Birthday Girl Ch. 2


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"Surely, ma'am!"

Mike had twenty dollars in his pocket, not ten, for Louise had insisted on paying him >for a job well done'. He wasn't sure if she meant the barn and corral, or the fucking. Whatever, he was content.

He topped out on the ridge above the ranch and paused, enjoying the view, then gigged Caesar into a trot and rode on down home. It was nearing noon, but there was no-one in sight. Mike unsaddled Caesar and turned him into the corral, then washed up and headed for the house.

"Hi, son," said Kathleen Delaney, giving him a hug and a kiss. "All done at Mrs McLean's?"

"Sure thing, Ma. Corral mended and barn roof fixed, >though I won't know how well until we have some rain. I told Miz Louise I'd go over after it rains to check." And maybe do some fucking. "Got news for you, Ma."


"New doctor in town, come to take over from Doc Weiss while he goes East. Doctor Evans. Nice fella, met him at Miz Louise's place. They missed the turn-off and landed in Miz Louise's yard."


"Doc and his daughter, Lisa. Nigh on eighteen and pretty as a picture."

Kathleen laughed. "The boy's in love!"

"Maybe, Ma. She sure is nice. I asked them to come over, noon on Tuesday. Doc's goin' to buy Lisa a horse for her birthday. I told him Pa breeds the best ones in the territory, so he's bringin' Lisa over to see. Miz Louise's comin' too."



"I'll bake, Monday."

Mike grinned. "Figured you might."

His mother aimed a mock blow at him. "Sit down, son. Grub's almost ready."

"Where is everyone, Ma?"

"Your Pa and the boys took grub with them, won't be home until dark. Katie's around somewhere. She'll be interested to hear about Lisa."

"Lisa who?" his sister asked, coming through the door with her hat in her hand, dressed for riding.

"Lisa Evans, the new doctor's daughter, according to Mike," said his mother.

"New doctor. Is he nice? I think a doctor needs to be." Katie was positive in her seventeen-year-old way.

"Sure seems to be," said Mike. "Miz Louise liked him."

"Did she now?" said his mother. "Louise always showed good taste in the past. She would never have anything to do with those loafers in town. Or even Fred Morton at the bank, come to that."

"I don't blame her," said Katie. "I don't like the way he looks at me when we go in."

"And what way is that?" asked Kathleen sharply.

Katie shrugged, flushing. "I don't know, it just feels uncomfortable, like he's seeing me in my drawers or something."

"You stay in the buggy next time, sweetheart, I won't have you bothered by the likes of him." Ma's tone was positive.

"Thanks, Ma," said Katie. "Or you could leave me at Atwell's store. Mrs Atwell's new baby is just the loveliest little thing you ever saw."

Kathleen laughed. "Right, sweetheart, Atwell's it is!" She turned to the range and began filling their plates. "Mike, your Pa not being here an' all, will you say grace?"

"Sure thing, Ma. Ma?"

"Yes, son?"

"Miz Louise asked Doctor Evans and Lisa over for dinner, Sunday. She asked me to go, too."

"Your Pa wants some stock moved." Mike's mother's tone was thoughtful. "I'll tell him you'll do it Saturday. That be all right?" His mother smiled brightly at him. "Can't keep you away from your Lisa, can I?"

Sunday dawned bright and fine. Mike was in a fever of anticipation and washed himself carefully. He'd bathed the night before, to the amazement of his brothers.

"That's two baths this month!" Tom had said, in admiration.

Mike aimed a mock blow at his brother. "It doesn't hurt to be clean."

"It doesn't?" Jack's tone was awed.

"No, Jack, it doesn't. Anyhow, when you two are as old as me." he stopped, for his brothers were seized with uncontrollable mirth. He laughed, acknowledging defeat. "All right, all right. When you're older, and you're going to eat with a lady, then you take care."

"What's she like, this Lisa?" asked Jack. "Pretty?"

"Do you think Miz Louise's pretty?" asked Mike, thinking to himself, >if you'd seen her like I've seen her!'

"Yeah, she's pretty," said Tom judiciously.

"Well, Lisa's as pretty as Miz Louise."

"That's pretty."

"Yeah, well, you might see for yourself, Tuesday, if you're around at noon, because Doc Evans is going to buy her a horse."

"One of ours?"

"Yup. One of ours."

Within the hour he was on his way and well before noon was unsaddling Caesar and turning him into Louise's corral. She was waiting on the porch, beautiful in a pale blue gown which went well with her carefully coiffed blonde hair and was cut just low enough to show the upper slopes of her shapely breasts.

She kissed him warmly. "Good morning Mike. You're early."

