Art Model Ch. 02

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A hot day at the lake.
7.1k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/27/2022
Created 02/02/2003
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My alarm woke me at the usual time, six thirty. That got me a shower while there was still hot water and a chance to get to my eight o’clock class on time. I started to get out of bed when I realized something was different. Oh ya, I was naked. Then I remember all that had happened the previous evening/night. Hmmm, should I make the short trip to the bathroom this way? Eric’s girl friend was most likely sleeping over, but I have never seen her up before I left in the morning. The same was even true for all my roommates, and their occasional “guests”. It was low risk so I decided to go for it.

I opened the door and took three steps toward the bathroom, when the bathroom door opened. I hadn’t even noticed it was closed. I froze like a deer in the headlights of an on coming semi.

“Well, isn’t that special!” Annie said, absorbing the full frontal view. “I should get up early more often when I am here. I had no idea what I was missing!” Smiled and continued to check me out. She always talked about sex and Eric was always sharing how wild she was, but we all thought it was just talk.

“Good morning,” I said as casually as I could and contented toward her and the bathroom. I was embarrassed, but turning back wouldn’t take it back. Just press on and get into the bathroom as quickly as possible. As I was about to pass her, she reached out and grabbed my cock.

“Nice tool.” She gave it a couple of pumps as I reached down to release myself from her grip. “Maybe we could try it out sometime when Eric is away.” She smiled.

“I don’t think so,” I said as freed myself and continued to the bathroom.

She swatted my on the ass and said, “You don’t know what you are missing! Let me know if you change your mind.”

I slipped into the bathroom and closed the door. Fuck! That was not what I wanted to happen. Oh well, it was done now. I locked the door and resumed my normal morning routine, shower, shave, brush teeth, and comb hair, with a new twist - wear towel back to my room. I could just envision Annie standing their waiting. When I emerged there was no one in the hall. I made it back to my room and off to class without further event.

I didn’t focus very well in class. I was reliving the previous evening, the incident of the morning, thinking about Kathy, and what tomorrow would hold. Dreading what flak I would get at home after Annie blabbed to everyone else. Class finally finished. Time was going by so slow. I went to the coffee shop and got a mocha, as usual. There wasn’t anything particular to do, other than kill time before my next class. The rest morning dragged out with my last class finally ending at noon I headed home. At least I didn’t have any more classes until Monday.

I walked in the door and found Annie stretched out on the couch. “Hi!” Said as I closed the door. “No one is here and Eric will not be back from class for an other hour. You sure you don’t want to fool around? I have been thinking about you all morning.”

“Uh, no. Thanks” I replied. Embarrassed, I ducked into the kitchen. I nuked up some leftovers for lunch, grabbed a beer, and headed up to my room. Seeing Kathy’s towel, I gathered up a load of laundry and returned down stairs and started it in the washer. Annie didn’t say anything as I returned back up stairs.

I closed my door, set my lunch on my desk, and turned the stereo on. Sitting at my desk I downed my lunch and the beer. I was busy doing nothing and thinking of Kathy and tomorrow. That jogged my memory as I saw my laptop, better plug it in and get a full charge on the battery so Kathy could use it tomorrow. I trundled down stairs again to dump my dirty plate in the dishwasher and grab another beer, hoping to avoid Annie in the process. I got lucky and made it back to my room with the beer and without any harassment from Annie. Parking myself on my bed I listed to the music from the local Rock station and polished off my beer. I thought about working on the programming project I had due the following Friday, but decided to take a nap instead. Stretching out I was asleep in a matter of minutes.

I heard a knock at the door, so got up and opened the door. Kathy was there, “I missed you and decided to drop by.” She pushed her way in and closed the door. She pushed me onto the bed and started to climb on top of me. There as a knock on the door again, this time louder. I opened my eyes. Dang, Kathy wasn’t there. It was just a dream.

“You in there Bill?” It was my roommate Matt.

“Ya, what do ya want?”

“We are going over to the O for drinks. You coming?”

I looked at the clock. Seven o’clock. Dang, I had slept all afternoon. “Ya, be down in a minute.” I climbed out of bed, looked down at my shirt. Not too wrinkled, no need to change. Wandering out of my room and to the bathroom I check my hair. Yup, bed head. I stuck my head in the sink, wetting my hear, and combing it out. That’s better, at least acceptable and I went down stairs.

