Arky's Voyeur Threesome

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Well-meaning matchmaking leads to night of depravity.
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INTRODUCTION: Several people have been kind enough to e-mail me to tell me how much they've enjoyed the stories about Arky, and to ask when the next one would be available. There has been a long wait for the next story in the series, but seeing it brings back all the regular characters from the previous stories I hope you think it was worth the wait. Enjoy!


Arky Del was relaxing, propped up in bed with a good book. She turned a page and began the next chapter.

A piercing shriek rent the air. It came from somewhere close at hand, perhaps in that very apartment.

Arky didn't even look up. She knew quite well what it was. Her room-mate was masturbating again.

It wasn't that Arky had anything against auto-eroticism, but she considered the quality of her orgasms was at least as important as their quantity. Petal Smith, on the other hand, seemed to have been wired to need sex every 36 hours and Arky had become used to the series of noisy climaxes in the next room.

What was the technical term for it? It wasn't onanism for girls, it was -- tamarism, was it? Arky couldn't remember. There were a lot more expressions for male masturbation than for female -- which probably said something about guys.

Petal would probably have been happier with a lesbian as a room-mate, thought Arky as she turned another page. Someone who could have gone down on her every morning with a Saturday strap-on matinée thrown in for good measure. Unfortunately Arky was 99% heterosexual and wasn't interested in relieving Petal's frustrations.

There was a final sobbing groan that died away into a gasping moan of relief. After a few moments of silence, Petal strolled in from her bedroom as though nothing had happened. She was wearing a sheer robe that concealed almost nothing of her lush figure but only a practised observer would have noted the little smile and the flush in her cheeks that marked a newly satisfied woman.

"I don't know why you don't just get a vibrator and be done with it," said Arky conversationally without looking up from her book.

The brunette gave a little frown as she sat in front of the mirror and began the very precise task of making-up her face. "They're so impersonal. It's different to fingers and tongues and .. other things. I don't feel that it's genuine if I have to resort to some machine".

"Suit yourself," said Arky. "You know where mine is if you need it."

"You won't be using it. Not since the lovely young Paul came along."

Arky pursed her lips. She glanced up as Petal began work on her eyes, causing her bosom to wobble about in a most diverting manner.

Arky sighed. Sometimes it didn't seem fair that one woman could have such a voluptuous body and still have the brains to pass Astro-Navigation 101. The only thing she took comfort in was that Petal would undoubtedly get awful back pains if she didn't have a breast reduction in later life, something that Arky's tomboyish physique was probably safe from.

It would have made life much simpler if she disliked Petal, but in fact she thought of her as one of the best friends she'd made in the crazy business of interstellar pilotage. The two worked together on a regular basis, though they'd only started sharing an apartment since they'd returned to Earth. (Rents were absurdly high on this overpopulated planet.)

Petal grunted as she slipped on industrial-strength underwear that made it more likely she could go out into public without waiters dropping their trays and cab-drivers running into poles. She finished dressing and spun in front of the mirror.

"Not too shabby," she purred. Her dress was a shifting aurora of colors that changed its hue as she moved. Even breathing made it shimmer. Petal had paid an awful lot of money for this dress and was pleased to have an opportunity to show it off in public.

Arky slid off the bed, having been ready for some time. She had contented herself with the dress uniform of a galaxy-standard pilot, her one concession to glamor being the Arborian hell-gem that she wore as a necklace. Hell-gems were notoriously difficult to buy; Arky had been given this one as a gift from a grateful client when she was working there.

The two of them made a duo that turned heads when they entered the great hall of the university. Petal the epitome of feminine allure, Arky clad in a uniform almost as severe as one of the Lensmen of the Galactic Patrol, her fair hair cropped in a military style. But compared to the guest of honor, they were almost boringly conventional.

Arky slid through the crowd, Petal following along with a string of "Excuse me.. pardon me... can I just get through?" The throng became thicker the closer they got to the center of attention.

"Arky!" said a deep voice. "Good to see you." It was easy for Eve to spot her friends approaching; at nearly eight feet tall she towered over everybody else in the hall. Under the subdued lighting, the green skin was almost unnoticable until you got close to her.