"I didn't know if you'd need help. Is there anything I can do?"

"You could take me to bed, but we daren't, because I don't know exactly when Doctor Evans and Lisa will get here." She grinned at him. "And don't try anything! I spent too long doing my hair to have it mussed!" She put her arms around his neck. "But there's nothing to stop you kissing me."

He reciprocated whole-heartedly, so that Louise was breathing heavily when they broke apart, her colour high.

"Phew! You better not touch me again, Mike, or Doctor Evans will surely suspect!"

"All right, Louise, but it'll be hard." He stopped, suddenly aware of his unconscious pun. Louise giggled, and stroked the front of his pants.

"Let it down, Mike." Her eyes went over his shoulder. "Company."

Mike turned. Just coming over the rise was a buggy with two figures. Within minutes it was close enough to recognise the two as Doctor Evans and Lisa. Mike waved and was delighted when Lisa waved back. The buggy was soon pulling up in the yard.

"Morning, Doctor Evans," said Mike, going over. "Morning, Miss Lisa," he added shyly, suddenly tongue-tied at the beautiful vision Lisa Evans presented, adult suddenly in a leaf-green gown which showed off her slender figure while revealing nothing, buttoned as it was from throat to ankle.

"Good morning, Michael," she responded quietly, then turned to Louise. "Good morning, Miz Louise."

"Welcome, honey," said Louise, kissing Lisa's cheek. She held out her hand to Evans, who responded by lifting it to his lips. "Welcome, Doctor Evans."

"My given name is Dafydd, Miz Louise, or David, if you prefer. Or call me Doc, like Mike does - morning, Mike - but calling me Doctor Evans so formally will annoy me."

"Well, we can't have that, can we. Dafydd - did I say it right? - please, come inside. There's lemonade cooling."

The day went well. At first tongue-tied and almost monosyllabic, Mike felt easier when he realised that Lisa felt the same and they were soon taking a full part in the conversation, encouraged by the adults.

"Her mother and I, we tried to bring Lisa up the best way we could," Evans said. "We always tried to answer her questions as honestly as possible. The way you've been talking, Mike, it sounds as if your folks tried to do the same."

"I hadn't realised, not exactly, but looking back I guess you're right. Ma and Pa always tried to answer anything I asked." Mike grinned. "Even if I didn't understand the answer."

Lisa laughed, a warm gurgle that made Mike's pecker tingle. "I know exactly what you mean, Mike. I asked Pa something and he quoted Latin at me, then made me go and look it up so that I would understand what he said." She smiled fondly at her father.

"Which one was that, sweet?" asked Evans.

"You know, when . . " She faltered. "Never mind, I don't remember." Mike glanced at her curiously, looking away as her eye caught his and a flush spread over her face.

"Some more apple pie, anyone?" asked Louise into the sudden awkward silence.

"Please," said Mike and Evans, speaking as one, then laughing. The awkward moment passed.

After the meal, the dishes done at Doctor Evans insistence - "You girls wash, Mike and I'll dry. It will be done in no time. I don't think it fair that you should have to do the dishes after serving us that wonderful meal" - the four of them sat out on the porch with coffee. Lisa was leaning on the railing looking out over the country. She turned to Mike and pointed.

"What's over that way?"

Mike stood and went to stand beside her. He pointed. "See the tree by itself, on the skyline?"

Lisa squinted along his arm. "Yes, I see it." She smelled fresh and warm to Mike, spring flowers on a breeze.

"If you go that way, then bear slightly north." He pointed. "Up there, it's beautiful. Pine, oak, little box canyons, some creeks." And a pool where we could swim, he thought, suddenly visualising Lisa naked.

"I'd like to see it," said Lisa, wistfully. "It sounds beautiful. We've been living in the city too long. I'd forgotten how big the country can be."

"I'd love to show you," said Mike. "If that's all right?" he asked, looking at Doctor Evans who was sitting in quiet conversation with Louise.

"If what's all right?" asked the Doctor.

"I just told Lisa that I'd be proud to show her around this beautiful country of ours, if that>s all right with you."

"Mike, Lisa is seventeen, nearly eighteen. There's an awful lot of women in this country are married before they're sixteen. Lisa can make her own mind up, for as far as I am concerned, she's a woman."

She certainly is, thought Mike.

"I'd love to, if you don't mind, Mike." Lisa turned to him expectantly.

"You're coming to buy a horse on Tuesday, aren't you?"

"You know I am."

"I'd be glad to show you around on your new horse. Bring your riding clothes with you."

