Babydoll Ch. 25

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Wedding and Honeymoon.
14.5k words

Part 25 of the 27 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/23/2003
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Here you go. It's time for Jim's Wedding - years in the making. Thank You for those who have afforded me patience in this endeavor. We continue on towards the finale. This is a direct continuation of the previous chapter - the day after. This is meant to be a dramatic series filled with Romance, Intrigue, Taboo, and most of all Sex.

Once again, I am sorry for the delays that occurred over time. I had several requests to finish the story. The finish has been in the works for some time. It just took time to bring it all together in a way I felt comfortable with.

Like I have said before, please give the story a chance. Everyone is looking for their own path in a story. Your path may be different from the author's (mine). In the end, it is the author's story told from his mind and creative energy. That is why I always appreciate those who put forth a good faith effort in their personal artistry. I have attempted to do so here.

My goal has always been to pull in all of your senses, while helping you imagine this journey.

Anyway, any likenesses or similarities of character are purely coincidental. I hope you will read the previous chapters, if you haven't. But, you can always jump in here and go fill in the missing pieces provided in the earlier stories.

This is a taboo topic, so I know that it is offensive to some. The material is erotic to me, because it is forbidden in society. This is purely fantasy. Hope you enjoy the fantasy.

(One last note -again): I have read several comments about how Ashley/Babydoll has been cast aside. How? She is always there. She is present in this whole story. Even if her name isn't expressly mentioned, she is there in Jim's actions. Yes, she is a tragic character to a great degree, but please remember that it has been more her choice about Jim's life up to this point than Jim's. Jim is a flawed character, but aren't we all. He is paying for the mistakes he has made, but don't we all. Life is complex. This story is complex. It isn't two dimensional. Everyone tries to constantly make their lives better. That is what we all do. That is how this story moves forward.)


I awoke to a golden dawn shining through the window of my room, feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. I had set my alarm for 9am, but looked to see that it was 8:17am. I was surprised by the clearness that I felt, that I was neither tired, depressed, nor worried. I was actually ready to get on with it, but the wedding would not begin until Noon.

Some of the folks had wondered why noon had been chosen for the ceremony. Well, time was limited. As I said earlier, I was on fall break and had less than a week to do all of this - getting in a traditional wedding and a honeymoon in less than a week's time. We would be married, have a mid-afternoon reception, and be off to our honeymoon.

I didn't have a clue about the honeymoon. I had talked to Jill about it months before, but she said it was all arranged, that she had taken care of everything. She said all I needed to do was marry her and she'd take care of the rest.

I laid in bed and decided to wait for the alarm to sound before getting up. 'No use in fucking up the schedule now,' I thought to myself. Why chance screwing with superstition.

The alarm sounded at 9am and I pretty much jumped out of bed and headed down to the kitchen. Mama was up and seemed very chipper as she whisked about fixing us some breakfast.

I walked up from behind, hugged her, and kissed her cheek and took her hand. 'Thank You,' I mouthed and grinned at her, feeling a tinge of guilt blended with a little paranoia over what had happened the night before, but something made me feel glad we had done the deed.

She lifted a finger to her lips, "Shhhh..." she grinned back, "our little secret," she gently kissed my lips... "I fixed us a little breakfast." I looked to see there were sausage, eggs, and toast and there was coffee brewed and orange juice at the table. This was something that I never experienced over the past few years. "Sit down and we'll have breakfast and then I've got to get to the church."

We went over to the dinette table, sat and had breakfast in silence, just glimpsing and smiling anxiously at one another over the things that had happened and the road that laid ahead. Minutes later Mama asked, "You have everything ready?"

"Yes ma'am, since you helped."

"I know I promised to never try to control you again. I hope that you don't think I have... and I know Daddy has really done some things... I just wanted to help you, not control you. I don't want to be manipulative... I'm sorry if you think I have. I never want to lose you Jimmy. I can't lose you," she cried.

I turned my chair and leaned over to grasp her, "I know Mama. I think I understand now. Honestly, I do."

