Awakening Pt. 01

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Amellia is awakened to magic, losing her virginity.
3.9k words

Part 1 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/17/2017
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Thank you for reading Chapter One of Awakening. This will be my second posting to Literotica, so I hope you enjoy it.

Within "Awakening", Amellia will find out more about herself and certain powers in later installments. This is about her being introduced to the new world of magic. It pertains lesbian, and futanari action.

Comments and constructive criticism are welcomed.

I hope you enjoy.

- Axle


Pain shot through the very core of my being.

The worse thing was, it wasn't bad pain. It was actually very pleasant. As if I had been missing something my entire life, and suddenly I was completed. Distantly, I heard myself scream out in pleasure and pain. Very distantly, like it was someone else entirely, but I knew it was me. My eyes opened with that and I remembered the woman above me. It was her fault for the pain and the pleasure as she took my virginity with a cock created from magic. Strange, right? I found myself curiously thinking back to a few days, when the gears started turning to get me to this point.

My name is Amellia Morgana Noctis. I'm a healthy twenty-year-old woman. College student. Part time retail worker. I used to be normal. Just another person going through the motion of college. I wasn't terribly smart, but I wasn't dumb. I was clever enough, would be the proper term. A friendly person, who would talk and connect with anyone no matter their sex, color, religion, yadda yadda. My mother and father were both in the Armed Forces, so we moved around quite a bit -- hell, they still do. When that happens you either remain the loner, or you make friends with everyone and enjoy it.

I was attractive, thinking to myself as I looked in the mirror one Monday morning, putting on my "face". I knew I was, caused some problems. Girl next door, would apply to me. Not the most beautiful woman, but pretty enough to make most think they didn't have a chance, and for some reason only the douchbags of high school had ever tried making a move. Because of that, I never had a really fulfilling relationship, there was one -- once -- that came close, but I digress. So, twenty years old, Sophomore in college, and a virgin. That's me, Amellia Noctis, nice to meet you.

Finishing the make-up, I started brushing my long, raven black hair. It shined in the light of the early morning sun shining through the window. My dark eyes of which color I've never been able to place. People have told me grey, but I've never heard of grey eyes. I tend to tell others they were brown. My eyes looked over the work I had done. I'll never be a professional make-up artist, but I didn't do too bad. I typically use dark colors which looked good on with my black hair, and light skin tone -- it was terribly hard for me to get a tan, so I did without.

Just as I had finished brushing my phone rang. I answered it without looking at the name. "Hello?" I said only half paying attention as I turned to look at clothing.

"Amy!" Came a very bubbly voice. Vicky, one of the first people I had met last school semester. "Hey, can you meet me this morning?"

"Sure. I'm about to get changed then head down to breakfast, meet you in outside the dorms?"

"Awesome, that'd be fine!" She said happily. Victoria was always a happy person. It was cute. Bouncing up and down when she got excited. "See you then, Amy." She said before the connection clicked away.

Getting dressed quicker than usual, I chose a dark pink tank top and shorts that covered enough to make the school board happy. It was supposed to be hot today, after all. No sense in wearing jeans. Grabbing my bag and phone. Slipping the former over one shoulder, the later between my bra and C-cup breast, and headed out.

I went to college at some semi-big school in a little college town in California. Nothing big ever happened here. You never heard about out sports teams because we don't have the popular sports. We have a bowling team. Let that sink in. The town was also non-descript, but we were only an hour and a half away from Los Angeles, so there were perks. Considering my parents' constant moving, I lived on campus in the dorms. Victoria did as well, but a different floor. The day was just starting but already there were students hurrying to grab breakfast before the first lecture. Or those who had an insanely early morning lecture rushing to make it. Vicky was already waiting for me when I made it outside.

She thought as I had. She wore a form fitting blue t-shirt, some rock band I've never heard of displayed over her breasts. She had a nice figure, her breasts larger than mine -- probably a firm DD if I had to guess. I could tell from here she chose to wear no bra today. She was a bit like that, didn't care what people thought of her attire, didn't care who looked. A black skirt and tennis shoes completed her attire. The skirt was tight around her waist, but traveled all the way to her knees. At least she was trying for modest. Her full lips pulled into a smile as she saw me.