"Eve, you look wonderful," said Arky. The city's leading dress-maker had spent weeks working on a formal outfit for this unique client. It wasn't often you were commissioned to make a ball gown for an android.

The company that had created Eve to explore marginally-habitable planets had made the mistake of bringing her back to Earth. They had immediately been slapped with a writ by the ACLU, leading to a high-profile court battle that was being celebrated as the most significant piece of law since the Dred Scott decision. Eve was now a person, just as much as any human being or any visitor from the outer planets.

The reception proceeded in the way of such things. Academics and politicians stood up to say "a few words" and finally the woman everyone had been waiting to hear got to her feet. An involuntary stir went through the audience as she towered over them.

Eve was not an orator. Elocution training had made her voice more normal and pleasing to the ear but it had not turned her into a public speaker. That made what she had to say all the more moving.

In a few words she outlined her origins as a tool of a giant corporation, then with admirable conciseness skipped over a legal battle that had absorbed the finest minds of a generation for a year. She thanked the many people who had selflessly devoted themselves to winning her freedom, and ended with a hope that she would be able to do something for the community in return.

It was a simple speech, but Eve's obvious sincerity had the audience applauding loudly when she concluded. She gave a shy smile of gratitude.

Later when all the captains and the kings had departed, the three women sat around a table and caught up. Eve had become a freelance "consultant" which meant that she would be doing the sort of work she had been genetically engineered for, but now she would be in business for herself. Arky and Petal were on leave, waiting to see if their employers were willing to let them go back into space without tiresome re-training.

Eve sipped a glass of white wine, something that she was slowly getting used to. The green hue of her fingers made the wine look rather odd in her glass. She seemed glad that the civic reception was over.

"I see so many people now. In the past I would go a day and speak only to one or two technicians. Now everybody wants to talk to me." She frowned. "But I see so many people for short times. Not many people really.... know me."

Arky sighed. She had been afraid of this happening. Eve was one of a kind and almost inevitably found human society hard to bond with.

Petal however had a much more direct angle. "So, no guy in your life, Eve?" she queried. "I thought you'd have a better chance of finding a guy now you were out of the clutches of those dusty old professors."

"No, nobody really," said Eve. "It's not easy finding a boyfriend when you're a head taller than any man and can bend steel in your bare hands." This was a slight exaggeration - but only slight. She paused. "Romance is usually out of the question."

"You mean you aren't getting any ... male companionship?" said Petal with unusual diplomacy.

Eve sighed. "Petal, I would not say this to anyone else, but I have only ever had one sexual climax in my life." Petal looked horrified.

Arky winced, remembering that day. It had taken two able-bodied men half an hour to bring Eve to orgasm and nearly ruined their health in the process. She could understand why not many guys were game to bed the statuesque android. Maybe an Olympic athlete could accept the challenge, but few others would dare.

Eve didn't feel it necessary to describe the humiliation of her last sexual encounter. A young man at the laboratory had been more than friendly. He was plainly intrigued by Eve and made it clear he would like to take things further.

It was obvious to Eve that copulation was out of the question; at the very least she would have broken one of his arms or legs. But his suggestion they try oral sex seemed worth a try.

The night had been a fiasco. He had been so excited that after just a couple of minutes he had climaxed, showering cum all over Eve's cheek and throat. His attempt at returning the favor had been futile; oh, it was pleasant enough, but after a while it became obvious that his tongue was not going to be enough to satisfy her no matter how long he tried.

Eve had been thoroughly embarrassed by the whole business and could not bring herself to mention it even to her two friends.

It was a subdued duo that dropped Eve at her hotel and drove on into the city. "I feel so sorry for Eve," said Petal. "She's so alone. If only there was somebody she felt close to."

"It's hard to find a good man for anybody. Eve can't exactly go to a singles bar without causing a sensation." Arky thought for a moment. "Maybe there's a specialist dating agency that handles larger sizes. I'll have a look when I go on-line tonight."