We held each other for a few moments and she kissed my cheek before moving, "I better go get ready." She got up, took our plates from the dinette table, rinsed them and put them in the dishwasher before heading to her room.

Of course, I went to my room and rolled a joint and headed out to my spot in the woods behind the house. Out there, I sat on that little weathered stump and took life in. It was about 9:45am. I had time, the wedding would be in a little over 2 hours. The weed, even aged, was still good. The stash had grown smaller over the past few years, but I wasn't smoking like a bandit. Basically, the only time I smoked up was when I was at home.

The autumn morning was gorgeous, as the leaves on the trees had begun to change colors, contrasted with the background of a crystal light blue sky. The steady breeze filled the air with a brisk chill. The sound of the rustling leaves filled my ears on this morning. Like the seasons, so much had changed. This was a high energy morning and the weed kicked me in gear. I felt excited and ready for the big moment.

I reminisced about this place and what it meant to me. There were so many things in life that I used to enjoy that I had lost. I hoped that I would always have this place, but like everything else it had changed also. There were always new houses being built in this area and one day this spot that I had relished since I was a child would most likely be gone too. The only thing guaranteed in life is change.

I realized exactly what everyone had told me and taught me about life; from Ashley teaching me about love to Mama and her love and then Jill. I loved Ash most of all and nothing would ever change that. She was my first love. I cared about Jill and I was making the ultimate sacrifice for everyone and I guess that was why I was jazzed. I was ready for the challenge.

I think my mother honestly loved me most of all. It's a motherly thing, but I also think it has to do with her unfulfilled love of my father and losing him at such a young age. Everybody needs somebody and I understood what she had told me the night before about her relationship with Joe. Like I have said before, it is better to be loved than to love. Love seems like the only thing that can truly break your heart.

It seemed like I was out there forever, but it had only been 30 minutes. By the time I got back to the house it was 10:15am, Mama was waiting on me as I entered the door in the kitchen, "Honey, I was wondering where you were. You've got to get ready... "

"I know. I'm going right now. It won't take that long."

She leaned in and kissed my cheek, "I'm late. I'm leaving... Don't be waiting until the last minute."

"OK," I replied as she walked away and headed to the garage and her car.

I had popped a couple Altoids, but she probably still knew I had a buzz. It wasn't going to take that long to get ready. I headed upstairs and got in the shower. My mind whirled as I lathered up, but I needed to focus and get ready. I knew I didn't need to think about sex at the moment, but I couldn't help it and you know who I was thinking about.

I did well though. The shower took 10 minutes, shaving took less than 5, and I was never one to coif my hair. I headed to the guest room and had the suit on in mere moments. I was set. My keys were on my dresser. I grabbed them and asked the house to wish me luck as I headed to the car.

I was neither late nor early as I pulled into my reserved spot at the church. It was 11:15am and I could see that people had begun to arrive. I had several people who came up to me and congratulated me on the moment. No one was in my space, just wished me good luck and headed on their way.

I met Mitch at the front of the church. I had to admit that he looked good and I was glad to have him as my best man, "You ready to do this man?" he asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I retorted with the old cliché. I couldn't help thinking to myself in a sick way, 'I wonder if he knows that I fucked my mother last night... I wonder if he knows I fucked my sister... and that little boy is my own."

Unlike Jill, I wasn't afforded a Limousine to get to the Church. I could see that she had already arrived. She had her own little dressing room to get ready. As I entered the sanctuary, like the previous day, there was a different kind of buzz from the folks that had arrived and were milling around chatting and finding their seats. I wandered up front and handed the rings over to Jill's cousin, who was the mother of the boy and girl who would be the ring bearers.

I spoke with the children, before eventually winding my way back to the entrance to greet people and thank them for coming. Church friends and others, including some of my high school pals, were there for the big occasion. Eventually my grandparents all arrived together, along with Jan, her fiancée, my aunt, uncle, and their families.

Everything looked like something you would see in a magazine. Jill's mom came out from the dressing area, so I personally took it upon myself to escort her mom and brother their reserved seats. They were beaming from the attention that had been bestowed upon them and Jill. Everything was perfect.