"Morning', beautiful!"

I smiled at that. Vicky had a crush on me. Though I liked her well enough, I wasn't sure about my sexuality on that particular front. To be honest with myself, if I were going to try and experiment, I'd like it to be with Vicky.

"Good morning." I said pleasantly as we fell into a hug. As one we turned and started walking to the school buildings, heading towards the food court first.

"So, odd question..." She started after a few seconds, her tanned cheeks were flush as she looked at her own feet. "You know how I feel..." I was about to say something, but she held up a hand. "Please." She said, her voice dripping with concern. "You know how I feel about you, and I know we've only mentioned a few times. But, Amellia, I really like you. Friday night two friends are coming over and bringing their girlfriend's. I don't want to be the fifth wheel. We're ordering pizza and watching movies, but I was wondering if you'd want to come over as well... I'd like to call it a practice date."

Vicky looked at me, curiosity, fear, wanting, and sadness in her bright blue eyes. I sighed. Slightly surprised that the question was so close to her own thoughts already. A practice date? "Okay." I found myself saying before I fully thought about it. Her reaction would have been the only reason why I had agreed. The look on her face went from one of concern, to one of happiness very slowly. Passing through different emotions before sticking to ecstatically overwhelmingly happy. She jumped up and down, her un-supported breasts bouncing wildly before leaning forward and putty me into a hug which I was sure was going to break something. Vicky didn't say anything, or do anything for a while, just hug me.

She loosened her grip slightly and looked around before leaning forward. I've kissed men before, I've kissed a lot of men. Playing spin the bottle with a bunch of high-schoolers, or truth-and-dare. Because of that, my lips have been around. I have never kissed a woman though. It was new. It was exciting, it was surprising. Our lips pushed together softly as we kissed. Men didn't like kissing softly. I was absolutely thrilled by it. It lasted only a moment, but it felt like much later. When she left me, I knew I wanted more.

She smiled and winked at me as I stood there. "I have to run, big test, beautiful." She said leaning forward and kissing my cheek as I still stood in a daze. "See you later?" I nodded absently as I watched her bound off towards the lecture hall, my feet continuing their journey to the food court.

The rest of the week went by dully. Vicky and myself didn't have any classes together this semester. We saw each other in passing. Texted throughout the days. Every morning we'd meet, kiss, eat breakfast then head on to our first classes. It was odd. Doing that with a woman. We got looks, sure, looks I had always thought I would mind if this situation ever came up. But I didn't. I was enjoying my time with Vicky in a different light than I had before. Not just as a friend, but as a potential of something else. So, when Friday night came along I received a text from her. "Dress comfortable. Nothing too fancy." Then a bunch of kissy emoji's. I dressed in a black skirt with a white t-shirt. Grabbed a few things and stuffed them in my bag then made my way up to Vicky's floor.

Our dorm hall was designed in the style of some of the fancier hotels. The lower the floor, the less space you had. Victoria came from a rich family, and they splurged getting her a room on the top floors of the hall. To call them simple dorm rooms was an insult. One could live their entire life there if they wanted. They were apartments. Vicky's room was an apartment. Complete with kitchen, living area, personal bathroom, and a large bedroom. And, for the first time since I've known her, it was clean.

Vicky introduced me to her friends and their respective partners. Now, to this day, I cannot remember their names. I cannot remember what they looked like. And after this night, I would never see them again. They were nice enough, though, if I remembered correctly. The night went uneventful. Vicky and I taking up the couch, one of the couples filling up the love seat, and the other sitting on each other in the arm chair. I mentioned how big Vicky's apartment was, yes? The movie was funny and romantic, the pizza was tasty. The wine was going quickly. One of the girls was over twenty-one, and brought a decent amount of wine and beer for us to drink. I wasn't much of a beer drinker, but wine was a pleasure I couldn't wait to have often in a month.

The night went on, my cuddled against Victoria. One of her hand in mind, the other exploring the side of my body absently. It was nice. Around midnight the second movie we had rented ended.

"Does she know?" One of Victoria's friends asked. I want to say her name started with a J, or an M? We're going to call her Jessica. To make it easier.

