Becky Charlotte Waters: My First Blowjob

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Stood up, Charlie gets his first blowjob.
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I was 19 when I had my first steady girlfriend. My dad had enforced a strict no-girlfriend rule at home until I graduated school. I had accepted this rule but had also decided that it was not against the letter of the rule to have casual sex, so I had one nighters and a few fuck-buddies, but not a girlfriend. I was certain my dad would not have approved so I never told them for fear he would act like an overly controlling government in a nanny state and close the loophole. All that is singularly unimportant to this story. The point is, I was 19, was in my first year of university and had my first steady girlfriend.

My girlfriend's name was Chelsea and she was also 19. I was doing an economics degree, she was in pre-med. We had both taken philosophy that semester. She was interested in Hume, Calvin, Lock, Hobbes, the whole lot of them and would spend hours talking to me about the leviathan, Voltaire's treatise on crime and punishment and existentialism or metaphysics in general. Unfortunately, although I was also studying the same subject her discussions were lost on me. I had picked philosophy as a 'soft' subject to give me a break from macro-economic forces and as a way to look at pretty girls. In my second reason I was hugely successful and had started dating Chelsea. Chelsea was beautiful. She was short at 5'4", slim and petite with small, perky breasts. I loved her smallness as it meant I could pick her up easily which made for some wild sexual encounters.

We had been dating for about 6 months or so. We enjoyed hanging out together but hadn't really clicked yet. Certainly we weren't in love, or at least that is what I thought. Increasingly I had felt Chelsea was wanting to move on. She would cancel dates or arrive late and seemed to have less and less time for me. We still had sex, but I think that was because we both enjoyed it rather than for any other reason.

One night during summer vacation we had arranged to spend the evening together. My mother had died in a car accident when I was 13. She had been driving home from a girls' night out and run off the road into a ditch. The coroner found that while there was alcohol in her blood it wasn't a high concentration. It was assumed that she was fatigued and had fallen asleep at the wheel. Death by misadventure. It was sad, everyone wants someone was to blame when death occurs, and I guess there was someone to blame, just that it was mum. At any rate dad was alone now, and he had done a super job raising me. It was hard for him, I know. He had to work a lot and couldn't always be there for sports days or parent-teacher nights, though I know he tried. He was also strict and firm, like his dad, and thought it was weak to show his feelings. Consequently, although I knew dad loved me, there wasn't much evidence of it. The closest it got was us sitting on the porch on a summer night, enjoying a parentally supervised beer as we spoke about sports, girls and cars.

I don't think dad ever thought about dating after mum died, not while he had me to raise. Now that I had finished school and was becoming the man I would grow into, he was relaxing. It was good, now that he thought I was an adult we seemed closer, like he could be friendly and didn't have to be dad laying down the law any more. At any rate, I digress. This night, dad was away on more business. He was travelling with his sales partner, and between you, me and the keyboard, she was smoking. I had laid in bed beating one out whilst thinking of her on numerous occasions. I hoped dad was trying to score there. So I had the house to myself, and now I had it to share with Chelsea.

I had hired a movie, a generic tick-the-box romantic comedy that Chelsea would like. In the kitchen I was busy cooking away. After mum had died dad and I had shared dinner making duties. I was no gourmet chef, but I did pretty well for myself. I had a roast slowly cooking, sweet potato lathered in butter and mashed up with honey seeded mustard and roast corn. I had even gone all out earlier in the day and made chocolate mousse which was chilling in the refrigerator.

It was now 7:30 and Chelsea was running late, again. I sat at the breakfast nook sipping beer and catching up with the latest news on facebook and youtube. My phone started ringing, it was Chelsea, calling to say she was running late no doubt. I pick it up and answered.

'Hey babe, you're running late, are you?'

'Hey Charlie, yeah, sorry about that. Some things have come up here, okay, I'm not going to be able to make it over tonight. Maybe later, but not for a few hours at least, and it is only a maybe.' I listened in silence, not terribly surprised given how things had been going these past few weeks. 'Sorry, Charlie, is that okay?' she asked.

Well no they damn well weren't but I wasn't going to say that to her. 'Yeah, that's fine bub,' I replied. 'Is everything okay there?'

