Aurora - Goddess of the Dawn Pt. 05

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Let the celebrations commence.
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Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/09/2019
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This is a work of fiction. All characters depicted are 18 years or older

The millionaire lawyer discovers there are some things money can’t buy.



Beck lay awake on her bed, almost level with the main cabin next door, listening to Tanya panting and crying, listening to Bragg. Legs wide, her bottom raised clear off the bed, she pounded herself with her pink plastic vibrator, driving it deep into the bubbling cauldron between her thighs. Finally, when it all went quiet, she snuck forward into Watson’s cabin. He was on his back, waiting for her, slowly stroking an aching erection, but when she threw a leg over him and started to settle, he fended her off.

“Nuh uh, Chook. Not tonight.”

Beck looked at him aghast. He had never once rejected her, not since that day when they’d first set foot on Terra Nova. She knelt astride the old man, staring at him in abject dismay and after letting her stew for a few seconds he took her hand. “You don’t want to be all worn out for tomorrow now, do you?”

Beck sagged in relief, then balled her fist into a bony little mace and punched his arm. “Stop teasing, Damon Watson, or I won’t let you fuck Tan.”

“Ouch!” Watson laughed, rubbing his bicep. Looking left and right, he winked at her. “Then I guess a blowjob’s out of the question?” he whispered.

Sliding onto the bed with silken ease, Beck arranged herself beside Watson, head to toe, her sopping mound level with his face. Lifting Beck’s knee, the old man teased her open with the tip of his tongue, ploughing the length of her slit, teasing her clit for a while sinking into her as deep as he could go. Her taste was exquisite, sweet and musky, like something out of a candy shop. Her mouth engulfed him, her own tongue probing his peehole, slithering around his shaft as she snuffled and sucked. She beat him to orgasm, but not by much, then lay back gulping as he filled her throat with his climax. Sweating, satisfied, and finally tired, she sat up, then and pivoted on her bottom and lay down beside him. She burped, her breath redolent with sperm. “Know what?” she suddenly asked out of nowhere, wrenching Watson out of his hypnagogic descent.

“What? No? Know what?”

“I really, really like Tanya.”

Watson stroked her back. “Really?”

Waiting for him to start on down again, she said, “Do you?”

“What? Who?”

“Do you like Tanya?”

“What? Yes, of course I do. She’s very sweet.”

“What about Roger? Do you like him?”

Watson thought about it. The short answer was ‘no’, but that wasn’t the answer she wanted. “He’s okay.” the old man said lamely, “He’s probably a very good lawyer.”

“You think he’s an idiot, don’t you?”

She had him there.

“What would you think if I fucked him?”

“Is that what you want to do?”

She shrugged. “Mm... yeah... maybe. Just for fun.” Propping herself on an elbow, Beck commenced drawing circles in the middle of Watson’s chest. “Are you looking forward to fucking Tanya?”

Watson heaved a sigh. He was desperate to capitalise on the soporific effect of a very nice orgasm, but Beck had stuff on her mind. “Of course I am, but just for fun.”

“And that’s all?”

“All?” Watson grimaced, his abdominals bunching as he propped himself up on his elbows. “Of course that’s all.”

“You won’t want her instead of me?”

Watson fell back onto mattress with a grunt, quietly thrilled that Beck was looking for reassurance. “We’ll just pull anchor and slip away if you go on like that. It’s just a bit of fun, you said so yourself. Besides, I’m the one who should be worried.”

“About what?” Beck frowned.

“About a tall, dark, handsome, obscenely rich-”


“ stealing my girl.”

Beck lay her head on Watson’s arm and rolled into him. “Now you’re just being silly. You’re the only one I want. Forever and ever. He’s just to play with.”

“And so’s she.”

She lifted her head. “This is gonna be so much fun!”

“You’ll get to see what’s in Rogers shorts.”

“Uh huh. Did you see, he was pitching a tent all night. I got all wet just looking at it.”

“I know. I could smell it.”

“Did you see him staring at my shorts?”

“Wondering what’s inside them as well.” Watson pulled the covers up then turned his head and kissed her goodnight.

“I guess we both find out tomorrow.” Beck yawned.

“Not if you don’t get some sleep.”

“Sweet dreams.” the girl whispered, and in a few quiet breaths was fast asleep.

* * *

A slanting sunbeam prodded the old man awake. Groaning, he sat, bleary eyed, smacking his lips with a Champaign hangover. Beck was gone, but he could hear her up on deck, chatting and laughing. Pulling on his shorts, he ran a hand over his scalp and padded through the saloon to the companionway. It couldn’t have been later than seven, but Beck and Tanya had just hauled-out onto the swim platform after terrorising the local fish life for the past half hour. He turned on the spot. The sun was low in a pristine sky but there was overcast gathering above. A breeze had sprung up and scurrying wavelets were slapping Aurora’s hull. Tanya pulled her fins off and stood, topless, her skin streaked and beaded with runoff. “God that’s fun!” she said, stirring a finger in her ear. “You know, if you’re not careful, I’m gonna steal this little mermaid away!”

