Apple of My Eye


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Wade listened to her voice carefully as he considered their worth.

"They're going to want to prove that this is a legitimate relationship before they let us marry you know. Plus you're American so that's going to be really complicated. Lots of waiting time, various permit applications and so on. For all it's worth, it's a lot of time, money and resources wasted for such a sham. Go back home, Amara... find a good man and fall in love with him before you get married. I... I've been blind for many years. A few more years or a lifetime won't hurt." Wade lifted his hand and reached out to touch her hand, slowly moving his palm up till he reached her face. He grazed her cheeks slightly, feeling her soft skin and whispered, "Most importantly, I don't want you to get hurt."

He walked away from her, leaving her astounded. She simply stood there, silently until he had disappeared from her sight before she squatted down to cry.


September 2010

Abigail had nagged at him against his decision to look for Amara. Her exact words were- "You're a barmy arse for chasing after that dishy woman." He had retaliated by saying he couldn't actually see how dishy she was and gave her his million dollar grin.

However at that moment, Wade Spencer wasn't so sure about his hunt for the dishy woman. New York in September plastered his shirt on his back within minutes of leaving the airport. The sudden loud noises of the traffic and the bustling crowd alone were interfering with his sense of direction. He was thankful that Abigail and her husband Craig were with him. He curled a hand slowly around Abigail's arm, more for comfort than support.

"This sure is very different from our quiet existence," she commented. "Such a jarring contrast. I wish you could see it Wade."

"I wish I could too."

A while later, the three of them huddled into a cab and Wade instructed the driver to take them to the Ritz Carlton. He had heard that they had the best accommodations and service in the city and figured they'd be more helpful to a blind man and his two ageing companions than other hotels.

It hadn't taken him long to track down Amara's city of residence. He simply typed Amara and plastic surgeon and got multiple hits on the internet. Of course Craig had helped him to do the actual search and read all the headlines. He didn't like those screen readers much with their drone-like voices. It was creepy.

Nevertheless, he pushed on and finally managed to find the address and phone number for the private clinic she was working at. To his surprise, he successfully made an appointment to see Dr. Amara Winters in September. That meant that she had returned home after their brief episode in the vineyards a month ago.

He wasn't sure why she returned back to New York; back to where it was hurting her. Just for a brief second, he had considered that maybe she had made up with a lover and was overcome by a strange bout of jealousy that was uncalled for. He didn't even know this woman. She was simply a stranger who came to his door twice and then proposed to him. It wasn't everyday that a man gets proposed to and Wade figured that it gave him some right to feel jealous.

"Wade? Are you alright? We've reached the Ritz. Do you need me to help you out?" asked Abigail, shaking him out of his daze.

"Ah, no I'm fine. Thank you," he replied as he held on to the door for support and got himself out of the cab. He heard the distinct sounds of wheels behind them as they walked towards the check in counter as well as voices of concerned or perhaps curious guests whispering and looking at his direction. Wade couldn't help but chuckle. People are the same wherever they are. Gawking at the unusual was a human instinct.

After making payment for a five day stay at the hotel, he was ushered or rather 'manhandled' by an over-zealous hotel staff into the elevator. It was another side-effect of being blind. People tend to think he was incapable of doing even the basic things. He was about to laugh to himself when it suddenly occurred to him that perhaps he was being 'manhandled' to avoid crashing into expensive vases and various artifacts that he assumed were placed strategically around the hotel. Surely they were not going to charge him for crashing into something he couldn't see would they? From that moment, Wade made every effort to appear clumsy and sauntered like a drunken man just to test his theory. It amused him to feel the staff beside him tensing up ever so often and jerking his hand to try and pull Wade away from an impending disaster.

When they finally made it to their room on the tenth floor, Abigail gave him a sharp tap on his arm.

"Bad boy! Don't think I don't know what you were doing! Now tell me Wade, are you sure you booked this room? It looks more like a house."

"It looks fine to me Abby. Really beautiful," he replied with a laugh.

"Oh, you're such a fine rascal aren't you?"

"Just direct me to my room. That would be the one with the single bed. I don't need the queen bed so you and Craig can take it."

