Awakening Miranda

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A full bodied girl realises just how desirable she is.
6.9k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/08/2015
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Miranda was blessed with the fuller figure which drew unseen looks from older, wiser males who appreciated what a woman should look like, but some of her peers treated her with scorn; not the 'fashionable' waif like skeleton, younger males and females alike were often cutting with their remarks.

As she settled her generous rump on a stool at the bar, many of those older males took advantage of the glorious sight of her cheeks spreading to accommodate the seat, their cocks stirring as they imagined the pretty and plump ginger girl descending on their faces. The younger males were as ungracious as ever as Miranda settled down for the evening greeting friends and acquaintances as they arrived. The thinner girls received the usual leering smiles and pats on the arm as the leering and horny males sidled up, cursory glances and sneering being offered Miranda. Used to the curt remarks, she shrugged off the snide abuse as usual, but there was one male whose taunts were both constant and exceptional.

Lee Baker was the archetypal spoiled brat as a child, with indifferent parents who bought him whatever he wanted, paid his way out of situations which would have otherwise seen him in a court of law, and plied him with flash cars and money for the clothes he liked to pose in. After divorcing, his father had left him his own apartment, and he had seen neither of them in years as he slowly whittled away a trust fund, his father having moved to the other side of the country, his mother turning her attention to one boyfriend after the other, alcohol, and endless vacations. Cocky and self-centered, he was only seen as desirable by girls who were new to his acquaintance; several within Miranda's circle of friends had been well and truly used by him; charmed by his expensive appearance and passable good looks, lured into a false sense of security, fucked by him when the opportunity arose, only to be ditched conveniently after conquest. As Miranda arose from her stool to receive a drink from a friend, there he was, his usual cocky and rude self.

'Make way for the whale! Elephant comin' thru!' He turned to receive the plaudits of the other males, who perhaps not so open about the abuse, did nothing to help by not discouraging his childish but cutting remarks. Miranda pretended not to notice as she strode to the ladies room, her full but supremely firm arse jostling in the tight leggings she wore, those older males in attendance, delighting at the firm cheeks and indulging in a quick fantasy about the superb globes of flesh beneath.

The display did not go unnoticed by another group of people; primly dressed yet somehow provocative in her appearance, Clarissa Brand sat with her long nylon clad legs crossed, her nipples showing faintly through her thin bra and blouse as she noted the arrogance of Baker, and thought how she'd enjoy teaching him to him know his position amongst women. She was 55, very shapely and confident, sexually dominant and could never be the property of any male. She sat with a group of middle-aged and older women, of all shapes and sizes, but all somehow giving off an air of confidence, and all very smartly turned out. Her brown eyes smiled out from her attractive face as she surveyed the youthful brat Baker leering at the rounded feminine shape of Miranda as she walked most elegantly to the ladies room, her womanly shape the epitome of how a female should really look like. She would make her acquaintance.

The group consisted of woman who were now happily decadent in their freedom, some of whom having been led a life of drudgery in their earlier years, imprisoned in vanilla marriages with ignorant or staid husbands with shallow libidos, those male partners now either deceased or divorced, others having always been independent. The kindred spirit that they now shared was enjoyed by each of them in a very special and uniform way; each now loved to dominate the males they chose for pleasure. Clarissa, an ever present member of that group, followed Miranda to the ladies room.

Miranda first sensed the subtle perfume of the woman behind her, then noticed the shapely woman smiling at her in the mirror.

'It needn't be that way you know.' Miranda turned, puzzled by the woman's intrusion.

'Oh, if you mean Lee, I'm used to it. I just try to ignore him, if anything he just assists with my quest to lose weight, though his remarks are a bit too personal at times.' Clarissa stood a little closer and gave her a warm smile; something about her presence sent a shiver up Miranda's spine.

'Oh, but you have a very desirable body, you shouldn't be in such a hurry to change it, you should be proud of your shape; I know that in the real world, stereotypes out of the way, most men would be more than happy to be seen with you, even That arrogant bastard you're being so kind to; I'd like to see him begging to be yours.' Miranda's cunt tingled a little at her words as she looked the shapely woman up and down with a wry smile.