“Wait right there,” Watson replied, “and I’ll go pack her stuff.”

Beck pushed upright onto her splayed brown feet. She was topless as well, in imitation of the older woman, and her nipples were as stiff as pink rubber bullets.

“See anything interesting, Chook?”

“Meh,” Beck shrugged, “a couple of sea snakes.”

“I just about shat myself.” Tanya affirmed, then shuddered. “Snakes... brrr!”

“Those little guys?” Watson scoffed. “They’re one of the sweetest-natured critters you’ll ever come across.” ‘And compared to a Lawyer’, he thought, ‘positively saintly.’

“I already told her.” Beck said.

“Knowing it is one thing, believing it another.” Tanya smiled. “But he was kinda cute, I have to admit. I love the way Beck let him come up right to her mask.”

Watson grunted with laughter. “Can you imagine what he must have seen? Those big blue eyes staring back at him? I bet he’s still telling his mates.’”

“We saw a cuttlefish.” Beck said.

“Now that was just flippin’ amazing.” Tanya gushed. “The way he changed colour. I couldn’t believe my eyes.”

“Cuttlefish!” Watson concurred, “one of my all-time favourite creatures.”

“Name one that isn’t.” Beck challenged.

Those two-legged rats running riot on the earth, Watson thought.

There was a moment’s loaded silence. “Well...” he hedged, “I guess it’s brekky time.”

Tanya looked at him, blinking. “How did the thinking go?”

“Yeah,” Beck cut in, “what’s the go?”

The two females had him cornered. “Well,” Watson hedged, “really, it’s all up to Beck.”

Tanya and Beck hugged each other in unbridled delight.

“But the deal still stands.” Watson hastened, pointing between himself and Tanya. “I mean you and me.”

“Damon.” Tanya replied, “Anywhere, anyhow, as many times as you like.”

“And it’s Beck’s call. Whatever. If she says ‘no’, it means ‘no!’”

“Got it!” Tanya nodded. “Becky?”

Beck rubbed her hands together. “This is going to be so frikken’ awesome!”

“Better put a bucket over poor old Roger’s head!” Tanya grinned, and Beck looked at her askance. “For when his little mind blows.”

That’s not the only he was going to blow, Watson thought. Beck grabbed his hands. “Can I have a shower Dommy?”

“That’s probably a good idea. What do you reckon, Tanya? We’ll go and make ourselves beautiful. Give us a shout when you want us to come over.”

* * *

Bragg was sitting back in the cool embrace of the leather upholstery, on the far side of the saloon’s teak table, looking very pleased with himself. He had just turned forty. His brand new yacht was purring like a Rolls, his firm had just claimed victory in another big case. His beautiful wife had been fucking his ass off all night and the next-door neighbours were coming over to wish him happy birthday. Ever so slightly disappointed when Beck turned up in a tatty blue dress with an unravelling hem, he roused himself to offer Watson a hearty handshake.

Dressed in skin-tight red shorts and a sheer white boob-tube, Tanya bustled around, setting up Champaign flutes, while Watson settled at one end of the ‘U’ shaped settee. Everyone ducked as the cork blew out and ricocheted round the saloon, then Tanya filled four glasses with frothing good cheer. Gesturing for silence, she raised her glass. “Here’s to Roger. Happy fortieth birthday, my darling man.”

“Roger.” Beck and Watson chorused, without the ‘darling man’, and they all duly sank their Champagne. Watson surreptitiously eyed Tanya, all in her shorts and tiny white top, and Beck, in her faded old dress with not so much as a stitch on underneath. Bragg, he thought smugly, was about to pop a cork of his own.

Cocking his head, the victim-to-be gave Watson the eye. “Damon,” Bragg said gravely, “I’ve been thinking. I’m incredibly impressed by your efforts over the past couple of days. I’m not much of a handyman myself, but I can fully appreciate someone who is. I was wondering. Would you like to come and work for me? The firm could use a guy like you. A sort of trouble-shooter. A go-to guy. A mister fix-it, if you will.”

Watson sat blinking, wondering how to say ‘No fucking way’ without sounding rude. One look at his face and Tanya swooped in to the rescue. “Oh, Rodge!” she scolded. “What did I say? No work stuff! It’s your birthday, remember. You’re having the day off.”

They sat sipping the Champagne in silence for a moment, then Tanya and Beck swapped some mental telepathy. “Roger.” Tanya suddenly announced, “I’ve got a little surprise for you but it’s over next door. Promise me. When I bring it over you have to keep your eyes shut.”