"This is really too much for us, Sir. We really didn't mind living anywhere. You didn't have to bring us to such a grand place like this," said Craig, as he tipped the bellboy.

"Just take it as my gift for your fortieth anniversary. I know it's coming up," he replied kindly, reaching out for Craig's wrinkled hands.


The next morning, Wade had insisted that Craig and Abigail stay at the hotel and enjoy the amenities and privileges that came with their suite booking. He appeased their worries by letting them watch him enter a cab safely and he even let Abigail give the cab driver a run down of proper driving etiquette before giving the destination address. He wanted to them to be relaxed while they enjoyed themselves for the day.

Meanwhile, New York was fascinating even if he couldn't see anything. He could still feel the heat of September penetrating through the cab's thin metal body and hear the distinct sounds of car honks as opposed to a bus honk or the sound of tyres screeching over tar. He also learnt some interesting swear words from his ever friendly cab driver who'd hurl various choice curses at other drivers as he swerved and meandered through traffic.

Finally when they've reached his destination, Wade took in a deep breath. There was something about medical facilities and hospitals and their putrid, sterile, anti-bacterial wash smell that soothed him.

The clerk at the front desk had been friendly and even helpful but Wade could hear the doubt in her voice.

"I know what you're thinking. You're probably thinking, why would someone who couldn't see how he looked like care about how he looked? And to that, lovely lady is why those surgeons earn the big bucks," he said teasingly. He could hear a slight chuckle from the clerk as she walked with him to Dr. Winters's consultation room.


She wasn't expecting to see him although the name Wade did pull a string at her but she reasoned with herself that there were so many Wades in the world that it would be absurd to think it could be him.

Her first question proved her point.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Wade felt around for the chair opposite her and settled himself in before answering.

"Is that how you talk to your clients, Dr. Winters?"

Amara leaned back against her chair and scowled at him. After a moment, she leaned forward and narrowed her eyes to observe him closely.

"Tangerine body wash suits you very well. I admit the cheap soaps in the dodgy motels are such a turn off but I'm sure you know that. You're a very well groomed woman; a necessity for the trade. You're a walking advertisement of the services you provide here aren't you?"

"Mr. Spencer, I am the one who's supposed to do the observation and analysis. You're the client. Unfortunately, Mr. Spencer, I do not believe in deforming my god-given looks no matter how enticing it is. So what you see is what you get which of course, you don't get at all."

Her play on words amused and intrigued him at the same time.

"So tell me, Doctor, what can you tell me about my face then?"

Amara cocked an eyebrow and gave an exaggerated pondering sound.

"Let's see... your nose bridge is way too high, it gives you that parrot look and your eyes, oh my god... they're just too wide apart that it's aesthetically disturbing beyond speculation. And don't even get me started on those ears. Now, you've got really nice lips, professionally speaking of course but it's just a mismatch with all the flaws on your face. So in a nutshell, you're screwed big time Mr.Spencer."

"Now you're just being mean," he replied, roaring with laughter. "So, if you're going to rearrange my face and make me a greek god look-alike does that mean you're staying in New York for good?"

His question startled her for she was in such a jovial mood from their banter.

"I... Well, yes. Isn't that what you told me to do? Go home Amara and find a good man to fall in love with or something fancy like that."

Wade turned his head in the direction of her voice. "I'm really sorry."

Amara shook her head slightly then gave a casual shrug. "It's okay." To her surprise, Wade reached out for her hand and gave it a squeeze. "My answer is yes."

At that moment, Wade wished he could have seen the look on her face; the way her eyes widened to express her shock, relief, confusion and tenderness all meshed into one. But Wade settled for her sharp intake of breath and the feel of an escalating pulse at her wrist which was currently in his hand.

"I will settle the papers once I get back. You're going to have to enter the UK under a fiancée visa and then we can get married within six months, if that's okay with you. I don't know how to make it any sooner."

"Ah... actually, Wade, it's better if we get married here. I've asked around and apparently it's much faster if I apply for a Settlement visa for a spouse and sponsor you throughout your stay here until the green card's approved. I mean... it must have cost you a bomb just to fly here didn't it. I'm so sorry Wade. I'll pay you back for the flight, don't you worry."