They pulled in to the no-nonsense metal building that housed the Space Agency offices. Arky was hoping there's be some word on whether their status had been confirmed yet, but there was nothing to be learned at the offices. Arky was muttering a few choice words under her breath as she strode out of the front door, not watching where she was going.

It was as though she'd walked into a stone monolith. She bounced off the enormous thigh of a reptilian M'Nar, jarring her from top to toe. "Ow! I mean... I'm sorry. My fault, I wasn't watching where I was going."

"Such haste," hissed a voice from way above her head. "Not even time for old friends (hiss)." She looked up, startled. The M'Nar were sometimes dismissively described as "lizard men" and in fact they actually did all look alike to human beings, but there was something familiar ...

"Nelth?" said Arky. "Is that really you? I never expected to see you here on Earth!"

The reptilian giant nodded calmly. "No longer do I fly between worlds. Older and wiser minds have decided that I am suited to try and understand the human race here at the embassy of my people." He extended one shining arm, indicating the M'Nar building across the square. They were one of half a dozen races that maintained diplomatic relations with Earth.

"That's a nice surprise. What about your mate? Did she accompany you?" The last time Arky had met Nelth, his wife had been back on M'Nar for medical treatment. There was a long pause and Arky realised she had put her foot in it good and proper.

"My mate has (hiss) not survived. There were ... complications (hiss)." Nelth's unreadable eyes stared at her dully. Even across the gap between species, Arky could sense his sadness and loss.

"Will you... take another mate?" she said clumsily. She knew next to nothing of M'Nar matrimonial customs.

Nelth shook his head ponderously. "My people usually mate for life. There are few (hiss) single females available."

At that moment, standing in the stark foyer of the Space Agency, Arky Del suddenly had one of those "Eureka!" moments happen only once or twice in a lifetime. She turned on Nelth and insisted, absolutely insisted, that he come and visit her at her dwelling place. Nelth's impeccable manners prevented him from refusing and she pressed the details onto him before he could think up an excuse.

That night, she excitedly poured out what had happened into Paul's ear. "Don't you see, it's absolutely perfect." Her eyes sparkled with glee. "You couldn't do better if you tried. It's... it's destiny, that's what it is."

Paul wasn't quite so convinced. "You want to set up Eve on a blind date with a M'Nar lizard man? Isn't that so out of left field."

"Well, why not? Think about it."

"That's the trouble, I am. There are so many variables here, Arky, I couldn't even begin to calculate them. The only thing these two have in common is they're both friends of yours. Aside from that, they're as different as you could possibly get!"

"But Eve can't find a guy who's not intimidated by her physical size. And Nelth is not going to find it easy to hook up with one of the few widows on his planet. What if they get on together? They could be a great couple."

Petal was sitting in front of the computer and turned her head. "What if they don't? They might never speak to you again. For all we know, they wouldn't even be.. you know, compatible." Petal squirmed. "You know what I mean," she added meaningfully.

Paul looked blank and Arky blushed a little. "We're not talking about me," she said shortly. "Eve's a big girl and she needs someone who's her equal."

They tossed it around for a while. Finally they came to a sort of compromise. Petal was no longer certain it would end in tears, and Arky stopped thinking of it as a foregone conclusion.

They put their minds to organising what had to be the most unusual dinner party of the year. Eve was easy enough to invite. She certainly had no social calendar to get in the way.

Petal scratched her head about the menu. It took a search of the Space Agency database to work out what foods she could serve to a M'Nar. And was Eve still a vegetarian?

Paul was staying the night and after Petal went to bed they talked about his work (he currently worked in some very technical branch of the Science Directorate), about where they would go next weekend, in fact about most things except the dinner party. Paul had learned that it was difficult to change Arky's mind when she was determined.

He took a quick shower and stepped back into the bedroom, pausing in the doorway. Arky had undressed and was sitting nude on the side of the bed tidying her jewel box where she'd been sorting out what to wear at dinner. Paul stood there, taking her in.