Bragg rubbed his hands together. A surprise? It could only be that new Blancpain he’d been hinting at, or that crate of Dalmore 62. Whatever the case, while the material worth might be of relatively little importance, not so the thought. Namely that he was deservedly the centre of the universe.

“Be right back.” Tanya said and kissed him on the forehead, then scaled the companionway followed closely by Beck. What a pity, Bragg thought, to see the girl dressed so modestly after last night’s spectacular. Maybe the old man had been in her ear. Brightening, he raised his flute to Watson. “A job” he said. “Think about it.”

Watson deflected the issue the best way he knew how, by getting Bragg to talk about himself. Only half listening, he tried to imagine what was happening next door. Tanya was helping Beck into an outfit she had snuck over earlier, though its exact ingredients were still top secret. An image of Tanya, topless, fresh from her swim, her skin taut, her caramel-coloured nipples stiffly erect, popped unbidden into his mind. His mouth flooded at the thought of sucking those gorgeous, pert tits, and he went on to wonder what the rest of the package would be like.

“Okay,” a voice called, “we’re ready. Roger! Close your eyes! Damon, if he doesn’t behave you have my permission to punch him!”

“Go ahead, Damon,” Bragg smiled, dutifully closing his eyes, “I need the money.”

Watson looked over his shoulder as Tanya’s face appeared, checking the coast was clear. He gave her a thumbs-up and she quickly descended, then turned and gestured to Beck. Watson’s breath caught in his throat. Beck descended backwards, her small round butt clad in sheer black boyshorts. Tanya had knotted an iridescent blue scarf around her chest and brushed out her hair. They hit the cabin floor as silent as cats, and snuck towards the saloon table.

“How long do I have to keep them shut?” Bragg asked.

“For as long as I say!” Tanya replied sternly, then put a finger to her lips. Picking Beck up under the armpits, she hoisted the girl gently onto the table.

“Mmmm...” Bragg intoned, “What’s that nice smell?”

Beck arranged herself directly in front of him, legs spread, knees up, leaning back propped up on her arms. Tanya made some final adjustments, preening Beck’s hair and hitching up the scarf. Satisfied, she took a step back and the three exchanged glances.

“I’m getting im-paaaaa-tiennnt.” Bragg sang.

Beck nodded. Ready.

“Okay, Darling. Open your eyes.”

It took a second for the sight to register then Bragg threw up his hands. “AAAAAARRRRGGGHHH.....”

“Happy birthday, Darling.”

“It’s...” he grimaced, “It’s ...”

“You’re right, Darling. It is. It’s Beck and she’s even gift-wrapped. What do you think?”

Sweat leapt out of Bragg’s forehead and his carefully coiffed hair was standing on end. Teeth clenched, face screwed up, he pointed at the smiling young girl. “But she’s... she’s... “

Bragg was shaking, and while Watson couldn’t be sure he guessed his heart might be pushing the envelope. Death by sexual shock- the coronial would make for awesome reading. Beck rolled from butt-cheek to butt-cheek on the teak and her stomach muscles bunched out as she sat bolt-upright. She glanced at Tanya. This wasn’t how the script was supposed to play out.

“Well, go on Darling,” Tanya urged, “before she goes cold.”

“But what about...” he croaked, looking at Watson, “...what about him?”

Watson winked. “Happy birthday, Roger. Don’t go running this one dry.”

“But... but...”

“What’s up?” Beck frowned, “Don’t you like it?”

“No!” Bragg panted, “I mean YES. Yes!” Face still contorted, he dragged his eyes from her angelic face, to her honey-skinned abdomen, to the see-through fabric of the briefs. Her plump-slitted mound was just visible through the weave, with a tiny hint of her inner-pink peeking out. Bragg’s eyes were bulging like hard-boiled eggs, his gaze as focussed as lasers. He swallowed. “Jesus Christ! Becky. You look... you look... you look incredible!”

“Would you like to touch me?” Beck asked sweetly, taking his left hand and placing it gently on her upper thigh.

Bragg jerked as if he’d just been tasered. Teeth clenched, running a sweat in spite of the air conditioning, he looked to be in the grips of a medical emergency. Swallowing hard, he stroked the silky skin of the little blonde’s thigh, hyperventilating and completely aghast. Her skin was like vellum- smooth, taut and utterly unblemished, deeply tanned and oddly cool. Looking up to a reassuring nod, he ran his hands over her flanks to her ribcage.

“Well?” Tanya said, handing him the loose end of the scarf. “Are you going to unwrap her or what?”

Hands trembling, Bragg slowly pulled the free end of the bow. As the scarf fell away Beck pushed her chest out, proudly showing off her tiny breasts. Birthday Boy had turned white as a sheet and Watson was wondering if they should just call it all off. Or dose him with sedatives, or douse him with water- something, anything, to stave off the coronary.