"Bring Lisa back to my place for supper, Mike, then she and Dafydd don't have so far to go home. You can go on home then, or stay over, if you like." Louise smiled at him.

"That would be wonderful, Mike. Is that all right with you." Lisa waited expectantly.

"Fine by me, Lisa. Pa doesn't mind if I take some time off now and then, but I guess I'll be working hard on Wednesday." He grimaced in mock sorrow.

"Poor boy," said Louise in sarcastic tones of treacly sympathy. "But Mike, you have to make sacrifices to go riding with a young lady." Lisa giggled.

"I'm sorry to break the party up," said Evans, getting to his feet, "but I promised to call in and see Doctor Weiss. He wants to go over some patient records with me."

"All right, Daddy," said Lisa, turning away from the porch railings, reluctant somehow, thought Mike.

"Dafydd?" asked Louise, thoughtfully, "is it absolutely essential that Lisa goes with you now. She can stay here tonight and tomorrow, if she would like to. We're enough of a size that I can lend her some clothes."

"Can I, Daddy? Please?"

Evans smiled. "Sure, honey, if you want, and if Louise is sure you won't be too much bother."

"She'll be no bother," said Louise firmly. "I welcome the company. It gets lonely out here."

"Very well," said Evans. "I'll be getting along."

"Say your goodbyes, Doc, I'll hitch up the team," said Mike.

"Thanks, Mike."

Shortly afterwards, Louise, Lisa and Mike were saying goodbye to Evans, who went with Lisa's last minute requests ringing in his ears.

"My blue check shirt, my riding skirt, the gray one, my boots and my stetson" she reminded him, to his amusement.

"I won't forget, sweetheart, I promise,"' he said. Lisa kissed him then stood aside with Mike. Louise stepped forward.

"You're welcome here any time, Dafydd, you and Lisa both. Safe journey," she wished him.

Evans took her hand and kissed it, gazing into her eyes. "My thanks, Louise. And now, until Tuesday, farewell."

Louise stepped forward and kissed his cheek. "Until Tuesday, and don't worry about Lisa, I'll look after her. As if she were my own." She stepped back and the three of them watched the buggy until it disappeared over the rise.

Louise sighed, then turned towards the house.

"Miz Louise, Lisa," said Mike, his tone regretful. "I'll have to get along too. It'll be near dark when I get home and Pa and me have to be on the trail early. I don't want to disappoint Pa by falling asleep. It's the first drive we've made with just the two of us."

"Go on, Mike, saddle Caesar," said Louise. "I'll make you a sandwich to eat as you go."

"I'll make it, Louise," said Lisa. "You stay out here." She turned and hurried indoors.

"Well, Mike?" said Louise, reaching for his hand and walking him around the side of the house, out of sight of the kitchen. "What do you think of Lisa?"

"I think she's lovely, nigh on as lovely as you," said Mike, pulling Louise to him and kissing her fiercely. She strained against him, fire in her own kiss, then stood back, breathing hard.

"Much as I want to, Mike, we'd better not. Lisa will be out in a moment. Tell you something, though."

"Like what?"

"If I get the chance, I'm going to take Dafydd to bed."

Mike felt a quick stab of envy, then smothered it. Louise had never pretended that he was anything other than an enjoyable interlude. He owed her honesty, at least.

"Give him as good a time as you gave me, if you do," he said, smiling. "I like him." He laughed. "Anyhow, I'm going to try to make out with Lisa."

"Be good to her, Mike. She's too nice to hurt. And if I'm not mistaken, here's your sandwich."

Lisa came out then, with a sandwich wrapped in paper.

"Best I could, Mike." She reached for his saddlebags where they hung on the rail, and slipped the sandwich inside.

"Thanks, Lisa," said Mike, picking up his saddle and blanket and heading for the corral. "Back in a moment."

The two women stood watching as Mike saddled his gelding, then led it over to them. He took the saddlebags and fastened them to his saddle, then held out his hand to Louise.

"Thanks for inviting me, Louise. I enjoyed myself."

"So you should, Mike, with two of the best looking women in the Territory for company. Now stand still and be kissed." She put her arms around him and kissed him warmly. Lisa watched in mild surprise.

"Give my love to your Ma and Katie, Mike. Tell them I'm looking forward to seeing them on Tuesday."

"Sure thing, Louise." he turned to Lisa and held out his hand. To his surprise she ignored it and put her arms around his neck, pulling his head down for a kiss, her lips warm and soft against his. It was not a long kiss and she stepped back, breathing quickly. She smiled tremulously, her face pink.

"I'm looking forward to Tuesday, Mike.