'Yeah, it is, just some family drama going on at the moment. Sister and mum are arguing, I've been dragged into it too now.' She sounded sincere over the phone, but then I knew her well enough to know she could sound any way she wanted. Chelsea had even joined the campus drama society, and while she was still trying to break into a major role (the cliques in any typical drama society never change) she was making a bit of a name for herself with her acting ability. There was talk she may even get a minor part in the society's major second semester play which is pretty fast for a first year student.

'Okay,' I said. 'Hope everything works out.'

'Thanks, sweetie,' she gushed. 'I'll make it up to you, I promise.'

Yeah right, I thought as I put the phone down. I tried not to let it bother me, but as I sat there alone trying not to think about being stood up again, the harder it became to think of anything else. I was starting to get angry about it. As I sat on my stool quietly fuming I saw the headlights of my neighbours' car turn into their driveway. On the spur of the moment I stood up and walked outside.

My neighbour was just getting out of their car as I approached. 'Hi, Mrs. Dub,' I called out. Dub was short for W which in turn was short for Waters. Mrs Waters had been our neighbour for nearly as long as I could remember. She was my dad's age and was also single, having divorced when I was about 8 and then moved next door to mum, dad and myself. She had always been good friends with my parents and had often baby sat me when mum and dad wanted to have a romantic night out together. After mum died she supported dad as best she could. In the early weeks she would often cook us dinner and do some of the washing. She was, and still is today, a genuinely nice person. I often thought her and dad would get together, but they never did. I sometimes wonder if it was because she knew my mother or because dad, thick as a post as ever at times, never even thought of it.

'Oh, Charlie,' she called out, 'You startled me.'

'Sorry, Mrs Dub, didn't mean to scare you.'

'That's okay, Charlie. Are you looking for Becky?'

Becky is her daughter. You thought this was going somewhere else, didn't you? As much as I like Mrs Waters, she is much too old for me. That isn't to say I didn't have the occasional wet-dream about her. She was pretty good looking for a fifty-something, but she was more than thirty years older than me. If she came on to my dad I would approve. If she came on to me I don't think I could take her seriously.

'Yes please, I was wanting to see if she was free.'

'Well she should be inside, I don't think she was going out tonight.' We walked up the path to the house together. Mrs Waters opened the door and invited me in. 'Becky,' she called out, 'Charlie is here to see you.'

I heard a door open upstairs and Becky came trotting down the stairs. She smiled when she saw me and I smiled back. 'Hi Charlie,' she said, giving me a hug.

'Hi Becky.' Now that I was here this was suddenly awkward. 'I was wondering if you wanted to come over? I have some dinner on and a DVD.'

Her right eyebrow raised ever so slightly. 'Just you?' she asked.

'Uh, yeah, just me.' I tried to sound casual about it. In truth I had only platonic intentions, but for some reason I had gone all bashful.

Becky turned her head to the side. 'This isn't a date, is it Charlie?' she asked.

I smiled at her. 'No Becky, this is not a date. I have just been stood up by my date and would like some company. And,' I added 'we never see each other any more. I'd like to catch up.'

Becky's eyes sparkled. 'That would be really nice, I'd love to come over. Can you give me ten minutes?' she asked.

'No worries, I'll leave the door open, just come in.'

'Okay, see you soon!' she said and hurried back upstairs.

I let myself out of the house, calling goodbye to Mrs Dub as I left. I was feeling really happy that Becky was coming around tonight. She was three months older than me and had lived next door ever since her mother had moved in. We had been friends for eleven years now and had played in each other's back yards and gone to each other's birthday parties. We had gone to the same schools and were now at the same university, though shared no classes. We weren't best friends, but by living next door to each other we had spent entire afternoons lying on the grass looking at clouds and sharing our hopes, dreams and secrets with each other. As I thought about it, Becky probably knew more about me than anyone else.

Back in the kitchen I had the roast out of the oven and was busying myself with serving out two plates. I had not had a chance to change the table setting when Becky poked her head through the kitchen door. 'Hey you,' she said. Becky is a beautiful woman. Where Chelsea is blonde and small, Becky is dark and curvy. To be honest, I find Becky extremely sexy. Thin girls generally don't excite me. Becky had full hips, full breasts and a stunning hourglass figure with long, wavy raven hair down her back. She walked in wearing tight blue jeans and a black sweater that hugged her figure. She had even put on some make-up; a little mascara with eye liner and a gloss red lipstick. She flashed me a smile as she walked in.