“Hey, flasher!” It was Eric, obviously Annie had told him about this morning. “Trying to steal my girlfriend? All you have to do is ask!” I could feel face turning red with the embarrassment. I went to hide the laundry room and found my stuff already dried and piled in my basket. Although everything was wrinkled, at least they bothered to run it through the dryer.

Annie was nowhere to be seen. The sick thing was that Eric probably meant it. “No, you can have her.” Annie qualified as ‘cute’, being a little over weight, but was not as good looking as Kathy ... At least in my view.

“Oh, that’s right. Rick says you have a woman you are hiding from us. That Kathy chick? What’s the matter, is she dog ugly or something?” Rick started laughing, he was sitting on the couch with his girlfriend, Allison.

I must have been bright red by the time I said, “Geez, I just met her yesterday and had one lousy phone conversation. Heck, it’s not like I snuck her in here last night, bopped her brains out, and then snuck her out again... Like some people here.” I gestured to Eric and Matt. They had both done that, Eric almost getting busted by Annie. As far as I knew, she didn’t know about it yet.

“Let’s get over to the O before the lines get too long.” It was Matt. He was the most sympathetic in defending my virgin status and was in general, not as comfortable discussing or teasing about someone’s sex life.

“OK, just don’t hide her from us too long. We to see what you have landed.” Eric said heading for to the door and pushing me forward.

“I don’t know that you deserve to meet her. You all are such sleaze bags you might scare her away!”

We all laughed and started the five minute walk to the bar. That was the end of my torture, as talk turned to gripping about class assignments and tests, who might be at the bar tonight, and what to do Saturday night. At the bar I ordered a burger and fries with my first beer, We staked out a table in our usual corner of the room. I was slow getting to the table, so I ended up with the seat facing the wall. So much for checking out the drunk bimbos. The mirror that covered the wall was so old and distorted it belonged in the hall of mirror for some circus.

The evening progress, like so many before. Round after round of beers were consumed, people we knew dropped by to chat, we speculated about the chicks by the bar. I was talking to Matt when a pair of hands covered my eyes. “Guess who,” was softly spoken into my ear. I could feel her head just over my shoulder. The female voice was familiar, but I wasn’t connecting. I could smell her perfume and I liked it. I pulled here hands down and turned to look. It was Kathy!

“Next time no cheating and you had better guess right!” She said as she stood up and smiled, leaving a hand on my shoulder. “Who are these guys you are hanging out with?”

“These are my roommates; Matt, Eric, and Rick. I haven’t seen you here before.” I tuned them out and focused on her.

“My roommate, Sarah, met a guy and was meeting him here for drinks, but didn’t want to go alone.” She pointed to a couple over by the bar. ”She is doing fine, so as the third wheel I was about to head home when I saw you. Mind if I join you for a bit, before I go?”

“No, not at all!” Eric, was all over it. Getting up to look for an extra chair.

“That’s all right, I’ll just sit here on Bill’s lap. OK?” Looking to me for confirmation.

I smiled like a stupid school boy and slid my chair back enough for her to drop into my lap. She set her beer down next to mine and draped her free arm around my shoulders.

My roommates were shell shocked and it showed on their faces.

“So you guys, what should I know about Bill here? I just met him yesterday and I’m not sure if I should trust him or not.”

Oh, shit! It was now open season on me. What crap did they have on me? I doubted that Matt would say or do anything very mean, but Rick and particularly Eric scared me.

True to form, Eric and Rick started in on me being a computer geek, recounted my night driving the porcelain bus, and then started making things up. Matt tried to help me deflect some of the lies, but Kathy seemed to see through it and giggled.

I never thought I would be happy to see Annie again, but she showed up. She winked at me in approval and after being introduced to Kathy, dragged Eric off to dance. I wasn’t sure if she really wanted to dance, or just wanted to get Eric away from Kathy. In either case I was glad he was gone. Matt shifted over to Eric’s chair, freeing up the seat next to mine for Kathy, but she reminded on my lap. Which was just fine with me. I was drinking the contact with Kathy and the scent of her perfume.

After another round of beers, Kathy announced “I have to get up early tomorrow, so I’ll be going. Bill, can you walk me to my car?” And she slid off my lap and stood up.

“Sure.” I said and stood up too.

“Nice to meet you guys, and thank for the dirt on Bill!” She turned and headed for the door.