"Was about to bring it up." Victoria said softly. "Amellia, could you wait here for a minute? There is something I want to show you. Something about myself I want you to know." That got my attention. I agreed and finished the glass of wine I had been nursing while the five of them went off into Victoria's room. I was starting to fill tipsy. After about ten minutes I heard Victoria calling me to come in.

Thinking nothing of it I left my spot on the couch and headed back to her room. When I opened the door. Well at the moment, I didn't know what I felt as my eyes gazed on the five of them. They were all naked. That much was clear. The only thing Vicky wore was a silver necklace I've never seen on her before. They were also sitting around what looked like a pentagram in the middle of her floor. Created with red duct tape, and stuck to the hardwood. Candles adorned each point of the start in the pentagram, and each girl sat across from one of the point. Victoria was sitting directly across from the door as I opened it.

She looked sad. I remember that very clearly. Though I didn't know why. "Come on in."

"What is this?" I found myself asking as I stepped into the room. More curious than anything. "Why are you all naked?"

Vicky smiled, taking the lead of the room as the other four girls looked between her and me. "I should tell you, I'm a witch." She said. The phrase coming matter of fact-like out of her lips. "And... Well, I want you to join us."

"A witch? Like, spell casting? Deal with the devil? That type of thing? Or witch as in a practitioner of Wicca?"

"The first one." She said then raised her hand. The door I had left open suddenly closed. Now it was then that things got hazy. I was scared. Terrified even. Maybe even a little curious. Amazement and wonder. "Though, no deal with the devil. It's more to it than that...." She said sadly looking down at the pentagram. "Would you like to see? You don't have to join us if you don't want too, but... It is pretty cool." I had felt myself nod at the question. Alcohol and a natural curiosity made it a no-brainer as to what I was going to do. I remember Victoria's smile then as she started chanting something. The other girls following her, I stepped closer to the pentagram feeling.... Something.

There was a pull on my body. Forcing me to step closer. Forcing me to look harder. It was almost painful in its intensity. Then, suddenly, it stopped. A fraction of a second later, everything stopped. The steady chant of the five women suddenly ceased, the sounds of nature outside also quieted. Oh, and all the color faded to greys. That wasn't a poetic play on words. The colors around me suddenly faded. The pinks and blues of Victoria's bed and comforter were greys and blacks and whites. The color of the five women, changed also. There were no sounds and no colors, I was fairly positive I was about to die.

"Tsk." Came the sound of a woman's voice. "This foolish girl thinks to summon me. With... adhesives." The last word was practically spat out. Looking around I couldn't place the voice to a face. There was no one there. "To chain me to her whim. Tsk." And then suddenly, there was someone there standing behind Victoria.

Now, I've only recently just accepted that I find the female form pleasant to look at. Attractive enough to get my engines revving so to speak. But the female behind my friend... That was something else entirely. To put her into words would take one much more detailed than me. Someone who is a master of their craft. I am not that.

This woman was a goddess. There was no other way to describe it. Each soft curve, each tight muscle, was pure perfection. I find it hard to think of proper ways to describe. Think of your perfect woman. The one who you would do anything for at a moment's notice just to get a smile. Think of how she looked. The beauty she possesses, the wanting you feel for her. To you, she is perfect, correct? I would put my life on stake and say that the goddess in front of me would make you forget her. Would make her beauty seem like a grain of sand being washed away by the ocean. The goddesses' eyes alone would cause a World War just to look at them for one second longer.

The goddess looked up from examining Victoria to stare at me. My heart stopped. It literally stopped. I felt an emptiness inside of me as she gazed at me, and I fell to my knees. It took a moment for it to start up again. I realized that there was a wetness between my legs. An arousal of a type I have not felt before. A weakness. Goddamn, I orgasmed! From a single look!

The being before me wore a tight white dress that covered her body. It was form fitting, her perfectly sculptured hour glass figure moving hypnotically as she walked around my friend.

"Only one has some power, besides you, my pet." She said, me realizing she wasn't looking at me anymore. "You... You have potential. What is your name?"

"A... Amellia Noctis." I felt myself moan out. Moan out! I didn't even want to answer. But I answered like a whore being reamed.

"Amellia Noctis. A pleasant name. How would you like to serve me? Become mine? I could show you wonders you never knew."