'In the real world? That's easy for you to say, the world I live in is full of males who like women who are your shape, apart from those older pervs of course.' Clarissa grinned and took her hand.

'That's just it, the older ones aren't being pervs, they're just being honest; I can show you just how desirable you are, and I'd love to have 'Lee' tell you as much; why don't you come and sit with my friends and I and have a drink, they all have a tale to tell.' Miranda was still a little wary, but something about the older woman's confidence excited her, and that along with her bold and prim appearance made her desire to be more like her, she seemed so young and vibrant for her years. She would also be out of Baker's way for a while; he could never have the remotest interest in middle-aged women.

The two came out of the ladies room and as Miranda edged to the bar to retrieve her drink, Baker was there.

'Don't forget to watch the calories slim, it's not like you need any more.' As he lifted his head and laughed at his own joke he felt a jab in his back. The males with him looked at the sleek middle-aged brunette behind him as he turned to see Clarissa standing there, the others silenced and lost for words, secretly admiring the shapely woman, cocks swelling as she gave off her confident aura; they could not help but feel this was something darkly sexual and just a little special. Her presence was not lost on Baker as she turned her head quickly with a curt smile, gesturing him to one side to allow Miranda through, his voice breaking slightly as he responded.

'Oh... I see you've brought your grandmother with you.' Clarissa simply smiled at the childish remark as Miranda passed, she enjoyed the awkwardness in his weak tone, then looked him in the eye.

'Careful boy, grandmother may have to put you over her knee one day.' Baker's cock swelled inexplicably at the mature woman's confident air as he blushed and the other males chuckled, this time at his expense as their cocks continued to rise on watching the shapely woman's arse depart in her tight dress. Clarissa smiled contentedly as she felt his eyes on her; she had sown the seed, he would be back for more before the evening was out, and she would be ready.

Miranda was now more than pleased to sit with her new friend, and she warmed immediately to the company she kept; though all there were at least a minimum of 25 years her senior, all were so youthful in their outlook. Clarissa sat her next to Rosa Harper, a woman so similarly shaped as Miranda, in her fifties and not ashamed to display her curves to the full extent. Buxom and very confident, a warm smile emanated from her rid lips and green eyes, she sat cross legged in a tight dress, displaying her large thighs clad in black nylon, stilettos accentuating the delicious shape of her legs. She smiled knowingly as Baker glanced over with annoyed eyes as he drank, trying to look nonchalant, but his thoughts and intentions obvious.

'I saw you working at him Clarissa, do you mean to have him? He's ripe for treatment, I take it this young lady has asked to join us?' The dominant brunette grinned as she returned a glance at Baker.

'This is... I've not even asked her name, do tell.'

She looked at Miranda who gave up her name, her cunt continuing to tingle with the atmosphere created as Rosa and the other women leaned forward eagerly. Clarissa smiled contentedly.

'I'm determined to have that young pup for treatment, but Miranda shall claim him; he's going to worship her, not me. She's going to tell us what she knows of him, and we'll decide how to proceed.' They were interrupted when a male of about 30 approached with a tray of drinks and said nothing, but looked silently at the plump Rosa. She merely looked at him with a sneer and pointed sternly to a space on the table.

'You took your time. Now ask our young guest what she'd like and go and fetch it for her.' He looked sheepishly at Miranda who was already dumbstruck by Clarissa's statement, and was now shocked by Rosa's obvious control over the male. She looked at what the other women were drinking, already wishing to fit in; beer would not do.

'Oh, I'll have a rum and coke please.' Rosa snapped her fingers and pointed to the bar.

'Be a little prompter this time, you have already been too lax.' He left immediately, Miranda's sex swelling at the formidable woman's natural authority over him, and feeling a little jealousy at the fact that the male, who was certainly attractive to her, was obviously under the complete control of a woman the same shape as her and so senior to him in years. Several of the other ladies leaned across and offered their hands in welcoming the younger woman as Rosa watched the male like a hawk, watching for a reason to chide him. A red headed woman of about 60 leaned across the empty chair and squeezed Miranda's hand.