'Hi', I replied simply. 'Am just serving dinner now. Can you grab us some glasses and a bottle of red from the wine cabinet?' She walked towards the cabinet and selected a bottle.

I asked her how her date had gone on the weekend with Michael. Not so well it seemed. Becky had broken up with her boyfriend about eight months ago and had started dating other guys recently, but they hadn't been successful. The guys had liked her, or so she told me, but she had always found something lacking. With Michael it had been his lack of ambition. He had achieved good marks at high school and managed to get in to a law degree, but had decided to take a gap year, which was perfectly fine. Now, two thirds of the way through it he was saying he wanted to spend a few years just motorcycling around Asia, working here and there and just travelling before doing the same in Europe. He apparently had no interest in planning for the future, and while there was something wild, free and sexy about that, Becky was a very driven woman who knew her goals and would go for them. Someone with no plans whatsoever would only ever frustrate her.

When we sat down to dinner I realised I should have changed the table setting. I quickly apologised for the candles and romantic atmosphere explaining that I had invited Chelsea over but she had cancelled at the last minute. Becky smiled and said not to worry. As the light reflected off her gloss lipstick I was becoming uncomfortably aware that I was getting turned on just by the sight of her. I took a nervous sip of wine, unsure why I was suddenly attracted to my friend. Becky didn't seem to notice and kept chatting away. She asked me how things were going with Chelsea and before I knew it I was telling her everything. I explained how things seemed to be on the downhill slope and how she had cancelled tonight's date. I even told her how I had lied to Chelsea about taking up kick-boxing so I had an excuse not to see her on Tuesday and Thursday nights.

Eventually the conversation drifted away from our relationships. We caught up on what the other was studying, what our favourite subjects were. Becky was studying environmental chemical engineering and was very keen on some sort of soil quality class she was taking. Honestly it was over my head. I asked if she was worried about studying such a narrow field, but Becky laughed off the concern. She has such a singular focus I should have realised her passion for the subject was not going to fade. We spoke about my course and economics. I explained how loaning a farmer in Zaire three hundred dollars for irrigation equipment could keep a worker in India employed. Becky seemed to pick this up faster than I did. That was another thing about Becky, she is intelligent. Her brain is like a sponge, information just gets absorbed into it. Here I was talking to her about my field of study and within five minutes I bet she could have written a paper on how African farmers planting coffee beans leads to famine in parts of South America.

We talked about our parents too. I told her about my dad, his sales trip and his sexy partner I was hoping he would get together with. Becky joked about her mum marrying the pool guy from down the street if she didn't find a man soon. We finished dinner and I was having a very pleasant night. I picked up the dishes and cleared them away. Becky finished off her wine. I offered to pour her some more, but she declined, asking if I had any cider instead. Dad likes his cider and I knew he wouldn't mind Becky having some, so I directed her to the fridge. She grabbed two and opened them, leaving one on the counter for me. I told her to go put the movie on and I would bring in dessert.

When I went into the lounge room she had the DVD menu up. I handed her some mousse and saw that she had re-applied her gloss lipstick. I don't know why but I found it extremely seductive. We had our mousse and drank the cider in more or less silence while watching the movie. To be honest I found it rather boring, a romantic comedy which just seemed to be going through the motions. I don't know what Chelsea saw in them, but there you go. Anyway, twenty minutes or so into it Becky looks around and asked me if I was enjoying it.

I hesitated for a moment, not sure what was the polite answer to give. In the end I went with honesty. 'It seems rather uninspired, but I don't mind watching it.'

Becky shrugged. 'You have anything else?' she asked. I pointed at the DVD cabinet and told her to take her pick. Becky crawled down on all fours to the cabinet. I tried hard not to look at how her ass filled her jeans. I am not normally an ass man but at that time I could not take my eyes off hers. While she was down there rummaging about the DVDs I tried to occupy my eyes so went over and turned on the gas fire place. She eventually settled on Pirates of the Caribbean which I was happy with. She put the disc in and came back to the lounge. Within minutes she looked around and saw the fireplace going.

'Wow, that's really warmed it up in here,' she exclaimed and peeled off her sweater. Underneath she was wearing a singlet with spaghetti arms which also hugged her figure. I stared for a moment too long at the way it swelled around her breasts but I don't think she noticed.