Even after all these months, he couldn't quite believe that he and Arky were together. Not only was she smart as a whip, but her body would have inspired any classical sculptor to reach for his chisel. The symmetry of her lithe curves, the play of muscles as she closed the jewel box and shut the drawer... she was exquisite. There was no other word for it.

Of course Paul could appreciate Petal's buxom appeal (as would anybody who wasn't blind or celibate) but Arky's streamlined form never lost its allure. Thinking back, he recalled the first time he realised that he loved Arky. They had just started going out while they were attending a refresher course at Clarke House on Luna City.

A fellow student had watched Arky cross the room and said musingly to Paul "How about I bring a bottle along to your room tonight and see if she'll do us both? I hear that threesomes are a lot easier in low-gravity." Paul had had a sudden impulse to smash his fist into the other man's face and he felt the urge to protect Arky from everyone and everything.

After that, things had progressed to the point where they were tossing around the idea of getting a place together, though this probably wasn't a very practical idea. The other possibility -- of Paul moving in to her apartment -- was unlikely as long as Petal was sharing the place.

But that was in the future sometime. For the moment, Paul was more than happy with the current situation.

Arky looked up and saw him. She smiled and his pulse speeded up. With infinite grace she swung herself up onto the bed and stretched out, watching him. Paul remembered the first time they made love; his heart had been beating so loudly in his ears that it seemed it was going to be a close race between climaxing and passing out.

He flicked the towel over in the direction of the bathroom and stepped forward, his naked body looming up over the bed. Arky reached out and cradled his half-erect penis, then without a word leaned forward and gently sucked the head of his dick into her warm moist mouth. Paul took a deep breath as her lips closed around him. "Ahhhhhhh."

In a few seconds, she released him and looked happily at the result. His cock was hard and throbbing, the head glistening in the light where she had gently caressed it with her tongue and lips.

She turned over and faced away from him, rolling herself up into a ball. To anyone else this might have looked like a sign of rejection, but Paul knew better. He moved on to the bed next to her and without a word being spoken she grasped her knees and pulled herself into an even tighter shape.

This resulted in her thighs spreading wide, moistly advertising her state of arousal. She was opening herself totally to him in an act of complete trust and acceptance.

He moved closer and put his arms around her. She was so tiny against him. The first time he shared her bed he had been frightened of hurting her, but he soon found that she was no fragile doll - her diminutive form was all muscle and capable of amazing energy and stamina.

Wordlessly, she reached back with one hand and closed her fingers around him. He felt as though an electric shock had gone through him and he trembled as she grasped him, stroking her thumb slowly up and down his manhood.

He knew that she was ready for him, and he was more than ready.

Keeping a tight rein on his eagerness, he moved forward, placing the head of his phallus against its target. For a moment he stayed still, then he pushed forward slowly but decisively. He stifled a gasp as he entered her - that unique never-to-be-forgotten sensation that sent a thrill through his entire body.

Arky made a noise in the back of her throat as he mounted her. Clasped in the arms of her man, she felt secure and loved, free to let the external world slip away while she sank into a universe of pure pleasure.

Paul began a measured assault on her yielding body, thrusting himself steadily into her. Their breathing became noisy as they gulped air to fuel their trembling bodies, the only sound in the room aside from the steady thwack-thwack-thwack of their bodies in conjunction.

She began to twist beneath him, writhing involuntarily as her climax came upon her. A guttural inarticulate noise came from her, a wordless groan of supreme excitement as her eyes closed tightly. Her body shook, then went completely limp under him. Her mouth fell open and a little drool oozed onto the pillow beneath her.

Paul held her while she shuddered through her climax, then began to move faster against her unresisting frame. Again and again he drove into her as the feeling of anticipation surged through him; it was as though an electric current was being fed through his body, filling him with more and more energy that could only be released through a single outlet.

Then it hit him, as though he had just leaped from the topmost diving board at the swimming pool. Down and down he fell, giving a yelp as the first pulse of semen erupted from him.

Again and again he felt the spasm of orgasm shake his body. He was stunned and speechless, unable for a moment to gain enough control of his body even to withdraw from his partner.