'Hi, I'm Mimi Carter; we all saw how that young man shows so much interest in you, he hasn't realised it yet, but we'd love to help him appreciate you.' Miranda was dumbfounded, she looked at this vibrant women with a wry smile, her large and mature breasts held in the tight fabric of her dress, nipples not hidden as no bra was worn, a tight patent leather belt accentuating them wonderfully. Mimi grinned as she looked the younger woman up and down.

'I can see we'll have to show you how to express that lovely body of yours; you really shouldn't hide it the way you do.'

They were interrupted by the return of the male, who carefully placed the drink in front of Miranda. Rosa clicked her fingers and pointed to the empty seat; the other women smiling curtly at him as he sat in silence, Miranda could see he was completely under the control of the plump and formidable Rosa. She looked at him sternly.

'There, you've been of some use to a younger woman. I know it's excited you, you'll confess all when I get you home.' The male blushed slightly, and said nothing, just swallowed hard. Clarissa turned to Miranda, after exchanging another glare with Baker whose body language told of his need to engage the older woman with some insult.

'Tell me about our boy, what's his situation?' Miranda took a gulp of her drink, and loosened up immediately, the women's company made her feel more secure than she had been in a long time. She relayed to the women what she knew of him, his single status and his treatment of the prettier girls so far. Each of the women smiled at each other knowingly as they were enlightened, it was just as they suspected with regard to his arrogant personality, and his situation was perfect.

After half an hour or so, Baker had obviously loosened up too, and gained some courage through alcohol; he casually sauntered over to where the women were, and deftly placed his arm on Miranda's shoulder. He stood with the other hand in his pocket and leered at the older women while addressing the younger one.

'Well, I see you've found your niche with these senior citizens; I'm sure you'll feel at home knitting twin-sets to cover yourself up with, I'm sure they'll introduce you to some really racy events, I'm surprised they allow people this old into a joint like this!' Clarissa merely grinned and crossed her legs, showing more of her ample thigh. She could feel that there was more than spite in the arrogant male's mind. Her eyes monitored his stance, and his innocently pocketed hand.

'How is then, that you feel the need to play with yourself when viewing us?.. and this is one of the more mundane bars that we visit. Of course, someone with your lack of depth wouldn't appreciate the atmosphere of the sort of place we'll be at tomorrow.' The women were still laughing as he quickly dragged his hand free; he hadn't been molesting his cock, though something in the back of his head made him want to do so; as he flushed slightly and struggled for a suitably rude retort, he looked across at the solitary male who was looking down at the table to avoid eye contact, what could he possibly want from such company? He wanted to address the male, but something about the strange atmosphere stopped him from doing so. He was used to females looking subdued when he made his presence felt, but each one there just looked him in the eye and smiled confidently as they finished their contemptuous laughter. He stumbled a little as he retorted.

'No doubt the... the warden from the old folks home will be out looking for you soon; if this bar isn't good enough for you, how come you're here? You cramp our style with your wrinkles.' Clarissa noticed Rosa's breasts heave a little as she crossed her legs, her smile now showing an intensity which promised that this rude male would eat his words when the chance arose. She sneered up at him.

'We like to visit the cheaper bars at times, to see how the less informed and needy socialise; it's a novelty for us, and you're a fine example. Miranda here will be joining us at the Alhambra on Saturday, much more our style, but then you wouldn't appreciate the finesse of such a place; this is about your level, but she's wasted here.' As the women grinned knowingly, the seated and silent male's cock swelled as he listened; the night he had gone there had been the last night of his old life, he had arrived brash and insulting and was now Rosa's plaything, a sideways glance from that formidable woman as she enjoyed his obedient silence had his cock fully erect as he relived his capture by the women. Baker began to manufacture his own downfall.

'The Alhambra? Been there many times, I didn't know they allowed fat people in there, and special rates for senior citizens maybe?' He looked down at the casually dressed Miranda.