“I’ll be back in a bit,” I said as I turned to follow her to her car.

Just outside the bar she reached over and held my hand. Our pace slowed as we continued toward her car.

“I’m glad I saw you here. I’ve been thinking about you today.” She said, giving me a bump with her hip.

“Me too,” I said. “Even when I was napping this afternoon.” Oh shit, why did I say that. That was too much.

“Oh, really? You were dreaming about me? Tell me about it!”

“Actually, it wasn’t much. I dreamed that you knocked on my bedroom door, and when I opened it you pushed me on the bed. That’s when Matt woke me up to come here.”

“Come on, there had to be more to it than that!”

“OK, you closed the door and started to jump on top of me, but that was it. Honest.”

“Well, that’s a little better. At least I wasn’t a sex starved slut.” She smiled and leaned into me with her shoulder.

“So, what were you thinking of me today?” I asked.

“Promise you won’t freak on me?”


“I was wondering what it would be like to sit on your lap and have you hold me in your arms. What it would be like to snuggle up with you on the couch and watch a movie. Stupid, romantic stuff.”

“That doesn’t sound so stupid to me. Actually, it was really nice to have you sitting on my lap. It surprised me, but I honestly liked it.”

We reached her car. With her free hand she fished her key from her pocket and unlocked the door. Looking me in the eye she asked “I’ll see you in the morning?”

“Yes, I wouldn’t miss it.”

She squeezed my hand, “OK, see you then.” And she got in her car and drove away.

I turned to go back inside, knowing the punishment I was about to get from my roommates. I walked in, straight back to the table, and sat down at the table.

Looking around, no one said a word until Matt opened his mouth. “Kathy’s a real catch. It seems like she really likes you. I hope it works out for whatever you two want.”

“She’s a lucky girl. I hope knows it and doesn’t let you go.” It was Annie. For all the joking around and the meeting the hall that morning, I never expected that from her.

I was dumbfounded, and a little scared. It wasn’t like these guys to be so serious. “Come on, lighten up. We only met yesterday.”

“Just don’t screw it up. You have a chance at something real and something good. Take it from me, I know from experience. One night stands are fun, but never touch what you can have in a real relationship.” Wow, that from Rick, Mr. One-Night-Stand himself.

“OK, I get the point.”

“So where did you meet?” Asked Matt.

“Would you believe at an interview for a modeling job over at the community college. For one of their basic art classes. I was interviewing with the instructor before class, and Kathy was the model for that night. The instructor had me stay to see what it was like, and Kathy and I ended up going out for an ale after class.”

“Oooh, ale. Fancy stuff. You mean we have been wasting our time in bars, drinking beer, trying to pick up on chicks, when we should have been hanging out in art classes over at the community college and drinking ale? Dang! I have to remember that one.” Rick said, and we all laughed.

We had another round of beers and then walked home. Annie came home with us and dragged Eric of to his room for some more “exercise.” The rest of us dropped down in front of the TV as Matt surfed for something anyone was interested in. I was hard to believe, but even on the pirated cable, premium channels and all, we didn’t find anything after half and hour of searching. I decided to call it a night and went up to bed.

I crawled in bed naked again, thinking of Kathy. Wishing that she were her to snuggle up with and hold. I thought I could still smell her perfume. I closed my eyes and could see her floating in the moonlight, standing in the moonlight wet from the water, stand on the platform smiling at me, and just sitting across the table from me drinking an ale. I couldn’t wait for the morning to come and I could see her again.

I woke to my alarm going off. Dang! I should have set it for seven thirty or eight, six thirty was too early for a Saturday morning. I reset the alarm and tried to go back to sleep. It wasn’t working, I just kept thinking about seeing Kathy. Wondering what would happen today. Finally at seven I gave up, turned off the alarm, and headed for the shower. This time I wore a towel, but this time there was no need.

I was down stairs watching cartoons and eating cereal by seven forty five. Annie came down stairs at about eight. She was wearing Eric’s robe, not an uncommon thing on weekend morning. The shocker was that took the robe off and stood before me nude. “Now we are even for yesterday morning, and just a peek at what you could have if Kathy doesn’t work out or you want a little on the side.” She put the robe back on. She didn’t look as bad as I had imagined. No rolls or ripples, just pudgy.

“Well, thanks, but you didn’t have to do that and you know I don’t fool around. Not to mention with my roommate’s woman.”

