some black leather boots holding a large goblet of Nectar and fingering a black leather whip. Pointing to the side table, he saw his goblet of nectar waiting for him and he did not have to be told twice. Quickly stripping out of his Toga, he stood naked before her, cock painfully erect and already drooling and downed the goblet in one swig. As planned, one swig was more than enough and he hit the bed in a bullseye, passing out quickly from the Orris root. Persephone proceeded to pull him up and spread him wide. Taking out the iron shackles of Hercules, she bound him spread-eagle to the bed, naked, erect and completely helpless, now all hers to do whatever she wished to do to him. Grinning wildly, her imagination played out images of evil plans to do over and over to him in her mind.

Back on Gavdos, Demetrius stood on the shore where exactly one year and 2 days earlier he had landed, in search of the head of Asasara, which he now held in his hands. Seeing his ship exactly where he had left it he climbed on board and was relieved that the other items were still in the bag, now joined by the head of the snake goddess. Reviewing his quest notes, provided by the beautiful Persephone, he set sail for Arcadia, famous as the hunting grounds of the stunningly beautiful Artemis one of whose golden arrows he needed to retrieve. Reviewing notes Persephone had left, he read an intriguing statement "Don't bother trying to woo Artemis, she plays only for the HOME team if you get my drift." Not quite understanding the reference, he set sail for Arcadia, well known as the Goddesses hunting ground and therefore visited only rarely (and never by men) as she was quite feared. So far his luck was holding. Directly offending a Goddess like Artemis might make his luck run out very fast indeed.

In the Underworld, Hades was just starting to wake up. Trying to sit up in bed, he was shocked to find that he was bound, and try as he might, he could not budge. To add insult to injury he was also completely naked. Looking desperately at his wife she said nothing but held her toes in front of his mouth having removed her leather boots already. "Go ahead Hades, kiss them. The sooner you please me, the sooner I will please you and let you go!" Grinning and incredibly erect, the great lord of the dead eagerly complied, snaking his tongue out to greet her delicious wiggling toes. As she felt him lapping at her feet, she felt her arousal rise and her pussy grow quite wet. Whispering to herself, she said "Thank you Demetrius! Thank you for waking me UP!" and then resumed her transformation of The Lord of the Dead to the slave in her bed.

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