Her reply pleased him because it meant that she had not made up with her lover as he had assumed. However, Wade leaned back, unsure if he should be insulted or amused. How could she think of marrying a man whom she thinks is a gardener when she doesn't even know the truth about him? And yet, her desire to marry within the shortest possible time was simply weird.

"Are you planning to use me for some weird surgery experiment and thus you'd want us married asap? That way I'll be legally yours right? Bugger that."

She laughed hysterically and slapped his hand. "Don't plant ideas into me."

Wade smiled at her and knew that she was smiling back.

"Do you have a place to stay for the mean time?" she asked.

"I'll manage. It's you I'm worried about. I don't know what he did to you but I know you're hurting."

"How did you... ah never mind."

"You'll tell me when you're ready. Secrets are bad for marriage," he said in a sing-song voice.

"Consultation time's up. I'll see you out," she laughed. "My number's in your jacket pocket."


She was relieved when he called her the next day to schedule a meet up. She was starting to have doubts about him chickening-out with the plan. Whatever it was, she was going to take the plunge today and tell him the truth. Come what may. If he chooses to walk out of her life forever then she'll accept it and find another solution to her problem.

"What am I, nuts? Of course the guy's not here for purely romantic reasons! It's a business transaction for god's sake. I get a husband and he gets his surgery. It's that simple. Or is it?" she mumbled to herself as she started to brush angrily at her unruly hair. She should not have hacked at it blindly with a scissors but it had been a matter of urgency to disguise herself back then. But now it was just annoying; having bits of hair sticking out at awkward angles! She slapped a glob of hair cream to tame them and gave up after awhile.

"Who gets jitters from a date with a blind man? He can't see you for god's sake!" Her laughter bordered on hysteria. Eventually she crammed a wide brimmed hat over her head and twirled herself in front of the mirror.

"Looking good Amara Winters. You'll be a knockout... except your date won't appreciate it." She rolled her eyes, cursed at herself for trying too hard to impress a blind man and got out of her apartment.

Amara didn't bother with driving today. No one drives in New York if they could help it although with the current heat, she wouldn't mind the instant comfort of the air-condition instead of waiting at the curb for a cab.

Eventually she reached the restaurant and spotted Wade already seated and waiting for her. Surprisingly he was well dressed in tailored pants with a vest over a pressed shirt and his hair... that mass of pretty brown curls simply caught her breath. He smiled at her as she arrived as if he sensed her presence coming towards him.

"I would say you're beautiful but I won't," he said getting up slowly and reaching out a hand to search for her.

"I'd say you're gorgeous but I won't," she replied with a laugh and sat down.

"You think I'm gorgeous? I thought you said my face was a goner even surgery couldn't fix?" he teased.

"I did not say that! And anyway, I'm not in my professional medical capacity at the moment so my judgment of beauty is as flawed as any human's can be."

"Very good save, Doctor," he agreed and tried to study his menu. "So what shall we have for dinner..."

"I'll read it out for you," she said, taking the menu away from him. Amara couldn't help smiling just a little. Wade really made her laugh with his repartee and for once, she felt that she could relax because the person in front of her wasn't interested in her for her looks. That was if he was interested in her at all.

She rattled on the menu for him, describing in as much detail as possible what the picture beside the name looked like. Finally he settled for some pasta and she had grilled fish.

"Thank you," he said after the waiter was gone.

"No problem."

"Not about the menu reading. I mean, thank you for taking me out tonight. It's been... a long time since I stepped out of home."

Amara wasn't sure what to make of that so she kept quiet and sipped her wine gently.

"So..." he began.

Amara bit her lips nervously before succumbing to her emotions. "Wade... I'm really sorry about all this. I... I still haven't thanked you properly for saving my life," she whispered with a half sob. "But I'm really big on this karma thing and I feel it kinda means I owe you a life in return."

Wade leaned back in his seat with his wine glass between his fingers.

"Ah... but that's just the icing of the cake isn't it?"