I would best describe it all as elegant. Once again I approached the church ladies that had made this all possible and hugged and thanked them for all they had done. They took kindly to the appreciation and attention I gave them.

At about 10 til noon, Pastor Bob summoned us to the front near the altar where I took a reserved seat on the front pew. A few minutes later the organist began to play a prelude and then I noticed some scurrying taking place towards the rear of the Church. The organist went into the climax of his prelude and the pastor motioned me to the altar. I approached along with Mitch and moments later an acoustic guitarist broke into a processional and sang "For the Beauty of the Earth" as the maids of honor proceeded down the aisle with their significant others or whomever their date was. Lastly Jill's cousins, the ring bearers, entered in front of my love, my sister Ashley. Ashley was stunning in her royal blue shiny gown.

At that moment, I understood the dream I had had long ago as Ash and I gave one another that all knowing look. I looked to see that Ash was wearing our ring of love, but that didn't change the reality. Ash would be standing here while I married another. Ash would be here with me, as I moved forward, but Jill was going to be the one that I married. Ash was still and always mine. Jill had yelled and screamed in that dream, because she wanted me and she wasn't going to let it be anyone else. I understood how much she loved me. After everything she had come to know, she still wanted that.

Everyone stood in their prearranged places and then the organist waited a moment before beginning "Here comes the bride." And here she came, Jill looked ravishing being led arm in arm with her father in her White Lace Wedding Gown with veil and all.

Everyone was looking back and staring as the beautiful bride proceeded down the aisle. Her pearly whites shown through and her olive skin glistened. No one could say that she wasn't a sight to behold. Once her father got her down the aisle, he handed her over to me and we turned towards the pastor, who welcomed everyone to the ceremony and then recited a prayer.

Our ceremony wasn't short, but neither was it elaborate. We didn't have personal vows to one another. The pastor gave a statement of marriage and spoke about the pledge, the promise, and the honor of marriage. The statements of marriage he read led to our traditional vows.

I could not help taking glimpses of Ash, when I repeated the words of Pastor Bob, "I Jim, take Jillian to be my wife, I promise to honor, to love, and to cherish her in sickness as in health, in poverty as in wealth, in hardship as in blessing, until death do us part."

I noted a tear streaming from Ash's eye as the finality of the moment came to fruition. Jill followed suit on the vows. The rings were presented and Pastor Bob held them and recited the Ring vows, finishing, " As you wear these rings, may they ever remind you of your love and of the commitment you have made this day."

Pastor Bob handed me the ring and spoke the words I repeated, "I, James, take you, Jillian, to be my lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold, from this day forward. I promise to honor you, to love you, and to cherish you until death do us part. "

Jill followed suit and then we knelt at the altar before Schubert's 'Ave Maria' (Hail Mary) was performed. After the song, Pastor Bob recited another prayer as he placed his hands on our heads and blessed us. My mother and Grandfather along with Jill's parents lit candles in our honor and then we took those and lit the Unity candle together. As we did this the wedding congregates sang Psalm 121. After that Pastor Bob read the Declaration of marriage and pronounced us as man and wife.

We were dismissed and headed down the aisle to the church's reception area and stood at the front accepting praise and recognition from our guests. It was right at 1pm, when the reception began.


Wedding Reception

The sounds of music and people laughing continued to fill the air as the event continued. I found myself conversing with Mitch as guests came up to congratulate me again and again. Jill was on the other side of the room doing the same with Ash. I looked around the room and noticed all of my family milling around accepting their own kudos.

The next thing I knew, Big was stepping up to the microphone in the middle of the room near the band stand. This was a déjà vu moment. It reminded me of the Heart Ball. My grandfather seemed so comfortable in these moments. Pardon the expression, but the man just didn't give a fuck about being reserved. I truly admired his tenacity. As I looked a server came before me, "Your champagne sir." I noticed the servers passing champagne to everyone.