“You are a prude. Some day you will wake up and beg for it.” An she headed back up stairs.

A moment later Rick emerged from his downstairs bedroom. “What the fuck was that?” He said with a chuckle. “Did I hear right? Did Annie just come on to you? And what was that about yesterday morning?”

“Ya, you would think that the way Eric talks she would be more than satisfied. As for yesterday, she caught me walking from my room to the bathroom with nothing on. I wasn’t thinking, I mean no one around here has ever been up that early.”

“Oh, shit. You are never going to live that down. What are you doing up so early? You should be in bed dreaming about Kathy. I was.”

“I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. Anyway, I need to leave in forty five minutes anyway. Kathy invited me along to hang out with some of her friends at some lake.”

“Cool. Sounds like you two are really hitting it off.” Just then Melissa poked her head out of Rick’s door. She was one of Rick’s more regular “guests.”

“What are you boys doing?” She had one of Rick’s T-shirts on, like a nightshirt, and I wasn’t sure if she had much else on. From the little peaks on her chest, she was not wearing a bra.

“What does it look like? Watching TV and talking about Bill’s new girlfriend.’ Rick replied.

Melissa went to the kitchen and reappeared with a glass of orange juice, dropping down in the recliner of the end of the couch. As she folded her legs up on the seat, Rick and I got a clear view of her bush. No undies there! Either she didn’t care or didn’t know about her exposure, as we all just sat back and watched the tube.

As the ads started to run for the change of shows at nine o’clock I headed up to my room to pack my things for the day. I took all the notebooks and books from backpack and replaced them with my laptop, towel, bathing suit, Kathy’s towel, a novel, and the text book from the general ed. history class. Like I would really read the five chapters I was behind.

I returned down stairs to find Melissa curled up next to Rick on the couch. The shirt she was wearing and ridden up, showing of her legs and ass. And how nice they were!

“Hey, Bill!” Rick called out as I was about to step through the door.

I looked back over my shoulder, “Ya, what?” And Rick pulled up Melissa’s shirt, flashing her boobs at me. Ooo, those were nice too! I could see the tan lines from a bikini top on her round, full breasts. She didn’t do anything for a couple of seconds and I just soaked in the view, as Rick smiled.

“That’s enough!” Melissa finally said, pulling the shirt back down. “Any more and you will have to pay! Just like all the other perverts that come to watch me dance.” That was new information, she was a stripper.

I completed my exit and drove over to Kathy’s place. It was a little difficult finding the right apartment building in her complex, but I managed and finally climbed to the stairs to here second floor apartment. Knocking on the door, I waited a few seconds, and the door opened. It was Kathy in her silky red robe from the other night.

“Good morning! Come on in.” She said.

Entering I could see Sarah in the kitchen, over the counter top. She was wearing a bikini top and fixing something to eat.

“That is Sarah.” Kathy said pointing. “Sarah, this is Bill. He is coming with us today.”

“Hi, Bill. I saw Kathy sit with you for a while last night. Nice to actually meet you.”

“My other roommate, Carri, is still getting ready. Why don’t you come back to my room while we wait.” I followed her, still a carrying my backpack.

Here room was typical of a college coed; a desk, dresser, single bed.

“What did you bring?” She asked.

I sat on her bed and opened my backpack. As I did, she pushed the door mostly closed.

“I brought back your towel, clean.” I pulled it out and handed it to her. “My towel, swim suit, laptop, and a couple of books.”

“Well, I don’t think you will need your swim suit, unless you are giving up on nudie day. Why don’t we get started now?” She slipped off her robe and sat next to me on the bed. “Your turn. You can leave that here, right?” And she pull my swim suit out and tossed it to the corner of the room.

I sat there for a few seconds, totally not having expected this.

“Well?” She questioned. “Do you want me to help you?”

I snapped out of it. “Uh, just a sec.” And I pulled my T-shirt off and slid my shorts and underwear off. With that I sprouted a hard on. There I was sitting with only my shoes and socks on.

“Don’t worry about that.” Kathy said looking at my cock, “We’ll let you relax a bit before we go back out into the other room. It’s natural anyway, kind of a complement. At least that is how I will interpret it.” She smiled.

I was about to stuff my clothes into my backpack, when she said “You’ll only need your shirt, the rest you can leave here. If you need to cover up, a towel will do.” I hesitated a second, then tossed my shorts and underwear over with my swim suit.