'And she'd need more than a makeover before she goes, though I expect you women have a man of a similar worn out age lined up for her, it's all she can expect; plenty of meat to keep his old bones warm at night.' Clarissa smiled, her cunt tingling as she imagined how Baker could look in just a week or so, and how Miranda would look at the Alhambra, with Rosa's assistance. She knew that Baker had never ventured into the Alhambra with it's dark corners and soft leather seating, the soft music catering for the candid liaisons that went on there. To most it was just another club, to others it was a meeting place for a covert business in slavery, where the destinies of many a vanquished male was decided. Clarissa was thinking of something to say which would seal his appearance there when Miranda rose from the chair, a contented smile on her face at being made to feel so at home with the women, and wanted for once. She looked at Baker with a confidence he had never seen before, something that made his balls tingle unexpectedly.

'Well, you'll never know, you won't be there and good riddance to you.' The women tittered as she strutted off to the ladies room once more, not allowing Baker time to make any cutting reply, and leaving him seething as he watched her generous arse move in the leggings. Clarissa noted his eyes watch her cheeks jostle and knew he had a greater interest in them that he did not let on; she would have him worship that arse from a different perspective. She would sow the seed before he left, his friends now calling and gesturing to him as they intended going elsewhere.

'Well sonny, it seems you've been put in your place. Better run along with your little friends now, must be way past your bedtime; they seem anxious to get you home. You'll have to wait till Saturday to fire off further insults, but off course, we'll be somewhere else.' Baker's rage was tempered with a strange unknown desire as his face reddened while the women humiliated him with their laughter, his balls tingling at the confidence of each of the women there, each he could not deny that he found attractive somehow despite their age, albeit grudgingly. He fought to get out a suitable retort but nothing came, and all he could do was stumble out 'Saturday' before wagging his finger defiantly as he followed his leaving friends.

Clarissa grinned at Rosa and the others as he left, seeing Miranda gave him a curt and dismissive wave, stopping him in his tracks and making him glare at her as she walked nonchalantly back to the women.

'He'll be there Saturday ladies, and we'll make him most welcome.' She greeted Miranda back to the table with a look on her face like a child at Christmas, and as she sat she took a pen and a post-it note from her bag.

'This is Rosa's address, before I forget; I trust you'll be there at about three tomorrow? We'll all be there, and we'll have some fun dressing you up ready for the evening. We'll have something else for you to enjoy to get you in the mood too.' Miranda was only too happy to accept, as the women grinned and continued with their drinks.

Miranda was full of anticipation as she arrived at the large house which belonged to Rosa, the sweet smell of the rambling roses which scaled the lower parts of the whitewashed walls filling the afternoon air. She rang the bell and as the door opened she gasped with amazement as Rosa greeted her with a wicked grin, Clarissa there at the door too, both dressed in tight skirts and perched on high stilettos, Clarissa looked down scornfully at a middle-aged male she had on all fours, naked and leashed.

'Kiss our guests feet Parker, you know the status of all males in the presence of any female; this is Mistress Miranda, and she will enjoy your correction this afternoon.' The two older women smiled contentedly as the leashed male eagerly kissed Miranda's feet, her mind a little shocked at first, but her cunt beginning to swell as she experienced the complete control over the male. Rosa continued.

'Kiss them well Parker or you'll know an extra punishment, taste the freshness of a newly liberated woman who will soon have her own pet. I know how you love to be humiliated before new members, and you'll not be disappointed; she'll see how males are here for the pleasure of womanhood within the hour, and you'll be the first example she'll witness taken down. Kiss those feet nicely, and prepare your mind for further reduction while she watches you being disciplined.' Parker lavished his tongue obediently on Miranda's casual shoes as the women grinned with pleasure, before he felt the leash tugged to signal his homage was sufficient. Rosa smiled softly at Miranda's shoes and casual attire, cloaking her impressive body as the younger woman's unbelieving eyes fixed on the rear of the male as he waddled on all fours; his cock poking down, erect with submissive excitement as he was led through the brightly decorated house by a woman who had shown him her superiority, balls neatly banded with a studded leather strap, a black circle spreading his arsehole - butt plugged to keep his anus wide.

'I can see we are going to have fun preparing you for tonight, it's always such a pleasure to have new girls see how they can express themselves, and I've seen the look in your eyes; all redheads have a rich dominant streak, we'll soon have you enjoying yours to the full extent.' They followed Clarissa through to a room where Mimi, several of the other ladies from last night, and a couple of new faces greeted her warmly.