"Hello Everyone," A little feedback came from the microphone, as Big spoke in his loud gregarious voice. "I just wanted to say congratulations to my grandson and my lovely new granddaughter." With that every one of the hundreds of people in attendance applauded. "The last time I stood in front of a mic and this many people, it was much the same circumstance. I announced their engagement. Everyone please grab your champagne... To Mr. and Mrs. James Jefferson Jameson," He pulled a paper from his pocket and read, "It says in Corinthians 13:7 - Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance." Looking up towards Jill, "Jill, I will love you as though you are my very own child, as I have loved all of my children. Welcome to the family... Everyone, please enjoy the party."

I'm sorry, but the words he spoke, "Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance," made me think of Ashley. I smiled through my discontent and I was game for the game, but even in this marriage, my love would always endure for Ashley.

While Big was speaking, everyone had naturally gravitated towards him, until Jill and I stood together. She leaned into me and we kissed and then the band started up so that we could have our first dance to 'Valentine' by Martina McBride. Jill came cheek to cheek, as this song rang true to the triangle between she and my sister and myself. I did love them both. I loved them both so much, but I couldn't have both... and the choice had been made for me.

That first song blended into the second, Allison Krauss singing 'When You Say Nothing at all'. Jill pulled back and stared me in the eyes, mouthing, 'I love you.'

What could I do, I nodded back, mouthing, 'I love you.' It was so noticeable.

We danced to a few more songs before Jill surprisingly commanded, "I want you to dance the next dance with Ashley."

"Are you sure?" emotionally astonished that she would ask.

She leaned in, "First of all she's your sister, your best friend, and my matron of honor. Yes, please dance with her."

We danced over towards where Ash and Mitch were dancing and as a love song ended, I asked Ash, "Can I have this dance?"

No words were spoken as Ash nodded in the affirmative and Mitch and Jill followed suit nodding to one another.

For appearance sake, Ash and I could only afford to dance together for a few minutes. Somehow the first song ended up being the right one, the perfect one. Ash and I danced to "Forever" by Kenny Loggins.

We danced for a minute or so without speaking until I finally decided to break the ice, "I promised Mitch I would put in a good word for him."

"You did, did you?" she responded in a curt fashion.

I continued, "You know I wouldn't. I have no obligation. It's just that he's been good... good to us all... and he really cares about you."

Again tersely she whispered to my ear, "Well... not that I am going to take your advice, but I appreciate the endorsement."

Somewhat dejectedly I responded, "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" she questioned.

Resigned to the facts, "Sorry for everything I've done to you."

"Thank You, but I do love you, you big oaf," she admitted.

Still resigned to the circumstances, "I'm sorry."

"Shuh-t Uh-p!" she insisted under her breath to not draw attention.

Again, "I am sorry."

"Please. Don't say that again." she seriously demanded.

I had to let her know, "You can have any guy you want. You know that don't you?" I asked.

"Thank You," seeming to appreciate the compliment.

"I mean it," I wanted her to understand.

The next song started, which was, "Take my breath away" from Berlin. Ash swayed along with me, stepping in closer for a moment, letting me know, "I wanted you, but it couldn't be. It breaks my heart, this breaks my heart." she sighed.

"Me too Babydoll... me too. You will always be my Babydoll. I love you. You always took my breath away." The song ended and we pulled away. I hoped against hope that it would not be our last dance. I kissed her cheek. She blushed, her face showing bright red because of the kiss. It had become time for Jill and I to rejoin and soon it would be time for more toasts, cutting the cake, and finally opening presents.

Soon, Jill was smoothly dancing us over to where Jan and Charlie were and she laughed, "OK you two, your turn," causing us to laugh as well.

Jan and I danced in a purely perfunctory fashion. She smiled big, as she flatly stated, "Well asshole, you always have to beat me at everything, but I have grown to love you anyway. Congratulations on the marriage."

I had never had an attraction towards Jan. She was pretty, but she really didn't look like Ashley or I. She did look like family, but her hair was dark brown and she wasn't fair skinned. The thing between us was that I was the head male in the family and Jan seemed to resent all that came with that. She always wanted to be the head honcho at everything and it created some animosity and a sibling rivalry, which came way more from her actions than mine. But, this was a day that we would definitely put that aside and maybe as we had gotten older, we would get past all of that.