The feeling to agree to her was overwhelming me. My body shook as I tried to answer in the negative. A feeling, one of the "don't do this" variety was implanted into my mind. I shouldn't answer. I should say no, and be done with it. Find a way to get her out of here. Go back to my boring, magic-less life. Magic? It just hit me that I was seeing magic. Real magic, not CGI bull shit.

"N.... No." I managed to will myself to say. Happily to my ears, it was not brought out into a moan again.

"That's a shame. A willing slave is so much better than a broken one. Still... I want you, now that I see you. And I shall take you." A blink. That was all I did. I blinked. The goddess was across the room. Blink. The goddess was on top of me, and I on my back. The being's eyes went wide. "A virgin!" She said loudly. "No wonder you haven't fought back." She was speaking to herself, not to me. I was trying desperately to get my body to move. To get out from under her. To no avail.

"I shall take you then." The goddess said standing up off me. Blink. Her clothing was gone. Leaving me in the presence of pure heaven in the form of a woman's body. Blink. Her hands went to her nether region, where they glistened with need. Blink. An erection was resting in her hand.

Wait. What?

She was a woman, but now she had a thick cock gripped in her perfect hands. Should I mention the penis was perfect as well? It was big, easily nine or more inches. I was always bad at guessing sizes. And thick too. I knew looking at it I wouldn't be able to fit it in my mouth. Wait... Why did I want to put it in my mouth?


I felt the coldness of my friend's apartment as my clothing was suddenly not there. A final blink and the goddess was back between my legs. Her large breasts pushing against mine as she grinned down at me. "You shall be mine, my pet." She whispered to me as I felt a pressure down at my own wet snatch. I knew I was wet, I was dripping. I could feel my juices sliding down my ass-crack. That perfectly formed penis was wanting entrance. And despite my mental scream, my body wanted it. Oh god, I wanted it bad. Feeling it pressed against me, it's warmth, far hotter than any human would be, filled me with need.

"G...Give it to me." I moaned out, pushing my hips down against the member. The goddess grinned and then she pushed in.

Pain shot through the core of my being.

I've heard from other women what it was like their first time. A sharp intake of pain, and then, depending on the man, pleasure. A filling of one's body one didn't know needed filling.

This felt nothing like that.

The pain rocked me. Shot through me. Shot out of me. My soul felt like it was on fire. It was more than that. Even though the pain was great. There was immense pleasure there, and I cried out. I cried out in pleasure as a simple push inside of me made me orgasm. My walls tightening harder around the intruder as the goddess pushed her entire essence into me.

"Awaken, my pet." The goddess moaned into my ear. Her lips on mine after that. Then the world fell away.

The penetration was second to my thoughts. I could feel it, but only just. The goddess lips, her body on mine, joined the pleasure in the back of my mind. I felt as if I was floating. As if the universe had been waiting for me, and now it welcomed me in with open arms. My body was filled with something. It was not the pleasure of the goddess inside me. It was more. It was a part of me. And it was powerful. I knew nothing of it, but I knew it was powerful. Dangerous. It burned me as it filled me, rushing in as if a dam had broken somewhere.


I was back in the present. The goddess pounding into me, my body on autopilot as I screamed out in pleasure. "Mine, my pet." She moaned into my lips. I felt the coldness of metal wrapping around my neck, wrists and ankles. I knew what this was. Instinctually. I knew. They were chains. Meant to bind me to the goddess' will. To make me hers in every way imaginable. I did not know how I knew, but I knew I was correct.

"No." I managed to get out, the struggle of saying no to this woman was god. "I am not yours." I said in a whisper. My legs clamped around her hips and forced her to stay where she was, deeply implanted in me. Her look went from one of cruel dominance, to complete shock as she couldn't move. "You are mine."

I don't know how I did it. Even to this day, well versed as I am now. I have no clue. But the chains forming around me broke in an audible, terrible, shrieking noise. To my eyes, they started to form around this being inside of me. Thick, heavy, dull metal things formed around her neck, her wrists and her ankles. They were not pleasant. A bit of ugly on perfection. A flaw in the sculptor's chisel. She screamed out as she clawed at her throat, trying to get it off. But every time her hands touched the metal she would moan out and twitch inside of me. I knew I had her.