"I... Well, the truth is... I'm hoping that if I get married, he will stop." Wade didn't say anything but kept quiet, allowing her to continue at her own pace. "That's what he said to me- 'I'm not going to stop chasing you till you're at that altar'"

"And you believe him?" asked Wade casually. "You do know that altar doesn't have to mean marriage right Amara? He could mean till you're dead. The biggest sacrifice on the altar."

"I... oh. No. He's not capable of that."

"Maybe, but it still doesn't rule out that possibility. Plus, a poor blind man can't really protect you much."

"I don't know what else to do Wade. I've tried running away but he keeps finding me each and every time. He's a lawyer. He has good connections. There's just no escape! And that's just him. I haven't even gotten to his wife yet."

"Ah, the case of the jealous spouse," he mused.

"I'm serious! She's crazy I tell you. She left a pig's head outside my apartment once with a knife through one of its eyeballs. I've since moved out."

"How'd you know it's her?"

"There was a note attached to the knife that said: Keep your filthy whore hands away from my husband if you don't want to end up like this."

"Did you go to the police?"

"Of course I did! But I told you he's some big shot A/P right so he managed to have the case dissolved. Argh! I hate that bastard!" Amara slammed her fist onto the table, much to the surprise of the waiter who arrived with their food.

"Such a fiery temper," he commented as he felt for the fork and spoon on his table. After taking in a forkful of pasta, he pondered for awhile before speaking, "Well then Amara, I'll be in New York for another three days. Is that enough time for you to arrange all the necessary papers?"

Amara almost choked on her fish. "What? Three days? I need at least a week!" she swallowed her food and took a deep breath. "Tell you what. Why don't you stay with me at my apartment while we sort this out?"

"I don't know about that... I mean, there's still the vineyard to look after."

"I'll call your employer and explain to him for you. You don't worry about that." Wade tried to conceal his smile behind his wine glass. He was going to hold out the truth from her just a little longer. He was musing with himself when he suddenly sensed a dark presence within their vicinity. Wade frowned to try and sought out its location but it disappeared as quickly as it came.

"Wade? Is something wrong?"

"Uh. No, it's nothing. Don't worry about it," he said reassuringly.

Later on after they've had coffee and dessert, Wade insisted that she got into the cab first while he waited for the next one. He was glad that she didn't protest much and even gave him a kiss on his cheek before she got into the cab. As the sounds of the cab's engine faded away, Wade stood still and waited.

Then he felt it again only this time whoever it was, was coming towards him. Wade lifted his walking stick to keep the person at bay. "What do you want from me?" he asked. Wade didn't need to wait for the person to speak to know it was a man. He had heard the heavy footsteps made from the distinct sound of male loafers and scented stale smoke over a hint of aftershave.

"Stay away from her or else," said the man before walking away. Instead of feeling threatened, Wade lowered his walking stick and stood calmly by the curb, flagging for a cab.


"You what?" exploded Abigail in an uncontrolled manner. "You're getting married? Good Lord, Wade! You've really gone off your trolley now!"

"Oh, don't be silly Abby. He hasn't gone mad. There, there, sit down here," said Craig with a grim look on his face. Once he was satisfied that Abigail had calmed down, he turned to Wade patiently.

"I apologize for her outburst. It is really unexpected for us, Sir. Are... are you sure about this? Do we need to inform the Al..."

"No!" said Wade firmly, stopping Craig mid sentence. "My decision is my responsibility alone and yes, I am sure about this."

Craig looked down at his wife and patted a hand on her shoulder. She was beginning to weep.

"You silly, silly boy! What do you know about her? She's in it for the money, I'm sure. Don't fall for it Sir!" she cried.

"I told you before that she thinks I'm just a poor gardener or a servant boy. She really has no clue about anything. Besides she doesn't need more money. She's a plastic surgeon. They earn enough to support a whole town!"

"Oh Sir! I just cannot imagine it! You with that... that girl?" she protested.

"What is it about her that you do not like, Abby?" asked Wade gently.

"She's... rude! And untethered. It's like she has no moral grounding in her life. She tried to kill herself for god's sake!"

"Hush Abby! Don't speak like that!" warned Craig as he gave her a little shake.

"Let her be Craig. She's entitled to her worries as any mother would to her child," replied Wade with a gentle smile. "But, I have made my decision."