"Until Tuesday." He pulled Caesar around and stepped into the saddle, only then daring to look at Louise. Her face was a polite mask, but he could see the laughter in her eyes. She came across and put her hand on his knee.

"Safe journey, Mike. See you Tuesday." She stepped back and slapped Caesar across the rump. He started out of the yard and Mike turned to wave goodbye. Lisa and Louise waved back. Twenty minutes later, he topped the ridge and looked back, seeing two figures, tiny in the distance, still outside. He took his hat off and waved. He couldn't tell if they waved back, but he thought happily that they probably had.

"Louise?" asked Lisa as the two sat in the parlour after supper. "May I ask you something?"

"Of course, honey, what is it?" Louise asked, putting aside her sewing and turning to the younger woman beside her on the couch.

Lisa grimaced. "I don't know where to start."

"Try the beginning, honey, it usually works best."

"You know, when Pa said he'd always tried to answer my questions honestly, well... "

"Well, what?" asked Louise encouragingly.

"There are some questions a girl can't really ask a man, even if he's her father and a doctor."


"Oh, Louise, you know!" Lisa squirmed uncomfortably.

"Do I, Lisa?" Louise took Lisa's hand in both of hers. "Intimate questions?" Lisa nodded.

"Like men, sex, and >do I leave my drawers off so he can get at me more easily?'" said Louise quietly.

Lisa squirmed even more, her face aflame, but nodded.

"Are you still virgin?" Louise asked quietly.

"I am," said Lisa. "There was a boy back home got close, but when it came to it, he smelled." She grimaced. "Although, I must say, his hands felt good on my tits." Lisa paused thoughtfully. "I think really, I was just curious. I didn't really want him, I just wanted to know what it was all about."

"Not a good basis for a relationship, honey," said Louise gently.

"I know," Lisa responded ruefully. "I guess I was just feeling horny."

"Don't we all," laughed Louise. She squeezed Lisa's hand. "Anyhow, why the questions? Are you feeling horny for Mike?"

"Yes, Louise," said Lisa defiantly, "I am!"

"Good for you!" She took Lisa's chin in her hand and raised her head until they were looking into each other's eyes. "But what do you want me to do?" she asked quietly.

"How do I get him interested? Will he want me? And if I did get him, is he clean, will he make me feel good?" Lisa paused. "And if I let him have me, do I lose his respect?"

"Mike's honest. He'll tell you the truth. If you get the chance, tell him the truth. Tell him you're feeling horny, that you want someone you like and trust to help you with your problem, and ask him if he'll help. You won't regret it." Louise's voice was thoughtful.

Lisa studied her. "You've made love to Mike, haven't you?" There was astonishment in her voice.

Louise looked at her. "And if I have?" Her voice was mild.

"Oh, Louise! Tell me what it was like! I think I want Mike. No, I know I do. You can tell me all about him, if you will. Please, Louise."

"Lisa, sweet, my husband died almost two years ago. Until last week, no man had touched me since then. With the exception of your Pa and Mike's, and one or two of the men in town, there isn't a man around here that I'd let near me. Oh, they're nice enough to talk to, but anything more intimate, no thank you, ma'am! But

Lisa was agog. "Louise, my lips are sealed! I swear! Do go on!"

"Well, Kathleen said Mike was feeling horny and she didn't want him going near the girls in the saloon and how about if I seduced him. That way we could both get some relief."

"She said that?" Lisa's tone was awed.

"She certainly did. Kathleen Delaney is nothing if not practical." Louise was quietly positive.

"So how did you do it?"

"The barn roof needed fixing and the corral needed new poles, so I told Kathleen I'd give Mike five dollars if he'd do the work. I said he could sleep in the barn so that he wouldn't have to travel home every day,

"Well, if you were sleeping in here and Mike was in the barn, how did you get together, to .. well . .you know . . "

"To fuck?"

Lisa winced, blushed and nodded. "Yes, to . to . to fuck! Goodness, it was hard to say that!"

"Never said it before, honey?"

Lisa shook her head. "Not out loud, not when someone could hear me say it."

"Well, obviously Mike and I ate together, in the house. You may have noticed, I have quite a few books. It comes from having been the schoolteacher. Well, I put two of my husband's books in the rack, in plain brown paper wrappers. Mike, of course, picked one up out of curiosity, read the title and asked me what it was about. I took it off him, read the title, then pulled an attack of the vapours, blushing like a virgin and saying how I had no idea how the book had gotten on the shelf, it was one of Tom's and oh deary me, oh my, and such. Then I looked him in the eye, told him I thought he was honest and asked for his opinion on the book, but I told him to take it out into the barn to read, because I'd be too embarrassed to have him read it in the same room."