Hands trembling, Bragg lightly touched Beck’s conical breasts.

“You can kiss them if you like.” she said, shuffling across the tabletop on her butt and slinging her legs over the side. One hand behind his head, she pulled his face onto a succulent little tit, a single delectable mouthful with nothing to spare. Eyes closed, Bragg swirled his tongue over her nipple, sucking and slurping as she gripped his hair. Turning slightly, she popped her breast out of his mouth, then slid him, slobbering, across her sternum to the other side.

On the far side of the table, Tanya shook her head. “Wow!” she breathed, “that’s so fuckin’ sexy.” Standing behind her, Watson rested a hand lightly on the small of her back. Feeling the hard bulge in the front of his board shorts nudging her ass, she arched her back, aching for intimacy as she watched her husband feast.

When her nipples had been tongued halfway to ecstasy, Beck pulled away, her crotch throbbing, her vagina already sopping wet. Bragg stared at her with a mixture of lust and dismay, as Beck leant back and lifted her butt. “Would you like to take my pants off?”

Bragg’s mouth worked silently for a moment then he looked pleadingly at Watson. “What...? I mean... is she...? I mean, what am I allowed to do?”

Beck said, ‘Anything you want’, at the same time as Watson said, ‘Whatever she lets you.’


Beck nodded. “Pretty much.”

“Not even half your age, Darling.” Tanya said. “And less than half your weight. You’re always saying how awesome it must have been. When I was her age, to have been one of those older guys. Well, guess what? Here’s your chance to find out.”

Bragg placed his hands on Beck’s thighs, just below the legs of the boyshorts. Her breathing had quickened. Her ribcage and abdomen were heaving with excitement, her belly muscles rippling as she held herself in tension. Her nipples were straining and her mound was plump and inviting- and very wet- and it was plain to see she was fully aroused. “Well?” she said in a little voice, “Would you?”

Bragg looked at Tanya. “Tan?”

“Happy birthday, Darling.”


“It’s all up to Becky, mate. Ask me and you don’t want to keep her waiting.”

Beck held her rear off the table as Bragg slid the briefs down over her hips, then she lowered herself gently onto the resilient cushions of her little round bottom. Tanya gasped. “Oh my god.”

“Smooth as a baby’s bot-bot.” Watson affirmed.

“She’s fucking beautiful!”

Bragg slipped the briefs, Tanya’s favourites, over the girl’s slender ankles then bundled them under his nose and inhaled. Watson stroked Tanya’s back from the nape of her neck to the waistband of her tight red shorts, watching her skin turn to gooseflesh. “Oh, Jesus!” she shivered, as Watson’s erection nestled into her crotch, “I can’t believe this is all coming true.”

Beck raised her knees, pressed together, then let them fall slowly apart to reveal the glistening pink cleft of her sex. Almost salivating, Bragg lowered his face towards the waiting encounter, inhaling her perfume, nuzzling her furrow, licking and sucking in a state of absolute rapture. After lapping her slit for a moment, he began working away at her entrance, getting no deeper than the tip of his tongue. When his eyes suddenly flew open, Watson knew Beck had just let him in. Bragg groaned, ‘Oh ny gog.’ with his tongue at full extension, buried deep inside the girl’s pink vagina, while his hands roamed her body, taking it in.

Beck rolled her hips, looking down on Bragg with a smile from ear to ear. Grabbing a fistful of his hair she lay back, gradually relaxing her tensed abdominals until her shoulder blades touched the table. Tanya ripped off her top then dangled one of her breasts over Beck’s face. The girl took it greedily, raking Tanya’s nipple with her teeth and flicking it with her tongue. Head up, eyes shut, Tanya moaned softly. Reaching back, she slipped a hand down the front of Watson’s shorts.

Having vowed not to rush it, Watson dropped his boardies and let Tanya have her way, stroking and squeezing his erection, slicking her palm with his pre-cum. Dismasting her own shorts she kicked them free, then arched her back and raised her splendid ass in offering.

Watson squeezed the firm globes of her perfect round butt. They felt incongruously large after Beck’s little handfuls, as if his hands had somehow suddenly shrunk. While he was busy pondering the miracle, Tanya gave her slit a few quick swipes with the head of his prick, then pulled him into her, impaling herself on his slick, slippery tip. Her legs were shaking. Watson took two or three shallow strokes then plunged deep into her, teeth clenched against the incredible sensation. There was a world of difference between Tanya’s body and Beck’s in terms of texture, tone and dimension, but the woman’s insides were incredibly hot, almost molten, and her strength and dexterity were breathtaking. When she gripped him tightly at full penetration for a couple of heartbeats, Watson realised he was in the hands of a pro.