She leaned against me again and we settled in to watch the movie. After a few more minutes she put her legs up on the lounge and laid her head down in my lap. I didn't think anything of it, we had done this numerous times before as friends and it didn't surprise me. I sat back in the lounge and rested on hand on her hip. I was enjoying the movie. I hadn't watching it for a year or so, but it was fantastic and was glad to see it again.

I looked down suddenly when Becky made a slight purring sound. To my embarrassment I found I had been stroking her hair without even thinking about it. I stopped myself and clumsily apologised.

'What for,' Becky asked.

'For, um, touching your hair like that,' I replied hesitantly.

Becky shook her head slightly. 'Don't be, it was nice.' Unsure, I proceeded to stroke her hair again. Becky sighed with contentment and I found myself becoming extremely turned on. I decided to up the stakes. The hand that was resting on her hip I started drawing lightly over her. Nothing too forward, just the outside of her hip. When she didn't object I ran my hand down to her waist and traced little patterns across it and over her stomach, ready to stop at the first sign of any rebuke.

I kept this up for a good five to ten minutes without any comment. I became bolder and ran my hand back to Becky's hip and down her ass, again touching it only lightly. Becky sighed softly again and I took this as a positive sign. Emboldened I opened my hand and gently squeezed her ass. Becky stiffened for a moment and then relaxed. When I released my grip she shifted position so that rather than being on her side she was now laying on her back, head still on my lap but tilted to the left so she could still see the screen.

Worried I had over stepped the line I stopped. I was trying to work out if I should apologise or not when Becky's hand caressed my knee and leg while the other bent upwards and caressed my upper arm. I placed my hand on her stomach and began tracing patterns around it once again. Moving slowly I ran my fingers higher to the underside of her breast and around to the side, up above it and then down over her singlet where her cleavage would be and back to the underside once more. I kept tracing circles around her breast for minutes. I watched fascinated as her nipple slowly hardened and poked against the fabric of her singlet top. The next time my hand reached the top of her breast, rather than going around I slowly drew it straight down towards the erect nipple. When I reached the nipple I started encircling it with my finger and was amazed to see it become even more erect. Throwing caution to the wind I ran my thumb directly over the nipple and was rewarded with a slight movement as Becky's hips squirmed. Through her singlet I took the nipple between my thumb and index finger and slowly squeezed. Becky sighed softly once again, her eyes closed. When she opened them she saw me looking into her eyes. She smiled slightly and sat up. Without saying anything she took my shirt and lifted it over my arms. She then pushed me down so I was now laying on the lounge and straddled me.

Becky kissed me with her soft, inviting lips. It was soft and sensuous and made my cock fight against my pants. Becky ran her hand through my hair and pulled it while we kissed. With her other hand she ran her nails down my chest and over my nipple. She continued kissing me as I ground my hips into hers, lifting her slightly off the lounge. My hands found her breasts once more and started playing with them more earnestly, first through her singlet top and then beneath it through what felt like a lacy bra. She moaned in pleasure as I squeezed her breasts. She grabbed my hair and roughly pulled my head back and started kissing my neck. My neck is very sensitive and I hate people touching it but tonight her kissing it was one of the most erotic experiences in my life. Her lips came up the side of my neck to my ear and she gently bit the lobe. I could hear her heavy breathing and feel her hot breath on my ear. It was deep and powerful and I was fit to explode.

Becky sat up and slowly pulled her singlet top above her head. I stared in fascination at the black lacy bra that seemed not so much to modestly hide but to entice further inspection. With a practised air she reached behind and unsnapped the clasp. The straps fell from her shoulders but she kept the cups in place with mock modesty. I looked into her eyes, begging through my expression that she show me her treasures. She smiled beautifully at me once more and slowly pulled the bra away revealing two large, taunt breasts about the size of coconuts but much more attractive. They were flawless, like the rest of her creamy skin. She laughed at my expression and flicked her hair around to cover on of the breasts. I drew the hair apart like curtains, not wanting to obscure my gaze on perfection. Positioned almost in the centre of the breasts were a pair of large, pink nipples and they were obviously erect. I couldn't control my lust any further. I sat up and buried my face in her breasts. I ran my face down her cleavage, my cheeks and eyes over her nipples. My mouth found a nipple and I began to suck on it hungrily. Her back arched and she held my head close to her breasts. She moaned again and I stopped sucking to look up at her face. I didn't say anything, I just looked into her eyes.